(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

GG...the weird dreams disappear? Tell my body that! We just spent the last hour traipsing round China looking for a black pearl necklace my mum had lost (in my dreams).
Britt...sorry for the delayed happy 7 weeks! If I remember correctly, your bubs is raspberry sized now. Just wait until he/she's the whole flipping pavlova! :rofl: Do you think you will find out the gender out of interest.
The doctors are going to investigate the rectal pain and the fact I've had diarrhoea sometimes up to 6 times every day for 7 weeks now (TMI) sorry. I have the joy of taking in stool samples, a rectal exam and a full blood workup next week in addition to my consultant appointment. :dohh:

As I lay about moping in bed most of today I realised I should be grateful that, while all of my issues throughout this pregnancy have been awful for me, none of them has harmed my little boy. What more could I ask!
and u will instantly forget it all 2016

grrr tommee tippee electric bp is rubbish!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Ladybird! What a whopper!!!!! Well done you doing it all naturally! Can't wait to hear what you call him and see photos! ;)
Thanks everyone, I am staying in hospital tonight, not managed any rest yet. We have called him Zachary Alexander and I'll post pics wen I'm home. Only got my iPhone and there no wifi just sporadic 3G signal xx
Britt...sorry for the delayed happy 7 weeks! If I remember correctly, your bubs is raspberry sized now. Just wait until he/she's the whole flipping pavlova! :rofl: Do you think you will find out the gender out of interest.
The doctors are going to investigate the rectal pain and the fact I've had diarrhoea sometimes up to 6 times every day for 7 weeks now (TMI) sorry. I have the joy of taking in stool samples, a rectal exam and a full blood workup next week in addition to my consultant appointment. :dohh:

As I lay about moping in bed most of today I realised I should be grateful that, while all of my issues throughout this pregnancy have been awful for me, none of them has harmed my little boy. What more could I ask!

ahh thanks hon, you are so sweet- I am really looking forward to 8 weeks for some reason. So I am still waiting for this nausea to kick in b/c otherwise I am going to eat myself into an oblivion- seriously wtf?? I'll eat a huge meal and still be hungry lol...
Yes we are going to find out the sex of the baby when the time comes and baby cooperates. If I had to guess one way or another what I am having, I would go with boy.....I personally dont care, would absolutely have a blast with either but DH has his heart set on a boy...lol

oh my gosh 2016, that diarrehea sounds awful, you poor thing. Let us know what they find, gosh it has to be an infection. Make sure you take it easy :hugs:

Thanks everyone, I am staying in hospital tonight, not managed any rest yet. We have called him Zachary Alexander and I'll post pics wen I'm home. Only got my iPhone and there no wifi just sporadic 3G signal xx

love the name LB :hugs:

Well, going over to a gf's house and bringing over a bottle of wine that I obviously cant drink :wacko: fun times :) its going to be interesting keeping my little secret, gosh I wish I didnt drink so much wine previously than no one would suspect :rofl:
Ladybird - congratulations!!!! I'm so happy that Zachery finally arrived! I love his name - Alexander was one of our top 3 choices :)

Britt - don't worry about the weight - your body will tell you exactly what bubba needs, and from experience, the weight will taper off throughout the pregnancy - I gained like 8lbs in my first 12 weeks, but in the end I only put on 22lbs. What did you end up telling your pals about you being off the vino?

We took Harrison to the doctors on Saturday, and he is now on losec for silent reflux - anyone else ever have a baby with silent reflux?
this is from my journal xxx

I dont know why have this guilt and sense of failure i need to shake it. Libby has cold and fed for a few hrs this morning and then had 2 20 min feeds and this afternoon so I decided to give her last feed 3oz apitamal so I know she is getting enough as she has only had a couple of wet nappies today. Iv decided im expressing and formula feeding, no more breast I cant handle these shields anymore and the hour on end of feeding at every feed, i think we have problems with the latch and her sucking isnt as efficant as it should be. She seemed to be ok with apitmal as c&g made her sick. She doesnt really like bottles she prefers boob (que guilt) but took 2 1/2oz from tt bottle and then got frustrated when she wanted to just suck and milk was coming out... so I went all out and give her a dummy too.. she seems to only be able to keep a cheap 30p one in her mouth!
Gem- already responded in your journal

LB- YAY!!! CONGRATS!!!! I'm so happy for you hun adn I can't wait to see pics!!

2016- not everyone forgets it all after it happens!!! I'm not forgetting how sucky being pregnant is! Thats why I'm going on Merena! Hold on to these memories! When yous tart forgetting how sucky being pregnant is... thats when you want another baby :| Makes me want to run!!! On the upside I don't think you could TMI us at all! I think we have alllll TMIed all over the place! its what we're here for :hugs:

Britt- I still haven't had a drink :| I go out to lunch and i know I COULD have a drink.. but I just haven't yet! You should get some N/A wine! I doubt anyone would notice! I'm just really happy that your in the BFP club now and your baby is doing so good and your doing good! Just makes me happy!

As for me... well Payson has done nothing but feed all weekend... which is why I've been MIA... and now shes sleeping so I HAVE to sleep... I've spent the last 45 minutes catching up on BNB and thats 45 minutes of sleep I'm missing out on :rofl: all because I love you girls!!
hey ladies, how are you today

GG- I dont think you should feel guilty about anything, BF is a very personal choice and one that should never be forced on any mother. I know there is a huge push for it right now and some look at new moms for not beast-feeding as crazy sinners but I think there are too many judgemental people out there and it was never like that before. Yes, there may be special benefits for BF but my mother didnt breast feed with either one of us and we turned out perfectly healthy and fine :hugs:
Can I ask you what breast shields are?....sounds a bit scary :wacko:
hope you are doing well today, love the new profile pic of Libby

CN- your post made me smile, thank you so much for your kind words, I am happy to be here too :hugs: How is little Payson doing.

Ready for some more photo updates from you guys!!!

Joli- hope you are doing well. I am not sure what exactly silent reflux is but it doesnt sound too uncommon- I am sure if your doctor was concerned he would definitely let you know. How are you and little Harrison doing? dont hear from you too much on here anymore which is totally understandable with a new baby :hugs:

LB- how are you doing??

2016- how is the pain subsiding at all?

hello to everyone else

I am heading to Vancouver today and there is a massive snow storm here in Calgary, yuck get me out of this town AND its freezing!!!!!! brrrrrr....
Britt...sorry to say, but I've reached rock bottom
and have started to dig. :nope:

Am avoiding posting a bit because all I seem to do is moan. :blush:
Britt...sorry to say, but I've reached rock bottom
and have started to dig. :nope:

Am avoiding posting a bit because all I seem to do is moan. :blush:

oh no hon, whats wrong? you can moan to us

I am just back at the hotel from a crazy busy day at work today....my goodness I am on a plane every week still it seems, this baby is getting lots of airmiles already!!
I'm at the laundry mat with screamer!! She's sleeping in her carseat and i just got everything into the washers! I'm stripping some diapers so we might be here for awhile! I'm totally prepared to breastfeed in public! If I have to anyway

I'm trying to get new pics up but I just had to reformat my computer... I'm still trying to get everything worked out there

I hope life gets better soon tink!! :hugs: you'll have your lo soon!

Britt- I'm glad I could make you smile!! Do you know when your next scan is?

Joli- I've been watching Dexter lately and I noticed his son is named Harrison!! Makes me think of you everytime!!
GG - I totally agree with Britt, you shouldn't feel guilty about having to top up with formula. You just need to do whatever is best for Libby!

Britt - I'm doing well, thanks! Tired, but happy. Silent reflux is basically reflux, but rather than vomiting up, the baby just has acid reflux up and down his throat, which burns and tastes yucky for hte poor little guy and keeps waking him up. I guess the medicaiton is helping, but it apparently takes 1-2 weeks to take effect (he's been on it for 5 days now). It's very common in babies, and he should get over it when he's about 3 months old - but very little sleep for me in the meantime! Sorry that I have been quiet on the thread, I find that each time I settle down to write, Harrison gets reflux, then I have to hold him to keep him upright, so I keep losing half-written messages! BUT this thread has been keeping me sane in the middle of the night - I'm up at 3am each night feeding Harrison, and I use by blackberry to read all of your messages, it keeps me awake. I love reading all the updates! So you're about 8 weeks now! milestone! Have you had any new symptoms?

2016 - moan away!!

CN - I'm loving all of your pics on FB, Payson looks like such a happy baby! I haven't seen Dexter before, I've heard it's really funny. I'm making my way through Grey's Anatomy - I've gone through seasons 1 - 5 in the last 4 weeks!
I forgot to mention - I was in tears earlier this week (can't remember if I have written about this already or not, sorry if I'm being repetitive) - I spoke to my boss, and was asking him if I could have 20 weeks off work for maternity leave (my contact allows me to have 12 week paid, and an additional 4 weeks unpaid, so 16 weeks in total). But he said no, and that I have to come back after 16 weeks. So poor Harrison is only going to be 3.5 months old and I have to be back in the office. I was so upset, I hate that maternity leave is so short here and the thought of being apart from Harrison just breaks my heart. I'm trying not to think about it right now, so that I just enjoy the time I have with him.
hey ladies, just got back from Vancouver and into a wicked snow storm here in Calgary....brutal cold temps and tons of snow, you would not like it :nope:

Joli- glad to hear the reflux is getting under control, I googled it yeah its totally common. I think when the meds kick in you and baby will get rest.
I will have to check FB for updated pics.
funny you should ask, no- no real big symptoms still...haa, I just worked a 14 hour day including travel and when I was on the plane tonight I had to remind myself oh yeah I'm pregnant I really shouldnt be working like this. I feel great really....lol, does that mean I'm having a boy? I had a tiny bit of heart burn tonight but if I eat well I dont get any nausea....I do get indigestion if I eat anything dicy. I had sushi last night in Van but all cooked stuff.
Yes, I am 8 weeks in 30 minutes ha ha...love it.... :)
Oh I have a real bloat in my tummy already...obviously not a bump, just a fat bloat :haha:
okay that is SOOO ridiculous that they are making you go back after 14 weeks, what a freakin joke. Can you bring him to work? Is there a nursery at your work? I'm guessing not if they were unwilling to give you an extra month off unpaid...how unfair and ridiculous. Can you ask to do some work from home? I feel for you hon, that is just not enough time....I dont know what else to say to make you feel better but just try not to think about it until the time comes

how are the rest of you girls? will have to read up on the updates

Britt...happy 8 weeks! Does an easy first tri mean you're having a boy? Not in my opinion! :rofl: I don't believe any of the old wives tales are true for gender - cravings, heartrate, morning sickness, bump shape etc. My sister reckons boys are harder to carry but easier babies but that's another wild theory!
My favourite theory at the moment is "difficult pregnancy, easy birth"...I reckon I'm gonna give birth in my sleep! :haha:
I think it's great if you can still do everything you used to. I wish I'd done more early on because I had no idea how limited I would be now.
Let's see your bump pic now then! We need a "before" picture to compare later! :thumbup:

Joli...how horrid you have to go back to work so soon :hugs: Did you say your mum is going to look after Harrison? Do you have to go back full time? I cannot believe 3 months has passed already. I'd never hurt about silent reflux...poor little boy. Sounds like you are on top of it though and hopefully he will feel better soon.

CN...I meant to say the other day you made me proper guffaw when you said I can "TMI all over the place" :rofl: Were you calling Payson the screamer yesterday? Surely not!

Thanks for permission to moan :blush: I have just slipped into a depressed lull again with all the pain. Saw the consultant yesterday and was brushed off...I didn't realise he only cares about incompetant cervix/preterm labour risk so I am no longer of interest to him despite my other struggles. I am still at risk of preterm labour but, at 35 weeks, it's hardly an issue anymore so I am very pleased with that.
Anyway, I am going to ask I get transferred back to midwife care. I keep toying with the idea of a home birth...but firstly I dont trust my body not to do anything stupid (might be risky as I've never given birth before) and secondly I don't think I could trust hubby maybe being my own birth partner if the midwife doesn't arrive on time!

All other moans (and there are lots) I am confining to my journal!
Lol 2016! Yeah we call Payson screamer! Actually... my parents started it with the neice and nephew... and now all the kids are just screamers lol. Payson however does not scream very often at all! She is being such an angel!! Between her and Justin I'm just excited today! Justin got up with her last night and she didn't get up again till 6ish and she went right back down... but it was like 7 and 1/2 hours of sleep for me in a row! I super love that!

Joli- I can't imagine :| Justin keeps making jokes about me getting a job... and you only get 6 weeks here... but I don't know if I could go back to work right now. I might try and find something a few days a week... like..2 :D but I couldn't do full time! :hugs: I'm sure you'll adjust well!

Britt- I'm seriously jealous of your no symptoms! Happy 8 weeks!!! Your almost through your first trimester!!!! Thats the big hump I think!

And speaking of TMI... I'm done bleeding! YAY :happydance: AND the dr gave me the okay to start DTD again... which we did... and it was awesome! I feel like a PERSON again!

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