Expecting our first!
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Thanks girls, I tried to best not to get angry, I don't need stress when I'm pregnant and the baby is growing just fine! I'm just surprised at what she said, she has two kids herself, she could imagine what it'd be like to loose one of them. I did throw up in her garden yesterday though, MS kicked in really strongly just before we knocked on the door
Good to see people are actually at least trying to eat healthy here! I have completely and utterly gone off meat and I literally live on veg and fruit, it's not perfect but hey..
Pizza sounds amazing right now! Thanks almost there!
I looove pizza but I really don't like any of the lactose free cheeses, they just taste like chewing gum to me! 
t84, congratulations on the sweet pea! LO will be a lime in no time!
Do you have many symptoms kicking in yet?
Snow, I'm glad your appointment went well! The date till your scan will fly by!
I know pelvic exams aren't fun, I seem to have one on every bloody appointment!
Same with bloods, but my MW said I have to get used to it, my bloods will be taken for tests at least once a month!
I just hope I don't faint every single time! I'm such a wuss!
When you tell people is really your decision, Christmas generally speaking is a good idea! Especially when you'll know what you'll be having then!
I've booked my scan for 11th of December, I should be at least 16/17 weeks by then and it's OH's birthday, it'll be a nice surprise for him to find out and he's really looking forward to it! Then on Christmas, we're gonna get presents from 'the bump' to my family & his. Unfortunately we're not spending Christmas with them this year as OH is working all Christmas and we won't be able to make it BUT they can still receive their presents and be surprised on Christmas Day, right?
In regards to my OH smoking, he said he's just stressed, that's why he started, work hasn't been easy for him as one of the managers has been moaning about everything at him to the store manager (thankfully that guy checks CCTV cameras all day long and knows nothing of the crap he said happened) and he said he's been super worried about the baby because... it's a year today since my first miscarriage. He said he'll try to quit though, so at least he's gonna make some effort. He doesn't want to smoke around the baby or me when I'm pregnant. He said that until he can fully quit, he'll only smoke at work when he's really stressed but won't smoke at home at all.
I went to see my doctor today, I called at 8am to get my appointment and had it at 9am, was seen by my midwife instead as she didn't have any appointments till 10am and seen me in the waiting room. She found ketones in my urine
BUT it was really minimal amounts so she said she won't send me to the hospital for the IV but I've to go home, and attempt to eat something and keep well hydrated and come back for another test tomorrow. So, I've ate 11 kiwis and I haven't thrown up although my mouth is killing me
It seems to be the only thing I can keep down and I hated kiwis before! 
I had a rant to her about my due date too, I'd rather have something, even if they'll change it at the scan, rather than nothing. So she said 'You're at LEAST 11 weeks' so I shall make tickers that say 11 weeks until I'm proven otherwise! Her saying that put a big smile on my face
It really means I'm leaving the first trimester soon 
She also tried to listen to baby's heartbeat on a doppler and she could not find it at all! Since I didn't eat or drink anything in the morning I knew exactly where to look for baba! After her 25 minute search and my stomach getting sore I asked if I could look and she basically told me to go for it. I found it in a second
LO's hearbeat is right between two angles of my star tattoo, every time
'You bought a doppler, didn't you?' -MW
'I told you not to buy one as it'll stress you out!'
'I found the HB before you did'
She wasn't happy that I bought it but it keeps me sane, so what the heck 
Sorry about this long long post
How is everyone feeling today? Symptomless or?

Good to see people are actually at least trying to eat healthy here! I have completely and utterly gone off meat and I literally live on veg and fruit, it's not perfect but hey..
Pizza sounds amazing right now! Thanks almost there!

t84, congratulations on the sweet pea! LO will be a lime in no time!

Snow, I'm glad your appointment went well! The date till your scan will fly by!

When you tell people is really your decision, Christmas generally speaking is a good idea! Especially when you'll know what you'll be having then!
I've booked my scan for 11th of December, I should be at least 16/17 weeks by then and it's OH's birthday, it'll be a nice surprise for him to find out and he's really looking forward to it! Then on Christmas, we're gonna get presents from 'the bump' to my family & his. Unfortunately we're not spending Christmas with them this year as OH is working all Christmas and we won't be able to make it BUT they can still receive their presents and be surprised on Christmas Day, right?

In regards to my OH smoking, he said he's just stressed, that's why he started, work hasn't been easy for him as one of the managers has been moaning about everything at him to the store manager (thankfully that guy checks CCTV cameras all day long and knows nothing of the crap he said happened) and he said he's been super worried about the baby because... it's a year today since my first miscarriage. He said he'll try to quit though, so at least he's gonna make some effort. He doesn't want to smoke around the baby or me when I'm pregnant. He said that until he can fully quit, he'll only smoke at work when he's really stressed but won't smoke at home at all.
I went to see my doctor today, I called at 8am to get my appointment and had it at 9am, was seen by my midwife instead as she didn't have any appointments till 10am and seen me in the waiting room. She found ketones in my urine

I had a rant to her about my due date too, I'd rather have something, even if they'll change it at the scan, rather than nothing. So she said 'You're at LEAST 11 weeks' so I shall make tickers that say 11 weeks until I'm proven otherwise! Her saying that put a big smile on my face

She also tried to listen to baby's heartbeat on a doppler and she could not find it at all! Since I didn't eat or drink anything in the morning I knew exactly where to look for baba! After her 25 minute search and my stomach getting sore I asked if I could look and she basically told me to go for it. I found it in a second

'You bought a doppler, didn't you?' -MW
'I told you not to buy one as it'll stress you out!'
'I found the HB before you did'

Sorry about this long long post

How is everyone feeling today? Symptomless or?