nic you're so funny
yeah the chair was nice, I already had it and didn't want to pay for a new one, so he re-finished it for me
very nice. As for stretch marks, well that's a loosing cause for me, I don't have any new ones yet from this pregnancy, but I do have A LOT from my last one hahaha where's that bump pic!!! I should take another... I'm big.. I've gained 30 lbs so far!!! yikes... that's 10 in the last 4 weeks... I am still 4 lbs lighter than when I started with my last pregnancy.. so I'm happy 
Joey sorry to hear you're sick.. that sucks... knock on wood, but I have managed to avoid all sickness while pregnant so far.. and I'm hoping that now that the better weather is here that I'm safe!!! hahaha I know I probably just jinxed myself.. LOL
Jill I think I'd feel like you about the nursery if I was in your shoes, but you've got the right focus so stick to it!!! the baby won't know the difference and as long as the baby is loved and safe that's all that matters!! see you're being a good mom already
good luck getting that book done.. very exciting!!! and isn't your tv thing soon? getting nervous?
As for me, well I had my 26 week apt this week with the ob, everything is great, the heartrate was in the 130's. He's put me on iron supplements, I had been getting a lot of dizzy spells so we did a blood test last week, and I'm not quite anemic yet, but very close and he said since most women become aneminc after birth that we might as well get my levels boosted now. My hemoglobin came back at 117, he said he "forces" iron supplements when the reading is 115... also my blood pressure was up a little, I'm a little neurotic about it since I had pre-eclampsia last time, was induced for it and then was in hospital for 6 days since my blood pressure wouldn't come down... it's not that high but it's getting high for me. To date my bottom number has been in the 60's at my 22 wk apt it was 112/63 and this time it was 114/82... so we'll wait and see at my 30 wk apt!!! I also asked if he would be doing another ultrasound to check the size of my fibroid, especially because I'm having a c-section, he said yes around 34-35 weeks that we would do one to check how big it's gotten... wow that's long sorry!!! Only other news is that I am having a 3-D ultrasound next saturday, April 7th.. soooo excited!!!!
Well I hope that everyone is feeling great!! I'm starting to feel tired again.. I'm hoping that's just my low iron and that with the iron supplements that will get a little better
wishful thinking I know!!! hahaha
Chat later!
P.S. Kate any news on your mom? does she need chemo? have they figured this out yet?

Joey sorry to hear you're sick.. that sucks... knock on wood, but I have managed to avoid all sickness while pregnant so far.. and I'm hoping that now that the better weather is here that I'm safe!!! hahaha I know I probably just jinxed myself.. LOL
Jill I think I'd feel like you about the nursery if I was in your shoes, but you've got the right focus so stick to it!!! the baby won't know the difference and as long as the baby is loved and safe that's all that matters!! see you're being a good mom already

As for me, well I had my 26 week apt this week with the ob, everything is great, the heartrate was in the 130's. He's put me on iron supplements, I had been getting a lot of dizzy spells so we did a blood test last week, and I'm not quite anemic yet, but very close and he said since most women become aneminc after birth that we might as well get my levels boosted now. My hemoglobin came back at 117, he said he "forces" iron supplements when the reading is 115... also my blood pressure was up a little, I'm a little neurotic about it since I had pre-eclampsia last time, was induced for it and then was in hospital for 6 days since my blood pressure wouldn't come down... it's not that high but it's getting high for me. To date my bottom number has been in the 60's at my 22 wk apt it was 112/63 and this time it was 114/82... so we'll wait and see at my 30 wk apt!!! I also asked if he would be doing another ultrasound to check the size of my fibroid, especially because I'm having a c-section, he said yes around 34-35 weeks that we would do one to check how big it's gotten... wow that's long sorry!!! Only other news is that I am having a 3-D ultrasound next saturday, April 7th.. soooo excited!!!!
Well I hope that everyone is feeling great!! I'm starting to feel tired again.. I'm hoping that's just my low iron and that with the iron supplements that will get a little better

Chat later!
P.S. Kate any news on your mom? does she need chemo? have they figured this out yet?