(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

it just went to pot around 5 and she didnt want to sleep, cried for 4 hrs and in the end i gave in, she ended up in my bed with a dummy at 4 this morning, i feel like such a failure x
ok - I made a long post, and it didn't show up, so I've posted it 3 times and got a message saying that it would not be posted until a moderator has reviewed it!? Anyone else ever get this? I haven't posted anything out of the ordinary!?... apologies in advance if my post suddenly comes up 3 times...!
it just went to pot around 5 and she didnt want to sleep, cried for 4 hrs and in the end i gave in, she ended up in my bed with a dummy at 4 this morning, i feel like such a failure x

Don't feel like a failure! Although Jack hasn't been crying that much, the routine of him coming into bed with us and his pacifier is a nightly routine. After he gets up for his middle of the night feeding, I can't ever get him back to sleep in the bassinet, so I don't even try anymore. It's just straight into the bed next to my pillow. Oh well!
ok - I made a long post, and it didn't show up, so I've posted it 3 times and got a message saying that it would not be posted until a moderator has reviewed it!? Anyone else ever get this? I haven't posted anything out of the ordinary!?... apologies in advance if my post suddenly comes up 3 times...!

That's odd! I've never seen that. I'm sure it will show up sooner or later :)
ok - I made a long post, and it didn't show up, so I've posted it 3 times and got a message saying that it would not be posted until a moderator has reviewed it!? Anyone else ever get this? I haven't posted anything out of the ordinary!?... apologies in advance if my post suddenly comes up 3 times...!

ha ha Joli what were you posting? vile language and nuddies?? :rofl:
hope we see your message

GG- I feel for you and some of the stuff I have read makes me a bit scared about having my baby. Oh my gosh, its not easy is it?
I hear after 6 months it gets much better :hugs:
no its not, dont get me wrong its worth wouldnt change it fot the world, but its far harder than i expected lol nothing goes how u want it too.

Thanks hib that made me feel better xx
GG...you are FAR from a failure! By giving in and getting some sleep yourself, you live to fight another day. She is only 9 weeks old and this is your first time with no family help or anything (same as me) so we are just learning as we go.
Although Stewart has slept (sort of) in his moses basket the last few nights, I also find he won't go back down after the first feed in the night. Last night I had him on my chest and woke up 1.5 hours later...luckily he was still there and hadn't slid off! It worries me when I do things like that. Would rather have him co-sleeping in the bed with me properly rather than he slips or hubby isn't aware he is there! :nope:
I have ordered him a drop-sided cot today with a nice mattress and a reflux wedge. I intend to sidecar the cot onto the side of our bed (by leaving off the drop-side and levelling out the two mattresses) so that we can all co-sleep but with LO having his own space. Hope it works! :happydance:
Gg & Jo. Just a tip, make sure when baby is sleeping in the day you don't shut the curtains. At night dint turn on the lights keep it as dark as possible during feeds and changing. Baby will eventually realise hello it's night & no one plays with me & so dark I better sleep again.

Arjun used to try & trap me by giggling and smiling in the middle of the night. I didnt even look his way. He very quickly realized night time change eat & back to sleep.
yeh libby does that too little bugger! I cant help it sometimes tho I have to laugh at her x
Hey ladies! Just checking in to let everyone know I'm not dead! I've been kinda PPDish... but not twords Payson... twords everyone else! Haven't really been wanting to see or talk to anyone! But not in a bad mood.... just kinda MEH! I hope everyone is doing well!
Hi Ladies

Well - it looks like my epic message which I posted 3 times never showed up, despite my sending 2 messages to the webmaster, I'm so annoyed!! It's been very quiet on here, but I've been following a lot of you on fb :)

Britt - I wish I had posted some nuddies or something exciting. I can't believe you're on the verge of 17 weeks!! Wow!! And only 2 weeks left to go until you find out the gender right?? How exciting!! How are you feeling? Have you had a 16 week check-up? I've just found out that my cousin is also 16 weeks pregnant! So my grandmother will get 3 great grandchildren all within 8 months of each other :)

2016 - how is Stewart's reflux? Harrison's has improved so much, it's wonderful. He still sleeps on an inclinded wedge and is still on losec (and I'm still off dairy), but he seems to be generally ok, so I think I'm going to start introducing dairy back into my diet as I don't want him to be lactose intolerant. I saw on fb that Stewart's now over 12lbs! I see on your ticker that you have 'adjusted age' - what does that mean? Does it take into account his early arrival? If so, does that have any effect on where he should be measuring in his development?

Devi and 2016, we're going to be ttc this year as well, as soon as I've finished bf and assuming I ovulate without medication! How amazing to think that this thread could see ttc #2 for some of us!

GG - how is Libby sleeping now? I love your posts on fb, they always make me smile.

Hibiscus - that's interesting that you have Jack with you in bed a lot - we have had Harrison in bed with us, since we only have a tiny 1 bedroom apartment at the minute. My co-sleeper from the US has just arrived, so I'll be setting that up on the weekend. I'm not sure what the long term implications are of having Harrison always so close to use at night. Do you have any plans on when you will be keeping Jack out of the bed?

Tink - I'm loving your posts on fb too, as well as your updated pics of Theo, he is lovely! Are Theo and Finn feeling ill?

As for me, Harrison took his first airplane trip this last weekend. We went to Taiwan to visit my Grandma, which is only a 1.5 hour flight away, so it's a good try-out before we fly to Hawaii next weekend. He did really well. I fed him on take-off and he had no problem, but on landing, I tried to feed him but he wasn't hungry as I had just fed him and hour before. On the outbound flight, he cried, poor thing, but on the return flight he just fell asleep. It will be interesting to see how we fare on a long haul trip with 2 layovers!

Two other new/strange developments with Harrison... he's losing all his hair!! He was born with a lovely head of hair, and it's very quickly falling out, poor thing looks a little like an organgutan :rofl: Has anyone else ever experienced this with their bubbas or know anything about it? Harrison's head has been really sweaty today too each time I've fed him (and he's not overdressed and room isn't too hot), so I'm a bit confused/worried. Second development is that he's finally sleeping longer at night! He slept until 5:45am last night - I just hope it keeps up!

One other question - has anyone else's bubbas woken up suddenly crying, really upset, as if they've had a nightmare? I didn't know whether babies could get nightmares at 3 months of age?
Thank you moderator for letting my latest post through finally! (after my 5th attempt!). Just to let you ladies know, my post was blocked because I wrote a negative review of a book by a certain author, who has been known to sue forums...!
Thank you moderator for letting my latest post through finally! (after my 5th attempt!). Just to let you ladies know, my post was blocked because I wrote a negative review of a book by a certain author, who has been known to sue forums...!

:rofl: oh Joli you are too cute...we will never know the book now

great to hear from you, I know our little forum has been quiet but I just assumed mommies busy with their new babies.

Glad everything is going well with Harrison. And yes I have read that they can get little nightmares...poor things :hugs:
another tip for the planes Joli- is do you have like hot pockets or click heat over there? Being a kid from an early split family, I had to fly all the time to see my parents as a young kid and its the change of pressure on the way down that is a killer for underveloped ear bones for kids and newborns. If you can bring something that you can activate heat on the plane and then put it over Harrison's ears on the way down, that might help him if he experiences pain with flying

as for me, yes 17 weeks tomorrow can you believe it? I am excited about the gender scan but I have been upset in the last couple of days, probably paranoid but I havent felt the flutters in 3 days (I felt them very early starting at 14 weeks) and I am so tiny, most people dont know at all if I am pregnant. I have a fairly small frame so I thought I would show by now. I am sure I am just being my usual worry wart but I cant help it.
I have a doctor's apt this morning, and I am really looking for reassurance.

look forward to hearing more from you Joli and the rest of you ladies

Hey Britt - good to hear from you! Thanks for the tip about the heat packs - I'm sure I've seen them around HK, so I'll have a look around! Would you use it as a preventative measure or only if baby starts crying from the pain? How long would you keep it on for? I guess I could feed him and put the head pack on the ear that is exposed...? Don't worry about not feeling the flutters hon - you're still in early days yet - I felt them too, but they only got really strong around 18-20 weeks. I think for me I was starting to show at 17 weeks, but only people who knew about my pregnancy noticed, everyone else just thought maybe I'd put on a bit of weight, no one suspected. How did your doctors appointment go? We found out Harrison's gender at 17 weeks... I wonder if you found out early too! Looking forward to hearing from you!! x
Here are some updated pics of our little monkey!


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Oh my gosh Joli, he is a little sweetie!!
seriously those eyes are amazing. I love the velour suit ha ha, DH and I will totally do that if we have a boy.

Yes, I would even use the heat as preventative, I used to get heat from the flight attendant as a young kid about 20-30 minutes before we landed. Of course up to you, but it cant hurt and it definitely helps

How are you doing? when are you back to work and how are you feeling?

Thanks for asking, yes you were right the dr's apt went very well. She found the HB right away and the little monkey kicked the u/s probe and moved away...ha ha, she had to chase him/her to get it again. He/she was VERY active, you could hear the movement, I just couldnt feel it. But of course I started feeling flutters last night, lots too :hugs:

So yeah I'm an onion today!! ha ha, you remember that girls, doing the big count down. I wish we had some new aphrodite grads, I truly am the lone preggo ranger on this thread.
maybe some of you should ttc again soon, ha just bugging.
it is exciting though that some of you are trying again this year

oh and Joli going to wait for our detailed 19 week scan on the 7th of Feb for the gender, but I am getting strong vibes lately that its a boy

Joli...well Stewart's reflux had me in tears in the doctors office the other day. We had a particularly bad couple of days where he would eat then projectile vomit nearly his whole feed, then want to eat again, then be sick again etc. He would cry and cry looking at me with wide eyes like "help me Mummy!" It was horrible! :cry:
I asked for Losec first but they wouldn't give it to me so I had to try Infant Gaviscon first which made him horribly constipated. So I went back and they gave the 5mg Losec but it was really difficult to get from the pharmacy, had to order it a week in advance and the liquid would only last 10 days. The 5mg equated to 5ml liquid and, I have no idea how you got Harrison to take it, but Stewart would just scream and scream which would make him spit up any of the medicine that went down as well as any food! It was just torture so I went back to the docs and they gave Ranatidine which didn't seem to do much. Anyway, they referred him to the paeds but that was over a week ago now and I haven't heard from them. I have chased them but who knows how long it will take. Somebody mentioned the waiting list could be 11 weeks - so what's the point! :growlmad:
Sorry for the rant, it's not actually all doom and gloom. After the 2 bad days, I decided I couldn't handle this baby led business as I was never able to leave the house and was getting more and more depressed. I started him on this routine from a book I bought (which I won't post the title or author in case my post gets deleted :haha:) and there was a dramatic improvement in Stewart even on the first day. It's not a strict routine, more like a guideline which makes sure LO gets proper nap times during the day and feeds at decent intervals. Of course, if he really needs to sleep or eat at different times then it's just tough, I'm not about to starve him! But I did find he took to it really well and ended up spending more consolidated time awake and alert able to interact, and longer sleeps at night, compared to the previous situation where he was just either eating, puking, crying or sleeping all the time.
We have just bought him a new cot which we have attached to our bed in a sidecar arrangement and that has a 30 degree wedge in it. Not convinced it helps that much because, miraculously he seems to spit up less when lying next to me in bed completely flat!?! :shrug:
Oh I cut out dairy but that made no difference either and two doctors told me it's a myth and people like to blame dairy on everything. Not convinced they are right, but it wasn't the solution in my case anyway.
I put his "adjusted age" on my ticker just for posterity really...although it seems to have gone bonkers today because Stewart is 8 weeks today and it's lost count! :dohh: I don't adjust anything regarding his development or weight/height because I figure 4 weeks isn't really much to make a difference. He was a good weight at birth anyway and he seems to be easily hitting all his milestones.
It's a relief to hear Harrison's reflux has improved already. How many weeks was he when it improved?

Britt...your pregnancy seems to be flying by already and I am so excited to find out the gender. I have boy vibes for you too but, be warned, I am ALWAYS wrong! :rofl:

Sorry girls, after rattling on about myself for ages, I have to dash and do the dreamfeed. Wish me luck for a good long sleep out of my little darling tonight! :flower:
Hey Britt - thanks for the info on the heat pads, I'll use them for sure! I'd rather be safe than sorry and do whatever I can to prevent Harrison from being in any pain. I'm feeling really good, Harrison is finally sleeping longer at night, he usually falls asleep around 9:45pm, then I dream feed at 11:30pm and he sleeps until 5am, so I'm getting more sleep (though more would be nice!). I'm back at work in 2 weeks and 4 days now - my stomach literally sinks whenever I think about it. My boss actually sent me an email today asking if I would go to Singapore on a marketing trip for 2 nights on Feb 23rd - Harrison would just be 4 months old and still breastfeeding! I have no idea what I'm supposed to say... on one hand I want to tell him that I can't because Harrison is still bf, and I'm sure he'll ask why I can't just express and have DH take care of him for 2 nights (hard to explain that DH doesn't even wake when Harrison stirs for his 5am feed!). On the otherhand, I don't know if this is supposed to be some kind of test of my career and whether I can do my job effectively. I have toyed with the idea of bringing my Mom and Harrison with me and they could just hang out in the hotel whilst I go to my meetings. BUT the day I would arrive back from the marketing trip, that evening we fly to Cape Town, and I don't know if that's just cruel of me to put Harrison through landing from Singapore and taking off to South Africa 8 hours later. I don't know, I feel like I'm losing either way, and I hate that I'm being put in this position! I read on the other thread that you had a tough time telling your boss too - what is it with MEN! That's awesome that your scan went so well, I'm so happy and excited for you!! I'm anxious to find out if you're having a boy or a girl too!! Have you thought of names yet??

2016 - I'm so sorry Stewart is still suffering from such bad reflux! The poor little guy! Harrison refused to take the losec the first couple of times and cried. We were giving it to him in a syringe and he just hated it. But then we found a medicine spoon and I dissolved the tablet in water on the spoon and after his bath, whilst he's all calm and lying down, I now just put the spoon to his mouth and he take it happily and even calls out for more once it's finished! He has no problem taking it - but we don't mix it in any suspension liquid - it's just dissolved in as little water as possible. His reflux made a huge improvement when he was about 9 weeks and I hardly notice it now (though he still needs to sleep on an incline). That's great that a routine has worked out for you! Harrison has clearly showed me what he routine is and it seems to work well with him. We've just gotten a cot which attaches to our bed too - I'll set it up this weekend! I just love having him nearby and in bed with us. I know I'll find it just as hard as him when it's time for him to move into his own bedroom! Oh - when are you giving Stewart his medication? We give Harrison his just before bedtime, and it lasts throughout the night. It did take about 2.5 - 3 weeks before we started to see improvement though as it takes that long for the medication to coat the baby's stomach.

Has anyone taken their bubbas for a flu jab? I was thinking of doing it, but called the doctor's office today and they said because we were travelling with Harrison in 1 week, to do it when we got back, I guess because he could get a fever in the meantime...? I didn't know at what age they should get this jab...

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