(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

CN - what beautiful family pics! I love Payson's little Christmas outfit, what a cutie!

Britt - sorry you're feeling rotton now... but on the bright side, symptoms can make you feel really pregnant, and lets you know that things are coming along great. I've heard ginger biscuits can help? :flower: I've posted some updated pics of Harrison here for you! :hugs:


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Joli..... Harrison is gorgeous! What a great looking family you 3 make! You all look blissfully happy! :)

Got a very grumpy baby at the mo as he's constipated and gone back to newborn feeding times at night and it's making me soooo tired!!! :(
gorge joli!

:( hope the juice works tink

Iv had like an hour and halfs peace! iv been able to put her down!! washed the dishes, tidied up put a load of washing in and sorted her room out and clothes as she has grown out of her first size stuff now :( however, im putting them away for baby 2.. or perhaps baby 3 ;) x
Payson is down right now too! On her playmat listening to motzart lol I think she likes the lights! But shes about done with it... shes starting to fuss a little... so I'm going to try her swing! She went in her swing really well yesterday... and I got alot done! So today I'm hoping for that too! Just think Gemma one day they won't even want us to hold them :( now we're begging them to let us put them down lol
Oh my gosh Joli, little Harrison is so adorable, how is he sleeping now? What a gorgeous family you have, I absolutely love the picture of the 3 of you, so lovely, I showed DH as he was in my office when I was on BNB :hugs:

GG- whats this #2 or #3??? :happydance::happydance: how cool, most women cant even think about that so soon after having one. She is pretty darn cute though :hugs:

Tink- sorry Theo is having a hard time with constipation, that would make me grumpy too :winkwink:

I wonder how 2016 is doing? Looking forward to her updates.

so looks like I am the only one left to have a baby and I am only in first tri!!!!!!!!!! :blush: We need to get some more undergrads over here

oh and no one can leave hee hee
we wont leave dont worry britt :) I know we need the other girls on :(

fair point claire I will one day be begging libby for a hug haha
Im dying to knwo jo's birth story and squiggles name, I know what its like its so hard to chose one name as its for the rest of their lives we took over 24hrs to chose and the grief we got from everyone... you havnt named that baby yet? bla bla blabla

libby is such a little tease I make 4oz formula she drains it and wants more so I make 5oz the next time and she drinks 3oz and has had enough... little moo!

Waiting for my food shop to get delivered, its exciting.. like waiting for presents :) first time we have done it as I didnt want to go out in the cold and I realise I hate food shopping now and its so much harder with a baby x
Hello girls! I keep wanting to type up my darling boys birth story but need at least one solid hour at a proper pc to do it! There just seems to be no time as all day every day is filled with visitors! :dohh: MIL is making her THIRD visit today and he's only 6 days old! Going to have to start putting my foot down - still haven't unpacked our hospital bags.

Gemma...you are so right about the name grief. I get constant calls and texts...has he got a name yet? Over and over. How can we make such an important decision when I'm so busy and tired. Good news is, I think we have now chosen a first name, just thinking about the middle name. :)

DH has had to go back to work until 13th December. Luckily he works from home and I can leave LO asleep in his office. But then all I wanna do is sleep.

One bit of news, had our day 5 weigh in yesterday and he'd only lost 4% of his birthweight! :happydance: They were worried he might struggle to feed as he was early, but he has been a massive booby monster since he was just 1/2 hour old. :cloud9:
Tink - sorry Theo has been constipated, is there anything the doc can give him? Do you know what's causing the constipataion?

GG - I love that you're already thinking about baby #2 and 3! Any thoughts on when you might ttc again?

Britt - don't worry about being the only one here in your first tri - we're not going anywhere! How are you feeling now? Harrison is sleeping tons better during night time - he went nearly 5 hours in between feeds last night, which was as breakthrough. But his medication (which we give him before bed) seems to run out by the morning, and he doesn't sleep very well at all during the day. I'm grateful for the night time rest though! He's growing tons, he's put on 3.5 pounds now since birth and is smiling lots. :)

2016 - in Chinese culture, you have 40 days to name a baby, so you just take your time! Awesome that Squiggle is doing so well with the bf!
Good news..... Theo is no longer constipated!!! Two big smelly poops later and he's much happier! However, he's on a growth spurt and waking me at 3am ish to be fed and he seems cold so not sure if that's the reason he's waking early??!! So tonight I'm going to wrap a blanket around him in his sleeping bag and see if it helps. It's below freezing day and night here at the moment..... Bit of a cold snap!;)
Hi all,Ive actually managed to sit down at my pc thank goodness, finally managed to get Zac to have a sleep.

CN - your photos are gorgeous,you look so well too. Payson is such a little cutie in her xmas outfit.

Joli - Good news that Harrison is settling more for you,its such a relief to be able to get a bit of sleep. Your photo's are great too, Harrison certainly looks older and you make a gorgeous family.

Tink - glad that Theo has managed to poo!! Its horrible when they get constipated isnt it, then they seem like different babies when they finally manage to go!

GG - Libby looks wonderful on your pics. The formula feeding seems to be doing well for her. Im using Apatmil to feed Zac and had to change to the Comfort one as he suffers with terrible colic and wind. Only problem is now that it has given him terrible runny nappies and smelly farts!! He did one the other day when the health visitor had hold of him and he nearly gassed her! ;-). Ive changed him back onto the normal Aptamil now to see how he is with that now as Ive also got him on infacol.

2016 - Sounds like squiggle is thriving, looking forward to hearing his name and seeing pics but totally agree that name choosing shoudnt be rushed. Make sure you take care of yourself and get all those visitors doing jobs for you. I know how hard it is when hubby goes back to work early as mine only had 1 day off!

Britt - Sorry you are feeling a bit crappy but its all a good sign. Like GG says, hormones can let you get away with allsorts;-)

Zac is doing really well now,the health visitor weighed him on Monday and he is now 10lb 7oz... he's put on 1lb in a week!!! He is a total greedy guts and Ive now had to put him onto 5 oz bottles and he's taking between 4.5 and 5oz every feed.
Things are hard work at the moment with my other boys,school, getting xmas sorted etc. There isnt enough hours in the day.Ive been getting a bit stressed about getting everything done but am just so relieved to have internet shopping! Im just glad when Zac has a good night as occasionally he has slept for 5 hours at a time overnight. Its a godsend, especially as he regularly has bad nights where he screams for hours on end with wind.
He also had his first "non windy" smile yesterday which melted my heart and made all the sleepless nights seem so worthwhile xx
LB lib is on comfort milk and its done the same to her, dunno if i should change.. i might move from aptimil if i change as normal gives her constipation

joli we are wtt jan 2012 xx
Yeah I was thinking the same. I'll give the normal aptamil a chance n see how he is off it and if it's no go I may change too. Don't know what too though as heard bad things bout sma and cow and gate. I did ask the health visitor bout hungry baby milk but she told me not to get that either as it would make things worse. God knows, it's a minefield getting them in the best milk.
Ps good for you wtt in jan 2012, a couple of years is a nice age gap. In hindsight wish I'd done it as mine are all 6 years apart. Mind you that's it for me now. As much as it pains me to say it, we are definately having no more kids. I am still so desparate for a girl but common sense has kicked in and we just couldn't cope with another child at our age :-( x
Girls I don't know whether I'm coming or going anymore...so exhausted!

Well some progress has been made! Finally hubby stopped delaying and agreed on his name which is:

Stewart David Kevin Porter :happydance:
We decided he had waited so long that he deserved an extra name. :haha:

Stewart means "keeper of the animals or guardian of the castle" and we picked it after our favourite comedian Stewart Lee.

David means "beloved" and is an uncle on both sides of the family.

Kevin means "handsome at birth" and is after my brother born at 26 weeks who only lived one day. :hugs:
It's a smashing name 2016 and so nice that each name has a meaning/significance x
Just thought I would post a few pics quickly:
Just been borned....
With Daddy...
Coming home...
Early days...
2016..... Great strong name choices! What lovely pics! He's an angel and you are glowing! Being a mummy definitely suits you hun :)
Hey Jo, as I said on the undergrad thread- great names, now that I read the meanings behind it, it is even more of a beauitful choice.
You look absolutely radiant and look like you were born to be a mother. Seriously you look so natural and happy, like completely fullfilled. I am so glad the labour wasnt too bad on you after your pregnancy. He is so gorgeous, love his little nose:hugs:

LB- glad Zachery is feeling better, what a cutie
Tink- how is Theo?

CN- whats new with you guys?

Joli- I will pm you soon, miss ya hon and thinking of you

GG- your FB updates crack me up, what a cutie you have

as for me- the sickness I had, has passed- so I think it was a stomach bug. I felt a tiny bit nauseous today but I hadnt eaten and I was in a hot store- got out of there and ate and was fine.

I cant believe it but at 10 weeks I already have a little belly, not just lower abs but upper too...strange because its so early, but its definitely noticeable
2016 - congratulations on choosing your bubba's name!! It's a great name, and I'm all in favour of long names too! He's such a cutie, and he looks so much like you! You look great in your pic too, you can't tell that you've just given birth - looking forward to hearing the full story!

Britt - that's awesome that you're getting a little bump - I was already looking bigger by 8 weeks. Make sure you take regular bump pics throughout your pregnancy - they're amazing to look back on! I'm glad you're feeling much better now!

Harrison's reflux is still bad during the day, and the poor thing gets so overtired, it's hard to calm him down to sleep - but he's being an angel in the evening now, going 5 hours in between a feed, so I'm starting to feel more human each day! Although DH was out last night and tonight at x-mas parties, and I really miss his help in the evenings for Harrison's bath and to give him his medicaiton (which is no easy task!) - I really can't believe it's already Christmas, and that it's been over a year since we started Team Aphrodite! How awesome would it be if we were all able to meet one day with our bubbas :flower:
2016 great name for sqiggle!! He is a cutie!!

Britt how cute!! A lil bump on the way!! Yay

Joli oh poor baby hope the reflux calms down. Poor thing.

Yesterday dh & I BD & the condom leaked!! Kinda scared as I still havnt gotten AF since dec last year. Doc has advised not to get preg till 15months pp since I had a c-sec. Look who's gna be peeing on a stick in 20 days.

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