Summer Sugar Babies! - Early July Due Dates

Kim, what a week for you! I hope your boys feel better very soon.

Becky, sorry about af....2q weeks until you o! Talk about silver lining.

My af came this. Morning. 24 day cycle, which followed a 22 day cycle which followed a 34 day cycle. I hope the ob doesn't to on bcp to straighten out. Im feeling pretty upset :( I see my doc in 8 days. No idea what he will suggest. Clomid is probably out if the question.

ahhh ladies... sorry you both got af.... now you can by cycle buddies?

Kate I hope your doc doesn't put you on bcp either... that would feel counter productive... although if that can straighten you out in a few months maybe in the long run it will be faster? Just trying to see some sort of positive....

Becky you're absolutely right, what your friend is going through is terrible, but that doesn't mean what your going through isn't very sad and hard to handle. Take care of yourself! Have you tried talking to anyone? maybe a counselor? I saw a counselor when I was going through my divorce and Logan was only 4 months old! I was amazed at how useful it was to have someone from the "outside" give me advice on what was going on, it really really helped me.

I really hope that both of you are pregnant before I find out if I'm allowed!!

Cameron threw up again last night.. sigh.. only twice so that's good... he ate some toast and grapes this morning and it has stayed down so that's good. He's also drinking a tonne of pedialyte so that's good too. He has to be vomit free for 24 hrs to be allowed to go to daycare...

Well I hope that you two have a good rest of your weekend... ironic really.. I'm on my "week off of my pills" and should have gotten af.. but didn't... and you ladies got your af and shouldn't have... lol

Chat soon.

Kim if it doesn't happen soon I might need to see a counsellor. I'm not coping very well at the moment. It's hard not to obsess when you are naturally a worrier/ perfectionist!

Sorry your af didn't come. Hopefully the bcp will start regulating your cycle now though.

Kate would you consider herbal supplements? Both vitex and soy isoflavines are meant to be very good at regulating the menstrual cycle and making you ovulate.

I'm taking vitex and starflower oil to regulate my cycles and have just bought a b vitamin complex to help lengthen my luteul phase. As you know I'm also having acupuncture which is meant to help regulate your cycles too.

Just waiting for an out of hours hospital appointment for Freya :-( she had a rash around her eye which has spread and her eye looks all swollen and sore. I've already been waiting 2 hours, it makes me cross, surely they should prioritise a 20 month old. Now I'm going to end up taking her out in the cold and dark past her bedtime when if they'd called earlier we'd have gone straight in. Hope she's ok, poor poppet.

Had a fortune cookie the other day that said I was about to get some good news. Feels like a joke at the moment!! X
Hi Kim & Kate, how are you both doing?

Af has gone now, it was the heaviest af I've had in years and seemed much healthier, bright red rather than the scant browny stop start afs I've had recently. So that's a positive, I'm sure it's down to the acupuncture as he's been doing blood nourishing for me. Hopefully making a nice healthy home for a baby!!

Kate has your af gone? How are you feeling about things?

Kim, I wonder if acupuncture could help with your uterus wall growing? Worth asking? Did your af ever come? I hope you guys are all feeling better now.

I'm off to bed now, got a nasty cough where I just can't stop coughing and its exhausting!!

Take care lovelies xxx
Hey! My af finished today, and my cycle was really good too. Lol that sounds weird but mine was red too and it was a regular length. Here's to hoping I ovulate! I see my obgyn on Monday. I think he will do blood work and an S.A. for my hubbs. Im going to try to push for Clomid. The only reason he doesn't want me to have it is because of the risk of multiples. To be honest, I couldn't handle twins! Imagine how busy that would be!! My mind won't even let me think of triplets. What are you guys doing this weekend?
Hi Kate!

Glad your af seemed healthy too, it seems a weird thing to say doesn't it but somehow a fairy medium to heavy, very red af seems more 'fertile' to me?! Here's hoping anyway......

Are you trying anyway of checking if you ov like opks or temping Kate? I've taken a break from temping during af but ill start again around cd10 ish once we start bding!! Cd8 today. 11 days till I ov!!!

How about you Kim, any af there?

Hmmm you see I'd love twins! I do find one hard to handle sometimes though and of course twice the worry during pregnancy with additional risks etc but still, I'd love it!!

So the weather is beautiful in England at the moment, it's Saturday morning and husband is cooking bacon & eggs!! Then we are off to see peppa pig at a local farm (do you guys have peppa?) and then meeting friends for a late lunch. Tomorrow we need to mow the lawn and tidy our garden!!

How about you, what are your plans?

Becky xx
We do have peppa I think :). We are going to a friends for the night.Its 2 hrs away and Reid is a nightmare in the car. Gone are the days where she use to sleep. I may start temping but I sleep terrible when I temp because I stress about it. Im going to see what the doc says on.Monday and go from there. The weather is starting to shape up here but we certainly aren't ready to start gardens yet. Its supposed to snow on Tuesday :(. It hasn't been much of a Spring.
I'm the same I must admit, temping really affects my sleep because I get anxious to see what's going on. I'm sleeping so well at the moment not doing it. Ill start again Monday tho, can't help myself.

Have a lovely weekend with your friends and I hope the car journey goes ok! X
Reid cried for 45 minutes in the car! How do your little ones do in the car? What am I doing wrong lol
OMG Kate I'm so sorry.

I had trouble with my older DS in the car. The only way for a looong time was a portable dvd player with a show on. I would strap it on to the seat in front of his seat. It's when I started going to Walmart so much, since it's one of the only places that I could get most things and it meant only 1 stop, which was CRUCIAL!!

Oh an my other thing was always food.. lots and lots of food!!

Good luck!

Oh no, sorry Kate, that must be really hard. I haven't experienced this as Freya falls asleep usually in the car and always has.

Sounds silly but I wonder if she has travel sickness and the car makes her feel poorly? Is there a health visitor or similar that you could ask advice?

Other than that as Kim suggested, on times of long journeys when we worried about Freya crying on the motor way, I've sat in the back with her to read to her and play with her to keep her entertained (when chris drives obviously!) or snacks and drinks.x

Hope you have a great weekend away xx
I dont think its much more than not wanting to sit still. I must admit its frustrating.

I saw my obgyn yesterday and he gave me paperwork for day 3 and day 22 bloods as well as an S.A. for dh. My dh did it this morning and im cd9. The doc will see me when all the tests are in so ill have everything done in less than a month. I think he will within a few.months. he.mentioned iui butI dont want to go that route. Ill try until the end of the year before I cconsider iui. Keep in mind my doc thinks I've been trying since the fall. Thats why I think he said that. Although, my obgyn in Vancouver suggested that as well. He said since I've been trying for "nearly a year". We can try the clomid soon, depending on what the bloods show. He is concerned about the sa as am I. Dh's last sa said he only had 2 percent good sperm. Fingers crossed.

In other news, im go if to vegas june 20-23 with my best girlfriend so if im still not pregnant, I won't be too upset that month. Ive never been to Vegas but it will be a fun trip. I finish work for 6 weeks on june 20 and we leave that night, so its a great time to cut loose a bit!
Becky. Is it nearly time to test?

Kim, how have you been enjoying the weather! Its finally nice out.
Hi Kate!!

Not yet, my cycles are a bit longer so I am 2dpo at the moment! I'm hoping my lp is longer this month so I can get near the point of testing!

How about you, where are you in your cycle now and how have your tests been going? I hope hubby's Sa comes back ok. I know I harp on acupuncture all the time but a girl on here had a hubby with a sperm count of 19 million. They both had acu to help ttc and in a very short time his sperm was 58 million!!

Wow Vegas sounds fantastic! I'd absolutely love to go one day, it's on my list!!

So glad it's Friday, day off today and friends coming over with little ones for lunch and then away for the wkend with hubby's bro and fiancé.

How are you Kim? Your scan is not far away now! Fingers crossed xx
Ahh I thought you'd be further in the cycle, testing in 2 weeks then! Hoping for a longer lp for you.

If I o vulated on day 14 (I wish) theb im 6 dpo. I am having what I thought could be o pains yesterday and today but im noticing them on both sides? And I dont even know If I ovulate lol. I dtd last night just in case as I have a lot of ewcm. Tmi sorry! Anyways, part of me thinks I could possibly be pregnant but who the heck knows. Maybe I just o vulated and I'd even take that. Dh did his sa and I have not heard results yet. I do day 22 bloods on monday. Then day 3 bloods next cycle. I make my next ob appt after that.

We are just going to watch tv and have a quiet weekend :)
Sorry Kate :-( it's really hard isn't it. How many dpo are you now, could it just be too early? I know you are not 100% sure if you are ovulating so maybe you ovulated but a bit later. It's so exhauSting trying to figure it all out though, I understand. Sending hugs to you. Have you had your appointment yet or is it soon?

Kim still thinking of you. I hope you are well and I understand why you probably feel like getting away from bnb and not thinking about it all but if you pop in, just sending love! Your scan really isn't long away now, hoping for good news!

As for me. I had a really shitty day yesterday. Firstly on 7dpo and last night I found brown cm on checking my cervix. Last 2 cycles that has the been the first indicator that af is coming, and of course way too early. I'm 9dpo today and af came 10dpo last cycle so I'm just praying it stays away but deep down I feel like I'm kidding myself. The brown cm is there, she is coming :cry: to top it all a friend in my nct antenatal group had a baby yesterday, another friend who had a baby 2 months before me told me she was pregnant. I just want to sob at the moment. But hey, generally I'm more up than down, just a bit down at the moment.

Sending lots of love. We will all get there!! Xx
Im sorry Becky, hopefully you dont see af for a long time!
im sure im out thia month. Af is due tomorrow but my cycles are crazy lately so who knows. I do day 3 bloods this coming cycle and then make the appt from there. I should get some answers then I think.

Thinking of you kim!
Hi Kate,

Just checking in to see how you're doing. Any news? Did you have your appointment after your bloods yet?

No news here. That was af in my post above and i had another short cycle after that so I'm cd8 now. My lp is still 8-10 days, no improvement. I just don't know where to turn for help now, acupuncture hasn't helped.

Can't believe how easy it was last time in comparison. Anyway, I hope you are having more luck than me.

Hi Becky, sorry to hear you are not having any luck with your lp. My bloods were ok and dhs S.A. was good too. Still not pregnant thougg. Im CD 5 today. Hoping to be lucky this cycle! are you about to ovulate now?

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