Devi and Tink - I was just doing some reading and thought you two might benefit from this (I am typing it from scratch, so apologies in advance for any typos):
"There is a restaurant in America Scalini's which states that, after eating their Eggplant Parmesan alla Scalini you have not started labour within 2 days, then you can go back for "another try on the house". It is interesting to note that within the recipe are the herbs Oregano and Basil, which are described in aromatherepy circles as havin properties which may cause contractions, though it is not yet known how or in what quantities. The recepit, courtesy of Scalini's in Cobb County, Georga:
- 3 medium sized eggplants
- 1 cup flour
- 6 eggs, beaten
- 4 cups fine Italian bread crumbs, seasoned
- Olive oil for sauting
- 8 cups marinara sauce (see recipe below)
- 1/2 cup grated Romano cheese
- 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
- 1.5 pounds mozzarella cheese, shredded
- 2 cups ricotta cheese
1. Wash eggpalnt, slice into 1/4 inch thick slices. You may choose to peel the eggplant before you slice it, but you may want to leave the skin on since it contains a lot of vitamins.
2. Place the eggplant slices on a layer of paper towels and sprinkle with a little salt, then cover with another layer of paper towel and hold it down with something heavy to drain the excess moisture. Let them sit for abotu an hour.
3. Working with one slice of eggplant at a time, dust with flower, dip in beat in eggs and cost well with breadcrumbs.
4. Saute in preheated olive oil on both sides until golden brown.
5. In baking dish, alternate laywers of marinara sauce, eggplant slices, ricotta, parmesan an Romano cheeses, until you will the baking dish about 1.8 inches from the top. Cover with shredded mozzarella cheese and bake for 25 mins in a 375 degree oven. Let sit 10 mins before serving.
Scalini's Marinara Sauce:
- 2 tbs chopped garlic
- 3 tbs olive oil
- 8 cups chopped tomatoes (fresh or canned)
- 1 cup onions, chopped
- 1/2 cup of fresh chopped parsley
- 1 tsp oregano
- 1 tsp of crushed red pepper
- 1/8 cup fresh chopped sweet basil
- pinch of thyme
- punch of rosemary
- 1 tsp sale
- 1 tsp black petter
1. Lightly saute onions in olive oil
2. Add garlic and saute another minute.
3. Add tomatoes and bring to a boil, then turn heat low
4. Add remaining ingredients, stir, cover and let simmer for one hour stirring
Bon appitite!!