Hi Ladies
Well - it looks like my epic message which I posted 3 times never showed up, despite my sending 2 messages to the webmaster, I'm so annoyed!! It's been very quiet on here, but I've been following a lot of you on fb
Britt - I wish I had posted some nuddies or something exciting. I can't believe you're on the verge of 17 weeks!! Wow!! And only 2 weeks left to go until you find out the gender right?? How exciting!! How are you feeling? Have you had a 16 week check-up? I've just found out that my cousin is also 16 weeks pregnant! So my grandmother will get 3 great grandchildren all within 8 months of each other
2016 - how is Stewart's reflux? Harrison's has improved so much, it's wonderful. He still sleeps on an inclinded wedge and is still on losec (and I'm still off dairy), but he seems to be generally ok, so I think I'm going to start introducing dairy back into my diet as I don't want him to be lactose intolerant. I saw on fb that Stewart's now over 12lbs! I see on your ticker that you have 'adjusted age' - what does that mean? Does it take into account his early arrival? If so, does that have any effect on where he should be measuring in his development?
Devi and 2016, we're going to be ttc this year as well, as soon as I've finished bf and assuming I ovulate without medication! How amazing to think that this thread could see ttc #2 for some of us!
GG - how is Libby sleeping now? I love your posts on fb, they always make me smile.
Hibiscus - that's interesting that you have Jack with you in bed a lot - we have had Harrison in bed with us, since we only have a tiny 1 bedroom apartment at the minute. My co-sleeper from the US has just arrived, so I'll be setting that up on the weekend. I'm not sure what the long term implications are of having Harrison always so close to use at night. Do you have any plans on when you will be keeping Jack out of the bed?
Tink - I'm loving your posts on fb too, as well as your updated pics of Theo, he is lovely! Are Theo and Finn feeling ill?
As for me, Harrison took his first airplane trip this last weekend. We went to Taiwan to visit my Grandma, which is only a 1.5 hour flight away, so it's a good try-out before we fly to Hawaii next weekend. He did really well. I fed him on take-off and he had no problem, but on landing, I tried to feed him but he wasn't hungry as I had just fed him and hour before. On the outbound flight, he cried, poor thing, but on the return flight he just fell asleep. It will be interesting to see how we fare on a long haul trip with 2 layovers!
Two other new/strange developments with Harrison... he's losing all his hair!! He was born with a lovely head of hair, and it's very quickly falling out, poor thing looks a little like an organgutan

Has anyone else ever experienced this with their bubbas or know anything about it? Harrison's head has been really sweaty today too each time I've fed him (and he's not overdressed and room isn't too hot), so I'm a bit confused/worried. Second development is that he's finally sleeping longer at night! He slept until 5:45am last night - I just hope it keeps up!
One other question - has anyone else's bubbas woken up suddenly crying, really upset, as if they've had a nightmare? I didn't know whether babies could get nightmares at 3 months of age?