(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Beautiful big bump ClaireNicole! It's perfect!! :)

Devi - any news? :hugs:
Looking good Claire-Bear!

I am in a very bitchy mood. When you get called a bitch, you might as well be one right? DH and I (mostly me) bitchy all day long. Well, let's try and figure out WHY? The house isn't clean, the kitchen got trashed by some one, wasn't cleaned up, 4 baskets of laundry in the bed room to deal with, 3 loads of laundry in the living room to deal with, I have no help, I refused to cook dinner, the nursery isn't done, the garbage hasn't been taken out, the dog pooped in my room on a blanket, guess who had to deal with that mess after some one just stepped over it.

What's that? Oh, I'm sorry. You have a JOB. YOUR tired. Your feet and back hurt. Ok, YOU go to sleep, I'll clean the house, gestate, and spray bug killer everywhere because your too tired to give a damn! Sex? Oh, I thought you were too tired? I'm sorry but I don't have the time right now, maybe later after I clean the house, let me see if I can fit you in my schedule.

Do you ladies blame me at all?
:rofl: I'm not laughing AT you MM... just seriously :rofl: Men can be so stupid sometimes!
:rofl: I'm not laughing AT you MM... just seriously :rofl: Men can be so stupid sometimes!

Laugh away hun. Doesn't bother me.

I give up, I really do, and you know I've been dealing with this since before I got pregnant. I'll just do it all myself, don't even know why I bother to ask him at all since his idea of clean and mine are 2 very different things.

There are some days though I that I really really want to look at our marriage certificate again. Wonder if there is a return policy?
Clairenicole..... Lovely bump pics and collage! Coming along nicely! ;)

mommymichele.... My DH is EXACTLY the same and he infuriates me beyond belief! The amount of times I have considered how much better off I feel I would be as a single mum is untrue! I blame his mother..... She brought him up to be a lazy bugger around the house (just like his father)!!!!! Stupid woman!!!!!! Lol I have tried to educate him but it's useless so I too end up doing it all myself whilst he sits on his butt and watches me! I know not all men are the same but sounds like our 2 are!!! Lol I've tried screaming and shouting and swearing many times but it does no good.... He really annoyed me last night so I made him sleep on the sofa downstairs!! lol We also haven't had sex since a month or 2 into the pregnancy..... Suits me as I am not finding him at all sexually appealling at the mo..... He takes no pride in his appearance anyone and hasn't had his hair cut for months so looks like a right scruffy mushroom head! Useless man!!!

So...... I'm with you on the man front mommymichele!!!! lol ;)
Clairenicole..... Lovely bump pics and collage! Coming along nicely! ;)

mommymichele.... My DH is EXACTLY the same and he infuriates me beyond belief! The amount of times I have considered how much better off I feel I would be as a single mum is untrue! I blame his mother..... She brought him up to be a lazy bugger around the house (just like his father)!!!!! Stupid woman!!!!!! Lol I have tried to educate him but it's useless so I too end up doing it all myself whilst he sits on his butt and watches me! I know not all men are the same but sounds like our 2 are!!! Lol I've tried screaming and shouting and swearing many times but it does no good.... He really annoyed me last night so I made him sleep on the sofa downstairs!! lol We also haven't had sex since a month or 2 into the pregnancy..... Suits me as I am not finding him at all sexually appealling at the mo..... He takes no pride in his appearance anyone and hasn't had his hair cut for months so looks like a right scruffy mushroom head! Useless man!!!

So...... I'm with you on the man front mommymichele!!!! lol ;)

:haha: :happydance:

Don't know what their deal is and right now, excuse my French, but I really don't give a shit. I spend nearly 8 hours a day cooking, cleaning, painting, prepping, and even doing home maintenance because he can't be bothered. He wonders why I am so bitchy, so tired, and SO NOT IN THE MOOD for SEX! :shrug:

It's nearly 2 am here. Since 10 PM, I've killed the stupid cricket that's been keeping me awake, took me an hour to flush him out of his hiding spot, my shoe looks lovely! I've completely set up Charlie's area in my room, I've dealt with most of the laundry, had to rewash a few things since some one cannot follow directions. I've cleaned damn near the entire living room and dining room. I'm taking a break for a few minutes and then I have to collect all the garbage from several rooms, take that outside, replace all the liners, clean the entire kitchen, and more than likely have to take out the garbage AGAIN. Then it's my bathroom, all the sweeping, and all the mopping. Oh and the dusting, and wiping walls, and chasing cob webs THAT HE WAS SUPPOSED TO DO!

I wonder if asshole can be bothered to vacuum since I am physically incapable of doing it! I do not have time to work on the nursery at this point, I don't think I will ever have time to get back in there again till Charlie is a few months old.

Now if I go into labor (and happy 34 weeks to me! :happydance: ) it's not my fault and DH can kiss my ass, find a ride home from work since he's managed to make MY TRUCK useless (don't get me started on his car) and figure out a way to get me to the hospital. That's IF and WHEN I decide to call him and tell him.

I am very very fed up.
Mommymichele.... Sounds like you are heavily into the nesting at the mo. I think maybe you would feel a bit better if you could have some decent sleep and a good well-deserved rest. You sound just as fed up as me!!!! Maybe we shoul sent their useless butts to bootcamp!!!!! lol ;)
Mommymichele.... Sounds like you are heavily into the nesting at the mo. I think maybe you would feel a bit better if you could have some decent sleep and a good well-deserved rest. You sound just as fed up as me!!!! Maybe we shoul sent their useless butts to bootcamp!!!!! lol ;)

Oh I might feel better if I could get decent sleep but that's impossible right now.

Done wiping walls, dusting, and chasing cobwebs. I'm not sure I'm nesting but I'm putting my angry energy to good use. I'm off to the kitchen for more cleaning.
Don't overdo it hun.... But I agree, sometimes you have to put your anger to good use! Think how lovely and clean your home will be ready for Charlie's arrival! :) who needs these men when you have all the appreciation you need from your kids?! lol
I'm pretty much done. I'm taking Benedryl and going to bed.

I wonder if he'll notice 4 bags of garbage in the entry way, and the vacuum cleaner in front of the kitchen door, the open dishwasher full of clean dishes, the cleaning supplies on the stove and the sink full of dirty dishes? Think that's a big enough hint?

Wonder if he'll notice how clean the living room and dining room are, how all Charlie's things are set up in the bedroom, that all the laundry is pretty much done, and that I cleaned up HIS mess when he spilled coffee all over the kitchen counters, soaking all the cereal boxes, which I've thrown away?

If he doesn't, well, I would leave but because of some one's neglect, my truck doesn't run right now. I've been threatening to bury him in the garden for years now, I know where the shovel is!
lol Mommymichele you are sooooo funny! :) I think we may have a shovel in the shed somewhere........ Must investigate!!! ;)

My DH wouldn't notice cleaning/household chores no matter how obvious I made them! He likes to live in a mess but I am the opposite and am very house proud and like things just so!!!! Recipe for disaster me thinks!!! I've managed to kick his ass outside this morning to cut the grass..... I refuse to do outside jobs!!!! He complained but I shot him one of my "if you cross me..... You'll die!" looks and he got on with it!!!! lol ;)
lol Mommymichele you are sooooo funny! :) I think we may have a shovel in the shed somewhere........ Must investigate!!! ;)

My DH wouldn't notice cleaning/household chores no matter how obvious I made them! He likes to live in a mess but I am the opposite and am very house proud and like things just so!!!! Recipe for disaster me thinks!!! I've managed to kick his ass outside this morning to cut the grass..... I refuse to do outside jobs!!!! He complained but I shot him one of my "if you cross me..... You'll die!" looks and he got on with it!!!! lol ;)

Laughter helps and I really like to write, I think I'm good at it.

In all honesty, I'd rather be doing yard work than house work, I love being outside but can't handle the heat right now. Oh, that's another thing. Come spring, not only will I be taking care of Charlie, the house, and the truck, I'm also back to taking care of the dogs and I'm buying a law mower and will doing yard work on top of everything else.

DH is not an an outdoor person but then again, he's not much of an indoor person either. Right now, he can stay at work 24/7 for all I care. I'm not even mad anymore, just disappointed.
MM & Tink....have you been living in my house? My OH is exactly the same! He is so lazy and won't take an interest in anything and then accuses ME of "doing nothing"! I am like "...listen hunny, I am NEVER doing nothing....when I am not cleaning, sorting the nursery, going to work, looking after the animals - I AM GROWING A BABY...YOUR BABY even when I sleep!" :smug:
MM & Tink....have you been living in my house? My OH is exactly the same! He is so lazy and won't take an interest in anything and then accuses ME of "doing nothing"! I am like "...listen hunny, I am NEVER doing nothing....when I am not cleaning, sorting the nursery, going to work, looking after the animals - I AM GROWING A BABY...YOUR BABY even when I sleep!" :smug:

I wanna know what the return policy is on DH's!!!! Seriously!
claire - love the bump!! so smooth & round!!

joli - they only gave me one injection on morphine ... it was a killer!! I felt so drugged up.. worst feeling i ever had in my life! never going near morphine again! baby is fine as they had me on NST's baby is happy inside, thats why they cannot make things faster for me ..

MM - ohhhh.. shame u poor soul.. hope DH gets his act together soon.. & WOW u are seriously cleaning !! I got no energry but to do the regular weekly cleaning up.. but I live in a smal apartment so that weekly cleaning is more like someone elses spring major cleaning .. so I am good on that front..

My contractions have slowed down alot.. I guess it WAS false labor.. AHHHHHHGGGG!!! oh pandu why u troubling your mama!!
Oh and thanks for the tip girls .. I bought that birthing ball.. i will get it tuesday.. Gna eat breakfast now.. Blackforest cake (that I made last night!! ) yum yum yum...
Devi, false labor sucks but it gives you a hint as to what's to come! At least you know how it kinda feels!

DH and I had a chat today, I was still mad at him. He doesn't remember calling me a bitch but if I say he did, he must have. He did get all the 'hints' I left him before crashing this morning. He took care of the garbage, the vacuuming, the dishes, and the stove. He hung the bathroom cabinets back up too. I kinda wish he had done a little more BUT all things considered, I'm happy he did that. He also didn't get to sleep in the bed either, slept in the recliner. I was actually very happy not listening to his snoring for once.

I made it to 34 weeks, no bed rest, one trip to L&D, and proved the Dr's WRONG! 22 more days to go!
Devi - how horrible to go through false labour! But I guess it's good for Pandu to stay snuggled a little longer! I think when I was given the morphine injection, they gave me anti-vomiting medication as well, so I didn't feel too bad - I was on morphine for over a week, but was very grateful for it!

So I have the most amazing boss of my boss - I went back into work today, and my guy boss was of course visibly thrilled...then I went to see our managing partner of the HK office, who is a lady, and she literally walked me back to my desk, made me call DH to pick me up and put me in a cab to go home. I told her I didn't want to be on sick leave any more, because with a baby on the way, we needed my income, and she told me to stay at home, work on drafting precedents, no rush, no deadline, then technically I'll be considered to be working from home, so they will pay me! When she was pregnant with her first set of twins, she had contractions early, had medication, then felt better and went back to work when she thought she was ok... then she had contractions again at 23 weeks, and lost one of her babies and the other twin was born premature, and is ok now but they nearly lost it. Then last year, she got pregnant again with twins, and lost them both at 5 months. So she said she'd never forgive herself if something happened to be because I went back to work. How amazing is that!? I am one lucky thing!
Devi - how horrible to go through false labour! But I guess it's good for Pandu to stay snuggled a little longer! I think when I was given the morphine injection, they gave me anti-vomiting medication as well, so I didn't feel too bad - I was on morphine for over a week, but was very grateful for it!

So I have the most amazing boss of my boss - I went back into work today, and my guy boss was of course visibly thrilled...then I went to see our managing partner of the HK office, who is a lady, and she literally walked me back to my desk, made me call DH to pick me up and put me in a cab to go home. I told her I didn't want to be on sick leave any more, because with a baby on the way, we needed my income, and she told me to stay at home, work on drafting precedents, no rush, no deadline, then technically I'll be considered to be working from home, so they will pay me! When she was pregnant with her first set of twins, she had contractions early, had medication, then felt better and went back to work when she thought she was ok... then she had contractions again at 23 weeks, and lost one of her babies and the other twin was born premature, and is ok now but they nearly lost it. Then last year, she got pregnant again with twins, and lost them both at 5 months. So she said she'd never forgive herself if something happened to be because I went back to work. How amazing is that!? I am one lucky thing!

OMG I am so sorry the lady had to go through all that!! Kudos to her for being VERY understanding about pregnancy, lol ask her if I can have a job! I'm jealous! lol Most of the world would love a boss lady like her! You should send her a thank you gift!
MORE PICTURES! lol We're in the Dells now! and YAY! Our room is SO NICE!


theres the album they are in! The internet here is pretty slow so I'm not going to upload them twice like I usually do!

I took a bath!!!! Which was the first one since we moved in Feb!!! and the tub is so big :| I mean SOOOOOOOO BIG! I felt like a kid in a normal bathtub... I got my legs shaved and my whoha! Although I cut myself shaving that :( cause I can't freakin see over Payson lol shes so in the way :rofl: So I'm sure thats going to feel GREAT when we get into the chlorinated pool! I also tweezed all random hairs I couold find on my whole body lol (thanks again Pay for the hormones) And now I'm going to straighten my hair! and then put on make-up! even though Justin is just going to want to go swimming at the water park when he gets done! I want to be a sexy preggo pool goer! Because all his ARMY people are here and he doesn't deserve to have to introduce his wife to every single one of his bosses with her looking like a homeless person who doesn't own a hair brush! Even though he still would! and he'd never notice the difference lol

Joli- your boss sounds lovely! Must be the lack of a penis! Theres something about men that make them not understand how being pregnant is :|

Girls- can I send you guys my OH? I feel so bad for you!!! My OH goes to work and then comes home and never makes a mess and if i'm not feeling good he makes dinner and Sat. before we left he did the dishes :| I didn't even know he knew HOW to do the dishes. But our garbage never piles up and he does laundry because I can't carry it... and he says things like "lay down hun... you don't need to be up and around if your cramping" I couldn't love him more lol. So I'll take a week with all of your lousy OH's and you can have my OH for the stress relief! As long as no one expects me to have sex with anyone lmao! ... but on the real... I'm sure there must be SOMETHING ya'll love about your OH's! And burying them in the backyard is just going to leave the babies fatherless!

Devi- Sorry about the false labor :( The real thing is coming soon!!!
joli - what a wonderful boss u have.

I am enjoying getting spoilt by my mum.. she came yesterday.. so sitting with my legs up now.. ;) what a good life ..

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