(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Nicole....thanks for asking after me. Stewart's nappies seemed solid for the first time in 10 days today so fingers crossed he is on the mend. He was crazy hungry all day too so that surely is a good sign. Am a bit worried though because, after finally kicking the night feed habit, I have been giving him feeds at night this last week to keep him hydrated and because he wasn't eating enough in the day at all. Just wonder if he is going to want to keep going with the milk at night now even after he's better. :shrug:

As any of you on FB know, we exchanged on our house sale today. UNfortunately, due to the lady we are buying from and the people buying our house being very selfish and inflexible, we were unable to agree the same move date. This means we will have to move out of our current house next Thursday 1st but won't be able to move into our new house until Monday 5th. :hissy: Will have to put our stuff in storage and live with DHs father for 4 days...as you probably know Stewart is a babe who likes his own cot in his own room. Not ideal but in a month from now none of this will matter.
I've now finished sewing Stewart's curtains and am in LOVE with the fabric! I was going to make his new room an underwater theme but couldn't find anything suitable. When in the fabric shop, DH and I saw this fabric and just had to have it for his room even though it then through the whole underwater idea out the window. :dohh: It's a beautiful bright blue with clouds and hot air balloons. Can't wait to see them up in the window. :happydance:

ETA: Oh and for some reason my +ve opk is still MIA! The line was the same weird medium-dark today. Don't know what is going on. Maybe the Royal Jelly is delaying things, or the stress or illness. Have absolutely tons of EWCM so it can't be far off!
You ladies are awesome. :flower: Thank you for listening and being supportive. It sure does help to have a place to go when I feel like I'm going nuts.

So, I talked to my GYN a little bit ago about hubby's SA. Here's the results:

Sperm count: 91 million
Motility: 95%
Morphology: 20%

She said the result was "abnormal" due to poor morphology. She suggested we have a more "high tech" SA done through a fertility clinic.

I talked to hubby about the results and told him that I thought his meds could be to blame. He said he'd talk to his doctor about using something that won't interfere with TTC. He said that he wants to be healthier...that he just needs to be motivated. I said, "Do it for me and the kids, and your grandkids (someday)!" If I could make it into a competition, he'd do it. I'm serious. He's so competitive. His work had a competition once, on who could lose the most weight. My husband got permission to turn an extra room at work into a gym. He got a bunch of the equipment (and even painted the place...lol), and bought P90X. He did his workouts on his lunch break. He won the competition...but stopped as soon as it was over. He starts back up every once in a while, but it's always short-lived. :cry:

I have tried to cook only healthy meals...but it's hard finding something that is healthy and actually tastes good. My kids will say, "Oh no, this must be one of those healthy meals." Healthy: AKA nasty. We've eaten months of grilled chicken and salad until my kids have all turned on chicken and hate it. They never did like salad. LOL. But I can't control what hubby eats while he's at work. I've tried to get him to take salads and healthy stuff, but it doesn't work. I'm going to have to come up with ways to get him "motivated".

2016--I can't believe you have to go through the trouble of putting things in storage for 4 days! That stinks! But you are right, in a month it won't matter, you'll be where you want to be! I can't wait to see pics of the room with your hot air balloon curtains! Yay, I'm happy to hear Stewart is doing better. :flower:

Sounds like O is coming soon. Better get busy!

Take care, all of you.
OPK was dark, almost +ve if not already +ve (hard to tell sometimes on the cheapies). I'm pretty sure ov will be day after tomorrow. We managed to BD last night and will try again today or tomorrow if we can muster the energy! :haha: I will be testing on the first morning in our new home. :cloud9:

TBM...well apart from the morphology the results are great! The low morphology might explain why it's taking so long and hopefully someone out there can help improve things for you. Glad hubby is getting on board with getting healthy. :thumbup:
2016: I can't believe Stewart is almost one already! That's crazy! Great that your opk is getting darker, it would be wonderful if you got your bfp the first day in your new house.

TBM: I hope there's a way to improve your DH's morphology and that you can help him get some motivation to be healthier and stick to it. I've been trying to get to a healthy weight for years and it is really hard. Even though I really do want to be healthy I still struggle with food choices and exercise. Would he do it with you? I try to get my DH to exercise with me but so far he hasn't. Maybe he would commit to something small like 30 mins 3-4 times a week or something? My DH doesn't really seem concerned with his weight but I want us to be healthy so our kids don't have weight issues and of course so we'll live longer. If you ever do have any healthy meal ideas that are really tasty share them if you wouldn't mind. I have been cooking healthier meals but they don't always turn out that great. Would you mind if I added you to facebook?

GG: :wave: That's so cute that Libby was colouring, Daniel did the other day and I could have cried.

I have so much more time lately, Daniel hardly ever wants to nurse. It started the day before I tested and I don't know what to do. I don't want to force him but I also don't want to stop breastfeeding him. Makes me a little sad but also relieved that I finally have some time to clean and get on the internet as selfish as that sounds. He's still not sleeping that great though even though...I blamed nursing but apparently he just doesn't care for sleep. I'm feeling a bit awful on and off so that makes me happy and hopeful. Hope everyone is having a good day!!
2016: Did you get anything figured out about moving? That would just be awful if you had to put your stuff in storage and then move again! Moving twice is way too much work!

also forgot to ask if anyone had heard from Joli lately?? I hope everything is okay.
Nicole...on moving in the end we had to agree to move out of our house on 1st December, put our stuff in storage and live with FIL for 4 days, then move to the new house. It's not how we wanted it to happen but in the end our buyers were being totally unreasonable and threatened to cancel the sale if we didn't agree. Let's just say I am not exactly going to be putting in much effort to leave the house as lovely and clean as I was intending! I am really disappointed in them as they don't have children to worry about and could have far more easily been the ones to stay somewhere and be inconvenienced. I am trying to just keep my eye on the prize and remember that, in a month from now, we will be all settled in our new house and none of this will matter.
6dpo according to my software (taking charge of your fertility software.. that i bought last time) & I have LOTS of creamy YELLOW CM.. LOTS.. its clumpy too.. sorry sorry tmi..

i just re-capped my cycle when i got pregnant with arjun .. i had yellow cm 5dpo

oooooooo.. i hope this is a sign
Devi: Yay!! I always get that when I'm pregnant too. I noticed it the day before I tested and it made me want to take a test. When are you testing? Going by ff or your other software? Hope it's your cycle!
Hi ladies :wave:

Get this, I've been a'Googling and apparently a morphology of 20% is actually good?? I'm so confused! My GYN said that it was "abnormal" and should be at least 30%. I did a brief search online and a couple sites did say it should be 30%, I even found one that said it should be 60%. But in my need for ANSWERS, my further study is showing a much different result. For anyone who's interested, here are a couple sites with info:



I do have to say that my GYN doesn't seem to know much about TTC or infertility. Her field concentrates on after the fact, not getting there. At some of my visits I'v found myself explaining to HER how certain things work. LOL.

So far my tests have all been good, and apparently hubby's SA was good, so we'll just keep plugging along. I did start Soy Isoflavones last night, which was CD3. I think I'll purchase some Progesterone cream since my doc won't give me a prescription. But I've heard the cream isn't near as strong. What are your thoughts?

2016--Is today your O day?
Well darn it, I didn't mean to send that previous post just yet. :dohh:

So I will just have to post again.
nicole--I'd love to be FB friends, but I'll have to give you a few warnings about me, first. I'll send you a message. Then you can divide if you want to take that plunge. LOL. I liked your suggestions of committing to smaller chunks of workout time. It sure can be hard to commit to an hour, 6 times a week. I myself go through spurts, sometimes working out A LOT and sometimes doing less...depends on how I feel. I've been going though some sort of medical condition (not sure what. Did some blood work and the only thing not normal was that I have low white blood cell count, and low on vit D). I can sometimes feel so fatigued that there is no way I can exercise. But a lot of times I just push myself, and I wish hubby would do the same. He is considered obese and has HB. I was thinking...maybe hubby would be up on signing the family up for a 5K. We could train for one that takes place several months down the road. Once he sees he's making a difference, he'll have the motivation to continue. But hopefully I'll get pregnant before the race. I hate running.:rofl:

Anyway, it's normal to have conflicting feelings when your LO decides he doesn't want to nurse. Part of you says "free at last!", while the other part mourns the loss. This is normal. :flower:

Devi--Sounds promising! GL!

Yeah, where is Joli? I'm a little worried. It's one thing to go MIA for a bit, but it's been a long while. Hope she's okay!!

I hope all you gals had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
i remember joli saying she was going to thailand or someplace..
Hi girls - wow a lot to catch up on!

Devi - Good luck this month

2016 - Good luck with the move, I cant believe that you have t move into FIL's for 4 days, nasty buyers with lack of children! we move on the 10th also but ours is rental, glad you and S are better and Happy birthday S for yesterday :)

TB - wow ttc sounds really stressful for you, hope now you have kinda got some answers you can move forward and get that bfp! I tried progesterone cream with libby and I dont know if it was co-incidence but i fell preg the first time of using it but was then scared to stop using it but all was fine. I didnt use anything this preg obv as it wasnt planned but all has been fine :shrug:

Joli - where are you?? You said you had been to Phucket but that was last we heard, is it move time? I forget... hope you are enjoying your time off between jobs (if you havnt already started) xxx

Nicole :) Thanks for keeping up with my fb ramblings :haha: hope pregnancy is treating you well, when is your due date? x

Hib - :wave: couldnt leave you out... how are you and the family?

AFM - all is well, preg insomnia has kicked in and I had 2 hours sleep last night and libby woke up at 5am and chatted for an hour and a half then fell back to sleep and is still asleep now!! I however got woken by a phone call from hubby asking me to go online for a train ticket reference :grr: Baby B is moving lots and this sounds bad but its kinda that annoying movement as he still has lots of room in there to kick, once he gets a bit bigger he will have to stop going wild in there! I def have another night owl though! 10-11pm onwards and he awake!

Libby is growing fast and learning new skills everyday. Her new word is Cat and she has learned that you draw with crayons not eat them (although she still has to have a little taste haha) She is getting better at feeding herself with a spoon/fork but we still have a little way to go on that one! She seems to have changed its weird, not looks but I can tell her way of thinking and her perspective on things has changed she just understands more I cant quite put my finger on it though. Its s much easier getting her to wwalk around the house with me and up the stairs and she plays happily in her room while I have a shower (baby gate provided) defiantly had some sort of development leap which would explain the bad nights last week as she usually sleeps through 6.30-6.30! but its cold this am so I will let her off :) xxxx
TBM - yes, today is ov day! :happydance: Couple of days later than it has been lately but I think that was down to the royal jelly I am taking. Am also going to use progesterone cream again, like I did when pregnant with S to see if it helps. :thumbup:

Well we have had an exhausting but wonderful couple of days with his birthday and his family party today. He got spoilt rotten and I nearly dropped dead from the exhaustion of preparing everything as well as packing and curtain making! :wacko:

Here are some photos:

Happy with one of his presents:

In his adorable brithday party outfit:

The cake:
Devi - sorry I hadn't seen your post before I posted. Am I right that the FF and TCOYF software is not agreeing on ov date? Your ticker says 11dpo and looking at FF I would guess that's right. Suppose it doesn't matter in the end long as you get your bfp! :dust: I've heard the clumpy yellow cm is a good sign and I'm sure I had it when pg...but I've also had it 4 out of 5 cycles we've been trying this time so I think my body's gone stupid! :dohh:

DH is all excited about the prospect of me getting a bfp on the first morning in our new house (6th). It would be fairytale wonderful if that happened but just don't think my life works that way. Would be nice if it did, but I have 32 years if experience that it doesn't! :rofl:
4 days until we move out - so much to do! Eeeeek!!!!
I'm here, I'm here!!! Just after we got back from Phuket, we started moving, and I didn't have any internet connection until now! The signal here is really bad too, so I haven't been able to use my iphone internet either. We're trying to get some booster so that we can use wifi elsewhere other than the livingroom! ANYWAYS!!! We're in our new house, finally, and it's looking gorgeous! I'll have to take some pics soon to send you. When I made Harrison's cot in his own room, I sobbed the entire time, it was all the emotions from wanting to nest whilst pregnant, and finally, I was building my baby his own room. Harrison is thriving here, he's loving crawling up and down the stairs, and all this space. There are a lot of village dogs here, and he loves making woof woof sounds whenever he sees them outside. We also bought a new car, as this place is pretty remote and has no public transport to the train station. This place will take a while until it is properly finished, but it's exciting to finally be in!

In other news, AF came!! I'm 100% sure it's because of accupuncture, and relaxing for a week in Phuket. So I'm on CD11 now... having not had a natural period since I was 19, I'm not really sure what to expect, but I'm thrilled that we might have a chance now at TTC naturally!

Nic - I just read back again - OMG!! Congratulations!!!! That's amazing! So happy for you! What made you think to test? aww, I wish you a very happy and healthy pregnancy and a good sticky bean! :happydance:

Taebo - I was on clomid and my DH had issues too, so I'll be able to answer a lot of your questions hopefully! My DH only had morphology of 7 and 11% (2 different tests), which is why we had to go down the IUI route. I had my hubby start taking Speman (you can google it), and it helped with his motility quite a lot.

GG - I can't believe how far along you are already!! Really doesn't feel like that long ago when you got your BFP! It sounds like Libby is growing up perfectly. Harrison loves drawing too. He has figured out how to push down a ballpoint pen and he drew all over the walls of our serviced apartment - lol. So we can't leave pens anywhere! I have got him an easel for Christmas that has a whiteboard, blackboard and a roll of paper that comes down to paint on - it sounds like Libby would like it too!

2016 - Stewart looks so handsome! And what an awesome birthday cake!! Please tell me you didn't make it! The video that you did was wonderful, it make me all teary eyed. I think it's so lovely that we've never met each other, and yet I feel like I know you all so well, and it's so wonderful to watch all the bubbas grow.

Devi - good luck this month, keeping my fx'd for you!!

How do you guys temp with bubbas? I would love to temp, but if I set an alarm to do it, Harrison will wake up and I doubt he'll let me stay still enough to take my temp! I suppose it's an issue as Harrison still sleeps in our room, though in the day time he naps in his own room.

Another question... using OPKs, once you get a positive eg. 12pm, is it best to BD that evening, or the next morning?
Yay!! Joli is alive!!! So happy to see you here!! :dance: That's great that you've gotten a natural period. That's very promising for a natural pregnancy. Good luck! I can't wait to see pictures of your new house! Harrison sounds adorable. I can just imagine him imitating the dogs...how cute!

2016--I love the pics of Stewart!!! And what a neat cake!

GG--Libby sounds like a charming little girl--she's going to make a great big sister, I'm sure of it. Thanks for the info on progesterone. I'm sure I'd be scared to discontinue it, too. Hopefully, I can get to that point!

Devi--Have you tested, or are you being a good girl?

nicole--thanks for the FB add. You're a pretty lady! Love being able to look at the pics of your little guys!

I hope you're all having a great day! :flower:

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