(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

I don't know because It wasn't even close to flu season when I got my BFP and I didn't even go IN to the doc untill a month later! BUT I'm really thinking if your doc is recommending it... then its probably a good idea! And I only mean THAT specifically because my doc and I talked about it already.... a lot of doctors try to talk you into stuff you don't need.... but like I said I trust mine a lot! So if they say its not going to hurt bubs... then I would believe them! Its just one of the MANY decisions we have to make though! I'm having a hard time deciding whats best for Payson!!! What if I screw up ya know! Do we go OUT for dinner with his parents and lug her out and about AGAIN or do we eat here?!!?!?!? If we go out do we go to the buffet where we might have to walk through smoke? Or do we scope out a quiet place :| there are so many decisions!!! Do we use crochet blankets so there are holes and she doesn't suffocate or do we swaddle her like we did in the hospital?!?! I'm DIEING HERE lol. I really hope that you just get informed about the shots and procedures and tests they will want you to do! I'm sure you'll make the right decisions for you and that you'll be a great mom!!!! :hugs:

Now I'm going to TRY and get some sleep... just woke up to feed a hungry baby lol
Britt...I bet you feel like you're coming down with a cold for that very reason - yes I also read your immune system shuts down and I had a sore throat/runny or blocked nose for most of first tri.
I had my flu shot last week and felt like crap the whole of the next day but that was it. I was really worried but glad now I had it because, if that's what a tiny spec of fly felt like, no way I would have handled the real deal. Not sure if I would have had it in first tri though....hmmm. I do figure it can be that harmful/dangerous if they line up all the elderly and vulnerable people in my area and give it for free!
I had both the flu & h1n1 shot at 9 week appt. Better to get the shot & avoid getting sick.
Britt: great that you can get most of your money back! and not long until you get to see your bean! I am unsure about the flu shot as well although I haven't talked to my dr about it yet. hope you feel better soon!

clairenicole: You raise a good point with green not being good :thumbup: I'm on antibiotics for an abcessed tooth but I have heard it can cause a yeast infection. I'll just get it checked out although it seems to be gone now. I had a lot of pain at the epidural site but it got better after a few weeks and went away completely in a few months! Really sucks though, I think it hurt worse than my vag! I say as long as Payson is eating, pooping and peeing you have nothing to worry about! you're doing a fantastic job! Although there's nothing like mommy guilt and worry...two years later and I worry that if he has a cookie once in awhile he's going to be obese :dohh: Hope you got some sleep!

gg: I thought it might be some plug but the green threw me off! Glad your hubby is back, must be hard for him to be gone when you're pregnant. Hope you don't have much longer to wait for your little girl!

devi: how are you doing? hope packing is going smoothly and arjun is doing well!

Joli: Sorry you had to give him some formula, it's really hard to do even if you have to, I remember being so upset when the dr. told me I had to supplement because he was losing weight. good that you're pumping though! He'll be a booby monster very soon! How are you feeling?

ladybird: How are you? any signs of labour yet?

hope everyone else is doing well! I realized I haven't taken a bump pic yet...35+ weeks later. I have to take one or I'll have no pregnancy pics!
Well my body seems to be enjoying playing tricks on me at the mo. Been having some promising pains but I only seem to be getting one, maybe 2 a day. They are irregular too. Get my hopes up something is happening then get all fed up.
The midwife wrote down Brim on my notes on Thursday so he has def moved down. she also gave me the phone no for the physio too to see if she can help my sciatica so will be ringing her on Monday. Just soo want to meet bubs now. Been playing with my 7 month old niece this aft n has made me in even more of a hurry to meet bubs.

Nicole - looking forward to seeing your bump pics!

Joli - I agree with Britt, my boys had jaundice and the doctors advised me to place them in natural light for several hours a day and it really did help clear things up. I'm sure Harrison will be fine n you will be BF'ding soon.
Hey girls, just wanted to write a quick note- as we are about to start a movie.
Thank you for all your advice on the flu shot ect ladies...I cant tell you how much I appreciate it. :hugs:

Yeah 2016- I have a sore throat and run down feeling, but feeling a bit better today. How are you doing?

Nicole- so good to see you on the thread again regularly :hugs: yes please do put up a bump pic!!! :thumbup:

GG- I am absolutely amazed at how mobile you are and how much you are getting out, I think thats wonderful! :thumbup: I have so many friends that are hermits for the first few weeks and I dont think its good for their psyche. I guess I am due June 30th so right before summer, so that will be nice to get the baby out in the nice weather (its darn cold here in the winter)

Devi- how are you and Arjun doing?

Ladybird- it sounds like you have some promising signs, I think you will be very soon :happydance:

Talk soon, gosh I will feel so much better after November 10th (first scan). I also have my first apt with my family doc on Tuesday...wonder if she will do blood HCG on me...that would be nice put my mind at ease :blush:

Cute little video!! You have to click on it!

CN...she's such a cute little munchkin! :flower:
omg so cute, just want to reach out and hug her.
beautiful CN, thanks for sharing
I am feeling fine thanks Britt...having a bit if a mental day and kept feeling convinced Squiggle was coming today! No physical reason for that (aside from major BH all day) but I just kept thinking it! :haha: Must have been hormones on the rampage because I started the day grumpy then moved on to weepy then back again throughout the day. :dohh:
Seeing the mw tomorrow to discuss my birth plan (which I expect to go out the window on the day)...
Awwww poor you and your hormones hun!!!! I'm finally getting myself back together!!! WOOT! I don't even cry at sappy commercials anymore! I am however a little crabby lol BUT that could be because of lack of sleep! I hope your baby stays in there a little longer!!!
CN - that is just the most adorable video!! She is so precious! I know what you mean about feelin exhausted - Harrison wakes up every 2.5 hours around the clock.

Britt - I have only had the flu jab once and i reacted so badly, I never had flu before, but after the shot, I got really bad flu with fever for 10 days - BUT this was years agi when I was in the UK, and my immune system wasn't great there as I had recently moved there and wasn't used to the bugs. From what I understand, the flu jabs these days are much better and doctors encourage pregnant women to get them. I wonder if you could wait until you pass the 12 week mark? I still can't get over you being pregnant, I am still so ecstatic for you!!!! I had no idea you could have phototherapy home kits - we were never offered that.

Nicole - it's so good to see you back on the thread as a regular! You have to take a bump pic!!

Ladybird - it sounds like you're getting close now! It's so exciting with all the new babies on the thread! Thanks for the info on the sunlight - Harrison is bathing in the sun as I write :)

2016 - sorry about your hormones running wild, it's totally understandable. Not much longer now hon! :flower:

Have any of you ladies experienced your newborns using your nipple as a pacifier? When Harrison wakes up sometimes, he cried and just wants a suck, but doesn't necessarily want to eat. I'm worried this will become a bad habit and I'm not sure how to handle it - I've heard you shouldn't give a newborn a dummy for a few weeks to avoid nipple confusion... ?
hello girls hope ur all well, been visiting family for the weekend, had a good day saturday but overall wasnt a very good trip as from about 10pm saturday night was so poorly with vomitting and an achey stomach... I think it might have been the iron tablet I took earlier in the day which had been supressed by the gaviscon and then when I had some orange juice to drink started to try and be absorbed so really upset my stomach, it was horrible was just crying as I was so exhausted from being up all night friday night from coughing from my cold and I just needed sleep :(

Thought I was gonna go into labour yesterday which made the journey home fun, had major cramping, back ache and shooting pains up my foof, I thought oh crap this is it and Im shattered with no energy and had barely eaten but luckily it died off and baby decided just to beat the crap out of me instead.

Hope everyone is well CN that vid is so cute, I love that little snuffle noise newborns make xx
Joli.... Theo is a comfort suckler too and none of my other were! I gave him a mam soother from about 2 weeks of age and this has really helped. If Harrison feeds well from the breast, chances are he won't suffer nipple confusion but I wouldn't reccommend trying a soother until he's 2 weeks old +. hope this helps hun.

Clairenicole.... Such a cute video of your little princess.

P.S..... Ladies I still have a yearning for a daughter.... Wonder if I can persuade my husband in a few years time?! Lol I adore my boys though and wouldn't swap any of them!
Even I want my next to be a lil princess. We plan to have 3 only if the next is a girl. As dh won't have 3 if #2 is boy. He says if #3 is boy it will be chaos in home. Lol !!!! I know I got to wait to have another one because of c-sec.

Think atleast a year. Wanted babies close together. Let'see.

Yup Arjun uses me as a pacifier sometimes. I try give him a paci but omg he just spits/yanks it out of his mouth. He doesn't like it at all.
Thanks Tink and Devi! I've tried giving him my pinky finger, but he figures out 10 seconds later that it's clearly not a nipple! I'm hoping we can have a girl too - I understand whilst breastfeeding it's unlikley we'll ovulate (not that I was ovulating anyways!). I'm kinda hoping that being pregnant will kick start my ovaries to ovulate again.
People saying you can't get pregnant while BFing is a lie! lol.

Payson uses me as a binky too! I don't know what to do about it because honestly I can't tell if shes hungry or not and I'm not going to deny her food at all! Plus I figure even if she only nurses for a few minutes ... at least thats some more food in her tummy! But my dr. said not to let her do it if I could help it... we try to binky her... but she doesn't like it.... Hubs has her right now and I think shes trying for his nipple :rofl: ummm NOT going to get anything out of THERE baby girl!!
my hubby is convinced I have signs of pre-eclamsia.. what do u girls think iv think he has been reading a bit too much google at work cos its quiet.

I was walking around most of the day saturday.. so my ankles were huge, they have gone down now but still swollen just doesnt look like I have golf balls in my ankles, then saturday night I had the achey stomach and vomitting, I happened to mention when he rang at lunch time that I had a little headache (but I had just had a nap and sometimes u get a headache off over sleeping) I happened to mention that I could see little stars when I was lying in bed ... but I had not long woke up. My bP is always high on the electronic bp machine, has been thru pregnancy but when she does it manually its fine and I only had a trace of protien in my urine last app but suspected thrush...so I get this text...

vomitting, swelling, stomach, pains, headaches and not feeling right are all symptoms of pre- eclamsia you know !!!! cant just ignore them

eclamation marks and all ! do u think i should be worried, cos im not, only thing that is niggling is why is the electronic one always so high for me when has never been in past and only since I moved down here... I spose midwife is competent enough to know her manual is right..
Hello ladies,

GG- wow sounds like you have been through quite the events in the last while. I wonder if baby is going to make an appearance soon... :)
I would say go see your doctor about the possibility of preeclampsia...as that can be quite serious, just to make sure :hugs:

2016- you and your hormones, too cute, I am sure I am going to be a hormonal mess as I can be at the best of times :haha: Nothing was as bad as the CLomid I tried thus far though... I was sooo crazy

Joli- ahh there you are :hugs: So glad you are adjusting well to motherhood, he is such a cutie. I know I am shocked I am pregnant but I also cant believe your a mommy. Do you know we were technically bump buddies but just didnt know it :hugs:

CN- how are you doing today? hope you are getting some rest

Devi- nice to hear from you, how is Arjun doing? any new pics?

Tink- nice to hear from you too, any new pics of Theo?

AFM- doing well, had a couple symptoms yesterday for a bit but really nothing, I keep thinking am I really pregnant? lol I did a FRER this morning and the test line is double as dark as the control line, so I know my HCG is progressing well :happydance:
I have my first doctors apt tomorrow


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