Thanks girls... I guess I just got myself down in the dumps which, thinking back, almost always happens at this time of year when the seasons change. I struggled to sleep all last night and eventually gave up at 4am when the zillion aches in my body just made me cry. Went downstairs to watch telly for a bit....then cried at the last 5 minutes of a Disney animation about horses, then cried at a cookery program, then cried because I wanted to crochet but couldn't find my hook, then cried because I was hunry, then cried because I had cried into my bowl of cereal and ruined it, then cried because the sun came up and I had spent another night not sleeping, then cried because the cat jumped up and was being nice to me - get the picture?
Pure hormonal MESS!!!
Went upstairs at 8am to go to the loo and hubby heard me crying. It seems, every time I ever type a rant about him, his spidey sense must go off and he is really nice for a little while! He just cuddled me and tried to get to the bottom of why I was which he realised there was no end of reasons I could find so just talked to me about happy things. I felt so much better in the end and managed to get on with my day - albeit with puffy eyes and a foggy head.
Britt...Thanks for the advice and I am so sorry to hear the awful things your friend has gone through. I have taken many types of "happy pills" in a past life and, I can assure you, it will take something special to get me back on them. Many years ago I started on one type which didn't make me feel much better and just spaced me out, so they upped the dose again and again. Then they switched me onto another type, then another, then another including the famous Prozac (which made me seriously psycho). Before I knew it, I had anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, pills to make me sleep and pills to wake me up. I suppose I didn't feel sad any more, but instead I felt NOTHING - no joy, no love, no sadness....nada. Occasionally though, the pills did make me "happy" enough I was too happy and would go manic and then crash down depressed again. More and more drugs came my way and I had months off work.

That's what you get when you mess with your brain's delicate chemistry.
One day, I went to see a hypnotherapist and we figured out why I got "depressed" in the first place. Two 1 hour sessions later and I felt like somebody had erased the last 3 years of hell. A cloud had been lifted instantly!!!! The doctors refused to let me stop the cupboard full of meds, but I slowly took myself off them and within 2/3 months I didn't take anything anymore. And haven't since which was now 5 years ago. Sure I feel depressed sometimes now, dismally so, but I have always managed to snap myself out of it. I think horseriding played a huge part in that....and I would be coping much better now if only I could go for a ride. I havent ridden in 16 weeks and know it will be minimum 12 before I ride again. I feel lost without I am not even me anymore. Of course coupled with the hormones and trepidation of how I will cope as a Mum. *sigh*
I am sure those drugs are literally lifesavers for many people, perhaps I really did need them at the time, who knows. I do often wonder though how I went from "lifetime incurable chronic depressive illness/mania" to "normal" in just two hypnotherapy sessions. I reckon there was some serious medical mis-management going on in my case!
CN....thanks for posting from GGs journal. I read her update on FB this morning and was in two minds whether to post anything or not for fear of "stealing thunder" or whatever. But I didn't think later today that I wouldn't mind if one of you posted news from my FB when Squiggle is born. Exciting news needs to be shared!!!

Can't wait to see pics of little Libby!!!!!