Thanks Kate

My mom is great, cancer free still so that's awesome.
Cameron is in daycare full time... it's very expensive here too.. $530 every 2 weeks. My older son is in full time school and an after school program.
I'm really hoping to get pg and have a 2014 baby.. you'll laugh at me, but it's partially because of daycare costs! If we have a baby born in nov/dec 2014, then they will start school when he/she is 3 almost 4 as opposed to a baby born in January who starts school here at over 4.5 months.. it's potentially the difference of $8 - $10,000 !!!! My oldest is a February baby and it was a lot of money for daycare.
Now all of this to say, I'll take a baby whatever month!! hahaha and I think because I'm trying to plan it, it won't happen... i think I'll have a baby due jan 5 or something hahahaha which would be fine
We had a pretty low key weekend, we had a big snow storm last night so didn't want to venture too far!! and next weekend is my oldest's bday so it's busy!!
Becky is right, April is around the corner! February will fly by as will March, if you're not ready then you should totally wait i would say
Well must get to cleaning this house!!
Take care