Army - what an awful, awful thing for you and your family to go through. I am so sorry
Omi - that is such a cute idea about dh buying the clothes and hiding them! Hope you'll be able to resist the temptation to peek!
Phantom - so thrilled you told the parents! They must be so excited! It must be very strange for them to have it all happening but to be a step removed from it, if you know what I mean?
Raelynn - great beta! What's the plan now?
MissA - good luck today! Don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine!
Lulu - good luck on Saturday!! I know what you mean about lying on your stomach - I had acu yesterday too and he had me lie on my front for a short while - not very comfortable!!
Christie - Congrats on great beta! And yay for having a scan date! Hope the time passes quickly!

(don't worry, I gave you decaf!

Almost - another great beta! Are you back in next week same day?
Snowflakes - I'm so glad you were able to take to your FS and she put your mind at ease. Don't stress about your beta. Have you looked at You're still well within the range for a singleton!
Almost, Prayin & Christie - Happy Appleseed Week!!
Afm, today is the day I get to phone my FS and make it official!!

I am also so stuffed up with a cold - bloody thickening pregnancy mucus!!

Beginning to think nausea might not be too far away for me. I don't feel sick exactly but I few times yesterday I felt "off" and kind of like if I didn't eat really soon then I would feel sick... Does that make sense? Had acu yesterday too - my acupuncturist was thrilled to hear it all worked out! He's banned me from peeing on any more sticks after today, lol! I think dh agrees with him!
We've already told our immediate family and 2 of my closest friends. They all knew exactly what was going on so couldn't wait to share it with them. There are few more people that we will probably tell after the first scan in 2 weeks. I just wanna burst and tell the world!!