(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Britt...glad you are starting to enjoy a few of the joys of pregnancy. I remember my bewbs hurting so badly in the beginning I had to sleep with those 'hidden bra' vests on and i am not that big busted! Can't remember when the pain subsided but they have started to hurt more the last couple of weeks.
You might be lucky and escape full blown sickness althogether. The key is to graze little and often and never let yourself get hungry. I used to keep crackers, ginger biscuits or rice cakes next to the bed and eat half or one if I woke up in the night and also first thing in the morning.
So looking forward to hearing about your scan on Wednesday! :yipee:

Ladybird...I am very afraid of being induced too. I know induction can go well but my fear is doing it before my body is totally ready and it fighting all the way. I really want my water birth and to use as little pain relief as possible which I don't think is possible with induction in general. If my body was stronger, I would rather go way over than be induced. My friend refused and went into natural labour at 43w6d! Her baby was a good 8lb8 but that's not so big considering.
LB- your description of DH kind of made me giggle. :) I hope he does start feeling better soon.

2016- thanks for the response, I agree dont let yourself go hungry and that is key.
I have another question for you, I have had a pretty upset stomach all day and it actually feels like period cramps. I have not had this yet and I am a bit worried truthfully. It hasnt eased up all day. There hasnt been any spotting so I am sure thats a good sign but if I just had cramps for a couple hours or something that would be okay but this is all day...... have any of you experienced this before?

Britt- I had semi period cramps through my whole first tri... in fact I was sure I wasn 't pregnant because of them! They are probably nothing! Growing pains lol

LB- :rofl: dieing swan!!

I'm doing alright ladies! Loving Payson! Shes so beautiful! I was really worried before I had her that she was going to come and I was going to be upset that she was taking me away from things... or that I had to be constantly responsible for another human.... But I love it! I love taking care of her and holding her and even getting up in the middle of the night!!! My mom took her so we could have date night last night and then got up with her so I could sleep and I really missed her!!! Its crazy how I don't think shes a burden at all!
that is so lovely about Payson, :hugs:
Sounds like you are settling into motherhood beautifully

thanks for your comments on cramping, I really appreciate it
Britt...yes I had TERRIBLE cramps, some worse than any period pains - and I normally have bad period pains anyway! For me it was a combo of growing pains (my body in shock something made it past my dodgy tubes into my uterus) and my bowels were a bit dodgy too so it was difficult to tell.
oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh Nicole, congratulations!!!!!!! That's so exciting!!!! Awww, I can't wait to see pics and hear what name you've picked for your little boy! Gosh I'm so happy for you!!

Britt - that's awesome that you're feeling symptoms now...baby is growing! So your first scan is on Wed - hon, when you hear that heartbeat of your little baby, you're just gonna melt, I'm looking forward to hearing all about it!!

2016 - I'm so sorry you're in so much pain, I really hope the physio helps you out, and there must be some pain relief medication that you can take.

Ladybird - so only 2 days left until your official due date... hang in there hon! I really feel for you :hugs:

The infacol seems to be helping with Harrison, we also have him sleeping on an incline and we rub vicks on his tummy each night - but he is still waking lots from doing big farts and gas, poor thing. And any time he's awake, he's a nipple monster and gets upset if he can't hang on! I really hope he will grow out of this soon! I have attached some updated pics of the little guy!


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Joli....Harrison is just a little darling. He looks so tiny in that picture of him in the bath! Sounds like you are a pro already sorting out his colic etc. :thumbup:
I am going to see the NHS physio and doctor on Thursday to ask for help....but have already been told by my midwife and private physio that there is nothing they can do. I just have to get the crutches and use them when I can't walk. I can take paracetamol and that's it. I think half the trouble is that the pain comes and goes and sods law is, when I see a doc/physio is happens to be on a day I can walk (just about). People keep telling me to fake it and pretend I am in as much pain as I am on the bad days, but I am such a terrible liar!
I also see the consultant next Tuesday and have one last shred of hope that he might be brave enough to do more to help.

Nicole's little boy is named Daniel Stephen I believe. :happydance:
Just noticed, there is a piccie of Nicole and her LO on FB now if any of you can access it. I don't want to copy and post it on here because I wanted to leave that to Nicole to do if she wants...
aww joli he is sooo cute look at his teeny butt glad the infacol is working, im not sure if its working for us, lib doesnt like to sleep on a nighttime but from looking at other threads her bevaiour seems inkeeping with an early newborn, hope it doesnt last much longer as dan is bk at work on wednesday and is sleeping on the couch haha x
joli! he is so cute!!!! I love the little bath picture!! I just finally got a picture of Payson in her Whale tub!

If I don't get some sleep soon I think I'm going to axe murder someone! Not the baby of course! But someone! I feel bad for anyone who randomly calls me or stops by today because i'm like an ogre!
Joli..... Harrison is absolutely adorable! Bless him :) x

Britt.... Can't wait to hear how your scan goes hun..... Good luck :) x

Hello everyone! Mommymichele.... Haven't heard from you in ages... Hope you're ok x
Joli he is so darn cute, looks like he is smiling in the pics :) also tell me you havent lost all your weight already??!! seriously looks like you are a little mini in your pic, you look fantastic.

Thanks ladies for all your cramping comments, really makes me feel better

I will post my update from my scan, excited but nervous.

just on a business trip right now...agghh get me out of this city. I am flying every week until Christmas- great just what the newly pregnant woman ordered :wacko:
Thought I'd finally post some pics! I forgot about his name when I posted last :dohh: It is Daniel Stephen, thanks 2016 for posting! I wouldn't have minded if you posted the pic, I've only been on bnb during feeds but hate typing with one hand. He's doing well at breast feeding so far, although lost about 8 oz but my milk just came in so I'm hoping he'll be gaining okay now. DS' b-day is on Halloween so they do have pretty close b-days! I didn't realize I needed a new ticker for him!

joli: Love the pics, he's so beautiful and you look fantastic!! You do look like you've lost all of the baby weight already!

Britt: Hope you have a great scan!! I also had days where I had pretty bad cramps. Whenever I was cramping I thought something was wrong but then if it stopped for a few days I thought the baby wasn't growing. I was so excited when I saw that your b-day was the same as DS', I think it's a great day for a b-day! Did you have a halloween themed party growing up? I'm really looking forward to that for Ben!

Ladybird: How are you doing? I hope your little one comes soon! Waiting at the end is terrible, I remember how frustrated I was at the end when I was pregnant with Ben, even this time the last week and a bit I was miserable with all of the braxton hicks and such. Hope you're doing okay. :hugs:

2016: It's terrible that you're in so much pain, when will you decide if you can keep working? I am so impressed that you have everything ready. I didn't have much ready at all, so was really unprepared! Are you still having the braxton hicks? I had them since about 20 weeks but they got really bad near the end. Do you think you should get checked out?

tink: DS is adjusting okay so far, a couple of late nights but seems to be back on schedule. How were your sons with Theo? I am worried that it will get worse since it's only been a few days and DH has been off work. I'm so impressed that you had a natual birth, I was too scared to try after I tried with DS and ended up getting induced and getting one anyway. I'm a big wimp with pain though!

gg: Almost caught up with your new journal, have to remember to subscribe! She's so sweet! I had a great labour because of the epidural too, part of me does want to experience a natual birth someday but I don't think it'll happen. Just wondering what size Libby is wearing, I can't find anything to fit Daniel, everything is so big on him.

Devi: I might have missed it but have you moved yet? How's Arjun doing?

Claire: So jealous that you can pump so much! What pump do you use?

I'm going to post some pics in a sec but in another post since I have never done it and don't want to lose this post! Hope everyone is doing well! I was also wondering how Hibiscus and Jack are doing!
she is just in first size stuff nicole but its still a little big, just got her in sleepsuits at the moment tho so not too bad xx




I put in my bump pic that DH took after my water broke, and some of Daniel.
The one I have on facebook wouldn't work on here, does anyone know why some don't work, it didn't tell me a reason, just that it failed.
Nicole...what a little sweetheart! :hugs: And that last bump pic - wow, talk about droppage!

I didn't go get checked out for the pains because the midwife was coming round this morning to take my third set of the same bloods! :dohh:
As always, she wasn't particularly bothered I was having regular painful BH. :shrug: All she said was, if I am at work I should go home and rest if I get a few of them and am worried. I work an hours drive from home and so don't want to be stuck there.
If the pains get more painful or regular over a couple of hours, or if I have a show then I must call the labour ward.
Knowing my body, it will continue to practise and do so in the most painful way possible! :dohh:

Work has been really good though and, like yesterday I had VERY bad pains that stopped me in my tracks and I felt a bit dizzy and nauseous and had a dodgy tummy. They didn't question when I said I was going home. I asked my boss if I should go home sick/work from home and he said to do whatever I wanted even if I only sent a couple of e-mails. He knows how bored I tend to get just lying about at home so it is good for my mental wellbeing to just be able to do a little work.
I am reluctant to start maternity leave until the date I planned (1st December) which had already been moved forward from the original 11th December. The more time I take before Squiggle is born, the less time I will have with him when I reach the end of the 9 months allocation.
I am seeing the GP and physio on Thursday to discuss the pros/cons of working etc. and am seeing the consultant next Tuesday. Think I just have to take it one day at a time...

The reason why I am so organised with the baby stuff is because the docs kept telling me he was going to arrive early "we will do our best to get you to 28 weeks" they said! So I had everything ready from then! I am already so bored and fidgety waiting, I just keep crocheting to keep myself sane. I am now crocheting random stuffed animals and just can't seem to stop myself. I have even developed a callous on my crocheting finger from the vigorous effort! Maybe I just need some s£x!!!! :rofl:
I had 6 week check up yesterday. Everything looks awesome. Finally can BD now!!! Can't tell u how happy I am. Lol!!
Arjun got his vaccines yesterday too at 6 weeks. He cried only for a min & then went to sleep for 4 hours. But when he woke up he was crying terribly for 30 mins & I gave him a dose of infants Tylenol. He then immediatly fell asleep for 3 hours. When he woke up he was a happy baby. He is great now. He weighed 10lb 9oz.
Nicole- he is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! I have a Medela but I got it used.. and its not that great! BUT it works! I told OH I wanted a new pump and he told me that I could go buy one of the manual ones for 30 dollars... I was like ummm no! I almost hit him... but as long as the one I have is working there really isn't a point to buying a new one... I don't think this one is going to last through my whole BFing experience though... I might see if they have one I can borrow or rent at the WIC office!

Hope everyone is doing well!!!! I think I'm going to take Payson to the grocery store today!!! We need to pick up our WIC stuff and I'm out of water!

Have any of you ladies just watched your LOs sleep?? cause Payson makes the funniest noises and faces!!! Justin was seriously cracking up yesterday because he was holding her while she slept! I think shes half taradactyle with some of the noises she makes... and sometimes she sounds like an elephant! Its so cute!
Nicole.... Daniel is gorgeous! :) I'm pleased to hear your DS is adjusting well to his new little brother. I worried about how my boys would react but they've all been great with Theo, especially Jack who was my youngest and the one I was most concerned about. He goes up to Theo and says "uve oo ots eeeo" which translates as "love you lots Theo" and he kisses him! Sooo sweet! My stepson has reacted the worst but he's always been like that when a new baby comes along. He lies, attention seeks with his dad and generally doesn't do what he's told and tried to play his dad and I off against one another. He's really bugging me at the mo but that's a whole different story! lol

Devi..... Am pleased Arjun is doing so well and really healthy weight gain! Theo has his first immunisations the week after next so not looking forward to that!

Clairenicole.... Theo makes far more noise than my others did! Soooo funny to listen to them and watch all the cute little expressions! Glad you are doing so well.

Britt..... Hope the travelling isn't too tiring for you. Try to rest when you can ;)

2016..... Hope all your aches and pains ease up a bit or that baby decides to make a healthy early arrival for you. He's going to have lots of cuddly toys that his mummy has made for him. What a lovely thing to tell him one day! ;)

I keep meaning to write out each child's birth story so that I can remember each one uniquely. Boys were all out of sorts today and drove me INSANE! Now DH is doing is dying duck impression on the sofa nursing a sickness bug!! MEN! lol

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