butterflies - sorry for making you wanna test lol but it hast helped me any i am none the wiser and i STILL want to test!!! can you see anything on them by the way??
Thanks Mrs.MM, skeet and kitcat for your support!! It has pretty much gone again now,just tiny bits of brown sort of *in there* lol. i really thought i would be on full blown af by now.
I never ever have spotting either so fx'd!! I just went and bought some superdrug tests as they on offer 4 'early' midstream tests for £7.99. However i am dubious to use them as i bought the ovulation ones the first time i tried ov sticks and i got a positive every single time on them... sooo... if i do get a pos on one i wont know whether to trust it!!
I still have 3 dipsticks left too but think i have given up on them for a few days. Fighting the urge to go use a superdrug one right now!!!
I know i need to wait till the morning really.
kitcat - has your strange af got any stranger?? I hope its not a real af for you too!!
to everyone