Britt...happy 8 weeks! Does an easy first tri mean you're having a boy? Not in my opinion!

I don't believe any of the old wives tales are true for gender - cravings, heartrate, morning sickness, bump shape etc. My sister reckons boys are harder to carry but easier babies but that's another wild theory!
My favourite theory at the moment is "difficult pregnancy, easy birth"...I reckon I'm gonna give birth in my sleep!

I think it's great if you can still do everything you used to. I wish I'd done more early on because I had no idea how limited I would be now.
Let's see your bump pic now then! We need a "before" picture to compare later! horrid you have to go back to work so soon

Did you say your mum is going to look after Harrison? Do you have to go back full time? I cannot believe 3 months has passed already. I'd never hurt about silent reflux...poor little boy. Sounds like you are on top of it though and hopefully he will feel better soon.
CN...I meant to say the other day you made me proper guffaw when you said I can "TMI all over the place"

Were you calling Payson the screamer yesterday? Surely not!
Thanks for permission to moan

I have just slipped into a depressed lull again with all the pain. Saw the consultant yesterday and was brushed off...I didn't realise he only cares about incompetant cervix/preterm labour risk so I am no longer of interest to him despite my other struggles. I am still at risk of preterm labour but, at 35 weeks, it's hardly an issue anymore so I am very pleased with that.
Anyway, I am going to ask I get transferred back to midwife care. I keep toying with the idea of a home birth...but firstly I dont trust my body not to do anything stupid (might be risky as I've never given birth before) and secondly I don't think I could trust hubby maybe being my own birth partner if the midwife doesn't arrive on time!
All other moans (and there are lots) I am confining to my journal!