2016 - best of luck with your move! I know exactly how you feel about living among boxes - we did that for a year, it's such a relief to have some space! Fingers crossed for your test on Tuesday!
Nicole - I'm just beaming here, I'm so happy for you! I guess when it's just the right time, it happens. I wish it would happen to me! I have just started to chart this month since I got af. I'm quite amazed that accupuncture has managed to make af come back after all these years. I'm not temping at the minute, as Harrison still sleeps in the same room as us, and he usually wakes up before me, so I don't get a chance to temp, there's no way he'd let me stay still for long enough! My cycles are pretty long I think, so I'm using OPKs and expect to O around CD20 (hate having to wait for so long!). If it happens, then we'll just keep trying naturally, but if it doesn't happen, then we'll probably look to go back on fertility meds in January. I wish we had the dollar store here in Hong Kong - I love that shop! I'm sorry that you're feeling ill - I expect that it's pretty cold there now, wrap up warm!
Devi - what do you mean that O isn't very strong? I'm curious as my af I just got wasn't particularly heavy (I heard most women have a really heavy one when they first get it back after giving birth), and I wonder if this might be related to what you're referring to?
GG - I meant to say that I love the park pics of Libby on FB, simply gorgeous!