Hello GG- oh gosh, you poor thing, I hope you have your little one soon and everything goes smoothly. thinking of you
Tink- wow that is great advice about the breast feeding, I will remember that when it comes time.
Joli- I still cant believe Harrison has been here over a week...

warms my heart, good luck with the pics today! I'll pm you later. I hope you get some more sleep soon.
Oh and Harrison is a little blondy hey?...too cute seriously!!
thanks for asking about the doctors apt, it went well, kind of uneventful...was expecting more I think

but basically she gave me some blood work (confirmed my pregnancy on her own test lol) and said see you at 12 weeks. She knows I am getting the early scan with my FS, she seems to think everything will be fine with us...gosh I hope so
CN- how are you doing? hope you are getting some rest as well.
2016, Nicole, look forward to updates.
hello to everyone else