Just a quick copy-paste from my journal entry:
Went to the physio yesterday which was great. I was a bit annoyed with my body after all the pain I had last night – crawling on hands and knees to the loo because I couldn’t walk – that I was walking ok today when the physio saw me. Typical!

I can’t fake pain/injury I don’t have. I am just the world’s worst liar and, in fact, will often downplay my pain which is what always makes it difficult for medical professionals to take me seriously and help me!
Anyway, she prodded me here and there and when she got down to my pelvis she gasped and dashed out to get a colleague. They both stood and stared at me for a while and told me my sacrum had twisted at least 70 degrees to the left and then had also pivoted forwards. This is what has been causing me all this pain and making me unable to walk....
In case an of you don’t know the joys of pelvic anatomy, here is a pic of a pelvis:
The sacrum is the upside down triangle labelled B and that is what had twisted.
It took both of them a fair bit of showing to get it back. BLOODY HURT!

but they said they managed to get me aligned in the end!

They didn’t give me crutches because they said that, after the initial inflammation of the fix died down, it was like I would be walking much better. Although, if I still have pain in a weeks time I can go back and get them....I guess they have limited pairs so don’t just want them sitting about my house unused. I am in a lot of pain tonight and have been icing the area and taking paracetamol etc. I am really pleased in a way they found something wrong because at least I know it wasn’t all in my head and I am also really relieved in is not a bulging disc in my spine.
Here is the uber 5 to 34 week bump collage! I could almost weep when I see how “small” I was!

The next time I add a strip to this one, it will be D-day eeeeek!

Joli...I asked the physio yesterday about the TENS and she said "no"

It is because of my stupid pre-term labour risk (which I am not sure even exists) that they won't take any chances. Here in the UK they also won't let me take anything stronger than paracetamol - not that I was planning to drug-up while pregnant but sometimes it would be good to get a few hours relief from the pain. I was also told no heat packs and to limit baths!

Have to ice it 3-4 times a day.
It amazes me how much the advice can differ between countries and between physios. Yesterday the physio said I should NEVER have worn the pelvic support brace because its dangerous with anterior placenta and can cause miscarriage! I have been wearing it on and off since 16 weeks!