(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

GG...it will come together soon! The whole stress of waiting for labour to begin etc. Probably didn't help but, in a day or two, you will be home with your beautiful princess and it won't matter. :hugs: TC hun. Xx
GG - I saw the pic of your baby girl, she's so adorable! about the breastmilk - when I was at the hospital, the midwive gave me Mother's Milk tea and told me to drink it in place of water, and I have done so since I delivered and I seem to have plenty of milk. Also remember when your milk comes in, hot compress before feeding and cold compress afterwards! My mom has also been cooking me some chinese soups to help boost milk supply (they don't taste very good, but they seem to be working!).

2016 - thanks for opening yourself up to us like this - I agree that meds aren't the way to go, my dad has suffered with depression for the last 12 years, and the meds just made him numb as well. In place of riding your horse right now, could you just spend time with him, and do some grooming? It might make you feel better? When Squiggle arrives, just remember to hold him lots and breastfeed - I think all of us at some point are not sure whether we will be adequate mothers, and I don't think that's a fear that goes away entirely - but we'll get the hang of it! I'm sure with your baby boy gazing up at you and being so vulnerable and doting on you, the PND will be totally under control. It's wonderful that your DH is being understanding now - he'll be there to support you once Squiggle is here too :flower:
im home!!! woohoo! straight on the breast pump to try and increase my flow of colostrum my little girl is so lazy and wont suck and gets frustrated so having to do top up feeds at the moment, not gonna beat myself up about it anymore.

quick birth story...

waters went wednesday 4.30am as you know, labour started stopped started stopped, induction booked for sat morning 9am 72 hrs after waters, shopping on friday went to the loo and noticed discharge has turned green :( possibly meconium straight to maternity ward and they checked the pad and sent me down to delivery suite for an inductiont there and then friday 4pm, given antibiotics and syntoxin was given at 7pm I was checked and cervix was barely visible and hind waters still there apparantly head high up, used tens machine and was left to progress for 4 hours, after 4 hours was barely able to cope with pain and when I was checked I was 5cm! in 4 hours... ouchy! started gas and air to cope and oberservations showed that bp was sky high and needed intervention, was asked about epidural as it brings bp down, was so scared and didnt want one but had an excellent midwife who really help me calm down and make the decision to have one. Didnt like all the contractions while they were doing it but coped with gas and air, aahhh I was a total different person afterwards, it worked a dream!! could feel my legs and could feel the tightenings of contractions.. I started feeling her head moving down, kind of felt like it was going to fall out my bum! they wouldnt check me early as if they did they would have to start the clock for pushing if the head was visiable, during the last couple of hours everytime I had a contraction the her heartbeat dipped and I new the cord was round her neck but we were reassured it was normal and baby was happy she was probs just pressing on her cord, come 3am when they checked me head was visable right at the top, I told mw I could feel her moving down and was starting to feel like I needed to push she didnt beleive me but I new she was coming, 20 mins of pushing and she was out! little monster had her cord wrapped round her neck twice! but she was safe and healthy, was so overwealmed with love, relief and shock, no tears just a couple of grazes, have needed no painkillers since the birth, my god Im glad I had an epidural!


my pumkin.. most have probs already seen via fb x
Well done Gossipgirly! What a story! So glad you're home and able to bond as a family now. Your lil princess libby is finally here!!! P.S. Loving her Halloween outfit on fb! So cute! ;)
Aaah GG she is just sooo beautiful. I'm so glad you are home now and what a birth story.
Massive congratulations again hun xx
Gg!! Huge congrats to u!! Well done. She is so cute. Hope the milk comes in soon & satisfies baby girl.

2016 - lots of hugs!!

Joli - love the pics. So beautifully done.

Cn - woman! I am so jealous of your 7 hour sleep nights. I only get 4 hours at a time. Lucky fish u!!

Ladybird. Don't worry too much baby will come soon.

As for me. Super busy packing up for india. Didn't realize we got so much stuff. Lol
Arjun is doing well. He has grown 2.5 inches in a month & is 9.5 lbs. Doing great! He is a month old already. Can ubelieve how time flies.

I will post pics soon
GG- she is seriously gorgeous. what an absolute cutie! LOVE the little pumpkin costume :hugs:
thanks for the pics, hope you are resting well momma

2016- sorry hon my bad :dohh: I shouldnt have suggested that- like you said different things work for different people. I think you have a great outlook on it, and the riding sounds like perfect therapy. I like Joli's idea of just being around them right now and grooming the horses.

Devi- wow, I cant believe Arjun is 1 month already, glad he is doing well.
Are you excited for your big move? must be exhausting though, packing up and taking care of a newborn.

Had a great bday weekend in the mountains with DH. Yes, I am a Halloween baby. ha ha

GG - what a story! Wow, sounds like you had a really tough time, but what a reward at the end of it! She already looks so much like you!

Devi - 4 hours is great also! At the minute, I'm getting 1.5 hours (2 if I'm lucky!) then Harrison is up for an hour (20 - 30 mins feed, plus changing, plus putting him down). He's doing this thing once a day where I'll put him down, then 5 mins later, he's awake and cries and wants to comfort suck, then he falls asleep, I put him down, and he cries again 5 mins later - we do this until he's super tired and sleeps through, but it's exhausting! I hope he starts sleeping for longer stretches soon! Your packing must be tough right now, but how exciting to be making your move!

Ladybird - how are you feeling? Is your body still showing you all the signs that it's ready to deliver baby?

Britt - so happy for you that you had a nice birthday weekend! Looks like everything is falling wonderfully into place for you :flower:
Britt...it was a very good suggestion and is definitely good treatment when used properly. You weren't to know of my long convoluted history of nuttiness :rofl:
I do see my horse every day and do groom him or have a play on the ground 2-3 times a week. I guess I'm just being a spoilt brat and want to RIDE him. It is difficult to explain the feeling I get from riding - the while world fades away and I feel like I'm part of nature rather than fighting it. :shrug:
I am guessing I will get a similar feeling of completeness when I get to hold Squiggle though :)
Hope you had a lovely birthday. Funny how I was about the same stage in my pregnancy on my birthday this year. Only 9 days until your scan now!!!! Woop!
GG...how clever you had that pumpkin outfit esp since you ended up having an October Bumpkin instead of a November Sparkler. :happydance:
Keep meaning to ask, does Libby have a middle name?
GG - what a story! Wow, sounds like you had a really tough time, but what a reward at the end of it! She already looks so much like you!

Devi - 4 hours is great also! At the minute, I'm getting 1.5 hours (2 if I'm lucky!) then Harrison is up for an hour (20 - 30 mins feed, plus changing, plus putting him down). He's doing this thing once a day where I'll put him down, then 5 mins later, he's awake and cries and wants to comfort suck, then he falls asleep, I put him down, and he cries again 5 mins later - we do this until he's super tired and sleeps through, but it's exhausting! I hope he starts sleeping for longer stretches soon! Your packing must be tough right now, but how exciting to be making your move!

Ladybird - how are you feeling? Is your body still showing you all the signs that it's ready to deliver baby?

Britt - so happy for you that you had a nice birthday weekend! Looks like everything is falling wonderfully into place for you :flower:

Ive been having strong BH's lately and on saturday night they were coming every 5-7 minutes and lasting approx 40 seconds but then, after an hour, they stopped :dohh: Apart from that nothing is really any different and today they seem to have eased again. I have read somewhere that your body only releases the chemicals needed to start labout when it knows you are fit enough to cope with labour and when the baby is fully ready. Ive had a cold for the last few days and desparately want to get rid of it as I now keep thinking that this may be the reason why nothing is happening. My body may need to get rid of the cold first to think im well enough for labout. It may just be a load of rubbish but you know what its like when you start googling things. Think I need to step away from the search engines asap!!

Im sure Harrison will settle down soon, sounds like he just loves snuggling up and being close to his mummy! :hugs:

Devi - Good luck with the packing, it must be a heck of a task getting ready to move to a new country with a newborn but Im sure things will work out just fine :hugs:
ahh 2016 its because my waters broke on wednesday so I new I was being induced sat morning so would have had her by sunday and my mam saw these reduced in asda and bought it us on the thursday :)

just had mw :) got her to latch on with a nipple shield as apparantly I have quite flat nipples, i really feel like i have turned a corner... no more formula top ups for me hopefully. Libby is a little jaundice so need to keep her in light and try and feed her more as she is sleeping a long time between feeds, hopefully that will stop now im having a bf'ing breakthrough. she slept 11 - 5 and then 6 - 12pm! and we didnt wake up so it was a shock when we saw the time! mw said not to worry about it too much during the night but to try and arouse her during the day every 4 hours at least, i didnt expect to be trying to wake a baby I expected sleepless nights I know there is still time, but I would rather them than worry about lack of feeds..

No middle name as of yet still debating if we need one. x
Wow it's quiet on here! Well I'm still here, nothing happening, no positive signs and getting very fed up.
Have a midwife appt tomorrow so going to talk to her about my options as I really don't want to go overdue by too far.
Hope everyone is well xx
Ladybird - how's your cold now? You're totally right that you won't deliver until baby is ready and your body is totally ready. After I delivered, I was so exhausted and I felt like I had a cold coming on just after - but I guess my body was strong enough to fight it - I couldn't imagine delivering whilst I had a cold at the same time. Let us know how your midwive appointment goes!

GG - it's great that you're able to bf now! It's such an amazing feeling once you get it isn't it?

2016 - how are you feeling now? Have the hormones calmed down yet? :flower:

I think I've figured out why Harrison was always crying and wanting to latch on - poor boy has some sort of reflux problem I think. He goes to sleep fine, then wakes up and cries because he's regurgitating his milk, and he looks to latch on partly because it gives him comfort and partly on instinct. So last night, I put his cot on an incline by putting books under two of the legs and he's sleeping loads better! I just hope it's nothing serious that will require any medication. Any of you ladies have a baby with gastro reflux?
Have been thinking of you Ladybird...didn't want to keep asking you how it's going because that must get so frustrating. I already want to deck anyone that utters those words "not long now....." :grr:

I only have 4 weeks left at work now....but they are 3 day weeks so just 12 WORKING DAYS left!!!! :happydance: Can't wait to be able to sleep all day! I do wonder sometimes if I will make it at work 4 more weeks. Odd considering I used to be fine working 5 or 6 days a week, riding for an hour a day and being generally active otherwise. Now I find 3 days a struggle, don't ride and try conserve my energy wherever possible. I don't know how some women last working until their due dates but with all my aches and pains I am amazed each day I manage to get out of bed! :dohh:

Did a rather stupid/hilarious thing this morning. Put on a liner after my shower when I got up as usual but was in my hormonal stupor. Walked down stairs thinking "dang, that's uncomfortable" only to notice I had put it on sticky side up so it had stuck to my who ha! :rofl: Preggo brain strikes again! :haha:

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