Sorry to have written an essay - thanks so much for this thread, it's nice to have somewhere to get this off my chest even if no one replies. Like I say I feel so bad for even feeling this way and people seem to think you either want a pregnancy or you don't - you're thrilled or you're gutted - no shades of grey. It's nice to have this thread where I know you ladies will understand.
Yes! This is exactly what I was trying to say except I couldn't quite word it well. I don't want people to get the impression that I am not excited-my OH and I are thrilled to be parents again and have a little baby in our arms again, especially since it's been so bitter sweet to watch our first LO grow up so fast. But we are a pretty young couple and still trying to figure our lives out which is hard enough with one baby. Now I've got one on the way, and there is just so much to be nervous about. But excited all the same. I know once I get to hear the baby's heartbeat (only a few more days now!!) and see that everything is good on the scan (I am really nervous about that, more nervous than last time eek!) than this will all become more real and I will fall in love all over again. I mean that's how it works right? You can never understand true love until you have a child, and you will never know the amount you can love until you have more. That's what I hear anyway. The first part I know is true through experience.
I totally feel the same as you two! I feel guilty even thinking about how this may not have been the best timing and how in the world am I going to get everything figured out!! But, I am over the moon that we are having another child, it's just taking some time to get used to the thought. DH is a little more apprehensive about it all, I mean he is completely excited and wants this baby, however, he's not ready to share himself yet. Him and DD are like 2 peas in a pod & best friends - he's not ready to give that up just yet. I'm also super worried that I'm not going to do a good job of making DD feel included in everything - I don't want her to feel abandoned because of all the time I'll have to spend with the baby. And she's going to be almost 7 years old when the baby is born so she'll have a pretty good sense if we aren't paying enough attention to her.