Hi ladies
Lovely to hear from you Kim! Well it only takes once and you know you get pregnant easily so you never know you might be lucky for this cycle. I guess the au to think of it is if this one isnt lucky it takes you a month closer to the drs suggested date of September and although you didn't want to wait at least you know you've given your body every single chance of doing this perfectly. Ill be watching out, I know your bfp won't be long now.
Haha it's hilarious that you know my cycle! Thank you for thinking of me

yes I'm 10dpo today. Af has been arriving on 10dpo for the last few cycles so we shall see if she turns up today, she isn't here yet although I do feel like she might turn up.
I have managed to sort some tests. I had day 21 progesterone and prolactin done last week on cd21 and I have lh and fsh booked for Monday assuming af has arrived. The dr has also referred me for a scan to check my ovary and tube are ok since I only have the one. So feeling good that at least I have checks lined up for if Af arrives. We are going to a wedding today so part of me doesn't want her showing up today but then again if she's coming I want to know. If nothing else I guess my lp maybe a tad longer this month.
Wow on Cameron being potty trained, that's fantastic!!! Freya is no where near ready. I'm happy to follow her lead and do like you did, wait till she's ready. I think it will be easier that way.
Kate I hope all is going well, have you had an early scan?
It's so so hot in England at the moment, 30degrees everyday, not like our usual cloudy rainy weather, it's bliss! The wedding today is on the beach and ,y hubby is best man. Will be lovely.
Enjoy your weekends ladies xx