Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

nic you're so funny :) yeah the chair was nice, I already had it and didn't want to pay for a new one, so he re-finished it for me :) very nice. As for stretch marks, well that's a loosing cause for me, I don't have any new ones yet from this pregnancy, but I do have A LOT from my last one hahaha where's that bump pic!!! I should take another... I'm big.. I've gained 30 lbs so far!!! yikes... that's 10 in the last 4 weeks... I am still 4 lbs lighter than when I started with my last pregnancy.. so I'm happy :)

Joey sorry to hear you're sick.. that sucks... knock on wood, but I have managed to avoid all sickness while pregnant so far.. and I'm hoping that now that the better weather is here that I'm safe!!! hahaha I know I probably just jinxed myself.. LOL

Jill I think I'd feel like you about the nursery if I was in your shoes, but you've got the right focus so stick to it!!! the baby won't know the difference and as long as the baby is loved and safe that's all that matters!! see you're being a good mom already :) good luck getting that book done.. very exciting!!! and isn't your tv thing soon? getting nervous?

As for me, well I had my 26 week apt this week with the ob, everything is great, the heartrate was in the 130's. He's put me on iron supplements, I had been getting a lot of dizzy spells so we did a blood test last week, and I'm not quite anemic yet, but very close and he said since most women become aneminc after birth that we might as well get my levels boosted now. My hemoglobin came back at 117, he said he "forces" iron supplements when the reading is 115... also my blood pressure was up a little, I'm a little neurotic about it since I had pre-eclampsia last time, was induced for it and then was in hospital for 6 days since my blood pressure wouldn't come down... it's not that high but it's getting high for me. To date my bottom number has been in the 60's at my 22 wk apt it was 112/63 and this time it was 114/82... so we'll wait and see at my 30 wk apt!!! I also asked if he would be doing another ultrasound to check the size of my fibroid, especially because I'm having a c-section, he said yes around 34-35 weeks that we would do one to check how big it's gotten... wow that's long sorry!!! Only other news is that I am having a 3-D ultrasound next saturday, April 7th.. soooo excited!!!!

Well I hope that everyone is feeling great!! I'm starting to feel tired again.. I'm hoping that's just my low iron and that with the iron supplements that will get a little better :) wishful thinking I know!!! hahaha

Chat later!


P.S. Kate any news on your mom? does she need chemo? have they figured this out yet?
Kim, you are so lovely and considerate with a real attention to the details of everyone's life. it warmed my heart reading this message you've written to everyone. Really hoping your health and bp etc stays good and will be thinking of you.... hope you can relax about it all. Did you deliver early with pre-eclampsia last time round?


ps. thanks for your kind words.... one thing I started doing is ebaying whatever things I can to try and save a bit. I filmed the TV bit a few weeks ago but the art critics on the show were very harsh and quite rude so not sure if it will be comfortable viewing or not... it's not going to be screened for months yet though and I do appreciate having had the chance to show my work there :)

Btw, we are almost all of us at the 'Less than 100 days' mark!!
Hey Jill.. sorry that the critics were hard... but like you said a good opportunity none the less!!

Yes I was induced last time for pre-eclampsia I was 39+6 though so not bad, I was high risk starting at 35 weeks because of it and they watched me closely. Normally once you have the baby your blood pressure comes back down, but mine didn't, it stayed at 160/100 for days, so I was actually in hospital for 6 days!!! I would assume that if my blood pressure creeps up this time they won't wait that long, and since I'm a scheduled c-section I would guess they would do me anytime after 37 weeks. Wait and see I guess. Hopefully next time it's still in the low 80's :)

oh I forgot to mention I'm not having a baby shower this time around but my sister and her friend and my best friend are all going on a day shopping trip tomorrow!!! We live in Canada so we're heading down to the states for some great deals!!! I've been saving for weeks and the prices are great. I've been clipping coupons and checking prices... hahaha I think that's my nesting kicking in LOL
Hi ladies!!

Kim, glad that all was well at your 26 week apt. I had some blood results back and like you, I am slightly anaemic. I have been on iron tablets since around 18 weeks I think, but I am guilty of forgetting to take them the odd day, so I have to be more strict with myself. I have to get the tests repeated in 4 weeks.

As for not having the shower. As I'm in Ireland, that sort of thing isnt done, but I do hope to have a little get together with my friends before the baby is born. I envy you saying that you will "head down to the states". It'd be great to be able to get to other places so easily. We are stuck here on our own with nothing but water around us lol, so to get to any other country we have to fly which costs a fortune.

Jill, I agree with the other girls. A baby simply does not care whether they have a nursery or not and by opting to spend the money where it actually does matter, as Kim has said, you are already proving a great parent. I was in the fortunate position whereby my mum and dad have helped us out so much with the nursery etc, so as the help was there, we took it. I just keep thinking how different all of this would be if we were doing it without any support. The baby would of course have all of what it needs, but all the little extras would be taking a back seat.

As for eBaying, I am not sure if you meant buying on eBay or selling, but either way, that's great. I have got a few items now from eBay and saved a fortune, most of what I have bought is brand new too. My little sister sells on eBay, if it isnt nailed down, she sells it. She hasnt got a sentimental bone in her body, but that's not always a bad thing as she has made so much money!!!

As for me, I had a midwife appointment last week. I asked her about the triple tests, as I was never offered them. She said it would have been at my 12 week appointment, but I said it was never mentioned. She tried to say that it was up to me to request them, before admitting that really, it should have been suggested to me to see if I wanted them. She asked if I would have had an amnio on the basis of the results, to which I honestly said I didnt know, but I would have liked to have been given the option to make that decision. She apologised as of course it is too late to have any such tests now. She asked if I was upset that I hadnt been offered the tests, but I wasnt upset, I just wished I had been given the options. There was no point going on with the discussion any further as there was nothing at all that could be done, I was really just asking if I had missed something as everyone else seemed to have the test.

Anyway, she also had a feel of my bump and said "ooh, quite a big baby there" she tried to back track when she saw the look on my face, but it was too late then lol. I dont mind, so long as my baby is healthy I dont care if it is big or small (remind me of that when I am trying to push it out)!!!

Oh, that reminds me, I have a bump pic, I took it last night, so that would be just over 25 weeks

I have also been working a little more on the nursery, getting things put into it etc. I know it is quite early for all of this, but I am super organised and it is keeping me occupied. Here are some pics

My new Annual leave year starts in work now so I have 27 days leave to use between now and the start of my maternity, so I am going to enjoy having some relaxing days at home. I am finishing work on 13 June and with all the appointments etc and bank holidays, the time is really flying in. Tomorrow I am in double figures!!!!!

Well, I am sure I have rambled on enough for now. It is so lovely to have you ladies to share all of this with. I hope that when all of our little ones arrive we can continue to keep each other up to date and offer such great support. xxx


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Hi ladies.

We my phone wouldn't let me upload a pic. boo. finally turned on my laptop though so here it is. This is last weeks 26 week pic and the pic i took at 22 (stripy top) weeks for comparison.

Not got chance for an update today. so jus the pic as below. Will update you guys tomorrow whilst at work. hehe.

Nic xx


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Morning Ladies.

Taking this opportunity whilst at work to update. hehe.

Jill I haven't started properly nesting yet. Though I have been chucking out quite a lot of things and just generally tidying up. I bet I will have a full on spring clean once I have finished on MAT Leave. Looking forward to it.

Joey, sad to hear that you are not well. I can't imagine what it is like. I have gone through my whole pregnancy so far with no sickness or a cold or anything. FX'd. Just make sure you drink lots of water.

Kate, good luck with your move!! So exciting moving into a new place. But I can just imagine the stress of trying to get everything sorted.

Kim, Glad your last appt went well! Lets hope the iron tablets will fix your dizzy spells. Good luck with your 3d scan!!! I hope it goes well. Make sure you get some pics :)

Joey, I am glad you raised the triple test issue with your midwife. It is quite bad that they never even mentioned it to you! But as you said, nothing you can do about it now. I'm sure everything is fine.

Joey, thanks for the nursery pics again!! I have painted mine but thats it. Furniture doesn't come til May so for now its still a second bedroom with a double bed in it. I love your bump pic!!

My annual leave also starts again this month. I have 29 days to take. But I can take them after so I am just using 8 days before I start my MAT leave. Then taking 23 days at the end of my 39 weeks MAT. My finish date is 1st June. So only 9 weeks left at work! Woop!!

Baby Showers!! - As Joey has mentioned, we don't really do that thing here in UK or ireland. However, my friend has decided to organise a get together 'baby shower' type party in June for me. Looking forward to it but no idea what exactly goes on!! What do you ladies do in the US and Canada??

Well....Me and DH had a couple of days away at the end of last week for our 1st wedding anniversary. It was lovely, the weather was really nice and we had a relaxing time out in the countryside.

Well.....last tri here we come!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!

Nic x
Joey and Nic, beautiful bumps! And that nursery is really coming along and looking wonderful!

Also, i did mean selling on ebay although some things are great to get cheaper there too. I actually went through my wardrobe and took out everything that I won't be able to wear for either the remainder of the pregnancy or while breastfeeding and put it all on ebay. It's not earned a fortune but every little helps as far as baby expenses go! And the feeling of clearing out space is wonderful! I've also started getting small things like a pack of nappies each week when I go for groceries etc. Really helps me feel more secure to have some things stocked up over time....

How is everyone feeling about reaching the end of Second tri?

Is anyone self-conscious about the staring and belly rubbing btw? I'm not as bothered by friends rubbing the belly as I thought I'd be but I totally can't get used to everyone in the street looking at my belly now! Sooo weird! Not to mention that everyone suddenly starts to comment on your appearance all the time.... I guess ladies who've had babies before have been through all this! hehe

Oh, one final thing, has anyone ever started to lose weight in 3rd tri? I can feel baby kicking and everything looks ok but I do have a lack of appetite and have been losing a couple of pounds a week......

Hi Ladies!

Sorry I feel like I haven’t updated in ages. I have had the horrible flu as well that Joey mentioned. I hadn’t been ill at all since being pregnant (touch wood) and had the flu jab but then this nasty virus went round at work and I got it so ended up having 3 days off work sick. It’s so horrible not being able to take anything to make yourself feel better so was pretty miserable for a few days.

I am much better now though – how about you Joey – are you feeling better? And you Jill, has the tonsillitis gone now?

We haven’t started our nursery yet. Yours is gorgeous Joey. DH is going to paint over Easter and then we need someone to put the wallpaper on a couple of walls. We have all the furniture we just need to build it all. I have got an old fashioned white rocking chair for my nursing chair so need to get some comfy cushions and a blanket for it.

Kim enjoy your 3D ultra sound, can’t wait to see pictures! I hope your blood pressure stays down this time, it sounds like you had a hard time last time. Pre eclampsia sounds really horrible.

Most of us are into the 3rd trimester this week!! I am really excited for Thursday so I can finally say I am in the last trimester…sad I know! 27 weeks….eek. I finish work 8th June so have about 9 weeks left, how about everyone else? The 1st tri dragged but the 2nd tri flew by for me.

Loving the bump pics ladies! I’ll try to post one over the long weekend! Jill I feel a little self conscious about people staring at the bump too. I haven’t had many people touching it but I do find people don’t look at my face anymore they stare at my tummy!

The main thing I am loving is the degree of movement now. I can actually see my tummy twitching and moving as baby kicks and dances away. He/she is quite responsive so if DH and I chat to the bump and rub my tummy he/she goes mad and kicks away which is so cute!! How does everyone else feel about it? Have you got wriggly babies?!

I am probably having the opposite to you in terms of eating Jill, my appetite has gone wild! I have always had a savoury tooth and never been bothered by cakes or chocolate but now I can’t get enough of sweet food. Poor DH offered to take me out for breakfast on Saturday as I really fancied waffles with maple syrup but when we got to the restaurant that does it, they had stopped serving breakfast. I literally ONLY wanted to eat waffles so refused anything else and being quite an American thing, hardly anywhere here does it so he patiently raced around all the coffee shops and places until we found somewhere that would do it! Bless him.

I hope you are keeping well Kate. Have a safe journey home and hope it all goes well for you. We will be thinking of you, even if you cant update quite as often with all of that going on. I hope your Mum is doing ok too and finally had an update from the hospital

Big hugs everyone.

Becky, I am feeling a good bit better. I developed a chest infection and had to take antibiotics and after a rough few days and weekend, I am still a bit stuffed up and have a bit of a cough, but am feeling much improved. Thank you for asking. I really hope you are feeling better soon, I know how miserable it is!!!

My nursery is coming along lovely, I have a few more bits to add, some wall decals or maybe a border or something. Also one of the walls in the room has mirror robes the whole length of it, so we might get some nice stickers for one of the mirrors to brighten them up a little.

The movement is crazy. I can see my tummy moving around and bulging at times and some of the flutters are so intense now that they are ticklish. He always has an extra wee wiggle when his daddy or his gran talk!!!

I am starting to get a little uncomfortable when trying to relax. Was trying to curl up on the sofa last night to watch tv, but no matter how I sat/lay, my belly was in the way. Guess that is only going to get worse lol!

I cannot believe we are in third tri so soon. I am moving over next week, just as I was getting used to second tri - where is the time going. I am finishing work on 13 June and messing with my colleauges that they better have a great party lined up for me lol - I work with a fab bunch and they take me with a pinch of salt.

A colleague of mine had her maternity leaving party last Thursday, even though she still had to work friday. Come the friday, in work, her waters broke and she had a little girl, 3 weeks early, on saturday - so you can say we know how to throw a party in here lol!!!

Hope everyone is keeping well xx
Im guessing that everyone is in the third trimester now? Im so busy, but time is dragging so slow for me. I find myself in other forums more often than Im in here just because I have so many questions and like to lurk around,especially in the birth announcements section :) So just checking in to see how you all are doing. We should post our current belly pics! I have gained close to 30 pounds! Oh well at least its my last pregnancy!
IMG_3861.jpg People keep asking me if Im due any day,sheesh.
Hi everyone! Cecelia I love the birth announcements threads too, I am often in there reading peoples stories. I am slowly getting used to the 3rd tri forum, its a big change from 2nd tri whcih is all about gender scans and things and now its all peoples this is it threads and things. Exciting though, shows how close we are all getting!

Yes must all post bump pics. I'll try and take one this week to post! Bump was measureing 27cm on wed at my 28 week check but like you Cecelia I find people looka bit shocked when I tell them I have 3 months to go. The bump is getting quite big but is quite rounded. At first I was sure I was having a boy but as I get closer I am not sure and keeping thinking maybe it is a girl after all. Cant wait to find out!!

When does everyone else finish work? I finish 8th June Joey, I think it will fly by now! I have about 8 weeks left and am holiday for one week. Plus my last week is a 3 day week as in the UK we have a bank holiday end of May and the queens jubilee so 2 days off!!

I had my blood results from my 28 week check and have gone anemic so need a prescription for an iron supplement. I have been feeling beyond tired this week so maybe that it partly why. Hopefully this will help.

Also I would have thought 'baby brain' was a myth before but it so isnt!! I forget what I am talking about mid sentance all the time, and keep confusing words and sentances or forgetting what things are called. Earlier this week I forgot what a pillowcase was called and got so frustrated with myself as I just could remember!! Weird.

Anyway I hope everyone is keeping well. Have a great weekend all.


OMG its getting close. hehe.

It has definitly been quiet in here but as cecelia has said, its so interesting to lurk around in the forums to see what is to come. I take it by the lack of updates that we're all doing great!!

Belly pics is a great idea. I had tried to take one every 2 weeks but I just keep forgetting. I'll try and get one this week.

Cecelia, I love the pic you have posted. You're a super cute family.

I had my 28 week appt on friday. Bloods done and my Anti D injection (wasn't as bad as I thought it would be). Had it in my ass. It stung when she was doing it and it was quite a big one (I didn't see it but it took about 10 seconds to go in).

She measured my uterus...was measuring 29cms at 28 + 3 so right on track!

She has also booked me in for antenatal classes starting 2nd may for 4 weeks. Though I won't be going to the third one as it is about breastfeeding.

Lets just hope my bloods come back ok. No news is good news but its a bit early to say yet. hehe.

My last day at work will be 1st June. 7 weeks to go. I have then booked 2 weeks holiday before my MAT starts.

Anyway ladies. Keep on with the updates, it is lovely to read them.

Nic xx
Hey all, glad to see that all seems to be going well with everyone. I dont really have much to update except that the BFG (big friendly giant) that I am carrying is getting bigger by the day lol!!! I am loving my bump now, it is getting a little uncomfortable, but the days of wondering if I am just a wobbly fatso are well behind me!!!

I tried to go out baby shopping at the weekend, only to realise that there is NOTHING else for me to get. I am reluctant to buy anymore clothes because I believe he is a BFG and dont really know what sizes will be best.

I ended up in mothercare where they had 50% off some toys, the likes of the little fabric crinkly books and teethers etc, so I got a few of those wee bits, just to satisfy my shopping urge!

My first parentcraft class is 23 April and I cannot believe that it has come around so quickly. The week after that I have my 28 week hospital appointment (at 29 weeks) and I'll prob have to get my Anti D injection depending on how OH's bloodwork came back.

I finish work on 13 June, so only 8 and a half weeks to go, although I have quite a bit of leave booked between now and then, so a few short weeks here and there.

That's all from me for now, I think, if I think of anything else I'll be sure to update xx
I just fell in the garden Landed on my arm and not bump. Baby has been moving so will monitor movement but think I should be okay.
This baby moves so much that its almost unbelievable sometimes. It seems as tho she never sleeps.The kicks are hard and painful and come to find out shes transverse(laying sideways).If shes still transverse at 34 weeks I gotta start doing exercises to try and spin her,if that fails,the doctor says Ill need a c-section :( Fingers crossed she goes head down soon! So far I think Ive gained around 30 pounds,ugh. Ive been trying to walk everyday,but im finding myself tired again like in the first trimester. Im so huge that I cant see being able to wipe myself much longer. I have continued to shave,but have no idea what im missing down there! Patch work Im guessing. I looked back at the beginning of this forum and noticed a few of the ladies we lost along the way are pregnant once again. Ive wanted to congratulate them,but scared to bring up old memories for them so I havent said anything. Just hope they are all doing well:flower: Anyone have their showers yet? Ours is May 12th.
I still lurk around this thread.........i loved all the scan pic's.......its bittersweet but im so happy for you all! getting closer!

im still ttc.........but ya i think there is only a couple of us that havent gotten a bfp

nitengale and i found each other on another thread......she just got her bfp

moving in full force this next month! i may try clomid after this cycle if it doesn't work.......
Hey Ladies!!

mammaspath fingers are crossed for you :) I have lurked around checking in on some of you ladies who had losses my heart aches for all of you and I hope that you get your bfp soon!!

Cecilia I did send a note to Laura (Dhalia) when she got her bfp, she's around 10 weeks now. Like you Cecilia, I have gained about 35 lbs... I have been eating well, but I'm just not a small pregnant lady :) I gained 90 lbs last time so I'm happy with my gaining this time. My goal is stay under 60 lbs.

I have been negligent here :) sorry!!! I had a 3-D ultrasound last weekend.. amazing!! I'll have to try and post some pics.

I am noticeably bigger this week... putting on socks is beginning to get difficult LOL and I am still shaving down there too :) but assume it's patchwork too hahaha I just go by feel... I find everyone shocked that I still have 10 weeks to go!!! haha I am happy that I'm having a section and know that I will only go to 39 weeks max!! I can't deliver naturally since I have a fibroid just beside my cervix which won't allow my cervix to dialate. It's funny because we've been trying to explain the time frame to my 5 yr old and we kept saying, when you're all done junior kindergarten then the baby will be here... what are the chances that they scheduled me for my section on his last day of school!!! hahaha

I did have a visit to the hospital on monday, I over did it on the weekend waaay too much walking and stairs, so on Monday the underside of my belly was very sore... and his movements had changed (which I just attributed to him getting bigger) but when I called the hospital to see what they thought they told me to come in and that they would monitor the baby for about 30 mins just to be safe.. so I did, all was good so that's a relief... all of that to say.. lesson learned!!!

Mine too has been a moving machine which is new for me.. my last pregnancy I hardly felt any kicks, this time it is constant!!

My last day of work is June 1st.. if I'm still feeling good, I may extend that by a week.. we'll see.

Bilboi hope you're feeling okay after your fall.

Becky I'm on iron supplements too, and I have noticed an improvement in my energy levels for sure!!!

Well chat soon!

Kate I assume you're back in Ontario now!! hope your travels went smoothly!!

Hi all!

Bili....I hope you are ok after your fall. Scary!! I fell up the stairs the other day.....oops. I keep having to remind myself to slow down!! lol.

Cececlia...nice to read your update. Glad you are doing well. I am also finding the tiredness has returned. Afternoon naps once again.....not that i'm complaining! hehe.

Mammaspath....its lovely to hear from you. Good luck with your bfp. Glad to hear the other ladies we lost along the way are doing well.

Kim.....I know what you mean about the under belly pain. I got this last week. I was up and about all day at work and then had some general errands to run. By the end of the day each time I took a step it hurt under my belly. I'm ok if i take it easy though. Also, my last day at work is also 1st June!! I cant wait....not working even a minute longer than that. hehe.

Well....I have been swimming 3 times a week. My gym membership finally ran out and I wasn't getting there anyway so glad I took this up. I hope its helping and I have found it easier to go than dragging myself to the gym which I gave up on.

Weight gain......I hate this. I have been putting 1lb a week on all through my pregnancy and currently i'm 18lbs up. Which is normal for my size and nothing compared to some I know. But i find it really hard to look at my legs cause they have got so big and flabby!! I know this is cause I can't run and lift weights anymore at the gym. But.....its all for baby. Our body stores fat so it should all just drop off at the end. FX'd!! I have come to accept that my body is my babies at the moment and I will have it back in 10 weeks time. hehe.

I have been getting a bit annoyed with my SIL. She is so wrapped up in herself all the time and inconsiderate. She keeps asking me how much weight I have put on and what I weigh now and then she'll say.....oh well i'm only ???lbs. I'm like.....and you are not carrying a baby! Grrrr...really gets me annoyed. Then she'll say. I wasn't as fat as you when I was pregnant!! were actually 15 when you were pregnant so you probably weren't no. It really just gets my back up. Luckily I dont see her too often though. I think its just time she started acting her age (40).

Keep well ladies.

Nic xx
Mammaspath - lovely to hear from you, I really hope you get your BFP very soon and I am so pleased for the other ladies that have since had their BFPs also.

As for weight gain, prior to becoming pregnant, I was a weight watchers member, and had been for 7 years, being at goal for 4 of those years. I watched everything that crossed my lips and whilst I would never credit excercise for my 5 stone (70lb) loss, I did keep relatively active.

Anyway, I got my BFP in October, but in September my mum was diagnosed with cancer so I kind of relaxed with WW a little and I know I gained a few pounds. Fortunately mum was ok and given the all clear after her op a month later, but when I got my BFP, although I was eating all the right things, I was also allowing myself some of the wrong things. I think I have gained about 28lb since my booking in appointment at 8 weeks. I know it isnt great and I know that number could have been much lower had I watched what I ate more, but I also know that I lost 70lb before and that when baby is born and I feel up for it, I will have the support of my great WW leader, class and the WW plan, so I am confident that I will be able to shift it again, which is making it much easier to deal with the gain.
Hi everyone!

Nic I am glad your anti d injection wasn’t as bad as you thought and at least that’s out of the way now. Well done on the swimming! I had been going twice a week but haven’t been for a couple of weeks. I will go again tomorrow though as it helps me feel better too and want to keep doing some form of exersize for as long as possible! Sorry to hear about your SIL – how insensitive and what silly things to say. Grrr. I would be annoyed too.

Cecelia my baby is transverse too and my midwife said they still move around lots at this stage and have plenty of time to move to head down so fingers crossed they will both be head down in a few more weeks, ready for exit!

Amy – great to hear from you, thanks for popping in. Keeping everything crossed you get your BFP soon, good luck this cycle! Have you tried the sperm meets egg plan, that worked for me and I think there are a few threads on it. Good luck with Clomid if this isn’t your cycle though and keep us updated hun.

Kim would love to see your pics of the 3D scan if you have time. How exciting! Must have been lovely to see baby again! Yes putting socks and tights on is such a trauma! I shall be barefoot on maternity leave, only 6 working weeks to go as have 1 weeks holiday before I finish!! Sorry to hear about your tummy pains and trip to hospital and that you had pains too Nic. Handy for the rest of us to know that can happen if we over do it so thanks for sharing. I am glad the hospital reassured you Kim and that all was fine. Good to know the iron supplements have given you more energy, mine should start working soon I hope.

Bilboi – sorry to hear about your fall. Scary but at least you and baby are ok which is great.

So happy to hear Laura and some of the other ladies have also got their BFPs, that is so brilliant, I hadn’t noticed. I am really pleased.

Hmm I have no idea how much weight I have gained. I don’t weigh myself. I know what I was before I got pregnant so I could work it out. I know I’ve put on weight as also have the flabby thighs and feel bigger everywhere but hoping to shift it after baby comes.

I am doing NCT classes and we start 15th May. I am looking forward to it now as most people I know who have done them have said they are fantastic and one of the biggest benefits is to meet lots of couples at exactly the same stage as you to keep in touch with.

So tired still! Got to stop moaning about it really as I know its all part and parcel and my hubby has been beyond amazing! We have a week off booked in May which will be much needed as we are both shattered and we plan to mostly chill out and build the nursery furniture so its all ready for baby! But 14th May is our wedding anniversary and hubby has booked me a pregnancy massage, I can’t wait!! So sweet of him to treat me and its at the most amazing spa (any uk ladies its at Limewood Hotel in the New Forest where Sophie Dahl and Jamie Cullen got married) but he was just going to wait in the bistro area for me so I have booked him a back neck and shoulder massage as a surprise. He has been wonderful and serves a treat to unwind too.

Nearly the weekend ladies! Take care everyone – 11 weeks (roughly) to go!!

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