Surprise pregnancy support thread...

Sideways 8

2 toddlers
Oct 11, 2010
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Is there a thread out there that anyone knows of, for folks with surprise pregnancies? I just found out I'm pregnant with #2. My daughter is 7 months old and I had no idea I was ovulating, based on my BBT. Apparently either I'm an idiot to temping, or something weird happened lol.

Either way, if anyone knows of a thread, could you point me to it?

If not, we can make this one the official thread if you want.
:flower: Can I join please? I am pregnant with our first. Massive (though happy) surprise, but the timing is really poor! Would be nice to have some other surprised mamas to chat with.
I've been looking for something like this my whole pregnancy. I hope I can join even though I'm not exactly first tri..... :)
can i join also :D im currently 11 weeks pregnant (i think) with a total surprise baby (even took the map) i have 3 kids eldest is 9 middle is 8 and my youngest is 7 months xx
Can I also join :) sounds like something I've looked for for weeks lol. I'm 10+4 from LMP and we're having a big surprise a year or so earlier than planned lol xxx
mine was a huge surprise i have 3 kids already a 12yr old 4yr old and 11 month old and i had just started a new relationship and must have got pregnant in a week because we only been together 4 weeks when i missed my period (split condom) huge shocker but im not unhappy about it just wake up daily thinking omg im pregnant again! lol x
I'll happily join too!

We were just seeing what happened, but I was being really careful around the time that I was ovulating (or so I thought!). Clearly didn't work, so here I am. We're over the moon and it's the best surprise I've ever had, but timing is also pretty rubbish for us as we both still live with our parents and have to deal with moving out and getting used to paying bills, along with preparing for a baby. Going to be a busy year!

Great idea for a thread. :thumbup:
mine was a huge surprise i have 3 kids already a 12yr old 4yr old and 11 month old and i had just started a new relationship and must have got pregnant in a week because we only been together 4 weeks when i missed my period (split condom) huge shocker but im not unhappy about it just wake up daily thinking omg im pregnant again! lol x

Oh my, that is a huge shock! We've been together 3 years and it took its time to sink in haha! How did your OH take it? xx
I'd like to join! This one was a surprise. I wasn't charting but was trying to be careful when I thought I was ovulating, guess I wasn't careful enough!
When are you due Sideways8?
Meee too. Only been with my bf three months and now we are expecting twins. Not great for the relationship that should be in the honeymoon phase as im a grumpy, sick cow..
We are trying to embrace it and get excited and have just got engaged but its all about a year too soon... And TWINS??!! Helppppp
SURPRISEEEE!!!! We were NTNP and WTC after the summer because we had a MC already this year and voila!!!

I am PG!

I thank God anyhow. Taking it a day at a time.
I just found out on Monday that I was pregnant- Complete suprise as i've been on the pill....and while it was a bit of a shock i'm feeling quite happy about it as i dont hink we would have ever got round to actually deciding the right time!! lol
wow! lots of support there. Sorry for posting and running! Glad to see I'm not alone though.

I found out last night when they did a urinalysis at the ER (was there for severe dehydration).

DH and I wanted to WTT until May when we returned from our beach trip. The whole reason we set up the beach trip when we did was so we could work around our TTC schedule! So, originally I was going to eat tons of shellfish and drink lots of margaritas, it doesn't look like that's happening. :growl: :haha:

I mostly wanted a support thread because surprise pregnancies, as I've found out, can be pretty stressful. I find myself worrying about the baby being ok. Especially since I drank when DH and I would go out for dinner, took some Pepto Bismol for stomach aches, dieted, etc. Luckily I was taking my prenatal vitamins since about January because I wanted to build up the folic acid in my system prior to TTC.

:hugs: for all the other surprised ladies!
Dolly, the quickness that my HPT worked made me wonder if it's twins, too! The test line came up way before the control line ever did. And I'm not even 4 weeks yet!
Right here!!! DH and I just got over the worst pregnancy of my life with my daughter who is now 10 months, and BAM! we're expecting again!!! we are soooo confused, have no idea how it happenned...I cried for a week straight...we were not ready at this point, would have wanted to wait at least 3 more years before going through it again and here I am, 10 months later morning sickness and all. How will I manage 2 under 2???
Hey ladies!!!

Big surprise pregnancy here after 9 years of infertility and endometriosis and apparently having conceived 3 weeks after ovulation period!!!
And it's the worst possible timing for me too. Been dreaming about this baby for a long time and BAM!!! Just when i'm finally unemployed, single and have no home! :D

This fertility goddess is one funny little trickster i tell ya!

Glad i'm not the only one! I've been a bit of a mess to be honest. Trying to be thankful for what I've always wanted while and not be depressed about the surrounding circumstances.

Have NO CLUE how i'm gonna pull this off. Hee hee!
But you know what would make me feel really good right now is that decadent chocolate cake in Sideways avatar! yum yum! ;)
Hi Ladies! Can I join too???? This was definitely a surprise baby! We definitely wanted to have another child so our DD wouldn't be an only child, but this was not exactly the time we were thinking! We have just moved into our new place, I am working on finishing my degree, & DH just got a new job. I was actually looking to find a new job, but looks like that won't be happening now as I wouldn't qualify for FMLA and so my job wouldn't be secure while I was on maternity leave. Turns out this baby is due right when I will be taking my finals (of my last semester) - talk about awesome timing! :haha: I still wake up every morning forgetting that I AM pregnant!
I'm so glad that this thread is here! Story time! So I got pregnant really young, so wanted to wait a little while before baby #2 we always figured we would have more, but we just moved into a new place, small two bedroom with no place to put the new baby, still in school and trying to make our way financially. This one was a surprise, thought we were being careful especially since between school, toddler, and work (my OH works the night shift I work the day shift) we hardly even HAVE sex! lol! We're excited but also a little scared.

Though it's not even really that other stuff I'm worried about, I know we'll make due like always-it's actually the concernment that my DS now has to share my attention and I know this may sound silly but I don't know if I'm ready for that yet. Anyone else feel this way? I love my son so much and kind of don't want to share it at all. I'm sure I will probably feel differently after the baby is here or maybe even when I start getting farther along?
Hi Ladies! Can I join too???? This was definitely a surprise baby! We definitely wanted to have another child so our DD wouldn't be an only child, but this was not exactly the time we were thinking! We have just moved into our new place, I am working on finishing my degree, & DH just got a new job. I was actually looking to find a new job, but looks like that won't be happening now as I wouldn't qualify for FMLA and so my job wouldn't be secure while I was on maternity leave. Turns out this baby is due right when I will be taking my finals (of my last semester) - talk about awesome timing! :haha: I still wake up every morning forgetting that I AM pregnant!

My baby is due right over exams as well. Not my finals but still pretty big ones. I'm having a disagreement with the university just now as they want me to miss that whole semester, but I want to do it and if I don't make it to exams then I can resit in the August, cause that way I get so much more time at home with baby, rather than sitting around for 5 months before he/she is due!

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