Summer Sensations! (due May/June 2013)

I totally know what you mean Walker! The thought of the cost of child care really scares me! At the moment I'm playing the ostrich card with my head in the sand!! Would love love love to be a SAHM but there's just no way we could manage it :-(
Yeah, the cost of childcare itself (probably half my monthly income) is just ridiculous. I have to pay someone to take my child away from me for 8 hours a day?? (I know, I know, it's a tough job and they deserve being paid for it haha). It's just not fair . . . sigh. Anyway, can I blame the hormones for how I'm feeling right now?
Hey guys,
So I have Independent Health for health insurance and they will cover the cost of a hospital grade breast pump with a perscription from your doctor. So glad I didn't buy one! The only thing is I have to wait until after I give birth, but oh well.
So call your insurance before you buy one - because they are expensive :)
Good deal for you Miss A!!

Walker - I have those days (much too often). I had to hold back tears at a baby shower I went to on Sunday talking about LO going to daycare. I toured 2 daycare centers over Christmas break. Once I got back into my car, I started crying. Not just little tears but BIG alligator tears. I want to stay home so bad. And touring made it that much more real that we may have to go down that path. I thought I'd be OK with it but as time goes on it gets harder and harder to accept. I really don't want to put him in DC at all.
The sucky part is that if I work 50% of my take home pay will go towards daycare!!! That is insane!! I would much rather lose the 50% and stay home full time. We don't know if it will be possible for me to be a SAHM til June time frame. Hubby is still in school - he is currently working at a paid internship and we don't know how much money they are going to offer him when he graduates from College in May. So I won't have any answers til we get the job offer and go over our finances. It sucks. Bad. I hate not knowing but I have to have a plan so I am wait listed at both centers just in case.
Of course, it doesn't help to hear from my Aunt that she would love to watch him 3 days a week and hubby's Aunt said she would watch him the other 2 days. The problem with that is that we live 12 hours away from family. :(
Hugs girl. I feel your pain.
I am sorry you ladies have to go through the leaving your child with a "stranger" I don't know how I could do it!! I am very fortunate to have my mom retired and able to watch my son full time-and my dad can watch him for most of the 4 days as well =) It still stinks thinking of leaving my child at 3 months for 4 5 days...but 1 of the 5 days of the week my husband will be with him ,so thats a plus!
It must be so hard and there is never much help out there for you to able to be a SAHM. My OH and decided that I was going to stay home till bubs was just over one then I will go back to work for about 25 hours a week, I just hope that it works that way for us.
that will be nice two! I wish I could do that!!! =) DH started college late-so he is actually just going to be getting his associates this June and continue on to get his BA-luckily he has an incredible job for not having a degree so we are very lucky-but i want him to up that pay check for baby!! hahaha
Wouldnt it be great to get baby pay added to the pay checks lol
Well, I'm feeling somewhat better today.

In fact, as soon as I got to work this morning I walked right into my boss's office and asked for a raise! Don't worry, not as scary as it sounds - she's my age and just had a baby boy herself, so we're pretty close. Anyway, she's all for it and will advocate for me to her boss today. However, she also let me know that she's most likely leaving her position and will tell her boss on Friday. This definitely is an interesting development! If this happens, I would most likely be promoted to her job and get a significant raise (I'd hope for 5-10K), as I thinking my job wouldn't be replaced due to some programmatic changes so I would be taking on more in general.

I also talked with her about how I'm wishing I could stay home after my baby's born, and she was saying after she crunched numbers, if you include public assistance and tax breaks and such, and the cost of daycare, it really can be doable. I hadn't thought about tax breaks and welfare (I hate to go on welfare over a choice I make, but at the same time it's not fair that we can't raise our child the way we want to on one salary, right?). Anyway, long story short = lots to think about and maybe things aren't so bleak! And, even if I do leave, it would be after several months of a higher pay, and I could set more aside.
Walker that would be wonderful timing for you! Good luck! And two that would be fantastic....too bad that's not the case!

I am feeling good today just a bit sad as I haven't felt my baby kick in 3 days now....going from one night of 10 kicks to no kicks for 3 days following makes me worry a tid bit :/
Almost - I had the same last week and when I went in for my scan I was so worried but as soon as the scanner went on he started showing off and wouldn't stop kicking lol. There is still plenty of places to hid in there or maybe having a few lazy days, we will always worry about What's going on inside till we can finally see our LOs.

Walker that Sounds like it would be perfect.
Walker - That would be awesome! Things will fall right into place the way they are supposed to!

Almost - Bubs has been quiet over here too. Yesterday he barely moved at all. I pulled out the doppler as I was a bit worried. Even today he's been very relaxed! He usually gets busy around 8:30pm but he continued to sleep/hide all last night!! I bet they are just having a lazy few days (I'm jealous)!! They say we're still too early to feel consistent movement as they are so little and have room to swim around. But it is so darn worrisome!!
Almost - I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. During my scan yesterday we could see the baby moving but they were really slow lazy movements and I couldn't feel any of them. Also, didn't you say you have an anterior placenta? That's sure to be absorbing a lot of the movements...

Walker - delighted you're feeling more positive today. Can you arrange a rise for me too please?!:haha:
walker I really hope things work out the way you want them to! That would be great. Asking for a raise can be a little terrifying in thought, but you gotta do what you gotta do. I actually demanded one for a few months and told them I was leaving if I didn't get one. I got a better position with a raise and actually round out a few days after finding out I was preggo. So things definitely work out like you need them to.

I know that lese movement can be scary, but I'm sure lo is fine. I was so scared last week cause with the pain came less movement and it was only on the right side. I asked if it was possible for them to get in there somehow. Stupid question I know, hut she confirmed there is plenty of room and they know what to do. So I'm sure they are in there kicking up storm and you just don't feel it.
I see our tickets are different with how many days there is left to go..Getting * there is one day difference between you and me and yet mine says 116 days to go and yours 139? Hmm I wonder how correct they are.
Glad I'm bot alone in missing babies bumps already! Lol

Is anyone getting another scan done after the 20 week one? My dr called saying I can get a 28 week scan since hydrosephalus runs in the family. I said I would love to get the scan done to be safe than sorry! So I am counting down the days! sorry totally unsure on spelling that word but it has to do with fluid in the brain which was not shown on my last scan so I'm sure all is well but hey if I can get another scan I'm all for it! Lol
Two - that is so strange!!! :wacko: Must go do some calculations of my own now!!! Maybe mine is going to 40 weeks and yours in going to 9 months?
Oh wow I just saw more posts after my posting !

Getting..Yes I do have an anterior placenta which is why I was shocked that dh got to feel kicks that one night so now I'm craving more kicks :)
Just checked the calendar and there are 139 days between today and my EDD... Dunno why your ticker is so low Two!

Re scans, since we don't get an anomaly scan I'm thinking of booking a private one if they can fit me in. Probably should have booked it before now :dohh: Will also get a wellbeing scan at 39 weeks if I can get into that research study, fx'd!

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