Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Hey Kate, did af show up this month? I hope your surgery is nothing too serious. I guess ttc in April works out best all round for you then as baby would then be born in the new year.

It's similar here except the school year starts in September. Babies born in September onwards start school once they are 5 but because my Freya was born in July she will be 4 when she starts. It seems too young to me, she's nearly halfway there already!! Time is going so fast.

I've been investigating things to try this cycle to help with ttc. I'm going to drink a glass of grapefruit juice each day before ov to increase ewcm and I was going to try evening primrose oil but I've just read it can delay ovulation and I don't want that. So hoping march might be my month!

Have you had a nice weekend?

Kim, I hope you are doing ok and your gall bladder surgery went well. It's been a tough few weeks for you, look after yourself. Keep smiling xx
Hey everyone, hope everyone had a great weekend. I hAve some news to share. My family and I went to visit my brother this wknd and my mom fell down the stairs snd fractured her humerous. Ugh :(. We ended up spending the whole day in emergency and its going to be a long recovery. Its been a tough wknd.
In other news, af is 4 days late. Still getting bfn. Frustrating. Im probably not ovulating.

Becky, grapefruit juice sounds like s good idea! I dont know much
about primose oil.

Kim, hope youre well. Becky and I would love an update.
Hey Ladies

Kate soo sorry to hear about your mom... wow hopefully the recovery is better than currently expected!!! and that sucks that AF is late if you're getting bfns!! glad you've got that apt with your doc coming up to figure things out!!

Becky, my older son started school when he was 4 yrs 7 months old.. and to be honest it seemed to late... he was ready a year earlier. He's a february bday and our school year is dec 31st, and he was ready the year before... and found daycare and such very very boring... we do a 4 yr old kindergarten and a 5 yr old kindergarten, it's all play based learning, so the kids looove it!!

We saw a news story last week where it said that by age 2 kids should have 100 - 150 words!! so we started counting and we are at 97 so far hahaha it's amazing once you start counting to see how many words they actually say!!

As for me well my surgery on Friday went really well. I haven't needed any pain killers!! The only hard part is that I am not allowed to pick up anything over 20 lbs for 1 week... which means Cameron.. so I can't put him in and out of his crib... up and down from the table or in and out of the car!! it's been trying, but we're almost at the 1 week!!

I'm starting to come to terms with the fact that I'm likely not going to be able to have any more babies... I'm devastated but it's not something that I can control.. I have 2 wonderful DS's and that's just going to have to be enough. It's hard because I just didn't feel like I was done, and it's hard to have that sort of decision made for you. I'm so glad that I truly enjoyed my last pregnancy. I think I am going to have to call my doc tomorrow, it's been 1 week now since I had the special ultrasound, I was supposed to spot for a day or so... well I'm still spotting brown/pink with lots of cm... I know there was irritation to the cervix, but it should be done by I'm worried there is an infection.. sigh..

Anyways good luck ladies and I hope to see some bfp's soon :)

Oh Kate I'm so sorry to hear about your mums accident, that must have been really scary for everyone. It sounds painful as well, is she in hospital or at home now? I hope her recovery goes as smoothly as it can do.

And frustrating that af is late but tests are bfn. I hope af comes soon so that you know where you are. Have you ever tried any herbal remedies for ovulating? I've heard of things like soy isoflavines, vitex and Angus castus. I've never tried any but was wondering if I might try soy next cycle so try and bring my ov date forward because I have a 33 ish day cycle and I'd love to get it closer to 28 days.

Kim it's lovely to hear from you. Have been thinking about you lots and all you have been going through. Good news that your surgery went well and something you can put behind you now.

I hope the spotting isn't an infection or is something easily sortable. I'm sorry you are having to come to terms with maybe not having another baby, but I suppose at least if you try to deal with that, then if its good news in 4 months (or just a small improvement meaning some hope and good news another few months after that) then it will be a huge bonus. I can't help feeling though that you will have your rainbow, just a bit later than you had hoped. <3

I see what you mean Kim about being ready for school. Freya has just moved up groups at nursery and she's loving having more structure. They have a topic (animals!) and they do circle time with stories, sing songs and do crafts and she's so happy!! So maybe she will be ready for school. It's probably me who isn't ready for her getting so grown up haha!!

Well I'm still having nasty post af brown spotting stuff which is also had for ages after the mc. Can't wait for that to go. I've started temping and I'm drinking my grapefruit juice for extra cm! My conceive plus no new opks should arrive today. In the next few days I plan to do my defuzz, pamper post af and then on with the best bit of the cycle.... Dtd!! And stress free poas with my opks.

I've also decided to focus on loosing some weight. I lost all my baby weight in January to may last year on slimming world and felt fantastic. At the end of the summer I stopped worrying as I wanted to get pregnant, ate like a horse through first tri as I felt so nauseas and hungry and then of course lost the baby. I've put all that weight bar 2 lbs back on!! I feel awful. Part of me has been thinking I won't bother as ill hopefully be pregnant again soon but the thought of putting on a load more weight in first tri is not good and I also just felt ashamed when I weighed myself. So I've joined my fitness pal and I'm going to be really good until I get my bfp! Haha.

omg it's so hard to lose weight, I lost my baby weight, but.. I was heavier than I would have liked before I got pregnant with Reid, I really need to lose 15 lbs before I get pregnant, but I have a feeling that wont happen. And I agree, I almost feel like I would rather just do it after I have my next baby. Aren't I so inspiring? Hah.

My mom is at home, resting somewhat comfortably, thank you again everyone.

Annoying about the spotting Becky, hopefully that stops soon.

And Kim, you are on our minds, hopefully you are staying positive. Hope you are healing well, you will be able lift Cameron soon! He probably misses Mommy carrying him around :)

my af is now 6 days late, I have never been more than 4 days late. I am really questioning what the hell is going on!

to be more clear, my day surgery is a septoplasty, where they burn the inside of your nose, my cartilage is shaped wrong and it blocks my breathing, which affects my sleep and overall energy level. No big deal, although it is on my mind, i think it may make a big difference, so I am actually looking forward to that part.

I can't believe my period late. I was starting to think I was ovulating on my own, but this is not good news.
Unless you are pregnant Kate? Could it just be you ovulated late and it's too early for a bfp yet? How are you feeling? I know the limbo land with no bfp and no af is horrible so I hope one or the other appears soon for you!

Haha yes loose it after the next baby is what I keep thinking as well but I am worried it may take me a while to get pregnant and people in a baby Facebook group who are 4 months preggo look thinner than me in their bump pics so I think I need to take action! I only need to lose a stone so not masses but when I put on weight it goes straight on my tummy which I hate!

I'm glad your mum is home and feeling a bit more comfortable now. Is someone caring for her at home now?

Oh I see, I hope the surgery does solve the problem then as not sleeping well and low energy levels are not nice. When is the surgery?

I'm still waiting for the last nasty bit of af to go! My opks and conceive plus are here. This weekend I'm planning a defuzz, face mask, leave in conditioner, paint nails and general turn into a sex goddess to seduce husband haha (in my dreams!!)
okay, af just arrived. So confusing. 6 days late for gods sake!!

Glad your af is finally finishing up.

I resisted so many treats at work today, I need to start eating healthier. I feel like I really haven't been eating veggies lately, no good :(

My dad is watching my mom at home but he is also watching Reid, so he has been busy. I brought him home butter tarts and my mom flowers last night to say thank you!
and surgery date is thurs. march 6th. hoping to ttc right after pending medications
Oh no, sorry af turned up but at least she's here so you're no longer in limbo waiting and wondering. How long is your cycle usually? Mines 34 ish days, so 5 weeks. Makes it feel slow!

That's so sweet you got treats for your mum & dad tonight!

I've tried to eat well today, no junk, but tomorrow at work will be hard! Are you working full time? Do your parents have Reid everyday?
My cycles average 30 days but they are unpredictable. My parents watch Reid everyday. But my dh is a landscaper so with the snow he cant work so he has her alot in the ewinter and I dont work for school holidays like Christmas march break and summer. Which is another reason she is not in daycare since we would have to pay even if she isn't there. I do work full time but its only like 10 months a year. Remind me what everyone does for work. I work for a private boarding school grades 9-12 I do administrative work in the health centre.
Hey Ladies

Well I'm going to try and lose some weigh too, figure I should, since if I'm done having babies well I might as well be skinny again hahaha and if I'm not done having babies I figure the lighter that I am the less strain on my uterus so it's a no-brainer. I'm starting Monday. I gained 100 lbs when I was pregnant with my first DS, then I lost 120 lbs before I got pregnant with second DS, I gained 65 lbs with him... but only lost about 40... so I still have 20 - 25 lbs to lose... I kept thinking well if I'm going to be pregnant anyways... why try so hard!! LOL

Kate how nice that your parents help to watch Reid for you!! glad that your af showed up! does that mean that you did ovulate?

Becky I hope that last bit of af is gone before the weekend for you ;) so that you catch that egg this month.

I did call the doc's office yesterday about the spotting, and he said he's not worried at all... so that's good. I think I screwed up my cycle though.. I was supposed to start a new pack of pcb last sunday (Feb 9th) but I didn't because I thought everything was okay... then bd on Feb 10... I think I o'd on Feb 12. started the bcp again on I was 3 days late starting the bcp, which means I likely o'd (I have a 23 day cycle) and now I'm bleeding on day 15 or 16. I'm okay with it though.. I was petrified that I would be pregnant...

anyways so happy to have you guys around :) thanks for the support.

Hey girls!

Kate your set up sounds like it works great with care for Reid. I work 3 days a week and work in sales & revenue for hospitality. I really love it and enjoy being becky those days.

Kim I don't want to scare you but if you oved 12 feb it couldn't be an implant bleed could it? I guess you wouldn't know unless you test in a few days. I hope all is ok and works out but I did wonder when you mentioned those dates. Mind you I only sneeze and suspect pregnancy it's ridiculous!!

This nasty post af spotting is still here. Really want the next week to hurry up so I can get on with the good bits of the cycle!!

At work now so better go. Catch up later, hope you both have a lovely day xxx
good morning ladies, Kim, glad to see you posting, sounds like we are all on the weight loss train together, so that's always helpful. I really need to start exercising, but its hard with this weather (what an excuse eh!)

Becky, I know what you mean about being yourself the days you are at work. I don't mind working, because I know reid is with family, but also, because I have another identity other than mom. I hope that makes sense.

I don't think it means I ovulated Kim, because even when my cycle was regular, every 28 days, I still wasn't ovulating. Which seems odd. I hope to get some answers when I see the new obgyn. My appt is 4 days after my day surgery, I want to ask for Clomid, but I know he will want me to ttc for a while before he considers that. I had such luck with Clomid, bfp on the first cycle! I suppose I am hoping for the same. I really want a baby soon, and the other side of my head says this will probably be my last pregnancy, so why am I rushing? I really want to enjoy my ttc this time and not be super stressed, symptom spotting (Im guilty of this too Becky!) and testing far too much. Seems inevitable though, I am an over analyzer by trade lol.
haha Becky don't get me started!! I've been soo paranoid, especially since I had EWCM last week.. sigh... but the procedure for the ultrasound was that they had to insert a tube into my uterus so my cervix was irritated... and I've never had implantation bleeding and this is a lot more than what I would expect for implantation... I will test at about 10 dpo since I usually get early positives.. I've oddly enough been happy with the bleeding although it's totally weird since I'm on CD17... oh well!

Well you never know Kate, they may give you clomid right away since you needed it last time, no harm in asking. I truly enjoyed my last pregnancy, which I'm very happy for now, since it may have been my last :(

As for me well I'm an engineer (so I to over analyse everything!!) doctors hate me and OH we are both engineers and we ask lots of questions. I was asking my ob about the structural stability of my uterus hahaha he looked at me and said that little ring on your finger (it's an engineering ring) is making you ask me question that I cannot answer!! lol I work for the federal government have for the last 5 years or so...
Hah kim, so techinical. and you're right. No harm in asking the obgyn, that would be fantastic! just my luck id have twins!
I just weighed myself, I've put on 8 lbs in 6 months :(. On a positive note, signed back up at the gym yesterday. My goal is 3 days a week and take it easy on the sweets!
Good for you Kate!! I've put on about 11lbs in 8 months. Feeling so ashamed as I worked so hard the first half of last year to loose it all and I feel really bad about myself again. Trouble is I feel too low to be motivated to do anything about it! I've cut out crap though and eating healthy, low carbs when I can so we will see. At least I won't put anymore on.

Hope you enjoy the gym anyway, I used to love going before Freya came along but I never have time these days.

Kim how are you, did you do a hpt? How are you feeling?

I'm feeling really confused and stressed out. This morning and tonight I have positive opks. They have slowly got darker over a couple of days. But I normally ovulate on cd 20 and I'm currently cd13 so it's way early for ov! Then this afternoon I had cramping and bleeding?!! I'm temping and shift in temps so far. I think my hormones are so crazy, I can't see me getting another bfp for months. It serves me right, i assumed it would be easy!! I think almost everyone on summer sugar babies has had a loss at some point when I think back. So sad.

Anyway, have you guys got any exciting plans this week?
I totally know what you mean. I have low motivation too but im eating terrible lately. I need to eat more nutriciously
I have no time for the gym either but im going to try to make time, easier said than done.

Strange about your opk? Perhaps you are ovulating early this cycle?

My surgery is march 6th. I should be ovulating around that time if I actually am ovulating. Do you guys think I should have wait to ttc? Too close to my surgery? Ill be under general anesthesia.

I see the obgyn on march 10. Then my guess is lots of testing poking and prodding and blood work. Ttc is hard work, isn't it!!
Hey Kate, I guess there's no harm in starting to ttc in early march if you are ovulating. Unless you randomly ovulate early you wouldn't even have implanted by the time of the surgery so I don't think the general anaesthetic would affect anything (although I don't know, just a guess). How exciting!!! If not, it's not long to wait for your ob appointment and see what they say.

No def haven't ovulated early as I'm temping and no temp rise so I know it's not that. I'm still bleeding, even more today. Feeling really down and depressed, my hormones are obviously crazy. I thought it would be easier than this after the mc to get pregnant again but I'm starting to realise it could take a long time :cry:

And yeh, because of feeling so down, even though I feel crap about myself, I'm finding it hard to eat healthily and keep giving up and eating bad stuff. I guess I can tackle that when I feel a bit stronger.
I totally understand what you're saying. I had chocolate pudding for lunch today (along with a regular lunch). But im talking a lot of pudding. Last night I had chocolate covered strawberries and the night before I ate 2 kinder eggs. Lol what the neck! I think I have a sugar addiction! If thats a real thing then I have it. Im motivated to ttc but im having a real hard time with eating right. I need to rid my house of delicious treats. I have no self control!

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