Hey Ladies
Wow Kate!! good job Reid!! As for Cameron, he's about half potty trained, I think if we put some effort in, he'd be trained during the day

We haven't changed a poopy diaper in over 2 months, he always tells us when he needs to poop. He tells us when he needs to pee about half of the time. It was funny though until this week he wouldn't even sit on the potty at daycare!! hahaha then yesterday he wouldn't get off, the daycare lady said it's the first time that she's ever had to bribe a kid to get OFF the potty hahahaha
Becky good job on the promotion. I know work and stuff can be hard, but in my little head

things will work out, we're only off for a year and to be honest, things tend not to change that much in a year. Glad to hear that you are relaxing a bit, this TTC stuff is exhausting, hopefully we all get our bfps shortly and get to be bump buddies again

maybe your body was just waiting for me, and my body says thank you
And Kate no you shouldn't feel bad about the raise, you've earned it! I figure that really by the time you tell them your pregnant would be 3 - 4 months away at the earliest right?
AFM I am excited that I can get pregnant! my body is such a mess since being on bcp that who knows when I have ovulated, I'm looking forward to getting AF since I'm very regular off bcp and ov cd 7/8. My OH is comfortable if we get a bfp now

and knowing that I will be sectioned between 35 and 37 weeks is kinda neat too hahaha I put on A LOT of weight at the end so it'll be nice to not have those last few weeks. I was sectioned at 39 weeks with Cameron and 40 with Logan.
Because of what happened the last time I told my boss that I was trying to get pregnant (he came on to me...) I am reluctant to say anything. I'm a little torn because I know that I will have a lot of extra doc apts... but I figure I'll wait and see if I can swing it. I work from home 1 day a week, and will put as many apts as I can on those days, then he'll never know! I know the age gap is going to be longer than we had initially wanted, but there are some positives, Cameron will be closer to 3 when the new one hopefully comes, then I'll be off for 1 yr, so he'll be close to 4 when I go back to work, he'll start school the September when he's 4 (full days here) so we'll only have 2 in daycare for the summer! THat's a big deal financially, we spend about $1200/ month for Cameron right now. I also found the 5 yr age gap between Logan and Cameron has been awesome, Logan is old enough to understand that the baby needed more attention at times etc. I was able to explain to him that we would have special time with him always slotted in. I know at 3 years old Cameron won't be as understanding but I think better than 2
Well I've blabbed enough for a day
No real summer plans here, we took the last week of August off, but haven't figured out what we're doing yet...
We're having Cameron's bday party this coming weekend.. his bday is the 28th of June but that fell on a long weekend here so we're having the party the week before
Have a good day!!