Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Well ladies......i am now officially....OVERDUE :-( BOOO.

Never thought id be taking every measure to evict baby.....not tried DTD yet though. Really dont want to as i dont feel like it at all.

Come on baby!!!!

Its weird to wake up every morning and think.....oh...still here. As if there is more chance of it happening at night. lol. ahh well. day of bouncing on my ball.

Will swimming help do you think?

Nic xx
Nic ha ha I wake up each morning and think the same!! I just assume it will happen at night, god knows why!

My due date is tomorrow and the midwife is coming to a sweep. Would prefer to go naturally before that ideally so tried a few things but baby is happy and comfy in there!

I've had had loads of hot food, walks, time on the ball, dtd last night - still nothing. No sign!!
Hey girls, sorry yous are still waiting to meet your babies!!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. It amazes me that i should still be pregnant for another 6 days at least and hear I am neck deep in nappies lol
im so waiting for more baby pics!!!

Mrsp - you should try a warm castrol oil.......worked for me last two times!!!!
Hey ladies, how are you all getting on with your lovely babies? Any news or photo updates?

I'm still pregnant!!! Going out of my mind. 41 weeks today, absolute torture. Each day feels like a year.

Nic - any exciting news from you? Hope so :-)

Take care everyone, looking forward to any updates when you have time.

Waaah Becky, can't imagine how you're feeling! Hope your LO comes soon! Any talk of induction or anything yet?

Our wee girl is over a month old already! Feels so weird to know that not all the babies in the group are born yet. Maria is finally putting on weight now- she's a whole 7lbs 8 ounces, lol. Not very big!

Praying for you all.... i know it'll be hard for everyone to stay in touch with new babies but hope everyone is doing well!
You're right not so easy to get on now but info try to look in every so often. Ethan will be 4 weeks on Monday and I was only due on 10th, crazy. I'm getting better at this mummy stuff and starting to really enjoy it. Hope all you other ladies meet your babies soon xx
Hi ladies!!

My baby BOY Jack Eric arrived on wednesday 11th July at 12;35pm weighing 7 lb 8. He was 8 days late.

I will update my birth story when i am home. had to be re admitted but hopefully will be home tomorrow :-)

Nic xx
Congratulations nic!! A baby boy!! I am so pleased for you!

Can't wait to hear news and see some pics. Now you'll have to see magic mike on DVD ;-)

As for me, am I the last summer sugar baby to pop (other than not hearing from Kate for a while). I am 12 days over now and baby still showing no signs what so ever that he or she is coming!! I'm due to be induced tomorrow from 6pm so I will have an update, hopefully by the weekend!! I hear inductions can be very slow.

I'm sad I haven't done it naturally but I am so excited to meet our baby now, the wait has been so much harder than I imagined, my hormones are all over the place!!

I'll update soon anyway girls! I know it's harder to log in once we all have babies but would be good to have a thread in baby club for us to keep in touch.

Sending hugs to you all and each mini sugar baby!!!!!!

Hi Ladies.

Well....little baby Jack is a week old now!! I can't believe it....its gone so fast but it feels like he has been here forever. promised....birth story :)

I went into labour at 11:30pm on 10th July. It was as soon as I got in bed. I got these period pains. Then 1 min later they went off. Then 10 mins later back again. I was just sat in bed watching TV with DH.

I didn't mention to him about the pains as I wasn't sure what it was. We turned the TV off at 12:30 and he went off to sleep straight away but I couldn't as the pains kept waking me up. They were various times apart between 5 and 8 mins.

At 2:30am I got up and went down stairs to try and watch tv. Pains were getting stronger. At 3:30am I went and woke DH up as I was a bit scared sat on my own downstairs.

I had been timing them on my phone and they were averaging 6 minutes apart. DH phoned the labour ward about 4am just to let them know I was having contractions. They said stay at home as long as I could cope with the pain.

I had a bath....this didn't really help as I couldn't get comfy at all.

At 5:30am we went up to the hospital as i was starting to feel sick because of the pain.

We were put in an early labour room and a student midwife sat with me for 10 mins to feel my contractions and time them. About 6:30am she came back with another midwife who said '2 contractions in 10 minutes is not enough'. I was thinking then that they were going to send me home again! But just then I got another one and she felt it and though it was actually quite strong so they decided to examine me.

I agreed to let the student midwife have a go and then the normal midwife would check. It was so uncomfortable and the student midwife couldnt find my cervix! I was just thinking oh god maybe I'm not even 1cm!!

So the midwife checked after (I swear to god she put her whole arm up there) OH MY GOD it hurt. She then said I was fully effaced and 4cm which is why the student couldn't feel anything. She also gave me a sweep.

They agreed to let me stay. I wanted a water birth so they asked if I wanted to go to the pool yet and I wasnt. They they came to monitor baby every 15 mins.

Babys heart rate was measuring too high 180bpm. So they were a little worried. I got hooked up to the monitors for an hour. This was awful. I was so uncomfortable with awful back back sat on the bed. Babys heart rate wouldn't come down. They they got me to move onto my knees and lean over the back of the bed. This was a bit more comfortable for me. They then said that because I was stressed out then baby was. Managed to get his heart rate down to 160 now I was more comfortable.

By this time I was on gas and air as the contractions were so much stronger. I got them to run the pool. I think it was about 10am when I got to the pool room. Really lost track of time. I had no idea and didn't care.

I got undressed to get in the pool (My plug had then come away). I was so much more comfortable in the pool. The back ache just dissapeared!!

My DH was holding the gas and air for me. Contractions were really strong and painful. I'm not sure how long i was pushing for but it was maybe 30-45mins. The gas and air ran out!!! I pushed him out on nothing! I have never felt so much pain!! But once he was out the pain was gone and I had my gorgeous boy.

I had to have a couple of stitches but nothing major. Still sore a week later but definitely on the mend!

Will update again nappies call....hehe.

Nic xx
Well......continued story for anyone who is interested.

We stayed in hospital one night and went home thursday tea time. However on Friday the midwife did a blood test as he was looking very yellow. Then friday night we were re-admitted for his jaundice.

Me and Jack spent Friday and Saturday night in hospital while he was on the UV lamps and were discharged again on sunday.

All has been good since. It was awfull with his jaundice cause they took so many blood tests in his poor little feet. They were black and blue!!

We had a bad night last night and he wouldn't settle but we'll keep at it and hopefully get into some sort of routine.

Also.....I am so annoyed!!! Found out today from the midwife that they gave us the wrong birth weight in hospital. He was actually 7lb 12oz.

Really annoyed at this as my family have put stuff in the papers and a friend has even had him a personalised blanket made with 7lb 8oz on it. I don't know whether to tell them or not!!!

Anyways, would love to hear some more updates from you ladies when you get a spare minute from your little babies.

Much love.

Nic xx
Hey ladies, update from me. Ethan is. Ow 1 month old and totally the centre of my universe, to think I worried that I would bond with him and feel the love that I've heard mothers talk of. It's true that you really don't know love until you've had children.

I'm not sure if it's a routine or not but we are doing ok. He feeds every 3-4 hours during the day with his last feed at around 11-12 at night. He will then wake around 3.30am and again around 7am for a feed and the rest of the time he coos, grunts or sleeps, he seems to be a very content little baby. He was weighed on Monday and has gone from 6lb 9.5 to 8lb 6, so I'm quite pleased with that. He is now taking 5oz at most feeds.

As much as I adore being a mummy, I will admit the first 2 weeks we not the best, it is a massive shock to the system and OH and I had absolutely NO experience with babies whatsoever, so everything was entirely new and the internet has been a great source of information.

I am very tired, OH is back to work so it's only fair that I do the night feeds and it does get a bit tiring. I know the whole "sleep when baby sleeps" thing and I'm sure that will happen soon, but at present, when Ethan sleeps I eat, wash, go to the loo, wash and sterilise bottles all ready for the next feed! Tiring work but so rewarding.

It's great to see all the birth announcements coming in and I hope we can continue to support each other through this special time, even though it's hard to get a minute to log on.
Hi ladies!! Finally time for my announcement!! We had a baby girl called Freya Evie Jane on Saturday 21st July at 13.20, weighing 8lb 7oz!!

So I had a yellow bump turned pink :-) she is perfect and am loving it all so far, breast feeding is going really well.

Very traumatic labour which lasted 24 hours after being induced and ultimately ended in c section. I then haemorrhaged badly and ended up in icu without Freya for a night. But all ok now, we're still in hospital getting to know each other. I am getting better and she is perfect which is all that matters.

Lovely to read your updates and I'll come and let you all know how we're getting on once we're home.

Love and hugs to you all xxxx
Congrats on all the Births! Here I am, beyond fashionably late,due to a motem malfunction and having to order another one,lol. Sunova gray was born June 23 at 10:41pm after about 12 hours of labor. She weighed 8lb 10oz. She is now 5 weeks old,very mellow and quiet! Im glad to see everyone is doing well,although I dont expect to hear from anyone because I know you are all just as busy as me these days! Enjoy your little ones cuz it goes by fast!!!!




As we are now leaving July I assume that all of our LOs have now arrived. On the first page of this thread there is a list of all the ladies and our due dates. It'd be great to have that same list updated now with our actual dates, what we had and their name and weight or something like that, maybe when our babies are like 10 one of us will get a second to do that lol!!!
Good idea joey - I don't know how though?!

Hope everyone is getting on well? Will post a little update soon but all great with us xx
so excited for all you ladies!!!!

Hi Ladies

I really hope everyone is doing well. Its finding time to update you all now!!

I haven't had my laptop on for weeks but found myself with a lazy afternoon and a sleeping baby so thought i'd get in touch.

Thanks so much for the updates ladies. Its lovely to hear all the news.

Cecelia those pics of sunova are gorgeous! What a stunner.

Joey I know how you feel with the night feeds, my DH is back at work now too so I am up in the night but I dont mind really. Love him to pieces.

Jack is feeding every 3-4 hours on 5 oz and has been on this for weeks! He was weighed just over a week ago and was 9lb 9oz. I think he must be at least 10lbs now! He is getting proper baby fat now.....very cute.,....and is losing his hair from the front backwards....looks like a little old man now. hehe.

Attached are some photos of him. These were taken at 10 days old by a professional photographer. I love them!

Would love to hear how you guys are all getting on when you get the time.

Lots of love to all.


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