(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

hey ladies, how are you?
Devi so good to hear from you, I was wondering if you had moved to India yet. Well while you are roasting over there we are in a deep freeze at -25 degrees in Calgary...:wacko: Do you like it so far? I cant believe how much hair Arjun has already, he looks like a little man already, so gorgeous- his features have really come out.

2016- well glad the weird bleeding has stopped, have fun at yoga tonight, hope you feel better...home stretch now

CN- need new pics of Payson please!!! Happy black Friday shopping, hope you get some great deals

GG- saw some pics of Libby on FB, my gosh is she a little sweetie :hugs:

Hello to everyone else, Tink how are you and Theo doing?
Nicole, how are you doing with your boys? :hugs:

So I was asked on the undergrad thread to post a bump pic, thought I would post for you guys too- yes I know its my "bloat" pic as its impossible to have a bump yet. The pic is from last week and I am even more bloated already. I am trying not to eat a ton but I am so darn hungry, I am up a full 5 lbs already...:wacko:
DH put the smiley face on my pic...lovely touch hey? ha ha

Also, a question for you guys, what sorts of tips do you have for me to purchase for baby (I will start buying things after 13 weeks). Of course we all know the usual things to buy, but did you get any things that you find really helpful that a new mom wouldnt normally think to get? thanks :hugs:


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Britt...Lovely pic, I wish I looked that slim when I was bloated! :shock:

Just got back from my 2nd appointment of the day - the glamorous life I lead eh? Had to see the GP because my bloods came back showing chronic inflammaiton which they think might indicate ulcerative cholitis or Chrons disease (hope not!) have to go see a gastro-intestinal specialist even though there isn't much they can do while I'm pregnant but it can take up to 12 weeks to get a first appointment anyway.
My body is just FUN FUN FUN! :rofl:
Hi ladies!

Devi.... Arjun is gorgeous and I bet you are pleased the move is over and that you've started to settle in.

2016..... Your body is being rotten to you. You never know, yoga may bring on some contractions later on! ;)

Britt..... Gorgeous figure you have hun!

Little theo hasn't really giggled again since! :( Lots of smiles though so I can't complain! I've joined weight watchers online as I have a whopping 3 stone to lose! But have been going for power walks with the buggy and am counting the points with my food. It's great because you can do it even if you are breastfeeding as it's tailored to you. I can't wait to see some results as I am very self loathing of my figure. I used to have a six pack tummy and now I have a fat, wobbly stretch marked muffin top! Boo hoo :( lol
oh no, I hope its not Chrons hon.....gee you have been through the ringer. I think you have to be rewarded with an awesome LO

ahh thanks Tink but I have about double bloat today. I have heard how hard it is to loose the weight after baby. I have heard great things about WW, good luck to you but its still so early.
Ahh, hopefully Theo will giggle again soon but I do love baby smiles, warms my heart

I finally fit into my pre-preg jeans today!!! YAY! YAY!! YAYYYY!!! so happy!

britt - buy the swaddling blankets with the velcro! they are a god send.. my lil man keeps breaking out of the traditional ones.. babies are simple.. dont need much (feel like all the shopping i did was a waste) diapers, wipes, onesies/other types of clothes, hats, mittens, nailcliiper, thermometer, socks, swaddling blanket, diaper changing mat/station.

rest can wait until after - love the "bump" by the way

2016 - glad your bleeding stopped, but boo that your body is playing tricks on u.. hope things get sorted out..

arjun smiles ALOT these days if u play with him.. & last night he smiled when I entered the room! it was AWESOME!!! he also smiles when I lift up my shirt to feed him in the middle of the night.. crazy nut! lol!!
Hey Ladies!

Sorry for the radio silence, it feels like everytime I'm ready to sit down to write, I get interrupted, either baby wants to eat or his reflux is acting up, or the cats want to eat, or Mom visits etc! So big apologies :hugs:

Britt - I'm loving the baby 'bump' pic - you don't look bloated at all! Cracking figure :) The smiley face really made me laugh. Don't worry that you've already put on 5 lbs, I put on 8 lbs (at least!) in my first 12 weeks. On things to buy, I totally agree with Devi about the swaddlers with velcro, they were a life saver, as Harrison is a strong, squirmey baby! My other must-haves would be:
- digital bath thermometer (if the bath is even 1 degree cold, Harrison cries, so it's important to us to get it right!)
- lots of muslin cloths to put across the cot where his head is, so that whenever he regurgitates milk (as most babies do), we can just change the muslin cloth rather than changine the bed sheet every time
- sleep onsies with foldable mits at the end (babies nails are sharp and you can't cut them to begin with, so this helped Harrison to stop scratching his face)
- diaper bin (keeps away the bad smell!)
- snug nest (so we've been able to have Harrison sleep on the sofa in the living room during the day time)
- for Mommy, a life-saver for me was a peri-bottle, after delivering everything's pretty swollen down there so using the peri-bottle will avoid you having to use too much toilet paper which might irritate
- for Mommy as well, I got Advent breast pads (there's lots of leaking, and I found these to be the softest)
- for Mommy, the Madela Freestyle breast pump (makes you feel like a dairy cow, but it really works!)
- electric steriliser (I got Tippie Tommie, but I've heard Advent is good too).
- nipple cream for the first couple of weeks - I don't need it now, but they are a must in the beginning!

GG - how is Libby getting on with the bottle feeding?

Tink - how wonderful that Theo is giggling now! Harrison is just starting to try to smile socially, but I think it will be another 1-2 weeks before he gets the hang of it! I'd love to see some updated pics!

2016 - that's awesome that you did a bump cast! I never thought of doing one, it must have been fun! I've been putting together a photobook today as a gift for DH for Christmas, showing Harrison's first 5 weeks. Whilst we were in the delivery room, my mom took some very short video footage of the moment after Harrison was delivered, showing DH and I crying and hugging Harrison for the first time - when I first found out, I was horrified that she took video in the delivery room, but now when I watch it, I'm flooded with such emotion and I'm very grateful that she did it. So I think it's great that you're doing something to remember your bump in all it's glory, you'll love looking back at it one day! How are you doing on the crutches?

Devi - Arjun is GORGEOUS! Seriously good looking little guy - I love his expression! Send us more pics!! How are you settling into India? That's awesome that you're back into your pre-preg jeans, I felt great when I was able to as well! Amazingly, I'm already back to pre-preg weight - bf really is great for all the calorie burning!

CN - you're so lucky to be able to do black friday shopping... they don't really celebrate thanksgiving here (though I usually cook a turkey)... but I plan to do some shopping online!
god i cant wait till libby smiles... she is just so miserable all the time haha

lovely bump britt..

devi so jelous...although I have no clothes to fit bk into i chucked them all out in protest half way through my pregnancy I literally have nothing! Im joining slimming world, was going to go on monday but dan was late in from work and I missed it. Wasnt gonna bother till after xmas but since iv stopped bfing there is no harm.
she is fine joli - pooping well. going thu a growth spurt so is guzzeling every 3 hrs now so iv upped her to 5oz and the little moo fell asleep after 2! what a waste x
Joli...the crutches have been great and really came in handy last night! :thumbup: I don't have swaddle blankets with velcro but do have "swaddle pods" which are like zip-up things
Hope the work...
I bought an Avent bath and room thermometer which does what it says on the tin! You can prop it up in the room or pop it in the bath to check the temp. I already have it propped up next to my bed where the moses basket will go to check if we are in the correct temperature range for Squiggle when he arrives.
I bought the Medela swing because I thought the freestyle was a bit pricey but I am wishing I bought the freestyle now! :dohh: Only going to be pumping enough for DH to give Squiggle one of the nightly feeds anyway so maybe it will be fine.
For the steriliser, I got the milton cold water steriliser because the tip I was given was that you can put the stuff in and it stays sterile for 24 hours which is quite handy. I also then won't have to worrk about clumsy me burning myself on steam and such! :dohh:
Bought a nappy bin too to save trying to dart out the house in the middle of winter! :wacko:
Sounds like I have done pretty well as your list goes, have pretty much everything on it! :happydance: Will have to look up a peri bottle though...
Quick summary of my day:

11.30am i'm sitting at my desk at work and feel a slight pop followed by a little gush. Went to loos and I'd soaked through a pad, my pants and a patch on my trousers.
After a lot of sniffing, pondering and pad changing I went back to my desk.
Posted this in my journal and my stalkers kept telling me to call the MW. I didn't want to because I thought it could just be me being a stinky old incontinent lady! :blush:
Nothing more leaked out really but what did leak out before didn't smell like pee I don't think.
After some resistance I called the mw and she told me to go in and get checked esp since I had bloody show on Saturday gone.
Came in and have been prodded by 5 different people, 1 hour on the monitor, two internals, 2 scans.
Results are - they think but are not sure that it could have been my hind waters. My cervix is 1cm dialated and has effaced about 70 percent I think. Squiggle is now head down (for the first time ever) and well engaged.
I have to stay in and take antibiotics and be monitored then be scanned again tomorrow by proper sonographer to confirm if it's waters. I asked if there was a swab they could take but apparently not.
Slight hitch is that, because I am before 36 weeks (by 2 days :dohh:) I have to be near a neonatal unit in case he comes. The hospital 5 mins from my house where I currently am has no space in the neonatal until so I have to transfer. The nearest unit to transfer to is 70 miles away and off the beaten track so will take 2 hours to get there!
Just waiting for ambulance transfer now.

Hubby is freaking out, I'm in denial! :rofl:
OMG Jo!!!!!!!!!!!! that is crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! how are you feeling??
sorry but so excited that squiggle might be coming soon :happydance::baby:
Sorry about the transfer, that is lousy....are you bringing a blackberry to keep us posted in the hospital??
good luck hon
I'm feeling a bit odd to be honest. In a crazy way I don't want to believe this is it in case it's not and it will make going overdue all the mire frustrating. I just keep thinking how long Devi was a bit dialated and effaced for with contractions too...weeks!

I have my iPhone and hubby brought the charger earlier with my stuff. :thumbup:

I haven't had any more leakage except for some pinky mucus but thinking that's just from the internals. Keep getting waves of pain low down, in my back and upper things....but am I now imagining things? Trying to sleep but all the lights are on and it's blooming noisy! :wacko:

Don't want Squiggle to come too soon. Hope he's grown enough if he does. Apparently they will check his growth tomorrow when they check my waters on the scan as well as probably an internal scan to check cervical length. It's nice to get to see my long-legged big willied boy again if nothing else! :cloud9:
How exciting!!!! Good luck 2016! Sounds like this is the start of it! However, it may take a while for labour to properly inititate. Keep us posted hun and when the time comes, try to RELAX and breathe through the contractions (blowing raspberries can help you to relax!)..... I know sounds crazy but I think you'll give anything a go to see if it helps. Can wait for an update! Good luck with the scan and I hope the transfer isn't too uncomfortable for you and squiggle! X :)
ohhhhh 2016!!! exciting that u get to meet LO soon but wishing it is nothing & u get to go home without baby so baby bakes longer.. ;) take care & good luck
Mauled! I've been mauled!

Very bumpy 2 hour drive through heavy snow to what is a tiny but nice enough hospital. Because our government hospitals don't share data, I had to have the following redone:

- urine sample, although this time they found nitrates so suspect infection
- ECG for 2 hours, showed little contractions which might just be "irritable uterus"
- MRSA swabs
- Full set of bloods, 6 vials but because my veins are crap they tried 6 times before trying twice to insert a cannula.
- another internal exam, the most painful yet especially when the speculum slipped and pinched me on the way out! and the doc said he couldn't see my cervix so I suspect he didn't know what he was doing!

Now we still can't go to sleep because we have to wait for me to be moved from the delivery room to the ward. Coming up on 24 hours no sleep.

Later I will be scanned for liquor volume, cervical length and Squiggles growth...(can't remember if I said that before).

My belly really aches now and I am sure it's from a total of 7 people palpitating, 3 people scanning, 4 hours of ECG and 3 internals in the last 12 hours.

Feeling a bit sorry for myself and have had a cry. What if it was just pee earlier today and this is all for nowt? I guess it was worth it if for nothing else to have Squiggle looked after.

Going to lie here now in the dark, DH attempting the impossible task of trying to sleep blot upright in a chair. He has been super panicked but very lovely to me.
I ave a child genious on my hands 3 weeks and 4 days and smiling at mammy talking (not wind) witnessed by the healthvisitor several times!! and she was 2 weeks early!



new pics, didnt wanna share on fb as using in ty cards x
Gg...wow she's grown so much.

Can't remember what updates I've copied in here from my
journal...but this is the latest:

So it would appear the contractions are getting a bit more organised. Bern timing and they seem to be about 30 seconds long every 2.5 minutes. Not sure what that means in real terms!

Had scan and the liquor volume is fine so it looks like his very engaged head has plugged a small hind leak. They did say before they would let me go home if this was the case...but with the contractions I'm not sure. :shrug:
His estimated weight is 6lbs3oz so above average they say. Couldn't measure my cervix because his head was in the way and they didn't want to risk an internal.
oooh 2016 the first time I manage to log on since I had Zac and look whats happening!!!
Things certainly sound promising with the contractions starting to become regular and squiggle is a very good weight so Im sure he'll be fine if things progress. It does sound like a hind water leak as that happened to me when I went to the loo in labour. They checked me afterwards and my membranes were still intact so it was my hind waters that went.
Im thinking of you hun and hope everything goes well for you, especially after everything you've been through :hugs:
A big hello to everyone else...I've missed so much!

Well here's my birth story and pics...finally

I started having slight pains at 6am on 13th Nov but didnt think too much of them. But I soon realised that they were coming every 6 minutes and lasting nearly a minute. I got up and paced around the house for a while and then they started coming every 3 minutes and lasting a full minute. At this point I woke up hubby and kids and I realised bubs wasn't hanging around. It was a bit of a mad rush from there on in. Had to rush round getting kids dressed and getting bags to take them to grandmas. By this point the contractions were quite painful but were all very low down and in my back and bottom, not across my stomach.
Finally got in the car and set off but the contractions had really intensified and we ended up just dropping the kids off and rushing to the hospital.
When I got there it was mad busy and I got the last delivery room that was free...thank god, didnt fancy delivering in the corridor!!!
They examined me and were quite surprised to find out that I was already 8cm dilated! They at this point decided to break my waters.
I asked about pain relief but they told me there was no time for that and all I could have was gas and air. I didnt bother with that as it just makes me feel sick so I just stuck to breathing through the contractions.
Anyway, I soon had a really strong urge to push so the midwife told me to go for it. I did and things seemed to progress really quickly but after about and hour of really strong pushing he just wouldnt get through my pelvis properly.
Another midwife came in and was very forceful and tried to help me get him out. She nearly had my knees round my neck!!
But it was still no use and by this time I was absolutely shattered so they called in a consultant who said they would get him out with forceps.
They gave me several injections "down below" of local anaesthetic and then started using the forceps but they hadnt given the anaesthetic time to work before they started using them so it was absolutely agony but I just wanted him out.
Finally Zachary was born at 11.28am weighing in at a whopping 9lb 10oz (no wonder I struggled getting him out!)

He is now doing really well and is back up to his birth weight already. I am formula feeding him as he is a very hungry baby and thankfully he is now in some sort of routine, taking a 4 oz bottle every 3 hours.

Here are some quick photos


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2016- oh my gosh, contractions every 2.5 minutes?? wow...sounds like things are progressing...:happydance: I have my fx'd for you that everything goes very smoothly and you are not in too much pain. Glad hubby is taking good care of you :hugs:

GG- she is such a little cutie, I light up when I see her pics :hugs:

Ladybird- yeah good to hear from you- Zac is absolutely gorgeous!!!! congratulations momma :hugs:

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