Omg CN, I was just thinking we havent heard from you in awhile and there you are!! I just noticed you and Joli's babies are exactly the same age- too cool!!
I love the family photos, what a gorgeous family- you look great, I like the dark hair on you (I believe it was a bit lighter in previous photos)
Payson is a cutie. Glad you got some shopping in and some rest
well sounds like 2016 is settling in quite well into motherhood, have seen some updates on FB- total cutie
Joli- yeah there you are sweets we have missed you!!!!!

can we see some updated photos of Harrison soon? Glad things are going well with his feeding, sounds like you have adjusted great also. I cant wait to have that immense love feeling when I look at my baby.
Well girls, I literally just bragged on a first tri thread at exactly 9 weeks that I have still really no major symptoms, feel great and no nausea and bamm literally a few hours later I started feeling awful. I wonder if I have a stomach bug though because I have had diarrhea, stomach indigestion (some stomach cramps more like tightness) and bad nausea all day- I cant eat anything or do anything. I didnt leave the house at all yesterday which is unheard of me for a weekend- and it looks like I am going no where again today.
Anyway, not sure whats happening- I didnt think diarrhea was common in early pregnancy so thats what makes me think I have a flu or something.
anyway, hope everyone is well cant wait to hear more updates