(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

ahh no I hope you get some sleep soon 2016, I had insomnia for the first few days and finally got a decent sleep last night- I felt like a#s yesterday but today I am back to not feeling pregnant...lol I cant imagine how uncomfortable it must be at that stage....sending you sleep vibes

thanks CN- yeah I like her but she had 2 kids and only works part time, so doesnt do deliveries anymore. But there are a bunch of doctors at the clinic and they all specialize in maternity- so she will just refer me to one of the other docs I think (she said I can see both of them if I want). They are all just GPs but specialized so I trust them
Just checking in to see if any progress on GG. Hope she's labouring away!

I am getting very fed up, for last day or so I'm convinced bubs has engaged. Bump has dropped visibly, lots of pressure down below and pains in fact it felt like he was gonna fall out last night it felt that bad!! This may be tmi but I also had an unexpected single dose of the trots too which I took as my body having a clear out. I've had lots of discharge which looks like it could be plug and from 12 today Ive had lots of pains and bad backache which felt just like my period was gonna start. Now, the pains have all stopped again...gggrrrr!!. I just feel really frustrated as this is the 2nd time this has happened.
Plus I'm also a bit worried about having bubs at term as my first son was 9lb 8oz at 40 weeks and his birth was a bit of a nightmare. My second was 7lb 2oz born at 38 wks and I had a natural birth. I'm worried this gonna be another whopper if he keeps cooking!
Sorry if this is a bit of a rant girls, just had to vent!! xxx
Thanks CN, I've calmed down a bit now, I blame these pregnancy hormones!! :-)

Hope gorgeous little Payson is doing well x
Awww shes well!!! Shes sleeping right now! Shes perfect!!!

Your baby is going to come so soon!!!! Then you can be sleepless like me!! :D
GG posted on FB and in her journal that she was avaoiding the internet until her little girl is born. Labour kept stopping and starting and she was getting understandably frustrated. :hugs:

People can drive you nuts with the whole "has the baby arrived yet" business (excluding us on here of course because we are all in the same boat and know what it feels like). That's why, when I go into labour, I won't post anything on FB....in fact I may post a decoy status so people have no clue! :haha: I also won't be telling any family if something starts because it's just too much pressure - what if it's false labour? What if it takes days and days? I don't want the world and his dog showing up at the hospital unless invited. My family are all in South Africa and I know they would just go beserk if they knew they were waiting for news.
...of course I will be updating all of you though when the time comes. :winkwink:

Ladybird...I can only imagine the intense feeling of anticipation wondering if something is starting, your body giving you all the signs and then it seems to fizzle out on you. :flower: Even if you go another couple of weeks though, if this baby followed the pattern of your second, wouldn't he only be 8 pounds having gained 1/2 pound each week from this week? IYSWIM. I think your first son was just a whopper and probably paved the way for future births to be easier...:shrug:
Anyway, I hope it happens for you soon. :hugs:

I don't believe I will see any signs coming before Squiggle decides to arrive. I have had BH which have been getting worse since 20 weeks. Have had silly loose BMs on and off for the last 6 weeks, have had hugely increased discharge and occasionally what looks like plug for 3 weeks, been cleaning/nesting for the last 4 weeks, and have had shooting pains/heaving foof feeling for weeks too! :shrug: I almost laughed at yoga on Monday when one mum said "ooooh I've just started having BH this week so baby must be coming soon" and she is 37.5 weeks! :rofl:
Why is it that I get all the joys now? :shrug:
Ladybird, it really sounds like you really are all ready to go! Have you been trying any clary sage or other methods of natural induction?

2016 - Thanks for giving us the update on GG. I really hope things go smoothly her for going forward. I think I was like that lady you met in your yoga class - the first time i really thought I felt BH, it was the real thing! At least you are feeling totally in tune with your body. One warning with the hormones though...I was super emotional the first 5 days after delivery, I just wanted to cry all the time - happy tears of course, but tears nonetheless! DH maybe should have a quick read about PN depression in case you show any signs (we had a midwife chat to my DH about it privately after my delivery so that he could keep a watchful eye).

I have a couple of pics to share with you, these were taken at 10 days old. :)


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Joli...what beautiful pics!!! Thanks for the warning about depression - jeez I am so depressed already and have had severe depression in the past I wonder how I
could even hope to avoid PND. Don't know if it's just the hormones but I feel like DH and I have drifted apart and I don't feel like he supports me at all. Seems like I have to ask
for every little bit of affection which he then gives begrudgingly. Every time I talk, he sighs and/or rolls his eyes. :cry:
I have tried so many times to talk to him about it - everything from sitting with him quietly or writing him a letter, to crying and ranting hysterically. No matter what I do he insists everything is fine and it's all in my head.

The picture of your DH loving your little boy like that makes me cry because I can't see DH loving Squiggle that much. I hope and pray every day my hubby changes his ways when our LO arrives...but I fully expect to feel desperate and alone, caring for Squiggle entirely while he asks when his dinner will be ready? :growlmad:

Wow sorry for laying that on all you...I've just been awake for hours and it's all getting a bit much for me...
Joli.... Harrison is beautiful, just like his mummy! What lovely keepsakes those photos are.

Ladybird..... I hope things start off for you soon. I know how fed up you can feel in those last few weeks. You new little man will be here soon I'm sure. Try some of the natural ways to help induce labour. If you google it there are loads! lol I tried most of them and not sure they worked but they certainly kept me occupied trying them! Lol

2016..... I felt the exact same way each and every time I was pregnant and have had depression in the past so I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I felt the same way about my DH too. However, although I could never see it at the time, it was my hormones and my state of mind making me paranoid. Men just don't get pregnancy the way we do and can't always relate to bump being their son of daughter until they arrive. I'm sure it will be the same for you. I bet your DH will be overjoyed when squiggle makes an appearance. Also men need to be told how to help you out..... My DH is useless!!! Lol I know men aren't all the same but some of them need more encouragement and help than others. As for suffering PND.... I was convinced I'd get it as I had suffered depression in the past but I didn't get it at all, just a day or two of baby blues which is perfectly normal. You will probably find you feel emotionally better after baby comes due to the release of the 'bliss hormones' as they are called. I felt very anxious, down, emotional and felt DH and I were headed for a breakup each and every time I reached the 30 week mark and from then on until birth. Sleep deprivation doesn't aid this either. If you can afford to, do something for yourself, such as a pamper session at a beauty salon. It will help lift your spirits. Massage is brilliant for lifting mood as is yoga. Hope you feel better soon hun x ;)
2016 - hon, it makes me so sad to read your last message...I really hope it's just hormones and that your DH is not the way you say he is. I know that for now it's hard for your DH to relate to Squiggle because he can't feel it move and so he hasn't bonded yet...but once Squiggle is here it will be so different and I am sure DH will fall in love. He will feel closer to Squiggle if he has a role to play, since men are unable to breastfeed. I have given my DH responsibility of giving baby a bath every other evening, so DH feels like he's part of it all.

The midwife told us that the best way to stop PN depression is by talking and crying after delivery so tha you let it all out. She said all women feel it one way or another when your pregnancy hormones are leaving your body. It will peak on days 3 and 5, then will subside. So you need to really watch yourself those days - those who have had depression in the past are more susceptible. Look out for feeling like an inadequate mother, not holding your baby, not eating. Best ways to battle it out aside from talking and letting it all out, is to hold baby, breastfeed and keep busy. And hon, we'll be here for you, so if you start to feel depressed, write to us and let us support you. If you do get it bad, then you will need therapy and in severe cases, medication - but we won't let it get to that!! :hugs:
2016- My OH wasn't attached to bubs at all I don't think untill she got here! Not all men are the "excited my wife is pregnant" men!! He wasn't even a bump feeler! I mean he felt her kick and then was like... ummm I've felt it before why do I have to feel it again! And I was a little scared that he wouldn't attach to the baby!! But he LOVES her so much!!!! He got up tonight at like 1am to check on her because he couldn't hear her breathing on the baby monitor lol I'm SURE your OH is going to love baby when he gets here!!

Joli- What cute pictures!!!!!!!!!! I don't know why they always have parents do naked pictures with their babies lol but they always turn out so cute!!!! You have such a beautiful family!

As for me! Well its 7 and I just got up with Payson for the first time tonight!!! Well at 630ish! She got to sleep around 11... so I'm saying thats a LOT of sleep! I fed her and she was soooooo asleep but I hear her starting to fuss a little... thats why I stayed up! Because I was pretty sure she wasn't going right back to sleep! But sometimes she does :| I just don't know! I wish she had a pattern lol Either way... I got like 7 hours of consecutive sleep! Thats almost a full night! Thats more then I've gotten in a long time!!!!!
Wow CN, you're so lucky! Harrison seems to be awake every 2.5 - 3 hours, and for some reason last night, he was up every 1.5 hours after 3am for mini-feeds, I wondered whether he might be going through a growth spurt or something!? When I put him down to sleep at 7pm, he always wakes up after 5 mins, crying and wanting to use my nip as a dummy, and I have to keep him until he falls asleep on my nip, otherwise he just cries again. I don't mind it, but my arms are finding it tiring to hold him all the time!!
Wow CN 7 hours is pretty good going at this stage. I'm sure she'll settle down into a routine soon x
2016 - sounds like you're having a pretty rough time of it at the mo, hope things get better, these hormones are nasty little devils! Oh and I know what you mean bout OH's, I don't know whether something happens to them but mine sounds quite like yours. We really need affection at this stage, no matter how small the gesture may be it makes us feel better but for some reason they seem to withdraw it completely. My OH even told me the other day that he hopes I have the baby on a weekend then it doesn't disturb him at work. That really made my blood boil!!! Makes me wonder whether they get nerves about being a dad (again) and anxiety comes bubbling through.

Ps. Have been using Clary sage oil, having spicy meals, DTD etc etc to evict hubs but no progress yet. Have now resorted to cleaning the house from top to bottom today to see if that works. Will report back if successful! X
Ooh forgot to say, Joli those photos are stunning. You all look fantastic xx
Ladybird - try some really deep birthing squats - we moved house just before I went into labour, and I did a fair bit of squating and lifting of boxes!
Hello ladies,
good to read some updates from everyone.

CN- I think everyone is so jealous of your great sleeps, 7 hours??!! thats more than what I get. I still really have no symptoms except insomnia and I am run down. Sounds like you are settling into motherhood very well

Joli- those pictures are SOOO beautiful. I love the little bamboo cot and crib...he is a little cutie. Gosh I wish we were closer, would love to meet him.

Ladybird- we are rooting for you. Hope LO comes soon. Sounds like Joli had that right idea with those squats and moving as Harrison came quickly after
I read what your husband said about when he would like you to deliver....DH chuckled and said oh gosh, poor guy probably did not even realize what he said....I know its not cool but it is kind of funny how clueless guys can be.
cant wait for your updates:hugs:

GG- I know that you are not checking BNB but thinking of you :hugs:

2016- okay hon, I really wish I could give you a big hug right now. As I was reading your update I thought my gosh that story sounds exactly like happend to my friend Jodi. This girl has it all, looks brains the seemingly perfect family but when she was pregnant with her little boy it was awful. She had a very bad pregnancy like you have had (awful MS t/o the entire pregnancy) and just felt awful, she couldnt even function. During that pregnancy her husband and her appeared to drift apart as well (he also worked out of town). She had similar issues with her first as well, but not as bad as the second. Well she delivered her little boy, tried to breast feed and got awful mastitis, so she had to stop that and go on hard core antibotics, she was very depressed leading up to the months to the delivery and afterwards it only got worse. Not only that he had collic and her little girl was a toddler and misbehaving. She was at her wits end, her husband and her were going for a seperation and she was beyond depressed. I remember coming over to her house and she just sat there and starred in the distance. Anyway, she tried all the tips they suggest to you to cope and for depression and nothing worked. I came over a month later and she was a completely different person, happy as ever, active AND hubby and her were back on track. I asked her what changed and she said I went on "happy pills", as per my doctor and the best thing I ever did. I believe she was on the meds for 6months- 1 year. Please do not feel bad about taking medication for depression after the baby is born if you need it, sometimes its a savour.
just wanted to share that with you and of course like the other girls, I am here for you. I am sure your hubby will come around and things WILL get better

GGs new journal post!

Hi still in hospital but just quick update got induced early as they were worried baby was distressed.. Theya are keeping me in as a precaution as baby hasn't fed properly since skin to skin even tho she had.a good feed she has just been asleep all day and the peads dr is worried that she mite have an infection which me and the mw agree she hasn't she is jusyt shattered but this dr want to do bloods and put up iv antibiotics will share birth story when I'm home we have decided to name her libby x

yay for her :happydance:!!!!!

as for me... I just slept for another 3 hours!!! I feel really good!
Thanks girls... I guess I just got myself down in the dumps which, thinking back, almost always happens at this time of year when the seasons change. I struggled to sleep all last night and eventually gave up at 4am when the zillion aches in my body just made me cry. Went downstairs to watch telly for a bit....then cried at the last 5 minutes of a Disney animation about horses, then cried at a cookery program, then cried because I wanted to crochet but couldn't find my hook, then cried because I was hunry, then cried because I had cried into my bowl of cereal and ruined it, then cried because the sun came up and I had spent another night not sleeping, then cried because the cat jumped up and was being nice to me - get the picture? :blush:

Pure hormonal MESS!!!

Went upstairs at 8am to go to the loo and hubby heard me crying. It seems, every time I ever type a rant about him, his spidey sense must go off and he is really nice for a little while! He just cuddled me and tried to get to the bottom of why I was crying...to which he realised there was no end of reasons I could find so just talked to me about happy things. I felt so much better in the end and managed to get on with my day - albeit with puffy eyes and a foggy head.

Britt...Thanks for the advice and I am so sorry to hear the awful things your friend has gone through. I have taken many types of "happy pills" in a past life and, I can assure you, it will take something special to get me back on them. Many years ago I started on one type which didn't make me feel much better and just spaced me out, so they upped the dose again and again. Then they switched me onto another type, then another, then another including the famous Prozac (which made me seriously psycho). Before I knew it, I had anti-depressants, anti-anxiety, pills to make me sleep and pills to wake me up. I suppose I didn't feel sad any more, but instead I felt NOTHING - no joy, no love, no sadness....nada. Occasionally though, the pills did make me "happy" enough I was too happy and would go manic and then crash down depressed again. More and more drugs came my way and I had months off work. :( That's what you get when you mess with your brain's delicate chemistry.
One day, I went to see a hypnotherapist and we figured out why I got "depressed" in the first place. Two 1 hour sessions later and I felt like somebody had erased the last 3 years of hell. A cloud had been lifted instantly!!!! The doctors refused to let me stop the cupboard full of meds, but I slowly took myself off them and within 2/3 months I didn't take anything anymore. And haven't since which was now 5 years ago. Sure I feel depressed sometimes now, dismally so, but I have always managed to snap myself out of it. I think horseriding played a huge part in that....and I would be coping much better now if only I could go for a ride. I havent ridden in 16 weeks and know it will be minimum 12 before I ride again. I feel lost without it...like I am not even me anymore. Of course coupled with the hormones and trepidation of how I will cope as a Mum. *sigh*

I am sure those drugs are literally lifesavers for many people, perhaps I really did need them at the time, who knows. I do often wonder though how I went from "lifetime incurable chronic depressive illness/mania" to "normal" in just two hypnotherapy sessions. I reckon there was some serious medical mis-management going on in my case! :growlmad:

CN....thanks for posting from GGs journal. I read her update on FB this morning and was in two minds whether to post anything or not for fear of "stealing thunder" or whatever. But I didn't think later today that I wouldn't mind if one of you posted news from my FB when Squiggle is born. Exciting news needs to be shared!!! :thumbup:
Can't wait to see pics of little Libby!!!!! :yipee:
I can't wait to see pictures of Libby either! and I LOVE the name!!! Your going to feel so much better 2016 after you have that baby!!! PND isn't a half too just because you've been depressed! Its certainly nothing to be ashamed of! But I'm sure your going to be just fine when you see that little baby and hes PERFECT!
Hi girls thanks for updating really apprieiate it. I'm still in hospital little miss is not latching on to breast. Got herself so distressed had to give her 10mls formula to calm the starving child, gonna keep trying and hope my milk comes in soon x

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