Gosh hibiscus! Will be thinking of them. It's great things have quietened down so the bubbas can hang in there a bit longer.
Jack has grown so much it's lovely to see updated photos.
Joli...Harrison is so much bigger too! Looks like you made the most of Christmas

. I felt like the worst Mummy in the works because we didn't get Stewart anything - not even a card.

I don't like shopping at the best of times and Christmas crowds have given me panic attacks in the past...so I just hid out at home. I thought cynically "he won't understand it's Christmas" and he didn't!

he got so spoiled by everyone else anyway.
It's a relief to hear Harrisons reflux has improved. I find Stewarts reflux makes it difficult for me to enjoy him properly sometimes. We have had many days where he eats...I try hold him gently more upright for at least 15 minutes but he often still spits up when I move him - even after 40 mins of laying still/upright. This makes him upset and he often wants to eat again/comfort suck. So then after that I try stop him being sick again and I fail so we repeat the process again and again all day sometimes

Had him on 5mg Losec but I struggled to get him to take it and I don't think it helped. He now has 0.5ml Ranatidine and 1 sachet of Gaviscon 3 times a day. It helps about 40%.

Exciting you are going on a trip as a family - and back to South Africa too! Very jealous, I'd love to take Stewart to meet his family.
Devi...my brains turned mush and I can't remember what your update said but I do remember cute pics of Arjun. I do log on and read things on here all the time but struggle to type a response on my phone. Hoping to get a bit more time to be sociable as Stewart grows.
Britt...how you feeling mumma! Any bumpage to update us with? You got much travel still planned with work?
Tink...I always read your updates on FB. Sounds like your diet is well on it's way! I've now lost 23 of my 35 preggo pounds then have a further stone to lose to get to pre ttc weight. Methinks the rest of this weight might be mine to keep!
GG...I have been neglecting your journal...everyones journals

including my own! Sounds like Libby is a handful and needs a lot of attention. I often think it's a sign of high intelligence!

She is so pretty though and has so many cute girly outfits. Makes me think I'd quite like the next one (next one???) to be a girl...but with my history I am blessed just to have Stewart. Don't want to start on any contraception that might mess me up so am going for natural family planning until we start trying November this year.
nicole...what's news? Did you have a good Christmas?
CN...has Payson learnt any new tricks? Perhaps I should start stalking your journal...although as said to GG, i'm a rubbish stalker!
Wonder how Mommymichelle is doing these days...missing her.