Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey ladies!

so, further to my check-up last week, I've been sent for a checkup in hospital twice..... I don't have Pre-e right now and blood was fine but occasionally seem to have high BP (while other times, reading is normal). There's a tiny tiny trace of protein in urine and i have slightly puffy feet so they're going to keep checking me out once or twice a week..... Am really praying it doesn't develop into pre-e but, at the same time, am glad to be near to full-term just in case.... apart from that, baby is 3/5 engaged and kicking lots and lots. According to the trace, I'm having braxton hicks about every 3 minutes! Seems like this baby is just super keen to get going!

They've been mentioning the chance of an early induction just in case. Has anyone in the group been induced before? Just trying to mentally/practically prepare just in case.

How is everyone else doing? Feeling good? Anyone getting uncomfortable?

Hi everyone!

I wanted to check in and wish all of you healthy births, because with a month to go I'm sure some of you will pop before then! It is so nice to see you all coming along, and for some of you it's your first baby, and it will be a wonderful experience.

AFM, as you can probably see I'm around 16 weeks. I am feeling really positive now about this pregnancy. It took me up until 15 weeks to finally stop worrying that something would happen once again. We will find out the sex in 3 weeks. DD doesn't know yet, but we will tell her at 18 weeks and then she'll come to the ultrasound with us. We won't have a summer baby, but an autumn baby. To tell you the truth it was a bit bittersweet for me when I realized this one would not be "summer," because my heart was so set on July before. But I am okay now, but no doubt will always miss my summer baby.

Well that's it! Good luck ladies!
Hey Ladies

Jill I had pre-e with my last pregnancy started about 35 weeks. I was induced at 39+5. I was checked frequently and had MANY visits to the hospital between 35 and 39 weeks. When I was induced, they had to put something up on my cervix to soften it because my cervix was no where near ready. They had actually told me that it may take 2 doses of this drug, but my water broke on it's own after 8 hrs. Then they started the drip.. I laboured for 12 hrs, it was tolerable, but my son was sunny side up as my doc calls it LOL so I had all back labour. I ended up needing a c-section but it had nothing to do with being induced, I had a fibroid beside my cervix which didn't allow my cervix to dialate past 6 cms. BTW I have no idea if my son was engaged or not prior to being induced, it's not something my doc ever said either way.

To be honest I was never worried about being induced.

Good luck and keep us posted on your pre-e.

Laura it sounds like you're doing amazing!!!! wow 16 weeks already!! that's crazy!!! Thank you for the well wishes!!

Amy congrats to you too!! fingers crossed that your hcg numbers continue to rise!!!

Becky glad to hear that you're enjoying your classes. Good luck in getting your pram sorted out!!!

Nic have you had a follow up? how are you guys doing?

AFM well I had a doc apt today, all is good. I have dropped so that's good. My next appointment is in 2 weeks, with an ultrasound before the apointment, to check how big the fibroid is and how big the baby is. My stomack is measuring big... so it'll be interesting to see how big the baby is.

Well must go grab a nap!! hahaha

Chat soon.


Amy that is great news. Thanks for sharing and good luck with your scan tomorrow!

Jill that is great news. Glad they are not suspecting Pre E as of yet. Put your feet up and take it easy. 3/5 engaged is great you find this really uncomfortable?!! Baby feels so low and the pressure when walking can be a nightmare.

Laura thanks so much for popping in. Its lovely to hear from you and so glad you are doing well. I wish you all the luck with your autumn baby. Exciting times.

Well I had another midwife appointment this week who measured me spot on so all is good. They do say measuring can be out but they have to do these checks just in case.

I have really been struggling this last week. It has been so warm here and so I can't sleep properly. This is leaving me really tired in the day at work and I havent managed a day without a good 2hr nap in the middle. I have also started with back ache now. Its not all the time but man it hurts if the baby sits on a nerve or something.

On a good note.....last night I started packing my hospital bag. Only reason its not finished is I have some bits and bobs still left to buy. It will be done in the next week!

I'm so excited but a little nervous. The really bad back pain I keep getting keeps reminding me that labour is only going to hurt more. But as my pregnancy book says....labour is a good pain. It is what your body is suppose to be doing and it means baby is on the way.

Just one last thing for this last day at work tomorrow!!!! ahhhhhh....I cant wait. I have a pretty full on week next week though with my baby shower and my neices wedding so won't be able to put my feet up til next weekend but who cares!

Hope all you ladies are doing ok.


Nic xx
Hi everyone!

How exciting to log in and see so many updates. Its June tomorrow girls so from tomorrow we can say our July babies will be due next month – exciting!!!!

Amy, good luck at your scan tomorrow, I hope all goes well. That’s so great that your levels are going up. Let us know how it goes after the appointment. X

Glad to hear you are ok Jill and don’t have pre e at the moment. It’s good that they are monitoring you so closely just in case and fingers crossed maybe the blood pressure and swelling is just down to the heat or something and won’t develop into anything.

Can you feel the Braxton hicks they say you are having Jill? I haven’t felt anything so am assuming I am not having any.

Congratulations Laura, I am so pleased that all is going well and you are starting to enjoy your pregnancy. Look forward to hearing from you after your gender scan in 3 weeks! Good luck with your autumn baby xx

Good to hear from you Kim. Are you still working, how long do you have left now? Hope your next appointment goes well, lovely that you’ll get to see baby once more at the scan.

I am starting to struggle too Nic, with tiredness and the heat. YAY that tomorrow is your last day at work and you finish for the lovely long Jubilee weekend!! My last day is next Friday but at least next week is only a 3 day week in the UK!

Its funny you say that about the pressure in your pelvis and I’ll be interested to hear what the engaged ladies say as I also have pain/pressure in my pelvis and assumed baby had dropped. Unfortunately – apparently not. I had my 35 week check yesterday and the midwife thinks my baby is frank breech (bum down, feet up by head)  She cant feel a head down where it should be and she says the top of the bump is suspiciously hard for a bum!

So I will have a scan in 2 weeks to check. Baby still has time to turn yet and if it doesn’t I believe they will try to manually turn it for me before offering a c section (which I am desperate to avoid). I am praying baby turns, but unlike lots of you, it doesn’t seem like my baby is in any rush or anywhere near ready to come out!!

Keep well everyone. Not long now!!

Hey Ladies

Yeah I'm feeling the tiredness/pressure etc.. I think that i have dropped, everyone who sees me says "OMG you've dropped"!! hahaha my bump feels lower but mostly my hips have gotten VERY sore and it feels like I've pulled my groin muscle.. also peeing a lot more, and I'm having a lot of pain in my lower pelvis, I saw my doc yesterday but he has never told me wether or not I'm engaged or anything like that, he's soooo laid back hahaha... I also am getting braxton hicks contractions if I walk for anymore than about 5 mins, doc said as long as the stop when I rest that it's okay.. Because it's my second apparently it's normal that I may have dropped already and doesn't mean that the baby is coming any sooner.... overall walking has become very difficult....but I'm not complaining I loove being pregnant :)

As for feeling the BH, Nic I don't remember feeling any with my first pregnancy, and even this time when the docs told me that's what I was feeling, it wasn't what I expected. My whole stomach does go hard now, but when they started a few weeks ago I was just getting a band of tight around my belly button... I used to think it was baby stretching and that it was his bum.... So you may be having them and realizing.. and you may not both is normal :)

Nic, my last day of work is tomorrow too!!!!!! yipeee!!! I've been busy trying to get everything tied up, although I'm done, there are a few outstanding reports and I've told work that as long as the baby hasn't come they can send them to me and I'll review them. My OH thinks I'm going to be bored hahaha nope.. I have MANY little projects to get done LOL and it'll be nice to nap during the day so I'm not so tired when my 5 yr old is home.

Becky so you get a scan in 2 weeks too :) yes there's lots of time for the baby to turn.. and I hope that happens for you. But don't be too worried about a c-section, I know it's not the ideal or even desired way to have a baby but the recovery is really not that bad and within a few weeks you'll forget you even had one!! I have heard that getting down on all fours to scrub the floor for instance is a great way to get the baby to turn.

Since the latest my baby will come is June 28th (scheduled c-section at 39 wks) Tomorrow I can say that my baby will be here this month!! CRAZY!!!!

Chat soon.

Kim, that sounds reassuring! Am hoping it won't develop into pre-e and am trying to take it easy!

Nic, it definitely feels like a lot of pressure in the pelvis- I have a very definitely waddle now, lol. I notice it makes it difficult to get urine out as it feels like the head is in the way (and other times, walking around, the head seems to bounce on the bladder and cause leakage so am wearing pads every day now! Charming stuff!) Still have the swelling in the feet too but it's a little less now the hot weather is not here.....

As for the Braxton-hicks, i can feel them sometimes but mostly not- the midwife just said they showed up every few mins while doing the trace on the baby. I thought they were just baby stretching. Had a few strong noticable ones this week but not many...

So is everyone just about finished work now? xx
Just thought id upload a nursery pic. i have loads more but it wont let me upload off my phone.

Nic xx


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Yay to everyone who has finished work now!! Must be a relief! I have just 3 days left next week as Mon & Tues are bank holidays in the UK for the Queens diamond Jubilee. Cant wait! Has everyone finished now?

Thanks Kim, I know if I need to have a c section then I'll do whatever it takes to get the baby out safely so we are both well. Its just that I had a big abdominal op 10 years ago now for a large ovarian tumour so I kind of know roughly what the op/recovery is like. My scar is belly button down so if at all possible would rather not have another across scar but if I need to then what will be will be. Could you pick your baby up easily after your last c section as that bit worries me, my sil said she could lift her baby for weeks - but he was big.

We had our hospital tour this afternoon. DH thought it was a bit scary! I felt better after it though as I can now picture it better! We saw labour ward, theatre was in use but we saw where it is, we saw the birthing centre (thats where I want to give birth if I can - they'll only let me if babys head down of course) and the ante natel and post natel wards. I think it seems like a really good hospital. Partners can stay 24 hrs if they want to and there are private rooms you can hire if you prefer although I dont think I'd bother.

Nic the nursery looks great!! Ours is full of boxes at the mo but over the next few weeks I'll post a pic of ours!

Are your hospital bags packed ladies? Also are you having 2 bags - one for you and one for baby? I am planning to take a bag for me and my changing bag with all babies stuff. I havent packed it yet but will do soon. I havent washed babies clothes yet but will once I finish work!

Have done lots of chores today, tomorrow my Dad is coming to visit for a day so walk along the beach etc and Monday I have my family baby shower - cant wait! Have lovely weekends everyone.

Nic the nursery looks amazing!!!

Becky i had no trouble holding the baby after. I was pacing the halls with him 2 days after he was born, I was in hospital for 6 days (because my bp wouldn't come down) but my recovery was good, within 2 weeks I was pretty much back to normal. I'm hoping this time will be even better since it's a planned section and not am emergency one. I think if you have a previous scar/incision, that they would use the same spot. This will be my second section and I was told they will go over the old scar, I don't think it's cosmetic, but they want to reduce the weaknesses to the uterus.

And I'm all done work!!!! yipeee!!! I don't start maternity leave until 22 june, I'm on sick leave and such until then. I am VERY lucky I am off work until Aug 2013 :) I'm in Canada so we get 1 year of leave, I am sharing 7 weeks with OH. We both work for the federal government here so our salaries are topped up to 93% of our salaries for the entire leave!! I actually will make more on maternity leave since I don't have to pay union dues and pension etc.. I am then taking 3 months of leave without pay at the end which then puts me until August next year!!

I have started to pack my hospital bag, I've got all of the stuff for the baby in there, and all of my toiletries so to speak including nipple cream for me, breast pads, tooth brush, hair brush and elastics etc :) this week I'm going to go buy a nightgown and pjs to wear in the hospital.

Jill how are you feeling these days?

Becky have fun at your shower!!!

Hope that everyone is doing well and having a good weekend!! and good long weekend for you british ladies!!!!

Aww Nic the nursery looks fab! All ready for baby- you must be so thrilled with it.

It's good to hear about different ladies experiences of previous births- especially encouraging to hear you had a good c-section recovery Kim.

Unfortunately, i have a bad case of gastroenteritis just now. I've been given drugs to stop the vomiting so I can at least keep fluids down but my whole body seems to be a mess. I went from being swollen with high BP to now having a lower BP and struggling to keep the fluids in the body.... a lot of cramping too- totally thought i was in labour during the night as cramping was so bad before I vomited a lot.

Anyways, the doctors say it's just bad luck and they're going to see me again on wednesday. Am feeling a bit miserable though being stuck at home as I'm too infectious to be around others. Can't wait to get past all this and just hold our wee one in my arms.
Hey girlies

I'd really appreciate your prayers etc... am being admitted to hospital tomorrow morning as I still have diarrhea and vomiting plus swelling in my limbs and cramps in the abdomen. My bp has been too high and too low (even though ive never taken any bp medication) so they're not sure what to do now. Thankfully, I've been feeling baby kick plenty so assume that he/she is ok. They'll decide tomorrow morning whether to send me home or start thinking about induction etc. Our whole house is upside down, I haven't finished my work, no nursery ready and we have some pressing financial issues to sort out too. Am feeling peaceful but there's SO MUCH happening!

It's so lovely to have some ladies like yourselves to share things with. Will keep you posted. Lots of love. xx
Ahh Jill

you baby and family are all in my prayers. hopefully they give you some intravenus meds/fluids and get you feeling better. if they decide to induce the baby will be gorgeous and perfect!!! my doc told me that once i was 34 weeks that the baby was just as good as 37 ot 40 weeks.

as for the nursery... the baby wont know the difference :)

I hope everything else settles down for you and that you are feeling better soon.

Jill, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep us posted if you can as we'll be worried.

There have been so many updates lately I'm struggling to keep up lol

Nic, I love it nursery, it is so beautiful.

As for Me I had to go to hospital on Friday as bp was up, not
Overly high but way higher than what it started at. They monitored me and baby for half an hour and all was fine. I had a whole 30 minutes of listening To his beautiful little heartbeat. The hospital were great, so thorough and reassuring.

I'm 35 weeks today and things are becoming a struggle. My hands and feet are constantly swollen and my belly is just huge!!!! I have things I want to do but just can't
Because everything is so awkward.

I'm adamant I'm gonna enjoy this last stretch though as I know what a blessing pregnancy is and I don't want to wish it away (I may change my mind at 4am when my bladder feels like it is going to burst and I have to haul my shrek limbs outta bed and waddle to the loo, only for a dribble)

We are all so close ladies, less than a month for some of us. I have loved sharing this experience with you all and I hope we can continue to do so even after we have our babies and the real adventure begins lol!!!
Hey Jill

just wanted to check in and see how you're doing :)

Joey I'm like you I'm trying very hard to enjoy this last bit of pregnancy, I looove being pregnant and I am trying to enjoy the movements and stuff, although getting around is getting much much harder :) Glad to hear that the hospital was so good, it's reassuring isn't it!!!

Hey Kim it was very reassuring! Glad all went well. You may notice the time, here in Ireland it is 4.19am, my new awake time!!!
It is the time my bladder reaches capacity and LO becomes a circus performer!!!
haha joey.... I feel your pain... my lo too!!! I've learned to sleep through the circus performances.. but one day this week I was up eating cereal at 4 am.. LOL i've read that this is likely the same sleep pattern that they'll have once they're here... hahahaha
Hi Ladies

Jill – I hope you are ok. Have been thinking of you and sending you lots of prayers and good wishes and big hugs. Sounds like you have been really poorly so I hope you are feeling a bit better by now. Do let us know how you are getting on if you are able.

Try to stay peaceful. As the others have said, baby wont care about nursery or the house and wont want a stressed mummy, the most important thing is for you both to be healthy and lots of love/cuddles when baby arrives. I know its easily to say as I am ferociously nesting myself and worrying about painting the house and sorting out kitchen cupboards which have all been fine for the last 18 months but suddenly needs sorting urgently in my mind?!

Joey glad the hospital were so good, such an amazing relief for them to be so thorough and reassuring. We had our hospital tour on Saturday and I feel so much better now I can picture the labour ward and birthing centre.

Sorry you are having trouble sleeping – you too Kim. I usually wake up twice in the night for wee breaks but luckily other than that I still sleep well. Mind you I can sleep for England, nothing wakes me up – I am hoping the baby will when he/she cries ha ha!!

I am having a lot of pelvic pain, really sore so either baby is head down and dropping or that’s babies bum putting pressure on down there. Either way – ouch! Getting in and out of cars or bed is a chore.

It’s my last week at work this week – 2 days to go!! Scary but really exciting.

I had my baby shower on Monday and it was lovely. My sister organised some brilliant games and everyone had a great laugh. People were really generous and spoilt me and baby lots! After we had a BBQ and watched the Jubilee concert in the garden on a little screen. Was really great.

Also Joey I so echo what you said about how supportive this group has been through our journey. Its my favourite thread and I love to log on and see updates from you ladies. I hope we stay in touch in the baby club forum and take the next steps in the journey together too. Not long to go now!!

Hello Everyone,we really are nearing the end of our journey! I have a feeling mine will be ending sooner than later,or maybe thats just wishful thinking. I went in to the hospital for monitoring 2 days ago because my braxton hicks were 5 min apart,well they have been for 3 days now! Im only dilated 1 cm so they sent me home.Although my BH are regular,they arent strong. I really dont see how its possible to have BH like this for a full 4 weeks,so Im assuming she will arrive a little early.I didnt have BH with my boys really at all. Im glad to say she is head down though,turns out she always was and was confirmed on ultrasound. My bags arent packed,I find the nesting is over with so much left to do still,Im just so exhuasted all the time lately. Lack of sleep can be to blame! Im expecting that in 2 weeks time,babies will be popping up around here like popcorn! Cant wait to see them all:flower:
Hey Cecelia, sounds like it might not be much longer for you! Exciting!!

Just popped in to say I finished work today and am now officially on maternity leave!!!! YAY!!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Look forward to hearing any news xxx

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