Britt - CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting!! and you're pretty much at 20 weeks already - wow! Before we found out we were having a boy, DH wanted a girl, so I think he was a little dissapointed at first - but we had time to get used to the idea, and he just got more and more excited thinking about all the fun stuff he could do with a boy. I'm sure your DH will start thinking now about how much he can spoil you and your little GIRL!
Nicole - are you going to ttc again, or is two bubbas a big enough handful!

I hope we can ttc once I finish bf, if I ovulate...
2016 - how's Stewart's reflux? I've been keeping up with you on fb, and he seems like he's becoming a much happier baby.
GG - Libby sounds like she's really blossoming! Harrison is starting to be able to entertain himself now as well, it's so sweet to watch. I can't believe how strong Libby is for standing! Harrison likes to be held in the standing position, but we still need to hold him under his arms, I can't believe Libby is only being held up by her hands already - you're totally going to have your hands full once she starts running around!

Ii can't believe she's teething already too!
Ladybird - Wow, Zac is a big boy! He's gonna be tall for sure! How is he sleeping now? When Harrison got his 2 month jabs, they injected both legs at the same time, poor little guy didn't know what hit him! But at least it was over quickly.
CN - how awful that they're sending DH away to Afghanistan! Is there no way he can get out of it? Aww, I really feel for you and Payson

She sounds like she's coming along wonderfully.
We just got back from Hawaii - Harrison did wonderfully with the airplanes - the journey took us 28 hours each way. He did cry a little during landings in our outbound flights, but by our return flights I figured out that as long as I gave him expressed milk in a bottle, he was ok on landing, as he could drink it easier than on my breast. So we got it right in the end! I think he really enjoyed Hawaii and being out in the fresh air (unlike the awful pollution in Hong Kong!). It was great for him to meet my brother and sister as well. The trip was wonderful, but way too short! Harrison is 16 weeks old now, and he rolled over for the first time today from his back onto his tummy. The poor thing is jetlagged right now though, so I've been waking up at 3am, 5am and 7am the last 2 nights - and to top it off, I'm back at work tomorrow

I spent all day today with a helper who will be looking after Harrison (together with my mother). It is heartbreaking knowing that I'll be away from him. But at least for this week, I'm going to try to pop back home during my lunchbreak to bf him. I'm going to be expressing at work, so hopefully that goes ok. DH's grandmother passed away last night in South Africa - just 2 weeks before we're going over, so DH was very upset that she wasn't able to meet Harrison. And on top of that, DH's parents live in Egypt and with all the chaos that has been going on, they've had to flee with the other expats, and have left all their belongings and don't even know what is going to happen to the home they've been in for the last 8 years... a difficult start to the new year for them! On a brighter note, I've attached some updated pics of Harrison!