Im still pregnant!!!! grrrrrr.......
Damn contractions.. every 4 mins.. painfull ones might I add.. but I am not dialated beyond 1cm.. still 80% effaced..
Went into OB Triage wednesday night because the contractions were closer & more painful.. they monitored me.. checked cervix.. made me walk for 1hour, checked again, said contrax are great strong & closer, cervix not dialated so go home.. got home at 1:30am
All night long I had painful contrax didnt sleep much
thursday - Had a follow up appt with my doc.. she checked cervix, not changed.. still had contrax every 4 mins.. told me to get a Morphine shot, if the contrax were false labor they would stop from this, I would be very very sleepy & shouldnt be able to feel any contrax, powerfull painkillers basically.... Sent me to OB-Triage.. they monitored me.. I was have super strong contrax.. they gave me the Shot.. I was soooo zoned out!! But I still felt every contrax & the pain was intense.. came home slept from 3:30pm - 7pm.. & after that woke up & whatever I tried to eat/drink I just vomited.. at 9pm DH called doc, & told her that I can still feel contrax & abt the vomiting, she said vomiting is sideeffect of morphine.. & contrax need to be soo strong that I am crying for them to do anything abt it..
Doc obviously wont speed labor up as I am only 37 weeks.. So she is so sorry to say that I got to suck it up & deal with the pain & contrax till my cervix dialates on its own..