(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Y'all!

Long time, no see. It looks like everyone is doing SO well. Congrats on finally having your little one, 2016!

Jack is doing very well, as am I. I've lost 30 lbs, but have AT LEAST 30 more to go. Boo...
I still haven't healed, unfortunately. DH and I tried to BD just once and it was insanely painful, I had some bleeding on the outside, I assume around my stitches. I'm going in for postpartum appointment tomorrow, so I'll see what she says.

Jack is already 10 weeks old tomorrow. I can't believe it!! (Which means back to work in 3 weeks already...yuck) He has been smiling since 6 weeks, giggling and cooing, and has been having an easier time grabbing on to things in his play gym. He's sleeping for 6.5-7 hours straight every night now! Keeping my fingers crossed that this continues. It's a little miracle haha.

Happy New Year Ladies! It's our first post of 2011. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. Did anyone get up to anything exciting or go anywhere exotic? We've had a busy time with friends and family visiting - poor Harrison hasn't had a single day at home since before Christmas. He's doing well, and growing fast. We had a check-up today, and he's 11 weeks, 13.55 pounds and 60cm long. His reflux has gotten so much better (though he's still on medication), and he's been smiling, laughing and trying to talk so much this past week, it's been SUCH a delight! He's still not sleeping through the night at all, he doesn't go more than 4 hours without a feed, but I guess I've gotten used to it, and at least he goes back to sleep quickly. For Christmas, DH bought me a massage at the Mandarin Oriental hotel - I had a haircut and had a massage, and was such a wreck by the end of it because it was the longest I'd gone without seeing Harrison (5 hours) and I was literally in tears until I was able to hold him again - pathetic, I know... I have NO idea what I'm going to do when I go back to work in 5 weeks... The last 3 night, Harrison has decided he doesn't like the bottle (I used EBM to try to top him up at 10pm), and he screams at me until I give him my breast, so that it also an interesting development which might prove difficult when I go back to work. Every day I fall more and more in love with him, as I'm sure you all do with your bubbas as well!

Hibiscus - 30lbs!! That's amazing! Well done to you!! What a fantastic achievement! DH and I have only BD'd once as well, I found it very painful too, but i'm not sure why as I didn't have any stitches... I just found everything very tight, and a lack of CM (which the doc said was due to the bf which lowers hormones).

Britt - how are you feeling hon? Any new bump pics for us? I'd love to hear how your pregnancy is coming along!

CN - that's amazing that Payson is sleeping through the night, you lucky thing! I wonder if I'll ever get 7 hours sleep straight ever again! haha

What's the latest with everyone else? :flower:

Attached are some updated pics of Harrison!


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Happy new year everyone!!

Hope everyone is doing well. Arjun is doing GREAT! Last week was terrible though.. He got a cold & was sooo miserable for 3 days & would sleep & was super clingy.. & then when that got done he decideds to go through his 3 month growth spurt during which he was feeding EVERY HOUR!!! for 2 days ..
I was sooo wiped out..

Now he is back to being himself.. & is sleeping well too like before (from 10pm - 8am), not even getting up once.. so proud!

NewYears eve was ok.. couldnt really go out & party like before so DH & I & another couple went out to a fancy hotel for dinner (they had a kid too) whilst our in-laws took care of the babies..

I am trying to give arjun breastmilk in the bottle once in a while.. (I refuse to give him boobie when we are out of the house so he learns to take bottle) he hates the bottle.. takes him 30mins to drink 4-5 oz.. but I am persistant so he ends up fussing but drinks.

he is also very vocal, lots of baby talk & laughing & he holds his head up well, loves being help upright, being sung & spoken to.. I love him to bits!!


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Hey Devi - How terrible that Arjun got a cold! Does he need to take medication? It's gotten a lot colder here and we're going to be flying to Taiwan next weekend, then Hawaii 2 weeks after that then Cape Town 3 weeks after that, and I'm really worried that Harrison might catch something from the plane ride. I'm so jealous that Arjun is sleeping through the night! Harrison is still waking up at 3am and 6am every day, and that's fine now whilst I'm on maternity leave but I'm sure I will be exhausted after I get back to work! What an adorable picture of Arjun, he has gotten so handsome! I seem to always be taking out my boobies in public to feed Harrison! How do you give him bf milk in a bottle when you go out and keep it fresh?

Speaking of travelling, does anyone have any tips for travelling with bubba?
I pump & store in fridge then when I'm going out I place the bottle in a insulated bottle bag with ice pack.

Traveling with baby.
Make sure he gotten his vaccines. Airplanes are germ infested. Put cotton in his ears & feed & give pacifier during take off & landing & most of the flight. Have fun!!!
Thanks Devi! What does cotton in the ears do? Just use cotton wool balls?
Devi and Joli-- ADORABLE pics! Your little guys are soooo cute

Devi--I can't believe Arjun sleeps from 10 pm -8 am!! What a dream. I think the 3 month growth spurt must be common. I swear Jack is going through one right now (at 11 weeks). He's been eating every 90-120 min during the day this week, and is now consistently getting up in the middle of the night again. Just once, which is manageable, but I was getting acclimated to not getting up!

Joli--Wow--you're brave for undertaking all that travel with Harrison. Please let us know how it goes. We have one trip planned to Arizona in May and I'm already nervous about how Jack will handle it.

I've attached some recent pics of Jack for y'all :)


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Hib. Love the pics. Glad to know u doing good.

Joli. Cotton from cotton wool balls helped I think with pressure during take off and landing. As ear pain is what makes babies crazy in planes. Lol
ahh gorgeous babies Joli, Hibiscus and Devi!! :hugs:

yes it will help a bit with the cotton but the poor little ones will still be really affected by air pressure on their still developing inner ears. The other thing I thought of is, they sell these click heat little packs here and placing a bit of heat on their ears really helps with the pain- if I travel with my little one I will be bringing those.

hope everyone else is well, 2016, Tink, CN miss you guys

My brother and his wife are expecting twins and her water broke tonight at 24 w 1 d. Please keep them in your prayers or send them your positive energy.
They've been trying to get pregnant for years, so this has been a long journey. Hoping doctors can hold off labor for several weeks.

Thanks, everyone. :(
oh no, prayers for them Hibiscus.
At our NICU units over here they have been able to successfully save 23 weekers...gosh I hope they wait a few weeks but if they cant hope is not lost. It will be a difficult struggle but they can both pull through.
please keep us posted hon
Thanks, Britt.

I read some good things too. Keeping my fingers crossed. This AM, fluid levels looking good, contractions have slowed. They're just trying to buy some more time. I'll let y'all know how things progress.

BTW, congrats on things going so smoothly for you so far!
fxd hun... lots of bed rest and keep babies tucked in there nicely.. I know its no comparison but mine broke at 37+4 and I had to be induced 72 hours later as nothing was happening, if they didnt induce me lord only knows how long I would of waited, every second counts :hugs:
Thanks, GG. :) Your little Libby is adorable!

Another update--contractions have slowed/stopped. Woohoo! Dr is feeling more optimistic than yesterday, will try to get her to 30 weeks. Every additional day will help. I'll let y'all know if anything changes. This kind of thing makes you realize how lucky you are when everything goes pretty smoothly. It's amazing it ever does.
Gosh hibiscus! Will be thinking of them. It's great things have quietened down so the bubbas can hang in there a bit longer.
Jack has grown so much it's lovely to see updated photos.

Joli...Harrison is so much bigger too! Looks like you made the most of Christmas :). I felt like the worst Mummy in the works because we didn't get Stewart anything - not even a card. :nope: I don't like shopping at the best of times and Christmas crowds have given me panic attacks in the past...so I just hid out at home. I thought cynically "he won't understand it's Christmas" and he didn't! :haha: he got so spoiled by everyone else anyway.
It's a relief to hear Harrisons reflux has improved. I find Stewarts reflux makes it difficult for me to enjoy him properly sometimes. We have had many days where he eats...I try hold him gently more upright for at least 15 minutes but he often still spits up when I move him - even after 40 mins of laying still/upright. This makes him upset and he often wants to eat again/comfort suck. So then after that I try stop him being sick again and I fail so we repeat the process again and again all day sometimes :cry:
Had him on 5mg Losec but I struggled to get him to take it and I don't think it helped. He now has 0.5ml Ranatidine and 1 sachet of Gaviscon 3 times a day. It helps about 40%. :shrug:
Exciting you are going on a trip as a family - and back to South Africa too! Very jealous, I'd love to take Stewart to meet his family.

Devi...my brains turned mush and I can't remember what your update said but I do remember cute pics of Arjun. I do log on and read things on here all the time but struggle to type a response on my phone. Hoping to get a bit more time to be sociable as Stewart grows.

Britt...how you feeling mumma! Any bumpage to update us with? You got much travel still planned with work?

Tink...I always read your updates on FB. Sounds like your diet is well on it's way! I've now lost 23 of my 35 preggo pounds then have a further stone to lose to get to pre ttc weight. Methinks the rest of this weight might be mine to keep! :haha:

GG...I have been neglecting your journal...everyones journals :blush: including my own! Sounds like Libby is a handful and needs a lot of attention. I often think it's a sign of high intelligence! :)
She is so pretty though and has so many cute girly outfits. Makes me think I'd quite like the next one (next one???) to be a girl...but with my history I am blessed just to have Stewart. Don't want to start on any contraception that might mess me up so am going for natural family planning until we start trying November this year. :happydance:

nicole...what's news? Did you have a good Christmas?

CN...has Payson learnt any new tricks? Perhaps I should start stalking your journal...although as said to GG, i'm a rubbish stalker! :haha:

Wonder how Mommymichelle is doing these days...missing her. :flow:
CN doesnt really get on these days Jo.

I think iv cracked it with libby, been reading the baby whisperer and Iv been getting into a lot of "accidental parenting" Iv been using the techniques in the book and persisted with the swaddle and she has gone off for 2 naps today minus her stupid dummy (falls out and constantly wakes her) I decided to get rid of it after realising it was a "tool" rather than a comforter. She seems to have a little routine and I just need to start trying to extend her "awake" time a little as she can only manage about 30 - 45 mins awake time before she gets overtired/overstimulated. Iv realised overstimulation and overtiredness and the "tool" were are main issues as well as confusing her with the "rules" of sleeping by bringing her into my bed in desperation during the night. The book is great and has eally given me and insight into whats going on. She isnt "fighting sleep" or "frightened she is missing something" she just needs sleep trained as she doesnt know how to do it.

Love the new piccys Hib Jack is so cute.
I wonder where MM is too Jo and I did actually wonder if I had unsubsribed to your journal by accident hehe..

Im finding it more difficult to get online now, so dont worry about my journal, I havnt updated for a few days I dont think. I tend to stalk if Iv got 5 mins tho but cant be bothered to type with one hand x
2016. We also plan to start ttc around nov this year too!!
Devi...I would say bump buddies but with my track record there is no guarentee I will be granted another miracle.

GG...what you are saying makes a lot of sense - I'm gonna buy that book! I agree typing with one hand is frustrating. I keep typing on my phone and got thumb ache the other day from it!

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