No Doubt, I'm really just pissed. I have been off sick with MS all october! It looks like I will be on sick leave then straight onto maternity
HG is Hyperemesis Gravidarum
''(HG) is a severe form of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy different from the more common nausea and vomiting known as morning sickness. Dehydration, malnutrition, and other serious complications are the result of the "unrelenting, excessive pregnancy-related nausea and/or vomiting that prevents adequate intake of food and fluids."
It's a right pain in the ass :/
I tried eating other things and nothing works, any potatoes/rice/pastas make me sick instantly. I'm just worried because the only vitamins I'm getting atm are from my prenatals and the fruit.
And this doesn't impress me :/
"infants of women with severe hyperemesis that gain less than 7 kg (15.4 lb) during pregnancy tend to be of lower birth weight, small for gestational age, and born before 37 weeks gestation."
Getting broody, they've tried me on 6 different types of tablets, I tried the bands too and other things, I'm allergic to :/ (I'm allergic to all the good things in this world + a lot of medicines)
I'm just fed up. I just ate some pasta with simple, pure, bland tomato sauce to see if I can keep it down for half an hour to at least get some of the nutrients and calories, but I'm struggling, sipping water with lemon juice, it calms it down slightly but all I want to do is just throw up :/
My throat is just killing me!

I was really hoping to have a nice easy going pregnancy

That's out of the question already. I am so worried about the baby too, thank god I can listen to the HB whenever I want or I'd go crazy!
I can't stand anything sweet at the moment (drink and sweet wise) so sweets are out of the question too, chewing gum helps me a lot but only for the first 15 minutes and I'm supposed to avoid having too much of it so I just have it after food to keep at least some of it down.
I've been counting my calorie intake as advised by my MW for the past 2 days and hell, I can only manage to eat about 700 a day, that's before I throw it all back up :/
Sweetpea, welcome!
