Jill I think that's amazing, I think that I would rather be filming at 6 - 7 months preggo and there be no question that I'm pregnant as opposed to earlier when people won't be sure...
Good luck on your scan tomorrow!!! are you finding out the sex?
As for bumps. yup mine's pretty big, I'm having trouble grooming "down there" hahah my bump doesn't move and it's hard to see LOL
Cecilia I too am approaching the 20lb mark.. but I'm still holding at 19 lbs! I feel great mind you, have been doing yoga when I can, I miss the gym since I normally go 3 - 5 times a week but that can wait until after the baby's here. I gained about 100 lbs last time, so I'm happy with just under 20 lbs at 20 weeks. I've been consistently gaining 1 lb per week since about 13 weeks. I started this pregnancy 30 lbs lighter than my last pregnancy, so I'm happy that I still haven't reached the weight that I started at last time and we're half way! and since I know I'm having the baby at 39 weeks on the nose that helps too. If I can stay under 60 lbs I'll be happy. I'm in general eating much better, I still have a lot of aversions, but I'm doing well to not be eating all of the time, I eat when I'm hungry and that's it, which some days is every 1.5 hrs!! but other days it's just my 3 regular meals..
As for buying stuff we've done a little. I'm actually planning a shopping trip with my mom, sister, and a couple of girl friends, we're going at the end of March. Other than that we've bought a few big things, the crib and mattress, change table, and the bedding,I've been researching strollers and car seats and I think we've narrowed it down, so I'm just waiting to see if it goes on sale. We're going to paint the room next week. For me, assuming there are no more problems, I won't have any more ultrasounds

We may do a 3-D ultrasound around 26-28 weeks, we'll wait and see.
Nic did you guys find out the sex?
I can't remember the count we're at now I think kate and Cecilia are having girls, I'm having a boy. Are there others?
Well should keep working

hope everyone has a great valentine's day.