(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Hey great pics CN, Payson is a real sweetheart. I cant believe how well she is sleeping. I wish Zac was like that. We thought we'd cracked it as he slept through the night for 4 nights last week and since then he's gone back to waking up in the night again, usually every four hours. I'm just confused as he seems hungry but then only has about 4oz of his bottle so it's not as if he's starving hungry. Wish could get sort as DH is knackered as he gets up for work at 5.30am.
Britt - great pic, looking forward to seeing how yr bump progresses, I'm still sticking with my girlie guess though xx
CN, you are so lucky Payson sleeps for so long! She is just gorgeous, especially her pretty eyes! You're totally going to have a handful with the boys!!

LB, I think Harrison wakes in the middle of the night out of habit as well, cause it doesn't seem to matter how much I dream feed him or when I do it, he is always awake 6.5 hours from the time he falls asleep for the evening. It's going to be challenging when I get back to work!! I've read that babies often will sleep through the night by 3 months, but for 2 weeks before reaching 4 months, they will feed again in the middle of the night, as there are big milestone developments happening.
That sounds like it could be what's happening Joli, they may be having a little developmental spurt. Let's hope it doesn't last too long as I can understand how difficult it will be when you do have to go to work x
oh my goodness we are a quiet bunch on here now last post was Jan 27 :(
hopefully we can get this thread going again. :thumbup:

anyway, I have exciting news, I just got back from my gender and anomoly scan this morning and we found out we are on..........................................
TEAM PINK :pink:
I am so excited and surprised at the same time as I was convinced I was having a boy. So much for mother's intuition :wacko:
DH is a little disappointed as he was really hoping for a boy but I think he is coming around. Everyone says he will melt when baby is born
I guess that means we will try for 2!!

she was gorgeous in the scan, moving around tons and very active. She is measuring perfectly and all looks great!!
we are on :cloud9:
Britt! That's so exciting! Congratulations!! I was wrong again, I've only ever been right once, with Daniel. You can start buying cute pink things, girl clothes are so cute! Do you have any pics to show us? Do you know when your baby shower is yet?

how is everyone else doing?
I know it's a little soon to be asking you this but do you think you'll try right away for # 2

gg: are you still trying next jan?
Hooray Britt!!! Well done for evening out the Aphrodite boy/girl ratio! :yipee:
I just KNEW it would be a girl because I have never ever guessed gender correctly in my life! :dohh:

I think most men want boys but end up loving their little girls more than they could ever imagine!

I'm looking forward to meeting her now in just a few short months. You're nearly halfway there!!! :happydance:
Britt! That's so exciting! Congratulations!! I was wrong again, I've only ever been right once, with Daniel. You can start buying cute pink things, girl clothes are so cute! Do you have any pics to show us? Do you know when your baby shower is yet?

how is everyone else doing?

I know the girl clothes are SOOOO adorable, just have to not go crazy :)
I think my girlfriend is going to have a baby shower when I am like 32-34 weeks. I thought of having it after the baby, but I really dont want my baby passed around to 30 people.
I know it's a little soon to be asking you this but do you think you'll try right away for # 2

gg: are you still trying next jan?

you know thats a great question, not sure, if I try right away thats a career limiter for me, but at the same time I am getting on in age and would need to sooner than later- my gosh it took us so long for the first one, I hope we could have 2 but if we couldnt, we wouldnt do any fertility treatments for it.
How about you hon? are you done? how is your little one, I swear your boys are so gorgeous :hugs:

2016- I know you DID say I would have a girl because you guessed boy. Dont worry about 80% or more of people guessed I was having a boy including myself. :)
how is the little one?
I have forgotten what I guessed?? lol

Libby is napping and im making some formula up then going to nap myself! Her teeth moving into place is driving her mad and she eventually settled at 12 and woke at 5.30am.. she usually goes to bed around 8-9pm after her bath so its just a bit out a charachter. She is getting so clever and has kind of changed, she is a different baby... so much more contented and happy to sit by herself in her chair/swing/playmat for 5 mins while I get a break and is laughing and smiling loads when we play together. Oh commented at the weekend that it had been great sitting playing and interacting with her for a couple of ours while I went to the gym as when he gets in from work she is always tired and grumpy! She wants to be off and walk already tho - if you have seen my fb pics she loves standing and being walked with fingers (just like her cousin - dans nephew was walking at 10-11 months and just wanted to be walked and stand from a young age, so it must run in the family) She always wants to be doing the next thing and doesnt like to hang about - my mum said I was like that as a baby and oh said Im still like that now :haha:

Hows everyone else? x
Hey Britt, fantastic news about team pink!!!! I'm just amazed i guessed correctly!
It's great that she's measuring spot on and is doing brilliantly. I must admit that girls clothes and things are so beautiful and it's one thing i do miss with only having boys.

GG - sounds like Libby is thriving, it's great that she's now settled down and loves playing. From what you say she sounds just like Zac, he's the same, just wants to sit and stand up constantly. Mind you my other boys were walking at 10 months they never bothered with the crawling phase at all so looks like Zacs gonna be the same.
I had to take Zac for his 12 week jabs this morning. He was really brave and didn't cry at all. I would have sobbed if someone had jabbed a needle in each if my thighs!
He's weighing 15lb10oz now and is off the scale for his length as he is 67 cm. Think he's gonna be way over 6ft tall if he carries on like this :-0
On the down side he has got baby eczema so the doc has prescribed loads of creams and oils for him.
Hope all you ladies and babes are doing well xx
Woot Britt!!! Congrats on the baby girl!!! Everything is so much cuter! Your going to find the most adorable stuff I bet!!

I can't believe the libster is cutting teeth! That seems so soon!

Payson is doing great! Shes getting better at self soothing! So we can just put her down at bedtime and she is starting to go to sleep!! and shes getting better in her carseat! pretty soon shes going to be making her own bottles and we're just going to have to watch her! (not really but you know what I mean) I don't know about having a number 2 though.... Justin just got mobolized and is going to afganistan (sp?) next year... so we're def not thinking about anything untill after that!

Wow LB! Your LO is BIG!

Oh! AND.. I'm done Bfing!!!! I'm very happy about that! part of me feels like a bad mom.. but most of me is just happy to be almost done with all the changes your body goes through when you have a baby!
I know :( my poor baby - red cheeks and feeling a bit hot, given her some paracetamol and rubbed some gel on her gums, they can teeth for months tho :( I can def feel tho she may not cut for a while
yay payson! and well done u for bfing this long, it doesnt make u a bad mum :hugs: you realise that when u see them thriving still 3 months down the line x

oh and ur poor hub, i thought they were pulling people out of AG, here in the UK there was talk of it x
hey ladies, nice to see some chatter again on the threads. Thanks so much for the kind words, I am really excited, it was a very fun day yesterday telling everyone
I think DH has come around too, he went to the hockey game and said I will be quiet when I get home as I dont want to wake up "my girls" :hugs:

CN- we missed you, great to see you back and glad that Payson is sleeping better. Oh wow, cant believe your hubby will be deployed next year, that must be so hard :hugs: hopefully his trip is short
My cousin did 6 weeks for BF and the doctor said that was great, that her LO got most of the nutrients than anyway.
Yes, I am going to have so much fun shopping for girl stuff, so darn cute :)
A few of my friends have toddler girls and they are adorable, little bit of sass too :haha:

LB- oh my gosh I cant believe how big Zac is, he is such a cutie. A little tough guy too, must kids would ball with needles.
I would love for my child to be over 6ft, but I am only 5'6 and DH is just under 6 ft, so chances are not very tall but shouldnt be short either.
I cant believe your kids were walking so early, thats amazing

GG- I forgot what you guessed too :shrug:
I love Libby in that little chair, she is definitely miss independence. Are you looking forward to going back to Uni?

2016- how is mommyhood going?
Joli- I think you are vacationing, look forward to hearing from you when you get back.
Nicole- :hugs: hope you and the boys are well

I have a busy work day today, so I should get off the computer
talk soon
she certainly is...

yeh I am just to get it over with so we can get on with life :haha: Its going to be hard living away from dan but we will see him every weekend :cry: but once over with we will both have very decent incomes and be able to live comfortably and enjoy life a bit more, im doing it for my girl now :D

oh and it is fun, i love girls stuff and get wrong for putting her in too much pink lol x

edit - libby has been soo angelic today, she has been down for naps in her cot when she is tired and is not waking up a grump! just those bloody teeth lol x
pffffffffft the president says hes pulling people out of AG.... but in reality they are not doing anything! people are still coming and going from over there as usual! Its preatty upsetting! BUt he'll be on base so hopefully he'll be as safe as possible!! Your going to have to do your own seperation soon :( the things we do for the men we love!!
Britt - CONGRATULATIONS!!! How exciting!! and you're pretty much at 20 weeks already - wow! Before we found out we were having a boy, DH wanted a girl, so I think he was a little dissapointed at first - but we had time to get used to the idea, and he just got more and more excited thinking about all the fun stuff he could do with a boy. I'm sure your DH will start thinking now about how much he can spoil you and your little GIRL!

Nicole - are you going to ttc again, or is two bubbas a big enough handful! :) I hope we can ttc once I finish bf, if I ovulate...

2016 - how's Stewart's reflux? I've been keeping up with you on fb, and he seems like he's becoming a much happier baby.

GG - Libby sounds like she's really blossoming! Harrison is starting to be able to entertain himself now as well, it's so sweet to watch. I can't believe how strong Libby is for standing! Harrison likes to be held in the standing position, but we still need to hold him under his arms, I can't believe Libby is only being held up by her hands already - you're totally going to have your hands full once she starts running around! :) Ii can't believe she's teething already too!

Ladybird - Wow, Zac is a big boy! He's gonna be tall for sure! How is he sleeping now? When Harrison got his 2 month jabs, they injected both legs at the same time, poor little guy didn't know what hit him! But at least it was over quickly.

CN - how awful that they're sending DH away to Afghanistan! Is there no way he can get out of it? Aww, I really feel for you and Payson :( She sounds like she's coming along wonderfully.

We just got back from Hawaii - Harrison did wonderfully with the airplanes - the journey took us 28 hours each way. He did cry a little during landings in our outbound flights, but by our return flights I figured out that as long as I gave him expressed milk in a bottle, he was ok on landing, as he could drink it easier than on my breast. So we got it right in the end! I think he really enjoyed Hawaii and being out in the fresh air (unlike the awful pollution in Hong Kong!). It was great for him to meet my brother and sister as well. The trip was wonderful, but way too short! Harrison is 16 weeks old now, and he rolled over for the first time today from his back onto his tummy. The poor thing is jetlagged right now though, so I've been waking up at 3am, 5am and 7am the last 2 nights - and to top it off, I'm back at work tomorrow :( I spent all day today with a helper who will be looking after Harrison (together with my mother). It is heartbreaking knowing that I'll be away from him. But at least for this week, I'm going to try to pop back home during my lunchbreak to bf him. I'm going to be expressing at work, so hopefully that goes ok. DH's grandmother passed away last night in South Africa - just 2 weeks before we're going over, so DH was very upset that she wasn't able to meet Harrison. And on top of that, DH's parents live in Egypt and with all the chaos that has been going on, they've had to flee with the other expats, and have left all their belongings and don't even know what is going to happen to the home they've been in for the last 8 years... a difficult start to the new year for them! On a brighter note, I've attached some updated pics of Harrison! :flower:


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glad u had a good trip Joli. Poor DH he must feel so helpless all the way over in HK and how devastating that she passed so soon before you where planning to take Harrison over :cry:

Pics are fab! He is thriving :) I know I dont know whether its a good thing that she wants to walk already as we are going to end up with very sore backs just as dans sister has done from baby jack, weird to think that in another 4 months she could be walking just like him eek!

Im getting excited about weening (but holding off for as long as possible) but sad at the same time as my baby is growing so fast.. Im thinking of introducing baby rice 4-5 month just so she gets used to a different texture as Im going to go with the traditional way of weanig rather than this baby led weaning as it scared me a bit that you put anything in front of them they can pick up and the can eat, Id worry she would choke! Next month if iv got a spare hour or so when she naps im going to starting cooking and puraying (sp sorry lol) vege's and freezing them in weening pots as her naps are going to get less as she gets older and I worry I will have no time and I really want to avoid the jars (not that I have anything against them) I may try them as she gets a little older xx

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