Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hi everyone!

We had such a good time at the baby show last weekend, so much to see and do! We ordered our pushchair/pram system (we chose the Icandy Strawberry in grey), bottles and steriliser (I plan to breast feed but express so DH can help during the night) and loads more! For any UK ladies I would say its worth a visit even if you go after baby comes as loads of people were there with babies picking up bargains. Every stand has offers on.

My V day is 2 weeks yesterday – Thurs 15th March (same as Kim). So exciting. My next midwife check is at 25 weeks so looking forward to that.

Baby is moving around a lot now and the movements getting strong this week. DH felt it move for the first time last night which was really special!

Great that nurseries are being started! We have got our furniture and will start painting and getting it ready later in April. Can’t wait to see it all done! Our theme is browns and creams with twinkly stars! I’ll post photos when it’s all finished.

Hope things are ok Kate, hope you are relaxing at home if work is so stressful, thinking of you. Also hope your Mum has heard from the consultant and is feeling ok.

Have a great weekend all!

hey girls!

So wonderful to hear of all this progress and to hear about nurseries etc. I would totally love to see some photos of the nurseries coming together.

We haven't managed anything of the sort over here- our monthly budget is so tight that we cannot currently afford the big items such as a pram etc or nursery decorating. I guess it will all have to wait. I'm finding things stressful at the moment because I feel like our place is a mess and we can't do much about it- even the garden has over grown over the winter but I'm finding it hard to have time/stamina to do anything about it and things keep breaking. Eg our fence between us and the neighbours blew over and isn't covered by insurance so all the money we would have spent on a pram has to go on a fence!...... i guess it would be easy to get stressed but, at the same time, our baby is going to arrive either way and he/she will not mind if everything is not ready. All we need to worry about are the essentials for caring for them such as nappies, a place to sleep etc. Even if they were here right now, we'd find a way to meet their needs.

The main thing is that it is such a blessing to be able to have children and to be able to bring them into a home where they are loved.

Hope you are all well ladies and love to hear your news updates!

Lots of love xxxx

ps. For those who asked before, the TV filming thing will be on the 13th! Am looking properly pregnant now so looking around for a suitably cheap but flattering dress for the filming! xx
Well ladies, how are we all.

I worked quite hard yesterday getting the room all sorted out so that work on the nursery can begin. Jill, I really wouldnt worry too much about the nursery, it really is one of those things that is not a necessity, so long as the baby has somewhere to sleep that is safe and warm, it doesnt matter at all, it's not like they know any difference.

I guess the reason I am doing it is firstly, I am OCD on planning, I love coming up with different ideas and seeing them come together. Also, my dad is a painter and decorator so he is able to help us out and the only cost involved really will be the paint as OH's parents are buying the cot and my dad is revamping an old unit that we have to become our changing table.

Secondly, my mum and dad have bought us our pram, as well as bouncer, bath, moses basket, boxes of toiletries, nappies and clothes, so it is my little project to focus on, as it will not be too expensive and stops me from trying to buy things that will be expensive lol.

I am thinking of going with green, like a granny smith green, as all of the blue nurseries I have looked at seem a bit cold. I have seen some with blue and green and they are lovely, so I think I will get some paint and paper samples and see what I think.

We are two people living in a 3 bedroom house, so it is great to be able to turn another room into something with a purpose.

Another update, I have been feeling movement from around 16 weeks, just flutters at the start, then more definite kicks/punches, but on Saturday night, I was curled up in bed watching tv and I felt a strong one. I lifted up my PJ top to have a look and sure enough, I could see them. It was so strange and so lovely at the same time.

I have a midwife appointment at the end of this month, I am looking forward to that just to make sure all is as it should be and then my ante natal classes start 23 April, which I cannot wait for either!

Hope everyone is doing well!! xx

BTW, I am sure I have posted this already, but just to let you know that i have also got my pram. Mum and dad have left a deposit on it and I love it!!!


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Oh Gill what a lovely post, I found your comment that it is a blessing to be able to have children and bring them into a home where they are loved really humbling, you are right that is exactly what is important and we are all so lucky!

Try not to stress – as you said the baby isn’t going to know if everything isn’t as ready as you wanted, they will just need those essentials and your love 

Hope everyone had good weekends?

Are you all in maternity clothes now? I vacuum packed a lot of my winter clothes that no longer fit now, particularly work stuff, over the weekend to put in the loft as I am not going to need it for ages now and just wanted my wardrobe to be a little easier to find the clothes that fit! Its all neat and ironed and perfect now. Next job, my bra/pant/socks & tights drawers – over flowing and hardly any fits or gets worn anymore. Nesting has definitely started!!

Think our posts overlapped Joey. Your nursery sounds lovely, looking forward to seeing all of the nursery pics. We need some updated bump pics too dont we, I'll try and do one this week!

My next midwife appointment is in 2 weeks, cant wait.

Love your pram. I got the Icandy Strawberry, cant wait for it to arrive!

Hi girls.

Its so nice to hear all the good updates and progress from everyone!!

I have proper kicks and movement now and can also see my belly move....really weird. I found it quite strange that when I am stood up, I dont feel anything. But I read in my pregnancy book that when you are moving about, the baby is being rocked and will sleep. So thats probs why I can't feel movement until I sit still.

I have just finished decorating my kitchen so moving on to the nursery next week.

I too am very luck as my DH's mum and dad have paid for the nursery furniture and my mum and dad have paid for the pram. I have already ordered them...hehe. Pics below. My nanna has also purchase cot bed bedding for us!! I have quite a collection of things coming together.

I also made my first purchase this weekend. I bought a lampshade from Mamas and papas. It has a little teddy bear hanging from it. Very cute.

I will do another bump pic next week. Been taking one every 2 weeks.

Waiting to hear all your good news ladies.

Nic x


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hey everyone
great to hear that the nursery work has started! We move back home in 8 weeks and it will take about a week to drive across the country, so our nursery wont get started for another 10 or so weeks, but im done work in 8 weeks so im hoping to immerse myself in that when I get there.

im also in maternity clothes and feeling frequent movements, i saw the baby move the other day when iw as looking at my bump, really amazing experience.

i also signed up for prenatal classes to start on May 15th, can't wait as ill meet other moms to be with my dh, since we wont know anyone in our new town, other than my parents. im looking forward to learning more about breast feeding, im hoping to express as well, but im taking it a day at a time, as i am not adverse to formula feeding at all either, but it would be nice to save the money! Is anyone considering cloth diapering?
Hey Ladies

Becky my OH felt the baby for the first time a few weeks ago too.. it was amazing, the look on his face and the "there really is a human in there!!" haha it was super cute actually because he pushed very lightly and the baby kicked him back, he did this 3 or 4 times :)

Sorry to hear about some of the money problems, but like others have said love and a safe place for baby is all you really need, I find that things tend to work themselves out.

I am very lucky when it comes to the financial side, part of that is probably because I'm 36 :) we are financially stable but like I said that's just money and not what really matters.

Kate I didn't know you were moving back before the baby!! how exciting! to be close to your parents, that will be great for all!!! where do your DH's parents live? and I wouldn't worry about not knowing anyone, you'll be out walking and meeting other moms in no time, and besides the first few months after the baby you're in a complete fog anyways!! hahaha Does your DH have a job? You should be able to breastfeed and express, I did both with my son. I really struggled with getting him to latch properly and I ended up pumping and then feeding him (which was exhausting) for 3 weeks last time before he finally latched. My milk supply was never great but he did get a lot of breast milk. This time I'm hoping that the baby latches sooner and if not I will pump a little but I will be supplementing right away with formula, it was too exhausting last time. As for cloth diapers.. hahah not for me :) but I know lots of people who do and love it!! We've actually been buying diapers (and wipes) one box a week on average, we just get different sizes and if we don't need a certain size then we can exchange them later. We thought this was a good idea to do it gradually.

Nic awesome that you finished the kitchen.. on to the fun part!! hahah I've only seen my belly move once.. weird!!! hahaha but I am feeling a lot of regular movements too.. all day long really. I had an anterior placenta with my last pregnancy and felt almost nothing so this is amazing to me!!! I am carrying really low though so when ever I'm sitting normally he kicks me until I sit back or stand up! hahaha And am I in maternity clothes!! hahah I have been since 12 weeks!! LOL no question that I'm pregnant hahaha

Well I should get back to work!! hahaha

Chat soon!!


P.S. Here's the link to my new stroller, we picked it up last week :)
Hello Everyone! I have been feeling better so Im busy most of the time now. Baby moves like crazy and everyone else can feel her too. Money is tight so I havent gotten anything for her yet. I have been going to the gym everyday for an hour since I have gained 22 pounds and my doctor told me Im getting too fat :(
we have all come so far and everyone is at least half way done! WooHoo for that! No news is good news by the way. Im just glad to finally be done throwing up!
Hi everyone!

I am gutted I logged on to see what my fruit was this week and its papaya again, same as week 22! I really look forward to Thursday when I get a new bigger fruit ha ha! I hope it changes next week!

Next week is our viability week too isn’t it when baby is 24 weeks and one of the earliest dates baby could possibly be viable if born early although of course fingers crossed they all keep baking for another 16 weeks or so! Happy to get to that milestone.

Nic I have seen the lampshade you mean from mamas and papas! So cute! I have gone for the other one in there which is quite similar but has a little rabbit hanging from it and stars in it.

I love some of their stuff. We also have the stars wall paper from there for the nursery and a matching blanket and bunny rabbit!

I hope your move goes well Kate, at least you’ll have time to get settled before baby comes and you won’t be at work so you will be able to get plenty sorted as well as some relaxing hopefully. Our antenatal classes start in May too, can’t wait already!

I am planning to breastfeed hopefully and will plan to express a bit so that DH can help with night feeds and so I can have the odd glass of wine without worrying. I am not adverse to adding in a formula night feed either though if that works better. My sister in law has a 3 week old baby and has been amazing for tips, she said adding a night formula feed has been life changing as baby now sleeps 7 hours through instead of waking hungry every 2 hours.

I read all your comments about seeing your bellies move so decided to watch and see if I could see mine and saw it move while in the bath last night – so cool! I am loving all of the movement and kicks it is really amazing.

Good to hear from you Cecelia, so glad you are feeling better, that’s great news.

This is our pram/stroller; ours is grey and we have the carrycot and the stroller seat. Excited!

Hi everyone!

I am gutted I logged on to see what my fruit was this week and its papaya again, same as week 22! I really look forward to Thursday when I get a new bigger fruit ha ha! I hope it changes next week!

Next week is our viability week too isn’t it when baby is 24 weeks and one of the earliest dates baby could possibly be viable if born early although of course fingers crossed they all keep baking for another 16 weeks or so! Happy to get to that milestone.

Nic I have seen the lampshade you mean from mamas and papas! So cute! I have gone for the other one in there which is quite similar but has a little rabbit hanging from it and stars in it.

I love some of their stuff. We also have the stars wall paper from there for the nursery and a matching blanket and bunny rabbit!

I hope your move goes well Kate, at least you’ll have time to get settled before baby comes and you won’t be at work so you will be able to get plenty sorted as well as some relaxing hopefully. Our antenatal classes start in May too, can’t wait already!

I am planning to breastfeed hopefully and will plan to express a bit so that DH can help with night feeds and so I can have the odd glass of wine without worrying. I am not adverse to adding in a formula night feed either though if that works better. My sister in law has a 3 week old baby and has been amazing for tips, she said adding a night formula feed has been life changing as baby now sleeps 7 hours through instead of waking hungry every 2 hours.

I read all your comments about seeing your bellies move so decided to watch and see if I could see mine and saw it move while in the bath last night – so cool! I am loving all of the movement and kicks it is really amazing.

Good to hear from you Cecelia, so glad you are feeling better, that’s great news.

This is our pram/stroller; ours is grey and we have the carrycot and the stroller seat. Excited!

Hey girls,
So today is my 'V Day'.... obviously a long way to go but am so happy to get this far and feel healthy...
Yipee!!! congrats Jill. It's hard to believe that we're at that point already, I remember when I first joined the second trimester board and it seemed soooo far away!!! time is flying by now!! our babies will be here in no time!!!
Hurray congrats Jill, happy V day, exciting week for us all!! So pleased to be nearly at the milestone, mines Thursday!
Hi ladies.

Becki...I looked at that other lampshade! I love that set that comes with it. All the stars and everything. They have some lovely stuff in there.

Its so nice to see pics of everyones prams and nursery decorations etc.

I start my nursery decorating next week as I have a week off work. Then the week after it is my 1st wedding anniversary and we're going away for 2 nights for a relaxing couple of days. I can't wait!

Tomorrow is my V day. Not really been counting down to it but its nice to know that my baby will have a chance if there are any problems.

Also, I have decided i'm not breastfeeding. I have never wanted to. I know that I won't feel comfortable doing it so i'm not. I just hope I dont get pressured at the hospital or anything.

My DH is taking a month off when the baby arrives and so it will be nice to be able to split everything when feeding the baby etc.

Also, another bit of a milestone. We have decided on names!!! I asked DH the other day as I wanted to have definites so I could get use to them.

So for a girl its going to be: Alice Jane. (Jane is my middle name)

Alice has been my favourite name since I was a little girl. When i first mentioned it to DH he hated it saying it was a really old grandma name. So i nearly gave up on it....however, just after christmas I was talking with one of my best friends and I mentioned how I liked the name Alice but didn't think i'd be able to have it. Then she said she had a psychic reading about 6 months earlier and that they had said to her about a close friend becoming pregnant and the name Alice!!! How strange is that. So I have been secretly holding on to it.....and now I have it!!! haha. So happy. That also makes me think that maybe my baby is a girl. Strange.

And for a boy we are having: Jack James/Eric (not decided which - James cause we both really like it, or Eric after DHs Grandfather).

Just wanted to share my names with someone as we're not telling anyone at all. I don't want people judging my names!!

I hope all is well with you ladies.

Nic xx
Nic, loads going on for you. How crazy is the psychic reading and the name Alice - i am with you on that, I too would be convinced it was a girl lol!!!

My V Day is in 8 days. I'm not exactly counting down to it but I am conscious of it and when it passes I can maybe then let just another little bit of anxiety go. I started out with ALOT and as I have passed 12 weeks, 20 weeks etc I have let a little go each time.

OH and I picked and bought our Cotbed and Mattress at the weekend. OH's parents are paying for it, but as it was online and I had a discount voucher, they said to go ahead with it and they'd give us the money. We got a fab deal through Babies R Us. They emailed me a 20% off voucher, and we got the Shoreditch Cot Bed (£199 reduced to £99) and a fancy pocket sprung mattress (£160 reduced to £80) all for £143!!!

I have also bought my paint for the nursery and OH and My dad are going to get cracking on that this week!!! I can't wait!!! When that is all done I can then go about making it beautiful for the new arrival.

This week I have found tiredness a big factor. This tiredness is really contributing to mood swings and I have been absolutely horrible to DF. I feel so sorry for him as he is doing all he possibly can to keep me happy and to make sure I am ok, and yet it is never enough! I know I am being horrible but it's like I just can't help it. We sat down and had a talk and I tried to explain how I was feeling and I told him that I never mean any of the things I say or do when I am like that. I think he understands more now and has been great - I'm so lucky!

I am hoping baby is just going through a growth spurt and using all of my energy because I could not spend the next 17 weeks this tired!!!!!
Hey Ladies

Nic I loove your names both Alice and Jack :) but I too would be thinking it was a girl if I were you!!! And as for the not breastfeeding I think it's good that you've made a decision ahead of time, I know here they are pretty pushy about it, but if you're clear from the start that should be respected at the hospital. With my son he just wouldn't latch so we were giving him formula, and I was in hospital for 6 days because of my blood pressure, and every day a different nurse would come in convinced that they could "fix' him and make him latch.. it drove me crazy!!!!

Joey congrats on the cot and mattress, soon your room will be done!! I think the babies go through growth spurts too, I notice it more with how hungry I am, I have days where I just can't get full, then others where I'm not really hungry and I'm just eating because I know I should. I hope your energy levels come back soon!!

Only 4 more days till my Vday - Thursday I too know that's the day but haven't been hugely counting down. I'm much more relaxed these days, mostly because i can feel him moving so regularily.

Well nothing new on my front!!

Chat soon!!

hey everyone
i am keeping up with everyones posts, sorry i havent been around as much as usual, lots going on. dh decided that i should fly across the country rather than driving, so now i leave in 3 weeks for home! can't wait, but ill be away from dh for 3 weeks and dthat will be really hard for me, but i know its for the best, he will drive home over about 4 or 5 days and im sure the time will fly. now i just need to pack and move, so excited to get home to old friends and my family.

miss talking to you al but glad to hear things are well with you all!!
Hi girls,

It is lovely to see all the pictures and links to people’s prams and nursery things.

Happy wedding anniversary Nic for next week. I hope you have a lovely break celebrating! My first wedding anniversary is 14th May so not long and we are going to go to a spa for a day and have lunch, DH has bought me a pregnancy massage, can’t wait.

How lovely that your DH can take a month off to help and enjoy those first few weeks with the baby. My DH will take 2 weeks but even that will be lovely. I love your names and it must feel nice that you’ve decided – has anyone decided 100% on names? We are still too-ing and fro-ing between a few!

Aww Joey, I am sure your OH understand why you are being moody and tired at times. I don’t think anyone really understands or knows how it feels until they go through it. I am not finding it too bad hormonally at the moment but I am getting really bad aches and pains. I can’t get comfortable in bed even though I have a special pillow, my hips/pelvis ache, my upper and lower back aches, and shoulders ache. I wake up feeling like I’ve been hit by a bus. Anyone else feel this way already?

I had really bad cramps last night low down in my abdomen which scared me a bit but they disappeared after a warm bath and getting into bed. Maybe it was just trapped wind or maybe round ligament pain? I will mention to my midwife when I see her at my 25 week appointment.

Wow Kate just 3 weeks until you head home, not long! I hope the big move goes well for you and look forward to hearing when you are all settled in!

Hey ladies...

Well happy V-day to Becky and I tomorrow !!!! yipeeeeee

Kate wow you'll be home before you know it!! I think flying is a smart idea, it would have been hard to drive that far I think. It'll also be nice for your stressful work to be done!!! Have safe travels!!

Becky I find I get crampy too.. normally if I'm constapated (tmi :)) which I normally never am so it's a weird feeling for me...

Luckily I'm still sleeping pretty well I am starting to feel more tired again... I'm thinking that maybe the 2nd trimester honeymoon so to speak is wrapping up huh!!! hahaha

Nic looks like we'll both have our DH/OH this summer, I think it'll be really nice, my OH is taking 9 weeks off.. he'll be off from June 18 until Sept 4!! I'm really looking forward to it.

As for me.. work is finally going better, you ladies probably don't remember but waaay back in Oct I was having trouble with some sexual harrassment at work, well senior management has finally fixed my work environment for me... took WAAAAAy too long but better late than never. I think they're so worried that I'd get a lawyer because my situation has been handled soo poorly. My issue was my boss coming on to me... I work in the federal government and most things are slow ... but this has been REALLY slow..

Anyways hope everyone is doing well.


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