Surprise pregnancy support thread...

How about if you give them an invitation? A pretty looking one that says "You're invited" and then have all the info filled out like Location:Such and such hospital On: Baby's due date. etc.
aw that's a cute idea, young! I'm not going to announce for a while, but thought about doing the 8-week ultrasound picture on FB and titling it "WHOOPS!!" :haha:
I'd like to join! My fiance & I were engaged for 4 months when we found out I was pregnant. We're having a baby girl who is due June 14th. :)
Well despite all your lovely ideas we told our families and just blurted it out! They're all really pleased if a bit shell shocked! I don't think my dad has spoken since we told him :haha: My MIL asked if it was planned (rude!) but it was generally much better than the reaction we were expecting so I'm trying not to dwell on it too much. How is everyone doing? Any scans/updates?
I had a scan just yesterday! 13w2d Baby is doing really well and we just announced it on facebook to the public. And pretty creatively might I add. I will post the link here if anyone wants to see what we made :)
I had a scan just yesterday! 13w2d Baby is doing really well and we just announced it on facebook to the public. And pretty creatively might I add. I will post the link here if anyone wants to see what we made :)

Congratulations that's great news! And yes I'd love to see your announcement :)
Ok :) My boyfriend and I made this for our baby announcement with our friends help on editing. The first part is kind of loud but the rest of it is kind of quiet so may have to adjust the volume a couple times.
Youngnproud that was fab! And your wee boy is so cute!
Ah wow that was amazing, so creative! And your son is SO cute! I particularly liked the bit of him giggling while playing with the cat, so sweet. The quotes at the end are brilliant too :haha:
ag! I can't stand the "was it planned" question. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the whole "have you been having a lot of sex" underlying question, or the assumption that maybe we weren't hoping to be pregnant to start with and that a surprise would still not be as exciting (if that makes sense).

I remember lots of stupid questions like that during pregnancy... stuff that really isn't anyone's business! Get ready, first-timers. lol. I kept a chart at work of about 6-7 common questions that I was asked on a daily basis by anyone/everyone including strangers, and a tally by each question LOL. It's unreal how often you get asked stuff! "When is the baby due" "Is it a boy or a girl" "What's his/her name?" "Was it planned?" "Are you BF or FF?" :wacko:
I hate that question too sideways 8, it makes me feel like because it wasn't planned that somehow that demeans how excited we are for it, or that somehow now it's got a stigma too it. Or sometimes I feel like it's on the opposite side, where if people think that it WAS planned that they have a right to judge me because it wasn't exactly our "opportune moment" BAH! whatever.

On another note-Thanks Ladies I'm glad you like the video! I had a lot of fun putting it together!
I've hardly told anyone yet but have already had the 'was it planned?' question - from my MIL of all people! I just feel like saying well whether it was planned or not, we're announcing it to you like we're thrilled so it's obviously happy news - why can't you just be happy for us? And I agree it feels like they're questioning your judgment - like obviously it couldn't have been planned because why on earth would you have planned one now. We haven't even made it 'public' yet, just told parents and a few close friends (although I'm sure MIL's blabbed already - but that's a whole different story!). Gah!

We just lie and say yes. It was only a couple of months before we planned on TTC anyway, we're thrilled and it's none of their damn business. If our child ever wants to ask then I'll explain but I don't see why the whole world should know that our baby was unplanned before they even know! I feels like it taints it somehow, like we should be less excited.
Ugh the whole was it planned thing annoys the hell out of me, is it any ones!
My OH ex when she found out I was pregnant last time, demanded to know if it was planned, I refused to answer. So she made up a fb account (she was blocked already from both ours) and got my mum and sisters fb accounts and private messages them both. To tell them what a horrible person I was and did they realise I had 'trapped' my OH by taking antibiotics whilst on the pill so that the pill wouldn't work....WTF.....lady is crazy completely made it up. Just because we wouldn't tell her all our own business. Lucky my mum and sister know me better than her(she never met me) and just ignored her. Thing is she had got married a couple of weeks before, seems like she's allowed to be happy and move on but my OH is not allowed to have a life without her! I really don't understand how he could have went out with someone as crazy as that, hes such a nice guy lol
Baby Bell what a freak! I've made up my mind to just flat-out say "no" if someone asks if this one was planned. Just to gauge their reaction. And since I'm pregnant I get to use that "pregnant bitch" card :rofl: This time around my hormones are all wack because I really feel like telling everyone off for every little thing anyway lol. This baby has made me a mean old witch! :haha:
This is getting to me to. So annoying. I'm still finding it hard to explain cos we were planning on trying next year but are having a wee surprise so it wasn't unplanned,just earlier than planned but people are always so nosey about it xx
We officially announced this weekend and you know what, my family and friends have been very supportive. No one has asked whether or not this baby was planned or not. They all know ....well most of them know.... about my PCOS so they're just happy we're happy. The only person we were worried about was my MIL and she's happy about it. She's one of those people though that doesn't really talk about the baby until Your showing....she's just superstitious. but I'm already starting to pop....yeah for second babies. lol.
I'm at nearly 7 weeks and already showing a little bit I think :blush: although I seriously think it's just 1st tri bloat.
I'm at nearly 7 weeks and already showing a little bit I think :blush: although I seriously think it's just 1st tri bloat.

could be. I knew that I would be in maternity clothes earlier this time because I'm a a bigger girl anyway.... When I suck it in, I can see where the baby actually is, but your on baby #2 as well so it could be a similar situation. second babies always show sooner because all our muscles are lax. On top of that I had a cs last time so my muscles are even more lazy.
yeah it's what I've heard about 2nd babies. But... I did tons of restrengthening exercises for my abs (designed for post-partum) and I had a really flat stomach up until about a week ago. So who knows :shrug:

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