I'm not laughing AT you MM... just seriously
Men can be so stupid sometimes!
Clairenicole..... Lovely bump pics and collage! Coming along nicely!
mommymichele.... My DH is EXACTLY the same and he infuriates me beyond belief! The amount of times I have considered how much better off I feel I would be as a single mum is untrue! I blame his mother..... She brought him up to be a lazy bugger around the house (just like his father)!!!!! Stupid woman!!!!!! Lol I have tried to educate him but it's useless so I too end up doing it all myself whilst he sits on his butt and watches me! I know not all men are the same but sounds like our 2 are!!! Lol I've tried screaming and shouting and swearing many times but it does no good.... He really annoyed me last night so I made him sleep on the sofa downstairs!! lol We also haven't had sex since a month or 2 into the pregnancy..... Suits me as I am not finding him at all sexually appealling at the mo..... He takes no pride in his appearance anyone and hasn't had his hair cut for months so looks like a right scruffy mushroom head! Useless man!!!
So...... I'm with you on the man front mommymichele!!!! lol![]()
Mommymichele.... Sounds like you are heavily into the nesting at the mo. I think maybe you would feel a bit better if you could have some decent sleep and a good well-deserved rest. You sound just as fed up as me!!!! Maybe we shoul sent their useless butts to bootcamp!!!!! lol![]()
lol Mommymichele you are sooooo funny!I think we may have a shovel in the shed somewhere........ Must investigate!!!
My DH wouldn't notice cleaning/household chores no matter how obvious I made them! He likes to live in a mess but I am the opposite and am very house proud and like things just so!!!! Recipe for disaster me thinks!!! I've managed to kick his ass outside this morning to cut the grass..... I refuse to do outside jobs!!!! He complained but I shot him one of my "if you cross me..... You'll die!" looks and he got on with it!!!! lol![]()
MM & Tink....have you been living in my house? My OH is exactly the same! He is so lazy and won't take an interest in anything and then accuses ME of "doing nothing"! I am like "...listen hunny, I am NEVER doing nothing....when I am not cleaning, sorting the nursery, going to work, looking after the animals - I AM GROWING A BABY...YOUR BABY even when I sleep!"![]()
Devi - how horrible to go through false labour! But I guess it's good for Pandu to stay snuggled a little longer! I think when I was given the morphine injection, they gave me anti-vomiting medication as well, so I didn't feel too bad - I was on morphine for over a week, but was very grateful for it!
So I have the most amazing boss of my boss - I went back into work today, and my guy boss was of course visibly thrilled...then I went to see our managing partner of the HK office, who is a lady, and she literally walked me back to my desk, made me call DH to pick me up and put me in a cab to go home. I told her I didn't want to be on sick leave any more, because with a baby on the way, we needed my income, and she told me to stay at home, work on drafting precedents, no rush, no deadline, then technically I'll be considered to be working from home, so they will pay me! When she was pregnant with her first set of twins, she had contractions early, had medication, then felt better and went back to work when she thought she was ok... then she had contractions again at 23 weeks, and lost one of her babies and the other twin was born premature, and is ok now but they nearly lost it. Then last year, she got pregnant again with twins, and lost them both at 5 months. So she said she'd never forgive herself if something happened to be because I went back to work. How amazing is that!? I am one lucky thing!