TCC After Ectopic buddy needed

Lucy-how are you and Ivan doing? It will be great to celebrate his first Holiday season!!!

Afm-I am officially 24 weeks which I just learned is vday which makes me happy!!! 16 more weeks to go!!!

How are all you other ladies doing?!
AM hi :) happy 24 weeks !!! Wow time us flying by.

We are so excited to have Ivan with us for Xmas. It will def be a special occasion for us. I can't wait until he is old enough to enjoy opening presents too, I know it's a while away but it will be here before long

Hope everyone is doing well
Hey ladies just checking in to see how everyone's been doing! It's been awhile!! Hope all is going well for everyone!
Hi AM!!

It's been ages hasn't it?

I hope you are's all the planning going? Have u done a nursery yet! How's your pregnancy going?

Lucy I hope you and Ivan are well. How are you?

Afm..... I'm good, time us flying by sooooo much!! I don't have much to report. We are extending our home so I cross my fingers it's done by April
CMC- I am glad you are doing well!! Oh yes I hope your addition on your house is done before the baby comes too! Are you still measuring a week early? Last time I went I was a day early haha but we shall see!!

AFM- yes yes we just started painting the nursery! We are doing and underwater theme and my husband is hand drawing everything and painting! I attached a couple pics so you can see! HOPEFULLY it's all done next week! Our crib just came in and my in-laws bought the matching dresser so this weekend we should get those and then in the next few weeks set it up! I have my baby shower Feb. 22 so after that we should have everything ready to go!! Do you knwo what position she is in? Last time I went they said they couldn't tell but it was ok as long as by March he is head down lol!
Awww I can't wait to see the finished photos I love looking at interiors especially nurseries

Yes baby is measuring even further ahead at 5th April now but my due date still is 7th.....I think I'm just going to have another big baby but not early lol!!

Yes head was down last week at my 28week scan though my dd didn't turn till 34 weeks do plenty of time for your wee boy to move!!

It's so cool your DH is hand painting it all it soon brill
CMC- Awesome!!! She is already down and ready to go! Did you get an ultrasound? I haven't had an ultrasound since my 20 week scan and I really want another one hahaha!!!

And here's a pic!!..I know it's kinda hard to see BUT we did a lot more since these pics so hopefully I can take more this weekend! We are almost finished! :) There is sad on the bottom and a bunch of seaweed, starfish, sunken ship and other things too :) I will upload one Monday since we will be painting over the weekend! We just have the birthing class tomorrow!
Ww it looks fab...your hubby is amazing doing it all by hand!!

My little girl would love that herself as she loves flounders and Sebastian from little mermaid

Yeah I got an ultrasound at 28 weeks...they guessed baby to be around 2lbs 9oz then and head was down, with my dd she waited to 34 weeks!!!

Though I never believe weights a they said dd was 8lbs1oz from a scan then 3 days later she arrived weighing 9lbs9.5oz
Thank you!!! All the sand is done too and some more of the fish is done but I haven't taken a recent pic. But I will for sure this weekend!!

Hmm I think I am going to ask my midwife at my appt. on Tuesday to see if we get another ultrasound! Wow I am surprised they waited 34 weeks for the first one and this one was at 28 weeks haha...I an 28 and a few days now so I am sure they wont do mine till around 34-35 weeks too!
hi ladies :wave:

sorry I have been MIA, I came back to work four weeks ago and have been busy with work and Ivan luckily my hubby is at home and watches him and does the night feedings too so that I can sleep. this weekend its the X-Games so we are super busy with a bunch of young adults getting drunk and acting stupid :/

I cant believe how much time had passed already you guys are almost at the finish line so exciting :) and just realized my sister is do around the same time so excited to meet my nephew and your babies as well

Ivan is doing great he is so big now compared to when he was first born, he is however still measuring small but I just think he is a small baby he's finally into newborn clothes he's already a month and half old. he is eating like a champ

I have lost the baby weight :) YAY !!!! LOL I keep getting told that I don't even look like a had a baby which honestly I don't know how to take. I had one lady at the market next door that couldn't believe that I had a baby when I went to buy a pack of diapers. I had to show her a pic of us for her to finally believe me.

AM love the room so cool that your hubby is painting all that we went the easy way and bought wall decals lol

CMC wow I wonder how much our baby is going to weigh and your right about the u/s weight they are not accurate tho Ivan was pretty close to what they had told me
AM they did regular scans too with Ava but her head was not down Till 34 weeks she was a lazy wee rascal ! This baby is defo more active so could be turning the wrong way some day for all I know

Lucy so good you're doing well I cannot believe you're working u must be Wonder Woman!!!!! Glad wee Ivan is getting big.... It's scary how fast time goes when they arrive
Was diagnosed with my ep November 21 and received mtx, on nov25 my hog had already dropped to half what it was but unfortunately I had shot number 2 before my blood had Come back. My doctor said I would be ok to ttc after 3 months, or 2 cycles.

I am so scared to ttc but anxious too, it's the worste feeling!
Hi scarlet, I know it's the scariest thought to try but myself, amcoleechi and Lucy529 have all been there........ I have had so much support from this baby is due in April!!

Wishing you a fast journey to your rainbow
Hello all! I had an ectopic treated with mtx in 2008. We are just now ttc. I am excited and scared and so many other emotions. So glad that there is support here :)
Lucy-OMG you are back at work already!??! How old is Ivan now!? OMG upload a new baby pic!!! So cute he is finally in bigger clothes!! OMG SUPER JEALOUS you lost all the baby weight!! How did you do it?!!? I am so nervous that it will take me a year or so hahaha!! So happy that you guy are doing so great!!!

CMC-Awww that's so awesome this baby girl is so active!!! I wonder if she will come out even earlier, she sounds like she is ready to go hahaha!! I can't wait, we are so close now!!!

AFM-just turned 29 weeks, we have my shower is a couple week. Almost done with the painting of the baby room! We also got our crib with the changing table and the dresser this weekend so once the room is done we will set those up!!

WELCOME NEW LADIES!!! Just like CMC said, we all have been there and it is DEPRESSING in the beginning. You feel like it's never going to happen again and you just want to give up on everything BUT these ladies in this group are amazing! I was so depressed but then found them and they were so helpful and encouraging! And Lucy just had a baby! CMC and I are due fairly soon, so it's good to know it will happen for you guys too!! If you ladies have any questions definitely ask, we are more than happy to help!! :)
hi ladies :wave:

to our new members, I am so sorry for your loss and that you find yourself in this hard and very emotional rollercoaster. but I can tell you that it can happen, you can get your rainbow we are all here for you girls huge huge :hugs:

AM :wave: Ivan is now 7 weeks old almost 8 LOL he has grown so much and eats like a champ :) some of the nb clothes fit him some don't but he's still small so am not worried as long as he's thriving the dr is happy.
I came back to work when he was 3 weeks old my hubby was done with his work so he stays home and takes care of him which am happy for bc he does such a great job. i still go home and bath Ivan and wash his bottles and spend a bit of time with him until bed time. i feel like am the husband LOL but with some of the wifely duties still
most of the weight came off after birth and then i just went back to my low carb diet and lost the rest. i have diabetes so getting things under control was a must for me and am glad i did i feel more normal now and bc i over weight i want to get into shape before summer bc i want to take him to the park to play and do things that i know i wouldn't be able to do other wise.

I can't believe how close you ladies are to meeting your los i can't wait :) i will def upload some pics of my munchkin :)
Thanks ladies! It's nice to hear success stories. I hope this time ttc will be quick, before this ep we had been trying on and off for almost 2 years.
Scarlett I was trying for the same time when I hot my ep. Hugs Hun pying it happens fast for you.

And here is my munchkin ....
Ivan and daddy two nights ago :)
My lo about a week ago :) love those cheeks
hi guys,

hope i can jump in too... :) i was just looking around for a similar story to mine and stumbled across this thread.

i had an EP in august, treated with a shot of mtx. i was 7.5 weeks

it was pretty devastating. ive been 'ready' for a while now and we finally decided it was the right time. got my BFP in the first cycle of really trying (charting properly) so we were feeling really great about it all.

after the EP i guess i kind of expected that we'd conceive really easily again, but the months have passed, and nothing. ive been stressing myself out and AF was coming later and later each month as a result.

one of the main reasons for the stress is that i am kind of terrified to fall pregnant again. im afraid we'll lose it again. i'm afraid of the pain of the MC. and afraid that i'll end up in the hospital again.

at the same time, i'm also afraid that i'll never get pregnant again, that we have had our one shot. And it seems like everyone around us is getting pregnant, its awful. i am genuinely happy for every announcement, but each new one reminds me that we have nothing to announce. i want to be next...

this doom-and-gloom attitude has been dogging me for the last 4 cycles, even making me hesitant to BD. its like, if we dont try then we havent failed, right? so if i avoid BD on the right days then i can blame that rather than my body letting me down.

this cycle i've actually started to feel positive again, and i'm thinking these gloomy thoughts less and less. i'm still really worried but at the same time, im taking joy in thinking about 'when it happens' and 'what if' and 'i wonder if this tiime was the right time'.

i just ov'd a few days ago, so i'm excited to start testing next week or so. fingers and toes crossed.

hopefully i'll have a positive story to share soon

Lynn-the pics are ADORABLE!!!! Such a cute family!!!!!

Simone-I was so WORRIED too after my ectopic that when I got prego again it would be ectopic and it was not! ANd my story is crazy. First in January of last year we found out my husband has a 2% sperm morphology which means only 2% of his entire sperm is rightly shaped! So we had a 2% chance of getting prego naturally every month. So we went and started IUI's. The first one failed. The second one I got pregnant but sadly lost it due to ectopic. My ectopic was so bad I lost my left Fallopian tube! So now I have one tube, my husband's sperm aren't the greatest and two failed IUI's, I thought we were done. I was DEVASTATED. So while my hormone levels were falling back to 0 we got the okay to try again and to our surprise we got PREGNANT! So not only did we show that 2% sperm morphology, I only have one tube too!! So trust me, you will defy all the odds and get pregnant asap!!!! GL ladies!!

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