2016-- Poor Stewart! And poor Mommy! I hope his watery diarrhea clears up soon. Keep him hydrated [I just edited this...I didn't mean to say dehydrated...lol]. You're very talented to be able to fashion your own curtains.
nicole--I don't feel that your digi is anything to listen to. It's normal to worry. That's what moms do! We can drive ourselves crazy with it, no? To answer your question: No, I'm not seeing a specialist. I guess I should, but I suspect insurance won't cover it. So that would make it impossible.
Ladies, I've been bugging my doctor's office with phone calls to get the results of my day 21 and hubby's SA. It has been like pulling teeth! Yesterday I FINALLY got a nurse to tell me my Progesterone level was 23. She was really impressed with this number and asked if it was a medicated cycle. I had asked her (before I got the results) if she thought the doctor would prescribe Clomid and Progesterone. She said that she was sure with that number I'd get neither, and continued to tell me what a "strong" and "good" ovulation I had. But when I asked her why then am I spotting, starting about 5 days before af and during bding (in the Luteal phase), she had no answer. And today the witch came. But I'm not sure if she really showed up yesterday...since it's hard to know when it goes from spotting to light. If day 1 was yesterday, that would mean LP was only 11 days. What do you ladies think this means? If I had such a "strong" ovulation, why such a short LP? I'm soooo confused?
Should I still use Soy this cycle? I'm afraid of messing something up.
I still haven't gotten the SA results. The nurse said the doc hadn't looked at it yet. So I'm WAITING. When hubby got home last night I shared my test result with him. And do you know what? He tried to point out that maybe it was too high and THAT was the problem. Oh. My. Gosh. He wants it to not be HIS fault so bad. And I hope it's not him, for many reasons. First of all, it would shatter his ego, I think. And secondly, he's not good about doing things that would change/improve the situation. I, on the other hand, would do just about anything. He won't even keep up with taking a simple vitamin.
Doing some research last night, I discovered that the meds hubby takes for acid reflux can cause infertility. He takes it daily, and has been for at least a few years. I can't help but be irritated with him. This may sound mean, but he doesn't take good enough care of himself. He is overweight, but won't stick to any fitness plan. I'm worried about him dying of a heart attack or stroke. I want to talk to him about this, but there is no way of doing it without hurting his feelings (ego). When he brings it up that he's going to start working out, I show my support and try to encourage him. But when I see that he's not keeping at it, I say nothing. It's such a delicate subject. But his mom died at 61 from Congestive Heart Failure. My mom died at 56 from a stroke (she also had Congestive Heart Failure). I have seen first hand what being overweight and out of shape can do, and I don't want this for my husband!!
As you ladies may have already gathered, I'm feeling pretty crappy about things.