Thats fine but i dont think people should delude themselves into thinking formula companies think breast is best
I dont honestly think anyone does. Do you? Its abo as true as furniture stores claiming its 50% off. No on believes that either but its all part of marketing
Maybe no one on here (we're all quite educated and interested in regards to parenting or we wouldnt be on bnb) but I'm pretty sure there will be women out there who do.
I do remember seeing a mother on some sort of teen documentary I was watching who believe that Aptimil was powdered breast milk
However I assumed that these people are an extreame minoirty. Least I bloody hope so!
Really there isnt that much choice in terms of brands you are really looking at 3. Which if y consider the choice in say butter/bread its nothing. Even just standard cows Milk I can thing of more.
In terms of my pregnancy I attened 3-4 hours of breast 'feeding awarnes' from a breast feeding workshop to antenatal to a meeting with my MW. Before Birth after than I must have had at least a further 4 hours of help with breast feeding and we only got to day 2 before she was on formula.
So I personally think its a good thing that the information is supplied by the manufactors cos really no one else is helping you out with it. I was give no more than 1 hours information about formula feeding. It was through getting information from cow and gate that I foudn the whys and where fors of say making as you go and steralising the powder.