(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Hey ladies, just home from my trip now....aggh was so exhausting.
Nicole- omg thank you for the update, he is just gorgeous and love the name! How many pounds was he at birth again? such a cutie how is Ben with him?
and you looked fantastic just before you gave birth, all belly:hugs:

Tink- gosh I cant imagine how hectic things must be at your household, mom to a new baby and your 3 other boys and DH is sick?? Women are truly superhuman I think!! Hope it gets better for you soon.

Devi- good to hear from you, glad Arjun is doing well. Do you guys get out lots to do stuff? You must be having a blast with him

2016- You know I wonder if you will make it to full term just b/c they said you will likely deliver early. Nice to have everything ready though. I hope your pains are easing. Nice to make him stuff as well.

LB- how are you doing?

CN- thats so sweet that you watch Payson sleep...I cant wait to do that.

So scan day for me tomorrow, wish me luck ladies. I will update when I am back, gosh I hope all is well

Also I really like how we have kept this as a pregnancy thread/mom thread. Its such a great way for all of us to keep in contact with each other. I would seriously miss hearing updates from everyone, so no one can leave. :)
Nicole - omg, Daniel is SOOOOOOOO cute! I love the last pic of him sleeping. How is Ben with his new baby brother?

Britt - I have actually lost nearly all of my pregnancy weight - I'm 5 pounds off my starting weight, and I only have 1 inch left to lose off my waist. I am amazed how it's just dropped off. I still need to work out to tone up again, but I think I can't do anything until I've reached 6 weeks post delivery. So you're having your scan today!! :happydance: Make sure you get an ultrasound pic to show us! :hugs:

2016 - sorry that you're in so much pain! I know how you feel walking around with the clutches though - I was in such pain when I was on crutches, and I wasn't anywhere near as pregnant as you are now with Squiggle. I found that a heat pad and using TENS right on my hip joint really helped.

GG - how is Libby sleeping now with her colic?

Devi - I can't believe it's been 6 weeks already! Awesome that you can BD again - are you thinking about baby no. 2 at all? How are you coming along with the move?

ClaireNicole - you seem to be getting on really well with Payson! My dad is bringing us back a stroller from the USA this weekend so I'm looking forward to taking Harrison out to see the big wide world. We have gone out, but I've had to carry him in a sling with me the whole time.

Tink - any updated pics of Theo? It's so sweet that Jack has taken to Theo so much - they'll be best buddies as they get older! It must be tough for your stepson. How have you been able to cope with that?

I wonder where Ladybird is...hope everything's ok if you're reading this!
Morning ladies, I'm still here, due date today and still no signs at all :-(

Last week when my midwife tested my urine sample she found traces of blood in it. Well last night one of the doctors at my surgery rang and said the tests showed negative for an infection but did show a small amount of White blood cells so I've had to take another sample in this morning as she wants to test for chlamydia! Did surprise me as all my samples all the way through have been normal. I'm going to talk to my midwife about it tomorrow as I'm a bit confused bout it all. Just hope I haven't got a slight uti they are struggling to detect in case that may be a factor in bubs not wanting to come out!

Nicole - Daniel is gorgeous and you did so well with the birth, hope it only takes 4 or 5 pushes to get this one out! x

Devi - good news bout your 6 week check and arjun is thriving. Hope the move is going ok.

Joli - you look amazing and little Harrison looks such a cutie in those photos. You've done so well to lose almost all your weight already.

Britt - good luck for today's scan. I'm not surprised you are tired with all the travelling. Take care of yourself.

2016 - hope your not feelin to bad today hun
Britt...looking forward to hearing about your scan later!

LB....ooooh you must be getting so frustrated! As for the sample, I had white blood cells show up on a couple of rests but were generally gone on the retests so I hope it's nothing for you. Our bodies are ses pits while pregnant so it's no surprise really. The tested me for chlamydia and gonhorrea too which I found odd but it's just a swab.
LB- thats crazy! I'm sure its not clamydia though!! You don't just pick that up from a toilet seat!! I hope your next sample goes super good! HAPPY DUE DATE! Tell your baby to come out and meet us!

Joli- I LOVE my sling! well I have a moby which isn't the same thing... but ahh well! I don't have a stroller yet :| but I haven't needed one... and I have an umbrella stroller for when she gets older... but there arn't too many places I can go when its cold here! Plus I am loving the moby!

Its about 430 here! I have to go back to sleep! I'm just taking a second out to make sure Payson is really asleep not just was asleep on the boob and then wakes up 10 minutes after you put her in her crib... because I hate being in my nice warm comfy bed and then having to get back up :( BUT shes doing really well so I can' t complain! This is the first time shes been up since 1130ish! So thats 5ish hours! Can't complain about that I guess!
I'm pretty sure it isn't chlamydia either. DH wasn't very chuffed when I told him, got a bit upset n said how could it be that and that he hasn't been with anyone else!! Told him I wasn't accusing him of that, also added that I certainly haven't either. Bloody doctors don't half cause aggro. Will see MW says tomorrow.
I'm sat here watchin the baby programmes on discovery channel and talking to my belly telling bubs that this is what he should be doing and to get a move on. Good job I'm on my own, pregnancy is turning me into a nutter!!
Lmao LB!! I really think if the doc would have even mentioned an STD to me I'd have killed OH and asked questions later! I did get an infection and she was telling me about it and was like Its NOT a std don't worry and I was like huh... lol didn't even think it was! So i'm sure that if you and oh arn't stepping out lol then it can't be an std!

I'm ready to be done bleeding! I know that we don't bleed for 9 months and everything and this makes up for it... but I'm ready to be done! I can't wait for my 6 week check up (which is at more like 7 weeks) because I'm going on Marena and OH and I are excited to get back to our normal lives and to start DTD again!!!! :blush: maybe thats some TMI lol but its how I'm feeling!
That's the only thing isn't it CN the bleeding just feels like it's never gonna stop. I'm sure it won't be too much longer and you and OH can get back to normal ;-) xx
LB...I wouldn't be offended they wanted to test because its routine here to test anyone that shows 'symptoms' and White blood cells in urine is a symptom as far as they're concerned. Didn't realise it was your due date today - happy d-day! Come out now baby!

CN...how long does PP bleeding last? I'm not looking forward to that! Guess it can't be much worse than when I had a chunk cut out my cervix and I bled and oozed gunk every colour of the rainbow for 12 weeks at least!!!

Britt...you are right. I am sure I will even go overdue just because they said I'd be early. That's why I often get frustrated with some of the third tri posts people adamant their baby is coming when they've got the 'symptoms' I've had for ages! I should have plenty of reason to think he might be early but am not believing it for a second.

Joli...thanks for the tips. I have to check with the physio tomorrow because the mw told me not to use my tens until 37 weeks because it can trigger contractions. The worst pain is in my right hip too but also in my spine low down right to my coccyx and then down both legs to my feet!
claire iv stopped bleeding.. you have perfect baby I have perfect body haha Im even ready to dtd again but waiting a little while longer, all my swelling and bruising has gone down.

I added a weight ticker I want to lose 50lb's but its not all baby weight about 14lbs of that I had put on while ttc'ing so I want to get back down to my size 10/12 not gonna diet persay but gonna eat a bit better until after xmas then i thinkn il join slimming world.

joli - Libby still isnt sleeping, but I think she has her night and day mixed up. In my tummy her active period was from 10pm and most of night and she wakes up always around 10pm and latches on for hours (for comfort im thinking) and sleeps pretty much most of the day. She woke at 11.30pm and we got to sleep at 6am! daddy even came into the room for her work stuff before we got to sleep as he is on the couch for his first day back at work as I didnt want him tired in the drive as its a dangerous road. So I need to get her to swap night and day by keeping her awake through the day which isnt easy when she is awake all night and I need to sleep through the day to catch up myself in preperation for the next night, its a vicious circle :(. She gets weighed tomorrow so depending on her weight im making the decision to swap to ebm or formula as im not enjoying bf for 6 hours at a time.
Thanks 2016, I felt crappy a couple of hours ago, low down pains and backache plus tons of low down pressure. Had a sit down as felt grotty and now nothing, seems to have all gone...bugger! I started to think ooh this promising. Think bubs is teasing me.
Ps I'm not too bad with the chlamydia testing tbh, DH reacted worse. Got midwife in the morning so have to do another sample for her to test so will see what that comes up with x
Ladybird.... Hope your baby makes an appearance soon... We all wanna meet him! Good luck x :)

Britt..... Really hoping scan went well for you x :)

I bled for 5 weeks then had 1.5 weeks break while I started to take pill which did not agree with me and made me angry, depressed, have acne/headaches/breast pain. So stopped taking it and bam.... Massively heavy period :(

I must put up some new pics again soon. My stepson's birth mum never wanted him
so he only has limited contact and hasn't seen her for 2.5 years. I've brought him up from age of 2 and he's almost 10 now. Although he calls me mum we don't get on that well and he does make trouble. I treat him fairly though with the others but it's hard for all of us sometimes.
Hello ladies,
back from my scan at 6w6days (or 6w5days according to LMP) and all is perfect!! I am measuring at the right size for my dates and babies HB was 131bpm. Was so nervous I was in tears but relieved and so happy all is well. And there is just one in there, ha ha I thought maybe twins because my mom is a fraternal twin.
DH and I are on :cloud9:

thanks for your support, will read up on more updates later

Tink...was that Cerazette? It doesnt agree with a lot of people...I was fine on it but think it cause my fertility issues :( I have used Microgynon for many years without issues if you are trying another.

Britt...FAN-TASTIC news!!!! :yipee: So happy to hear all was well and that sounds like a very good heartrate for 6w6d! :thumbup:
I may be wrong, but it seems twins is the first thing everyone wonders before their first scan. I kinda thought I fancied having twins at first but thank goodness Squiggle is (and will probably remain) an only child because my body barely copes just growing one baby!
thanks hon!! Ha ha I know, I think everyone wonders- I think deep down I knew because I had minimal symptoms and my digitals were increasing at exactly the right time....:) At the end of the day, I am very happy with just one, twins would be stressful and I hear its a horrible pregnancy- that would be hard on anyone.
At first the sonographer went over my abdomen and did warn me that at 6 1/2 weeks she was likely not able to see the baby but I still panicked when she couldnt ha ha...irrational :blush: She found it right away with the internal u/s
I did 20 minutes on the Wii Fit today while wearing the baby!! And I'm HOT now!! BUT I've lost 5 lbs and a few ozs since October 26th!! YAY

congrats Britt!!!
Britt..... Soo sooo pleased to hear your scan went well today! Yay! ;)

2016..... Yes was Cerazette! I used to be on microgynon which was great but as it has estrogen in it I can't take it as I'm breastfeeding! So we are just going to use condoms for a while I think.

Clairenicole.... Good on you for exercising and losing weight! I've lost a bit since Theo was born but need to kick start myself into action as I've got 3 stone to shed which I gained over 3 pregnancies! No sure how to go about it yet! But did take the kids in the buggy for a walk along the canal today as it was lovely and sunny. I felt so much better afterwards. :)
congrats britt!

Libby is enough, I couldnt handle twins.. this baby does needs to switch her day and night around cos im near breaking point feeding on and off from 10.30pm - 7am and Iv just managed to put her down without screaming = no sleep for me again!
Congrats on the scan Britt, so glad everything was ok and there was only 1 in there. Think we all worry bout that at the first scan!

GG - sorry to hear you are suffering with the lack of sleep etc hun, hope Libby settles down soon for you x

I went to see the midwife this morning, still slight White blood cells in urine but she wasn't concerned and said it could well just be due to discharge. She thinks the doc is just being over cautious with the chlamydia test.
She said they will do a sweep at my appt next Thursday if I want one. Bubs is still engaged and in the right position and she thinks the yellowy/green discharge I've had may be my show as its not smelly etc but I'm not to convinced as I've had it on and off for last couple of weeks. We shall see. She also suggested DTD to try and get things started, couldn't help laughing at that suggestion, after the attempt we had last time it'd be even more difficult now I'm bigger!

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