Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I'm telling my parents next week. But I still haven't decided when to 'go public'. And I'm even more undecided about telling work. I'm not friends with my manager, though he'd like to believe we are, so I'm not really sure how to bring it up, or when. I work mostly with men, my profession being software engineer, so I feel a little weird randomly bringing it up to my colleague.

To announce it to my parents though I've decided to frame 4 pictures in an 8x10 frame. 5 day blast, 6w3d embie, 8w3d embie and 12w3d fetus. Across the top of the frame will be Coming Soon...Grandbaby #4. Then across the bottom Bundle of Joy Due May 31st, 2013.
ok well went to the doctor, took forever to finally see him but before that. the nurse came in and said that she did the pregtest they have from my urine and that it came out negative.. Ya my jaw dropped i said no do it again... so i went with her and she did it again and big bold :bfp: i bursted into tears i told her you cant do that to people my heart broke for about 5 minutes. i cried for a half hour i would say. the doctor came in all apologetic said he had never had that happen before and was so sorry. he made the ultrasound tech come back to work just to do an emergency ultrasound for me. and it was seen as i am 4-6 weeks. so when i tested on the 31st i was barely pregnant.. baby has a strong healthy heart beat and that on my next appointment they will now more exactly how far along i am but she said for now my due date is July 28th.
swep-so sorry to hear about the drama-that is just horrible!! glad you got a scan to make you feel better, and congrats =)
as far as announcements-it was weird but somehow I ended up having to tell my boss (due to ivf obvi) but then to my coworkers as was super awk since I hardly know them and was just like i have an announcement i am pregnant-my boss had said the other teachers caught on that i was doing ivf-no idea how they fig it out to the very detail of it-but glad it is out of the way-so parents find out on thanksgiving then friends the next evening, then dh's parents and family a month later since we are flying out to see them for xmas and new years and surprising them with my bump (hopefully I will grow more before then since I am very tiny still)!!!

christie-sounds like a great announcement idea-I am going to have a card for my parents to open =) Isn't it great us ivfers have a blast pic?! hehe
Sorry to do this here, but geez! My intestines need to chill out. Five times in one day. No fun. :(
it does make since why i avent had morning sickness yet though so not looking forward to it though.
I told my boss this week. We had a meeting to go over some things anyway so I brought it up at the end of that meeting since we had some privacy (I work in a cubicle where everyone can hear EVERYTHING). He was really supportive about it. Still have to tell the rest of my coworkers but not really sure how to do that, maybe at the end of a department meeting. I was so nervous telling!

My parents already know but we're going to announce to the rest of the family soon with the holidays here.
TwoRdue, I am glad you had a good scan.

Sw33tp3a, that must have being really nasty to go through. :hugs: I am glad that it worked out though.

We told family (parents and sisters) a few days after we found out because we have had MC's and know we would want the support if something went wrong. DH told his boss, not sure when and I told two very close friends. I told someone I know, as in more like acquaintance, because she was questioning me about when we wanted our second child and I got the impression that she had noticed that I went from a UK 8-10 to having a 'bump' rapidly and did not want to ask out right in case I had just put weight on. :haha: This time I am not really as bothered about people finding out sooner but I'm not as eager to officially announce it either.
I told my dept manager the other day. He was actually really excited for me and hubbs. He's met my hubbs before, and we announced to everyone last night on FB. Hubbs mom was all to excited to get on the phone and tell everyone, lol. So that takes care of that.

Sweetpea, sorry about the ordeal hun. I would have told her to redo it too. I'm sure she didn't mean any harm as she thought it was negative, but I understand how you feel. I completely broke down at my last appt for pretty much the entire appt. They are very understanding so don't worry about it. But so glad you got some good news at the end of tlit and got to see you little snuggle bean!

Cute way of telling the fam ladies. A lady at my job is a first time grandmother and her daughter bought a Christmas card for both her parents, one saying grandma the other grandpa. She was so excited. She was so teary. She almost cried when I told her I was pregnant. She's been through this whole ordeal with me. All two years and I actually fell preggo just after her grand daughter was born. Then she almost fried again when I showed her the u/s pic, lol.
No Doubt, that is a really sweet story. :flower:

I am not sure if I am going to announce it on facebook or not this time. I did announce it on facebook when I had my son and had an album with bump photos, scans and the nursery. This time I feel a bit split about the whole thing. On one hand I only have family and close friends and then a couple of old school friends on my buddy list and keep my settings really privet but on the other hand I have read so much hostility about 'social media pregnancies' that I am not sure what to do. :shrug:
Omen you can't please everybody. I say do what makes you happy and if people don't like it who cares. If it was them in your shoes they would excited and want your support. So if you want to post on Facebook I think you should. They don't have to look.
My husband is telling his coworkers today, and we're hoping to have our two closest friends over tonight or tomorrow night to tell them. I'm telling coworkers on Friday, and hope to call some of my closest friends soon. I can't WAIT to tell my sister on Saturday (on Skype, she lives in Spain), and my brother and his wife Saturday night in person!! Then, I'll be making calls to aunts and uncles till Thanksgiving, then telling the rest of the in-laws (lil baby will have four uncles on Daddy's side!) on the holiday, and FINALLY posting to Facebook. :)
we announced way to early now that we now we are so early but we thought we were almost 12 weeks. so its out. so i pray we have a little healthy sticky bean.
Sweetpea - I can't believe you are only 4-6 weeks along!!! That must have been a bit of a shock?! So sorry you had to go through the worry of that neg test but delighted your dr was proactive and called in somebody to do the scan so you got some answers. Did you get a photo?!

I'm wondering when to announce too. We've already told our close family and friends (and our bosses know because it was just easier to tell them when we needed time off for treatments) but it feels a bit strange telling everyone else for some reason!! :shrug: I'm kind of enjoying having a little secret from the rest of the world - not sure I want to share!! (Crazy pregnant lady talking!:haha:)
Getting I completely agree I'm thinking of waiting for people on fb to know so not so close friends and aqauantances next january the earliest think ill just post photos and see who catches on haha or a fb status not sure which
My cat has been out of the bag. MIL asked hubby if she could tell people at like 5 weeks and he said 'sure' so she told a bunch of people, so I just said screw it and told everyone after 7weeks just so that I could be the one to tell instead of them hearing it thirdhand. I was very annoyed at first because I had wanted to wait, but what is done is done and I don't really mind now.
Sweetpea - I can't believe you are only 4-6 weeks along!!! That must have been a bit of a shock?! So sorry you had to go through the worry of that neg test but delighted your dr was proactive and called in somebody to do the scan so you got some answers. Did you get a photo?!

I'm wondering when to announce too. We've already told our close family and friends (and our bosses know because it was just easier to tell them when we needed time off for treatments) but it feels a bit strange telling everyone else for some reason!! :shrug: I'm kind of enjoying having a little secret from the rest of the world - not sure I want to share!! (Crazy pregnant lady talking!:haha:)

yes i got three but they all look the same. it looks more like a smooge but it was way clearer on the ultrasound which is what matters. i cant wait till our next ultrasound next month but at that time i will be 10 weeks.
I think I'll be doing the whole facebook update next week. Probably post something Thanksgiving related. Hubby has been wanting to stop having to hide it for a while now so I don't think I can get him to wait much longer :) He keeps wanting to post up stupid things I say because of preggo brain
Ladies opinions needed! So today at work (I'm a preschool teacher) my coteacher knowing I was pregnant asked if I could lift a long rectangular table with her I said probably and we moved it maybe 10 feet or so then after I felt cramps and aches in my vagina and uterus I am so guilty and super worried I may miscarry as they came back tonight I know heavy lifting is not good but I didn't think it was too heavy and it wasn't like the table moved too far. Its a preschooler table so low but was kind of heavier than expected. I do get achey after lifting or doing too much physical work but the low low vaginal cramps tonight worry me :( just need reassurance no bleeding or anything...
Is anyone else here a vegetarian? When I told the MW she said that I should eat an egg a day. I asked about yogurt and cottage cheese. She said no, I need a 'good' protein. And that vegetarians are more prone to tearing because they don't get enough good protein. Just wondering if anyone else has heard of this or any other 'good' vegetarian protein. As egg yolk does not sit well with me and I fear that just the egg white will not be enough.

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