Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Went in for my appointment yesterday and my Doctor swept my membranes and said Im 1 cm dilated and the head is right in place. Still nothing happening today tho:wacko:. Im measuring 39 weeks so I HOPE that means I get to meet her sooner than later! She seems to be staying put! Id love her to be born on June 21,the first day of Cancer and the first day of Summer. Fingers crossed for that! By the way,a membrane sweep is NOT painful at all.:thumbup:
Went in for my appointment yesterday and my Doctor swept my membranes and said Im 1 cm dilated and the head is right in place. Still nothing happening today tho:wacko:. Im measuring 39 weeks so I HOPE that means I get to meet her sooner than later! She seems to be staying put! Id love her to be born on June 21,the first day of Cancer and the first day of Summer. Fingers crossed for that! By the way,a membrane sweep is NOT painful at all.:thumbup:

oooh i hope you get what you want!!!! how exciting!!!:happydance::happydance:
Congrats Jill! Beautiful girl : )

You ladies are progressing! Wonder who's next?
Hey ladies!!

Cecilia wow it looks like you'll be next!! hope she comes quickly for you!!

Laura wow you are almost half way!! that's soo awesome!!

As for me, well I had my last doc apt today!! 38 weeks tomorrow. He said the baby hasn't dropped yet so I should make it no problem to my section date next thursday. I have been having a lot of cramping and he said it was just false labour!! wonderful!! I guess that's what I've got to look forward to for the next week!!!

Well it's VERY VERY hot here today.. 45 degrees celsius with the humidex.. so I am staying inside!!

Hope everyone is doing well!!

Take Care

Well no baby yet,lol. I did lose my mucous plug today while waiting in line at the DMV. Nothing else going on to report. Im thinking Im not gonna be next after all,lol.:wacko:
Hi ladies.

OMG I am getting fed up and impatient now. Absolutely no signs whatsoever!!!

Today I have set up my bottle steriliser and read all the instructions etc so I know how to use. I am Formula Feeding from birth.

And i've just spent an hour researching the best way to make up bottles and now i'm even more confused! lol.

I'm so ready for this baby to arrive now.

Cecelia.....Fingers crossed it will be you soon!! I would love to lose my plug!! lol. But one of my friends lost hers 2 weeks ago and she is still without a baby.

Very very impatient!! I even went for a 3 mile walk yesterday and then spent the evening bouncing on my ball.

I'm starting to think that nothing will get it going and like everyone says, baby will come when ready.

Least i know I should have maximum of 3 weeks! Though the last 3 weeks has gone so slow!

Keep with the updates ladies.

Jill.....hope you are enjoying life with your little one.

Nic xx
Girls, Ethan Martin Joseph hall born Monday 18 June, 6lb 9.5, traumatic birth story to follow when I get out of hospital!!!
Girls, Ethan Martin Joseph hall born Monday 18 June, 6lb 9.5, traumatic birth story to follow when I get out of hospital!!!

Sorry to hear it was traumatic :( Hope you guys get to go home soon! Cant wait to see him :)
As for me I had contractions all night long that were strong and 5 minutes apart. I packed up my truck and was waiting for daylight before I dropped Thor off and was gonna head to the hospital,well they stopped! Now Im sitting here,exhausted from last night,and no more signs of labor! Its torture!!!!:dohh:
I hope you guys are having better luck than me,lol.
Joey congratulations on your arrival. I am sorry it was traumatic for you and I hope you are resting well.

Would love to hear your birth story when you get the time to share.

All my love to your little one.

Cecelia....OMG how frustrating. We expect that when contractions start that this is it but I suppose its not always! My fingers are crossed for your that it gets going again soon. I have no suggestions!!

All the best.

Nic xx
Girls, Ethan Martin Joseph hall born Monday 18 June, 6lb 9.5, traumatic birth story to follow when I get out of hospital!!!

Joey glad your little man is here and doing well. Hopefully you are out of hospital soon. Sorry to see that you had a dramatic birth.

Take care.

Cecilia sounds like your little girl is on her way. Good luck!!

Hi everyone,

Congratulations joey, sorry you had such s traumatic time but pleased you & Ethan are doing well. Can't wait to see some pictures!!

Gill how are you and your gorgeous baby girl getting on?

I reckon I might be the last summer sugar baby to pop, no signs or news at all over here!! My best friend had her baby this morning too so I feel really ready now! The mw came yesterday, am now 2/5 engaged which I have discovered is good aiming to get to 0/5 so full head can't be felt and is all in pelvis.

Kim you section date must be soon is it Thursday? Maybe you'll be the next? Nic how are you feeling? I had a v hot curry last night but didn't work ha ha!

Cecelia I saw your thread Hun, looking forward to hearing any news xx
Kate if you ever pop in anymore I hope you're doing well too, we'd love to hear any news.

Take care everyone!!
Hey Ladies

how are you all feeling? Cecilia is your little girl here yet!! I would bet a yes!! I can't wait to hear all about your story.

Becky you're funny... I guess someone has to be last huh :) before we all know it all of our babies will be here!!

Yes my section is set for Thursday, 9 am, only 3 more sleeps!!! crazy!!

Take Care ladies!!

Arhhh Kim thats so exciting!! Only 3 sleeps till you meet your baby!! I am so excited for you and cant wait for news.

Hope everyone is well xx
Kim! Thinking of you today as you meet your baby.... hoping and praying your section goes well!

How is everyone else doing?

We've been gradually adjusting to life with little Maria here. It has been a little stressful as I had pneumonia and Maria had a choking episode where she turned completely purple and a friend had to give her mouth-to-mouth..... that was literally the most scary and awful moment of my life and seeing her recover and begin to breathe again was one of the biggest reliefs ever. Things are still very upside down around us with being ill before the delivery and Maria coming so early. I'm trying to just go with the flow but definitely had to put a stop to quite so many visitors popping round every day as it was getting to be too much. Started her nursery today though so hopefully the house will have some kind of order to it within a few weeks...... I say that, it'll probably never quite have order again now kids are starting :)

Lots of love to you all, I hope labour signs are on their way and everyone will be meeting their little ones in the next couple of weeks!

Hope it all went well Kim! You probably have your baby now, our next summer sugar baby!! Thinking of you and looking forward to news when you can.

Jill sorry to hear you have been poorly. Thank goodness Maria was ok, that must have been so scary. We did a baby first aid course this week but I don't think anything could really prepare you for that happening. Good idea to limit visitors while you find your feet and get well. Good luck with nursery!

Nic how are you doing?

Joey hope all is good with you and baby Ethan. Cecelia looking forward to you and sunovas news when you are home and settled.

I am ok, no signs really, trying to keep busy, go for daily walks etc. I am really uncomfortable now and feeling impatient but not long to wait now! SO excited to meet my baby!!!!

Love to everyone!!
Ok ladies, finally ready to update.

I was due 10th july and after my 4th trip to admissions with high bp they decided to monitor me overnight. That night 2 drs did a sweep and mentioned induction the following day, which clearly shocked me. The following day they decided they would give me meds and try to get me to term.

I had bad reactions to all the meds and the protein in my urine and the swelling was getting worse, as was the bp. So they decided to induce me in Sunday 17 June at 36+5. The la our was awful, my bp spiked to 199/118 and I got a temp. My fluid had to be closely monitored and I was allowed 90mls of water per hour. Baby was back to back and drs insisted on an epidural as they said my bp wouldn't cope otherwise. Drs had to rush in and give me magnesium sulphate to prevent a seizure and I had to get iv antibiotics for the infection that had put my temp up. I had a 9.5 hour labour which ended with a forceps delivery ask just couldn't push anymore. I'd had 5 hours sleep in the 3 days leading up to the induction and just couldn't do it anymore.

So Ethan arrived at 10.30am on 18 June 2012 over 3 weeks early. He was 6lb 9.5 and is doing great. I had to stay in hospital for 6 days after the birth and it was so hard as I needed a blood transfusion and was still v sick and yet had still to feed and change baby etc, all of which I thought I'd be doing at home with support.

So we are both home and despite a few v tough days at the start trying to recover and adjust to life at home, all is good and I just adore my wee son.
Hi Ladies.

Sorry for the lack of communication the last few weeks. I find it more difficult now im not sat infront of a computer all day.

Joey, many congratulations on your little boy. Thanks so much for the updates, i have been checking in on my phone. Im so glad you are past the worst of it and on the mend. Time to enjoy your little one.

Kim, looking forward to an update from you following your c section. I hope you and baby are doing well.

Cecelia....same for you. Can't wait to hear some news and hope you are both ok.

Jill....lovely to hear from you. You sound like you are very happy and loving your little girl. The choking sounds very very scary!! It must be hard to relax now! I can't imagine what I would have done in that situation! Make sure you tell people you dont' want visitors if you dont' want them. I have a feeling I will be swamped with them too after baby is here. and me are both hanging in here it seems!! haha. I am so fed up now though. This is the end of my fourth week of maternity leave. this week I have struggled as I have nothing left to do! So bored it is unbelievable. I got all emotional earlier this evening and had a good cry. Feel much better now though.

My family live in a different town and now I am so close to my due date I really am stuck in as I dont want to go anywhere without DH. Its awful when he is at work.

Today was one of my friends weddings and I haven't gone as DH is working til midnight. Its awful being here when I know all of my friends are there drinking and enjoying themselves.

Ahh well....hopefully not too much longer.

i have a midwife appt on monday. Really hoping i can have a sweep as it will be the day before my due date but not sure if they will do it. I can't bear the thought of having another 2 weeks yet!!

Check in again soon.

Nic xx
Hey Ladies!!!!

Sorry for the delay. We are still in hospital. Baby Cameron is here and he`s amazing. He came via c-section with no issues at all. He weighed in at 8 lbs and 15.8 oz!! and blonde!! he`s very cute if I do say so myself. I`m feeling great although he`s a feeding machine and my nipples are VERY sore (TMI) hahaha but my milk is coming in now so that`s good. He lost too much weight as of last night so we were breastfeeding and then topping up with formula, so far it`s working well.

I didn`t have time to read posts but good luck to you ladies still waiting :) once I'm home tomorrow I'll have a good read and update you ladies with a pic :)

Ahhh Kim congratulations! Lovely name, glad all is well. Looking forward to pics.

Hope all is going well Joey.

I feel the same Nic, fed up, impatient, bored of waiting! Not much longer now I know, just want to get on with it!! No signs of anything happening here tho. My hubby is the most laid back person in the world so thinking baby W takes after him and is in no hurry!!

On a good note the rest of my pram is finally meant to arrive wednesday so maybe once that final box is ticked baby will get the hint!!

Keep us updated when you can do everyone. Lovely to hear all of the news and updates.


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