Surprise pregnancy support thread...

So how did everyone's partner take the news. It took 3 tests to convince my OH that I was preg, and then he was that shocked he didn't speak for 3 days! :dohh:
mine was a huge surprise i have 3 kids already a 12yr old 4yr old and 11 month old and i had just started a new relationship and must have got pregnant in a week because we only been together 4 weeks when i missed my period (split condom) huge shocker but im not unhappy about it just wake up daily thinking omg im pregnant again! lol x

Oh my, that is a huge shock! We've been together 3 years and it took its time to sink in haha! How did your OH take it? xx

hes over the moon about it this will be his first so hes really excited im not unhappy about it but it hasent sunk in yet for me lol x
So how did everyone's partner take the news. It took 3 tests to convince my OH that I was preg, and then he was that shocked he didn't speak for 3 days! :dohh:

hahaha yeah it has that affect sometimes!
I had such a shock with this little bean, gave birth to a beautiful baby girl last November and was happily enjoying just being a mum again, losing weight and getting my muscles back in order. I was on the Evra contraceptive patch (a bit like a nicotine patch but with hormones which you change once a week) when i began joking to my OH that i thought i could be pregnant because i had been feeling off colour and sick. Nearly fell off the loo when i took a pregnancy test and it turned out postive!!! Sometimes i still don't believe it's real, my first scan is 18th May.
So how did everyone's partner take the news. It took 3 tests to convince my OH that I was preg, and then he was that shocked he didn't speak for 3 days! :dohh:

My OH and I were both so shocked. There was tears,not sad but not entirely happy - more just shock,and lots of talking about how our plans for this summer and the rest of this year would change. We were also terrified of telling or parents as we didn't want them to feel disappointed in us or anything. Now that it's been a few weeks we've made a list of what we need and my OH even asked if we could go into mothercare and look at a pram that we had likes. It's amazing how quickly things change lol xxx
My DH was as shocked as me. We have been using condoms since Bonnie's birth, and the ONE night I told him not to worry about using one since I'm not ovulating, is the night I conceived! :dohh: God must have special plans for this baby lol

Hugs to those who are struggling with this! I finally woke up today kind of excited about it all, but like a PP said I am also worried about poor Bonnie not getting all the attention she's used to getting. But maybe that'll be good for her in the long run. We don't need her going around acting like an entitled princess when she's older, right? :haha:
Can I join this thread? Our pregnancy was a surprise. Our wee boy was born sleeping at 36 weeks, in dec and we had thought we would wait until at least may or June to start TTC. We assumed that it would take a while to conceive. But we had sex unprotected once and here I am. This baby is due 6 days after my sons birthday, and that breaks my heart. All he has in this world that is truly his is his birthday and now there's a chance he will have to share that:cry:
I hope no one gets me wrong, I am delighted to be pregnant but it happened just a bit too soon, still grieving for my son Iv not even returned to work yet. But we love this wee one, and we love our angel boy!
I was super surprised when i found out but I kind of had a feeling. Turns out the one time we had sex was the time I was ovulating. Expecting baby #4 in 12/2012
So how did everyone's partner take the news. It took 3 tests to convince my OH that I was preg, and then he was that shocked he didn't speak for 3 days! :dohh:

lol my hub didn't believe me his words were " I barely tapped that, theres no way" then I reminded him of the one night he did tapped that and he just had an OH SHIT look on his face!!!!
So how did everyone's partner take the news. It took 3 tests to convince my OH that I was preg, and then he was that shocked he didn't speak for 3 days! :dohh:

My poor OH was at work! I did the test and just as it came up positive he rang me on his tea break! I couldn't not tell him because the minute he spoke to me he knew something was up, he went very quiet and then started laughing and said we'd talk about it when he got home then he had to go back to work i really felt sorry for him! 10 mins later he called me again having explained to his boss and we got to chat about it for a little while which was nice of them. We were both as stunned as each other but now it's sunk in we're getting used to the idea and starting to look forward to it
Can I join this thread? Our pregnancy was a surprise. Our wee boy was born sleeping at 36 weeks, in dec and we had thought we would wait until at least may or June to start TTC. We assumed that it would take a while to conceive. But we had sex unprotected once and here I am. This baby is due 6 days after my sons birthday, and that breaks my heart. All he has in this world that is truly his is his birthday and now there's a chance he will have to share that:cry:
I hope no one gets me wrong, I am delighted to be pregnant but it happened just a bit too soon, still grieving for my son Iv not even returned to work yet. But we love this wee one, and we love our angel boy!

:hugs: I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine what you've been going through. :hugs: Congrats on your pregnancy.

Maybe we should post this thread in the pregnancy groups section? Then all trimester ladies could join?
Baby Bell :hugs: I am soooo sorry for your loss. Congratulations on your rainbow baby. :)

Looks like I'm not the only one who didn't use protection once and then BAM! Sperm meets egg :haha:

I was totally convinced TTC would take a while with this one as it did for my first, because of my irregular cycles.

BadassMom, I have no problem moving the thread, but I think it might get more traffic in 1st tri.. :shrug: Especially since a lot of folks may just be joining BnB for the first time looking for support.
*waves* Hello. This was definitely a surprise for me. When my period didn't arrive I thought I was becoming infertile, didn't really think me being pregnant was possible, I only took the test to exclude the idea of pregnancy. o_O First I nearly fell off the toilet, then I panicked and grabbed for the instructions to the test, and then I burst into tears. :p

Me and my partner have just moved into a new place and signed a 2 year lease, and it's not really suitable. Plus we decided this would be the year we'd work loads and try and pay off our epic debt. Turns out our bodies had another plan. Turns out the one time we didn't use protection was the right time. Eep. I'd only just persuaded my OH to agree to have children in the longtime future a week before my LMP. I think my uterus heard him and took that as permission. :S

I think we've come round to the idea now, just trying to sort things out and get ourselves in the best position for when baby comes.
BadassMom, I have no problem moving the thread, but I think it might get more traffic in 1st tri.. :shrug: Especially since a lot of folks may just be joining BnB for the first time looking for support.

That's true, that way they could see it right away. I wish I had this thread when I first found out!!
I'm honestly surprised there wasn't one to start with! :)

Knowing I'm not alone in a world of mostly TTC'ers makes me feel better.
This baby is kind of a surprise. I was diagnosed with PCOS in January after missing my period for 3 months. Tests were done and it showed that it was not pregnancy but that I had cysts and my hormones were positive results for PCOS. The doctor told us that it would take months if not years to have a second baby, so we kind of didn't try but didn't prevent either. I was using OPK's just to find out if I would get my period back. (did finally get my period in Feb and lasted 2 weeks) so when I got the positive OPK, I just thought phew...actually going to get a period this month. The doctor referred me to my Gyno for further fertility testing but it was a 3 month wait. I joked with my DH about how it would be funny if I got pregnant before that appt.

Well when they say it only takes one time to get pregnant they weren't joking. I had a feeling that something wasn't right around March 25th (which was about 3 days before my period was expected) and it turned up a faint positive.

Dh wasn't convinced because we had two evaps the previous months when I'd missed my period. It took a week and a dozen positive tests to convince him. IT's not the best timing in teh hubby just went into business with my Dad and we'd just agreed that I would stay at home for a while.

Our house is only a two bedroom bungalow with no room for a new baby but we're going to make it work and possibly looking to sell and re-buy next spring.

I just can't believe how lucky we are to have conceived after being told it would take months to years.

Congrats to all you other ladies out there. Surprise or not, it's still a blessing!
Thanks for your story, Kahlan. I'm very to sorry to hear of your PCOS diagnosis. That must not be fun :(
Thanks for your story, Kahlan. I'm very to sorry to hear of your PCOS diagnosis. That must not be fun :(

I kind of expected it. I've had other symptoms of it for years but my blood work always came back saying that PCOS wasn't the cause, so it was more of a relief to finally have a definitive answer to my issues. It's a blessing and a shock to have gotten pregnant so soon.

besides that, this baby will be special in its own right because it happened so quickly and I can call him or her my miracle. I was kind of worried that my second child would not be as special as my son because he was my first and always would have that place in my heart. I just hope he's a good big brother!
Hello , I'm ten weeks to a supprise , my little ladys 18 months I split with her dad in November and had a very short not very nice rebound relationship with an ex who is on drugs and after splitting up because I put me and my daughter first he decided to rape me , me being stupid I never got morning after pill , but after him recently kicking of a neighbour rang police and I'm now trying to get him rightly or wrongly out mine and kids life until he's off drugs but im happy with my supprise xx

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