should know better by now than to ask how I am
So glad I am now only working 3 days a week because even that is a struggle. First day of the weekend yesterday and, I must say, what a bloody waste of a day off! My lower back has been playing up the last couple of weeks and siezed up a number of times making me unable to walk. Don't know if I mentioned getting stuck in town last week and having to get a colleague to help drag me back to work.
Now I'm afraid to go to lunch by myself so I either have to burden someone or just stay at the office.
Last few nights it has been particularly bad and it takes ages and some teeth gritting to get myself up to shuffle in agony to the loo. Wednesday night it was so bad I couldn't get up at all so DH had to near enough carry me there and back - 3 times!
Yesterday there is just no way to get comfy so all I have managed to do is take paracetamol and try sleep. Thought I could use my TENS machine but the instructions say not until 37 weeks!
Called the midwife in desperation and she said there's nothing they can do (apart from having me go to physio which only happens next Thursday). She said she reckons I have a bulging disc and that the weight will just put more and more pressure on, potentially causing the disc to rupture eventually. She said they would induce me if it gets much worse to try prevent this permanent damage. I do not want to be induced because I then can't have a natural or water birth, but that seems to be the least of my worries right now!
Then the MW tells me my last blood results showed antibodies which could be making Squiggle anaemic.

Of course the antibodies could be showing up because, instead of the tests being done at 28 weeks BEFORE the Anti-D injection, they were repeated at 31 weeks when there is a chance the antibodies from the jab are still lurking about so it’s not my body’s doing at all. Have to have the bloods repeated next week and see if the antibodies are going up or down. If they are going down it is likely it was just the injection but I will have to have repeat bloods until they disappear. If they are going up, however, we might be talking fetal blood transfusions!
Today my back feels so much better, but then I realise it's because Squiggle has slipped back into his favourite transverse position again. So it seems I have to choose between horrible rib pain and a baby in the wrong position, or terrible back pain that might force me to stay in bed and/or get me induced! Rock, hard place