(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Lovely photos ladies. :)

GG...... I'm loving the chief elf outfit for libby! I've got same one for Theo too ;)
oh my gosh, how cute is Harrison!!! :hugs: Love love love those photos, I cant believe how much he has changed already.
Joli, am I seeing right, does he have a touch of red in his hair? Oh ginger babies, love them.
thanks for the well wishes, yeah I am careful to not over do it, I did on a trip to Vancouver about 5 weeks ago and I know it was too much- was scary I was a zombie the next day. This trip is pretty laid back.
Dont worry I am bundled up, born and raised in Canada- I am very use to the cold unfortunately

Scan is Dec 20th ladies, I am getting the NT screening as well. I hope all is okay, I am sure it will be. Also I have been feeling really good, I think what I had earlier was just a stomach flu as I have felt great once it left- guess I am one of the lucky ones.

wonder how 2016 is doing?

awww libby has a touch of ginge lol from her daddy

2016 is doing fab just uber busy with the breastfeeding i think

going to walk and get lib weighed today, first time out of house week xx
GG - Harrison LOVES his bouncer - he always has a fuss around 9pm, and he shuts right up when we put him in the bouncer! Libby's elf outfit is tooooooo cute!!!! I was going to see if i could get Harrison a santas little helper outfit for Christmas.

Britt - I am not sure where it comes from, but in some lights, Harrison does have a tinge of the ginge!! I don't know how you can cope with the cold so well - it's low of 16 degrees here (high of 20) and I have the heater on!!! Not long until scan time...!
ahh thanks Devi- yeah I guess I am 11 weeks today, size of a lime, wow that seems big. Time is moving a bit quicker now, just can not wait until the scan which is Dec 20th!
wow Arjun, seems to be growing really well, he is a great size

GG- Libby is so cute omg, love the cheeks, I love how you left the red eyes :winkwink: I love the elf outfit!

Joli- Harrison is just a doll, saw some more pics of him on FB, too cute. Do you think he looks a lot like your hubby?
yeah its not that I love the cold by any means, much prefer summer but you get used to it when you are raised here, you have to I guess :) Of course you couldnt pay me enough money in the world to take public transit in Calgary especially when its so cold, so I do have the luxury of hoping in my car with heated seats during the winter. Also I love to snowboard, so I would miss living right by the mountains. We just make sure we go on warm vacations.

oh and just got back from a business trip last night and i worked a 14 hour day was way too exhausted, my flight was 2 hours late, we had problems at the gate it was a gong show, got home super late and started to cry from exhaustion, baby was telling me that is too much.
taking it easier today
Right...... Here are some update photos of Theo.... :)

Theo in his bat outfit for halloween
Theo with Jack
Me with all my boys!


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Hey Tink - Theo and Jack look so similar! What wonderful family photos!! It was nice seeing them all on fb too :flower:

Britt - only a few days more until the big 12 week scan!!! Naughty naughty girl making yourself exhausted!!! Take care of yourself especially this time of year. Have you decided whether to get the flu shot or not?

We had a lovely family day out today - DH was playing in a rugby tournament, so we spend the day outdoors watching him and eating good food, there was a brass band playing, bouncy castles etc. Lots of fun - and we tried Harrison out on the Baby Bjorn today, and he loves it! Although I'm a bit concerned that he loved it so much he slept in it virtually the entire day, so methinks he mght be up a lot tonight!

Oh - and the other day, Harrison didn't poop for 36 hours (he normally goes 6 times a day!) and it totally freaked me out. Doc said it was normal as Harrison is now absorbing all of the milk he's drinking, so he's getting to be a big boy now.

My parents babysat last night for 3 hours whilst DH and I went Christmas shopping, it was my first time away from Harrison, and I missed him so much my heart ached.
Hey Joli,
good to hear from you- sounds like you and DH are really in the swing of things. Sounds like Harrison is doing amazing! I smiled when you said your heart ached for him being away for 3 hours, its amazing how quickly they become the love of our lives- cant wait to feel that.
sounds like the weather is lovely over there....so jealous :)

Actually hon, I got the flu shot at about 6 or 7 weeks, I really didnt want to but they push you hard over here to get it. I got the version that has no perservatives so designed for pregnant women- there is so much stuff going around here in the winter and if you get sick as a pregnant woman it can be fatal so i took it- no side effects at all from it- hopefully it protects me.
I did get a stomach flu a few weeks ago though...

feeling good, no nausea still just very tired and massive headaches every day for the last 5 days, did anyone else get that?
anyway, hope everyone else is well, look forward to the updates
Britt.... I got mega headaches too.... It's your hormones apparently. I was worried as I didn't get them with my other pregnancies. They got really bad a few times so I took paracetamol as it's safe to take that whilst pregnant. Hope they ease up soon x
yeh I got bad headaches but a bit later than you about 14 weeks mine started and left me about 3 weeks later, horrid

my baby is asleep in her moses basket upstairs :happydance: have the moniter on and im waiting with baited breath for her dummy to fall out and her to wake... wouldnt it be amazing if she slept through ! she wont like but it would be fab!

Going to a toddler group tomorrow, its a bit of a (how can I put this without sounding snobby) "rough" one but they are the kind of areas that do all that stuff so we have to travel an hour walking and bus to get there but I need to get out as im not leaving the house all week and sitting on comp when libby is asleep or chilling on me.

Other news.. me and oh bd'd twice :blush: and I dont see dr for pill till 16th woopsy, fxd I dont get a BFP! but im pretty sure I ovulated the other week as I had O pain and EWCM Im broody but we cant afford another one yet and I want to slim down and have my body back for a while x
Gg -- oh ohhhh!! When are u doing the test?? I'm doing mine Christmas day. I don't think I o'd but who knows! I havnt gotten AF yet. I too don't want a bfp, only because I had a c-sec & need to heal.
im not sure I stopped bfing at 3 weeks and she is 6 now .. oh bugger lol maybe just after new year but i think af will arrive by then.

Little monster had me up at 1am wide eyed and didnt settle till 4 and woke for a feed at 6 :~( hasnt really settled since so i havnt slept much and now she is asleep on me. We were going to go to a toddler group but we will never make it now and I dont think im up for it anymore as im so tired :( Anyone any advice? should I keep her awake, it just seems to make her ratty and worse to get to bed. She went in her basket around 8 so she had 8-1 maybe I should put her to bed later so she sleeps longer or I should go to bed at 8 :happydance:
Britt - 1 day go before then big 12 weeks! I'm so excited for you!! I want you to have your baby already so that I can see what little bubba looks like! For now, I'll be looking forward to seeing your scans! Sorry you've been having headaches - make sure you keep up the fluids.

CN - don't worry about being quiet on the thread, we all know how tiring motherhood can be!! I have a newfound respect for mothers who stay at home rather than work - it's just as hard as being in the office!

Tink - how's Theo doing? Is he giggling yet? Harrison has been making my day the last few days when I wake up in the morning and look at him, he gets a huge grin on his face, it melts my heart!

Devi - I can't believe you're already having to test! Kinda exciting, even though I know you're not supposed to get a bfp yet. Have you stopped bf now? I'm wondering whether I will get AF after I finish bf... I had polycystic ovaries before and wasn't ovulating on my own, but I've heard that having a baby can sometimes make your body naturally sort it all out. I haven't been back to the doctors at all for a check-up since I've had Harrison, I really should, I just haven't been thinking about myself at all. Must do on my list of things to do!!

GG - how is Libby sleeping? Do you have her on any kind of routine? I went to a mother baby group last week, it was kind of surreal - I found that none of the mothers introduced their names, but everyone knew everyone's baby's names. I have 4 more sessions to go to, but I can use them up any time within 1 year. I'm not sure I have any useful advice, but I can tell you what we're doing with Harrison...

6:30am - feed
7:30am - back to sleep
10:00am - feed, followed by awake time, and fussing and not wanting to go back to sleep, lots of crying!
12:30pm - asleep finally!
1:30pm - feed, lovely awake time, playmat, reading, then not wanting to go back to sleep and lots of crying again!
4:00pm - sleep finally
5:00pm - feed, then sleep
8:00pm - feed, then awake time, bouncy chair
10:00pm - bathtime, followed by quiet feed and bed
3:30am - feed

and then we begin all over again! So where you're putting Libby to bed between 8pm and 1am, I'm doing it with Harrison from 10:30pm - 3:30am. They seem to be on the same timetable, but at different times! We make sure Harrison has a good sleep between his 5pm and 8pm feed, then he stays awake until bathtime. I'll go to sleep together with him at 10:30pm, and this seems to be working with us so far... I'd love to know anyone else's baby schedules...?

I'm looking for advice too - when we do bathtime at 10pm, it's great because Harrison will go to sleep peacefully until 3:30am, and therefore just waking once at night. We have been doing it so late so that DH can do bathtime after he comes home from work so that he can spend some time with Harrison. But as Harrison gets older, I guess it's not right for us to be putting him to bed at 10:30pm right? I'm just not sure whether he has to get into the habit of the 7pm bath routine now, or if we can just change later. Last night I tried to bath him earlier after his 8pm feed, but he didn't settle afterwards like he does with his 10pm bath.

Another question I have for those of you who have older babies, is when do they start growing out of the 3:30am feed?

Another question - after Harrison has an awake time, he finds it impossible to put himself to sleep, he'll stay awake in his snugnest for 1 hour looking around, before eventually crying and I have to pick him up, settle him, put him down, listen to him cry and do it all over again until he's exhausted. Alternatively, he'll fall asleep happily in my arms near my breast. Anyone have any advice on settling an overstimulated and overtired baby?

Finally - we've been co-sleeping with Harrison in a snugnest in between us, and it has been LOVELY, and so much easier for me to feed him at night and help him when his reflux starts acting up. But he's getting so tall now, he's going to grow out of the snugnest, and we have to put him in a crib. We only have a 1 bedroom apartment, so he'll still be sleeping in the room with us - is anyone else sleeping in the same room as their babies? Anyone know if this is going to cause problems later?

Lots of questions and searches for advice!!
Hi joli donyt have advice on most things but as for routine thing, apart from last few nightmare groth spurt days (things seem to be bk to normal now) we do:

time sometimes change depending on last feed but I find she goes 3 -4 hourly feeds longer at night somtimes
wake around 6am feed, back to sleep
wake around 10am washed, dressed feed baby
sometimes a little play sometimes straght back to sleep
2pm ish (can change sometimes but usually around four hourly mark
awake time, play, cry maybe a little nap but back awake and play
7pm - bath, bottle, bed - I hold her till she falls asleep then its operation moses basket
11pm - feed, nappy, cuddle, sleep

this is were the last couple of nights have been bad but she usually goes till 3am and if we are lucky later but it messes up the times for bath, bottle, bed.

If she sleeps past bath time I dont give her a bath as she is usally too hungry to wait for bottle.

I just go with the flow, pretty much baby led and we have her in the moses basket in our room or in our bed and at the moment oh is on the couch but would like to get him in bed when things settle a bit more.

As for overtiredness, libby has been fighting sleep last couple of nights last few days/nights and has been really ratty I dont have any advice I just found letting her sleep on me she gets in a deep enough sleep to put down, hopefully she will settle herself when she is a bit older.

bath wise some people find that baby's are better suited toi a morning bath as they wake them up so maybe u could put in a routine without bath earlier? like play, bottle, dim lights ect ?

sorry if thats no hel, im a novice still haha

Is anyone elses baby really sweaty? she gets a really sweaty head all the time haha and when sheis lying on me she gets so hot it sometimes feels like its burning my arm but she hasnt got a fever when I check x
Wow GG - it sounds like you have Libby totally under control! Your schedule with her sounds perfect! - well done Mommy GG! Poor DH on the couch - luckily for me, my DH is a heavy sleeper, so Harrison hasn't really bothered him! Harrison doesn't really sweat, except maybe when he's fallen asleep on me, but I'm not sure if the sweat is mine or his!
In theory yes, this is just a kind of average time, it obviously varys and she has her fussy days and nights but everything kind of falls into these times most days.. but its by no means set in stone

like today she woke at 5 for a feed and then 9 so its brought everything forward but then she might sleep for an extra hour tonight and its back to 6.. x

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