(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

My nutritionist suggested I roll my nipples... apparently its brings out oxytocin which helps you go into labor! But having a grown woman tell me to start playing with my nipples always made me LOL!!!

Tell that baby to GET OUT!!!

How are you feeling about the sweep?
Ha ha yeah I think if she'd told me that bout the nipples I'd have done the same!!

I will have the sweep if nothing has happened by nxt week as I'd rather that kicked things off than bring induced. But in an ideal world I'd rather have neither n spontaneously go into labour but who knows if that'll happen.
Makes me wonder if this baby is so stubborn now god knows what he'll be like when he's born! :-) x
Ha ha yeah I think if she'd told me that bout the nipples I'd have done the same!!

I will have the sweep if nothing has happened by nxt week as I'd rather that kicked things off than bring induced. But in an ideal world I'd rather have neither n spontaneously go into labour but who knows if that'll happen.
Makes me wonder if this baby is so stubborn now god knows what he'll be like when he's born! :-) x
I've heard nipple stimulation needs to be done for like 15-20 minutes and can cause very intense contractions so shouldn't be done without advice. Don't know for sure though...
Britt: congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! You must have been thrilled to see your little one's heartbeat! How have you been finding first tri so far?

ladybird: I hope your little guy decides to come soon on his own!

gossipgirly: Sorry that Libby has her nights and days mixed up. Ben did starting at 3 weeks and it was so tiring. I hope things get better soon. :hugs:
well i cant go and get formula...deal was if she didnt hav a good weight gain i would switch... 7 and a half oz's!!!! in a week she only dropped 2oz of her birth weight so were passes birth weight now at 7lb 1/2oz! no wonder im demented !
GG- you poor thing, but she is so darn cute you have to forgive her for keeping you up :hugs:

LB- I think it has to happen soon for you!! Fx'd, will be anxiously awaiting updates.

Nicole- your little boy is so gorgeous, how are you doing?
Thanks for asking, I am doing really well...its a bit eerie b/c at times I dont feel pregnant at all- hence I was nervous for the first scan, kind of skipping the first tri tribulations so far.....so we'll see, hopefully I stay feeling great.
I am a very hungry little piggy though I must say :blush:

hope the rest of you are well
Britt - congratulations on the scan!!!! That's so awesome that everything is going well! Did you get a picture of your little bean? Don't worry about not 'feeling' pregnant sometimes! I felt that way too, but everything was absolutely fine! :hugs:

CN - I can't believe how long Payson sleeps! Harrison is up for a feed every 2.5 - 3 hours day and night! I'm kinda used to the lack of sleep now though! I've had to give Harrison a dummy - I didn't mind him latching on to me all the time, but the midwife said that I might be overfeeding him (which I didn't know was possible whilst breastfeeding!?), which makes his reflux worse. Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be any confusion, but Harrison doesn't want the dummy unless I have him on me and pretend the dummy is my nipple or if he's really sleepy.

2016 - the physio used the TENS on me right at my hip/leg joint and she said it wouldn't affect the baby, since the TENS isn't being used anywhere near the uterus area.

GG - that's great that you've already stopped bleeding - mine is really little, but when I have a really good feed with Harrison, I suddenly have more bleeding. Really hope it all ends soon! That's great that you're trying to shed some pounds - are you wearing a belly wrap? I swear it's what has flattened my tummy and helped 18 pounds come off - I'm wearing it for 6 weeks. Harrison had day and night confused too, so we started doing bathtime every night at 9pm, and we kept really quiet at night, and he seems to have figured it out now.

Tink - I really sympathise with you and your stepson, but I'm sure he's very lucky to have you take him in as your own :) So you've gotten your period already? I thought AF didn't really come whilst bf?

Ladybird - what is a sweep?

Nicole - how's Daniel doing? is he sleeping and eating well?
last night... :dance: fed 8-9 i went to bed and daddy kept her asleep downstairs i came down at 12 to take her up she stirred and woke, gave her 2oz expressed and some boob, had 2oz formula in a bottle but she didnt take it and fell asleep so i put her in moses basket and rocked it and 4 and a half hrs later she awakes for a feed.....eeee iv slept! iv actually slept thru the night on my stomach nd not her on my chest! amazing, def expessing for night feed now!
Just a quick copy-paste from my journal entry:

Went to the physio yesterday which was great. I was a bit annoyed with my body after all the pain I had last night – crawling on hands and knees to the loo because I couldn’t walk – that I was walking ok today when the physio saw me. Typical! :dohh:
I can’t fake pain/injury I don’t have. I am just the world’s worst liar and, in fact, will often downplay my pain which is what always makes it difficult for medical professionals to take me seriously and help me!
Anyway, she prodded me here and there and when she got down to my pelvis she gasped and dashed out to get a colleague. They both stood and stared at me for a while and told me my sacrum had twisted at least 70 degrees to the left and then had also pivoted forwards. This is what has been causing me all this pain and making me unable to walk....
In case an of you don’t know the joys of pelvic anatomy, here is a pic of a pelvis:
The sacrum is the upside down triangle labelled B and that is what had twisted.
It took both of them a fair bit of showing to get it back. BLOODY HURT! :cry: but they said they managed to get me aligned in the end! :yipee:
They didn’t give me crutches because they said that, after the initial inflammation of the fix died down, it was like I would be walking much better. Although, if I still have pain in a weeks time I can go back and get them....I guess they have limited pairs so don’t just want them sitting about my house unused. I am in a lot of pain tonight and have been icing the area and taking paracetamol etc. I am really pleased in a way they found something wrong because at least I know it wasn’t all in my head and I am also really relieved in is not a bulging disc in my spine. :happydance:

Here is the uber 5 to 34 week bump collage! I could almost weep when I see how “small” I was! :cry: The next time I add a strip to this one, it will be D-day eeeeek! :yipee:

Joli...I asked the physio yesterday about the TENS and she said "no" :cry: It is because of my stupid pre-term labour risk (which I am not sure even exists) that they won't take any chances. Here in the UK they also won't let me take anything stronger than paracetamol - not that I was planning to drug-up while pregnant but sometimes it would be good to get a few hours relief from the pain. I was also told no heat packs and to limit baths! :hissy: Have to ice it 3-4 times a day.
It amazes me how much the advice can differ between countries and between physios. Yesterday the physio said I should NEVER have worn the pelvic support brace because its dangerous with anterior placenta and can cause miscarriage! I have been wearing it on and off since 16 weeks! :dohh:
GG - that's fantastic that you've been able to get some sleep! I'm not sure how I can express - Harrison feeds every 2.5 -3 hours, I feel like by bb's hardly have a chance to fill up again before he eats! I can't wait until he's sleeping 4 hours straight rather than his usual 1.5 hours!

2016 - that's great that the physio has gotten to the bottom of your problem, sounds awful you poor thing! It is really interesting how advice differs between countries. You've got an awesome bump collage - by the time I delivered, I couldn't remember being as small as I was when looking at bump pic number 1. It's surreal after delivery to be able to see your feet again!
Yes I've always got my periods back straight away despite breastfeeding but not eveyone does. The sickness bug finally caught up with me last night and I was up all night really bad. Thankfully I've only got theo to look after today as I feel bloody awful! :(

GG.... Glad expressing is working for you hun and you are managing some sleep :)
Just checking in! Had to reformat my computer today because of a stupid virus! Spent most of the day in bed with Payson!! Shes so snuggly!
CN....awwww snuggly...:hugs:

Just want to have a whine...
Have been awake most of the night and eventually gave up at 4am. I am pretty sure I've got hubbys man-flu...and I am carrying a man remember? So I just feel dire! :cry:
Started with a sore throat yesterday afternoon and last night as I was going to bed I had such bad period pain/lower backache I took 2 paracetamol but was still in some pain. Struggled to sleep flashing hot and cold, throat dry from the blocked nose, hubby snoring like you won't believe.
Got up a couple of times for the loo and one time got such severe pain in my...erm...rectum I screamed and really panicked hubby.
Tried to sleep more but had a very vivid horrible nightmare. Then tried to ge back to
sleep but the period pain won't let up. My bump feels like it's on fire! :hissy:

Totally indulgent pity party here but I just feel so lonely and sore and upset I am at my wits end! :cry:
Well ladies I am sat in the delivery room with a whopper of a little boy in the crib beside me!! I started with contractions at 6am, got to hospital at 8am and had him at 11.28am. Was 8cm when arrived at hospital, they broke my waters and almost immediately I wanted to push. Pushed for over an hour but he wouldn't come out. So had to have forceps delivery and turns out he was facing the wrong way hence why so much agony and struggle. No name yet but he was 9lb 10oz and no pain relief!!! Ouch. Have 2nd degree tears so have stitches :-( xx
Aww congrats lb wowza what a birth story! And what a whopper well done u!!! Can't wait for pics Xxx
LB...well that's enough to cheer me up! What a big big boy! You did so well giving birth naturally! :happydance:
Looking forward to seeing pics and hearing his name. :yipee:
OMG Ladybird!!!!!! :happydance::baby::dance::dance::yipee::yipee:
Congrats hon, finally!! That is a whooper of a size, well done momma!! :) Cant wait to see the pics and hear the name.
Hope you are doing well, sorry about the tares, ouch hope you recover quickly.

2016- sorry you are feeling so lousy today, oh yuck about the flu- maybe with all the shooting pains though you should get checked out. You dont want bubs infected...:hugs:
Your bump collage is amazing, wow you have a fantastic bump now :thumbup: looking great
I havent felt like wanting to do bump pics b/c I feel so bloated and yuck but DH wants to start taking them, so will do one this w/e

hello to everyone else...really tired today :coffee:slept a ton, really wierd dreams...when I am suppose to get happy pleasant baby dreams lol
u dont britt! unfortunatly the weird dreams is a symptom of increase in progesterone and they dissapear when placenta takes over hormone production xx

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