(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

Ok...so yesterday we were burgled in the middle of the night as we slept. We've barely been in our new house for 2 weeks. They broke in through the window, and took everything downstairs, including our laptops, so I'm writing on my iphone. It's scary to think strangers were here while we slept soundly upstairs. I'm so grateful that Harrison was in the room with us - baby stealing for selling in China is a major issue here, and I dread to think about what could have happened if there was an ulterior motive to our invaders. We didn't have a chance to take out home insurance yet, so we have lost so much and can't claim for anything. On top of all our household and new car expenses, and Christmas, this has been a big blow for us. Our next door neighbours also got robbed, so the police suspect it was a professional hit. So 2016 - in your new home, make sure you take out home insurance asap and have some sort of security system!! I'm sorry for your BFN :( I'm on CD20, and no +opk yet... but getting some ewcm, so hoping it's just round the corner. I wonder if egg quality is not as good if it takes this long to O...?
Oh Joli, I'm so sorry this has happened to you and you're family! How scary to know that these jerks were in your house, stealing your things...while you were sleeping! And how aggravating that they had the gall to do it!
Joli: I'm so sorry your house was broken into, that's awful. It is good that Harrison was with you though. So scary, I hope you're doing okay.

2016: I'm sorry about the bfn, hope your bfp comes very soon though! How is it going in your new house?

tbm: How are you doing?
oh Joli, that is such awful news :( what a horrible start to life in your new home. So pleased you are all safe though, thats all that matters :hugs:
Thanks ladies :). GG - have you got any updated bump pics? Did you find that you showed a lot faster this time round? I'm really looking forward to being pregnant again... One day!

Nicole - how are you and the family feeling now - have the illnesses subsided?

I'm on CD21 now, no +opk yet... Am wondering whether I will actually ovulate this month
Oh Joli I am so so sorry this happened to you!!! What an awful feeling it must have been to come downstairs and discover it all. I just thank goodness you were all safe. :hugs:
Thanks for telling me about insurance. I checked with hubby and we had to take some out soon as the contracts exchanged so we are ok. The move unsettled S quite a bit and he's come out with eczema I think from the stress. Tried my best to protect him from it but am quite a stressy person myself so I guess he picked it up.
Hopefully you will ov soon. I usually find it happens shortly after begin to wonder if it is ever going to happen.

AFM...well :af: found me today at my new address. I still feel disappointed even though I knew it was coming. Why is it taking us do long? It's been 6 months since my cyclecame back and at least two just waiting for it to come back. Gosh I have so much to be grateful for in life but still I moan! :dohh:
Sorry I've not been on much but the signal out here in the country is awful. I keep typing posts on my phone and they get lost when I try submit them. We are slowly getting settled - have unpacked the most important things but have 50 or so boxes still to go. Feel quite reliant on family members coming to help with S or do DIY. Had no help today so feel quite down as nothing got done. Have had quite a few unexpected expenses since we arrived the most alarming of which was a broken oven. I turned it on and it was making a scraping noise so I told DH I daren't use it. Turns out the fan was catching on the heating element and had worn it most of the way through which in turn was then electrifying the entire interior of the oven! And the thermostat had been bypassed meaning the oven would have heated up and up and up until it caught fire with no safety mechanism to shut it off! Thank god I didn't use it!
I'm sounding negative sorry girls but that's my frame of mind today. We are really happy here though and I just can't wait to fill the empty bedroom with a new babe.
nicole--thanks for asking about me. I'm doing fine. :thumbup: 5dpo over here. When is your ultrasound appointment?

Joli--any sign of O? Have you tried Soy Isoflavones?

2016--Sorry the witch found you! :hugs: I know 6 months seems long in the TTC world, but considering all that has to align, it's not long at all! You will fill that empty room! There's nothing wrong with complaining along the way. Complain away, sister. Wow, it's a good thing you didn't use that oven! Scary stuff!

How are the rest of you ladies?
Hello Ladies!!!

Joli I am so sorry to hear about you getting broke into how horrible to happen so close to Christmas, that is just crummy.

Nicole - Thanks for the congrats

GG- Congrats on your bundle on the way

AFM: Things here have been rough and busy. Last month I didn't get my monthly child tax benefit payment so I was behind on bills and it's been a struggle to get back to the black again. I had an episode with Child Welfare where they almost took my son. The director of his old daycare called about 2 weeks ago and made a complaint saying he had an oozing diaper rash that I wasn't taking care of or attempting to make better. In fact I had known about it for 2 months and had been to the doctor a number of times trying to get it under control. It was never oozing to begin with and I'd tried several different topical prescriptions but nothing worked. Well it turned out he had such a severe diaper rash because of the fact that he needed a circumcision and that was what was causing the diaper rash. It was a recurring yeast infection, so he is getting circumcised on Tuesday. The pregnancy has been wrought with problems from bleeding to them not being able to find the heartbeat on the heartbeat machine but so far we're still pregnant here. I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas, sorry I haven't been more active, I have been working and going to school as well so I am extremely busy with life.
Wow SM...so sorry you are having such a rough time. Good to see you popping back in here though. :hugs:
Hey Ladies

2016 - I'm sorry you're feeling so low - but everything with your new house must be exciting! I know we're excited building our dream home. How is Stewart now in his new home? Is he in the same cot? Your chart says you're on CD40 - is that right? This cycle seems really long for you?

Taebo - I'm on CD29 I think, and still no O! What is soy isoflovones? I've heard of you and 2016 talking about it, but I'm not sure what it is! What does it do?

Sweetmama - that's awful that you're being questioned about whether you are being an adequate mother, gosh, that must make you feel really awful. How did the circumcision go?

So I've got some interesting updates... I went to the doc earlier this week cause I was just not ovulating, and it turns out that I do have 1 viable egg growing, it was 13mm on Monday and 16mm on Thursday. So the doc recommended that I take this opportunity to do an IUI. He thinks that it's the accupuncture working for me, he said there is scientific evidence that it is effective. So tonight at 2am, I have to give myself an injection which will trigger ovulation and Monday is the big day!! AF would be due on 31st Dec / 1 Jan. Last time I tested +ve on 9dpo, so I think I'll try test again the same day this time - 28th Dec is test day!! So excited!!
2016 - Thanks hun.

Joli - Honestly this woman has had it out for me for a long time, mostly because she's not used to people standing up for themselves and I don't really give a hoot how she feels. I've always stood my ground on everything I feel necessary to. She doesn't like that much. Also she's mad that she lost her daycare funding for my son, she wouldn't have if she wasn't such a stupid woman and pissed me off beyond belief too many times. I'd been waiting for her to pull this stunt for a few months after one of her now ex-employees let me on to it and told me that she thought she was going to call because she kept asking this worker if she felt that my son was safe with me. So I am just letting it roll right off my back.

As for the circumcision it went well and since he had it, I haven't had one diaper rash, so the doc was right the circ was necessary.

AFM: Hopefully I'll be getting a car soon, we're preparing for Christmas which we'll be spending with my boyfriend and his family this year. Then in February my boyfriend is going to be traveling to British Columbia for 2 weeks so I'll have to prepare for that too.
Wow it's quiet on here! Sweetmama - good for you for not letting this woman affect you, I can't believe what lengths she went to.

I had my IUI today, so I guess I'm officially in the tww! Testing in 10 days!
wow joli IUI? .. good luck!

Im also in 2ww.. FX this time.. everything is looking great.. temps are nice & up. .

My brother got engaged this weekend.;. & there was a HUGE 200people party.. so i was super busy with that planning for the last few weeks.
Joli: That's so exciting that you got to do an iui!!! Good luck! Can't wait for you to test! I really hope you get your bfp! Are you ready for Christmas?

Devi: Glad you're in the tww too! Good luck! When are you testing?

2016: How are you doing? When do you think you'll ov?

sweetmama: Glad your pregnancy is going well!

taebomama: Where are you in your cycle now? I had my ultrasound a few weeks ago, measured 6 weeks and 1 day then and the heart was just starting to beat so everything looks good. I need to book a midwife appointment soon.

gg: How are you doing?

This year has been awful for getting sick! Daniel is just getting over an ear infection and strep and I have a sore throat now so I'm going to finish Christmas shopping this morning in case I feel worse later in the week. I don't feel too bad pregnancy wise as long as I eat small meals through the day, I've been eating a ridiculous amount of apples. We're going to dinner with Santa tonight with Ben's preschool, he's so excited he hasn't stopped talking for the last two hours, it's really cute. Hope everyone is doing well!
Nicole - Thanks...

AFM: We had Corbyn's preschool christmas concert yesterday. It was super fun and so cute... Other than that well we've been just motoring along....
Yup, I had the IUI a bit suddenly - the doc was surprised to find 1 egg, so thought we should give it a try. So I didn't ovulate until CD32 (by way of trigger shot), so I have no idea if this affects the quality of the egg or not, or what my chances are. I had accupuncture today, and he said that even if I concieved, it would be hard to keep this pregnancy because my uterus is so weak right now(!?) - kinda depressing to hear, but I'm hoping we'll have the same miracle that we did the last time we had IUI!

Devi - yeah, both on the tww together! What day are you testing? I've always wanted to go to an Indian wedding, they look amazing, and i love that they celebrate for a full week!

Nicole - I'm sorry everyone's been so ill, especially at Christmas time. We're excited about Christmas in our new house, and this will be Harrison's first christmas where he'll be aware of what's going on. I've been shopping like crazy to get it all done - how about you, what are your boys getting this year? Since Harrison loves painting, I've bough him an easel with a white and blackboard, and this scroll of papar which comes down. Can't wait to give it to him! it's good you're eating so many apples - very healthy for baby!

Sweetmama - any photos of Corbyn at his christmas concert? Sounds so cute!!

2016 - how are you doing? are you still struggling to get signal? Miss you!!
Joli - Nope no pics because I took a video, I'll see if I can't get in contact with someone at the preschool and see if there are pics. I'll post them if I can find them.
Joli--I hope your IUI was a success! But why did your acupuncturist say your uterus is weak? You're a young, healthy lady...I wouldn't listen to such rubbish! You asked about Soy, it is supposed to help you ovulate. I'm not a doctor so I can't really say whether in works or not, but from all the posts I've seen online from women who normally don't ovulate, Soy seems to help. If your IUI didn't catch the egg, I think you should look into it.

nicole--Happy to hear your LO is looking good. :thumbup: Sorry to hear about you and your son's illness. This is the season to be sick. But it's good to hear that everyone is getting better. How did the dinner with Santa go? I love the excitement of Christmas...seeing it through your child's eyes makes it so much more special.

Do you know how to get still shots from video? I don't..lol, but it is an option if you wanted to figure it out.

GG--How's it going?

2016--I suppose you're dealing with a bad internet signal, and are probably busy setting up your new home and getting ready for Christmas. We miss you over here.

Devi--Are you an early tester, or do you wait it out? I see that you're 7dpo...getting close! Wow 200 people is a lot for an engagement party...sounds like it's going to be a big wedding.

Speaking of weddings, get this ladies...Do any of you remember me telling you about my sister? She waited until she had been married a year and was pregnant to tell me that she was married. Unfortunately, she lost the baby to a miscarriage. But the good news is, she is now divorced! I know that sounds terrible, but trust me, it's for the best! This guy does drugs, was becoming more abusive (threw a phone at my sister), and decided they should "see other people". A real piece of work. Anyway, she is engaged to a really good man, now. She knew him in the past, so although their relationship is only about 8 months old, they've known each other much longer than that. I spent this last weekend helping my sis pic a wedding dress and a wedding location. I can't tell you how happy I am for her!! Pray that her fiance stays safe; he's in Afghanistan for 6 months.

Talk to you ladies, soon!:flower:
Yeah I'm really struggling with signal. I get a few minutes here and there then it's gone for hours! Can't wait until I have a new service provider. I keep reading posts but often I type a reply only for it to crash and I lose it...so I stopped trying. Will be getting proper Internet at the end of the month. Can't wait!!!!

Just wanted to say thanks for asking after me. :flower: Got a surprise +ve OPK today which was odd cos I normally get a fade in and this time clearly negative to a raging positive. So looks like I will ov tomorrow, CD16 - earliest ever! :happydance:

Joli I just wanted to wish you all the best for this TWW. My accu person said I had a weak uterus just before I fell with Stewart so don't take any notice. I have a really good feeling this will be a lucky cycle for you. :dust:

Devi...best of luck for you too.

Hello and much love to the rest of you but don't want to type much more cos although I seem to have a little signal, I am down to 5% battery. Typical! If I move the phone to charge it I will loose the signal I have. :dohh:
Taebo - thanks for the info on Soy - I'll see if I can find it here, is it in tablet form, something you'd find by vitamins?

2016 - your accu telling you about your uterus has made me feel a bit better! He said mine was weak as my core energy(?) hasn't rebuilt there, i don't have enough blood flow which is why it's so hard for me to ovulate, and when I do, it takes ages (CD32!!). I am really not sure if I'm hopeful this cycle or not. I've read that IUI is less effective in natural ovulations rather than using injectables, and given that it took so long to ovulate, I wonder if egg quality is any good. I guess only time will tell, the TWW is killing me!! I thought about buying a load of cheap tests and just POAS every day, so if I don't get a BFP, I haven't built up my expectations on one day. Of course, this is just my excuse to test early! lol I'll wait until after the weekend at least, hopefully Christmas will be a good distration! Have fun catching that egg! Awesome that you've O'd early this time - did you take soy?

Devi - what day are you testing?

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