(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

And I woul say hang fire with a digi it probs won't pick it up yet 10dpo still early I got a bfn with Libby at 10dpo x
That definitely looks like a bfp!!!! I can't wait for you to test again! So exciting! Congratulations!!! :yipee:
I have some exciting news..... I took a digi this evening, and here is the pic!!!! I just hope it's a sticky one, I'm so paranoid about the accu saying he doesn't think bean will keep even if I do get pregnant - praying and hoping! I totally have had zero symptoms. DH wants to DTD tonight, and I am just being so paranoid and am worried it will shake things up too much. What is your opinion about DTD in the first few weeks? I haven't told him yet - I think I'll tell him this evening before bed. Honestly can't believe this, I'm just shaking with excitement and disbelief!!


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Eeeeeeeee Joli this is sooooo exciting!!!!! I only just got on my phone and saw the FRER. I had to laugh because it definitely didn't look like an evap at all! So pleased you have a digi to confirm it for you. :happydance:
It HAS to be a strong bean if it was already showing on the tests at just 7/8 dpo. Forget about what the accu said. Sure they most likely helped prepare your body to get pregnant but that doesn't mean they know everything. My accu said the same thing about S and he was a fighter for sure. :thumbup:
So let's get some PMA and look to the future - have you worked out your DD yet?

Oh and as for DTD I have always been super cautious and hardly even want to during the TWW! I know many many people do all the way through pregnancy no probs but I'm paranoid. Hopefully when you show him the test and explain how you feel he will understand.
Joli: Congratulations again! Nothing like seeing it in words! I wouldn't worry about what the accu said, I do think they can help but I really don't think they can tell if your baby will stick. As 2016 said a bfp at 10 dpo is a great sign! As for dtd I did it pretty soon after my bfp with the boys and this time and things were fine but even now it makes me a little nervous. I keep checking the toliet paper the next day and we don't do it as often as usual partly because I'm nervous and partly because I don't feel like it.
Joli--You ARE pregnant...say it with me: "I am pregnant." LOL. I have been testing for MANY cycles and have NEVER gotten so much as a faint line. You keep getting faint lines. That is because you are P R E G N A N T. I'm so happy for you!!! :happydance::happydance:

Keep posting those tests! I love seeing them. :flower:
Well, apparently I wasn't seeing the latest posts! I guess you know you're pregnant! LOL
Thanks ladies - you've made me feel loads better about my 'weak' uterus! lol.

2016 - my due date will be 10 September, which is 1 day before DH's birthday! I'm pretty paranoid about DTD in the first 12 weeks... DH and I had fun in other ways last night before I broke the news to him - I wanted to show him that we could still have fun without DTD! :rofl: (sorry I know that's a lot of info!). So you're 7dpo now... when is test day?? It just goes to show that cheap tests are very effective, they were the first to show lines at 7dpo, and they were supposed to be 25mIU, whilst the 15mIU didn't show anything until 10dpo!

Nicole - how did Daniel cope when Ben arrived? Harrison still sleeps in the same room as us, and from about 2am, he usually climbs out of his cot into bed with me. DH says we need to get him into his own room now so he doesn't kick or sit on me, and to make room for new baby...but I love my cuddles with Harrison. Everyone says he's such a mommy's boy, because we have such a close bond and he always comes to me, but I love it - there will be time enough in the future for him to hate his mother! lol

DH was quietly emotional when I told him. We were in church for midnight mass on Christmas eve, and he told me he was praying for a baby. I think we're both excited and freaked out at the same time - everyone keeps telling us what a huge adjustment it is to go from 1 to 2 children.

GG - how have you prepared Libby for the arrival of new baby? Is she aware what's going on? Are you still able to carry her around? Harrison still hates being in the stroller, and I usually use the ergo, but I guess I won't be able to after a while, not sure how he'll take to that!

Taebo - just for you, attached is a pic from this morning! the line is a little darker, but not significantly.


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10th September is the day after my sisters birthday. Virgo's! :haha:
That line is definitely getting darker. :happydance:

I was very tempted to test this morning but then decided I would rather wait until 9dpo otherwise I risk driving myself mad. At the moment I'm thinking if I'm not pregnant this cycle we might give up trying and I go back on BCP and let Stewart be an only child. I can't cope just with him so it would probably be foolish to have another. If I had another like him it might finish me off! Don't get me wrong I love him more than anything and wouldn't change him, but he is very very challenging. Start back at work next week so maybe the break will help change my mind.
2016 - no 2 children are the same, so dont worry and he will get better with age xxxxx

Joli - huge congrats, glad you didnt listen to me and did a digi :) fab news. As for Libby, I cant really prepare her she is a bit young to understand, but Harrison will be older so may understand a fair bit more. She currently knows her dolls as her 'babies' so I am a bit worried she will think baby is a doll haha she is obsessed with dolls its unreal. I carried her round before I got a bump and then it was impossible and I have to pick her up and stuff now and I am pleased that I am not really as big as I was with libby, I have a definite boy bump lol

hope everyone else is well xxxxx
GG...I know there is a very good chance our next child could be easier...but the risk of going through these last 13 months again almost fills me with too much fear to risk it. People have been telling me since he was born that it would get easier but it's only getting more difficult. If my husband was a little (a lot!) less useless and I felt like I would have the support while pregnant or with a new baby. But he says he is currently doing more than he feels he can. I'm also so so tired of TTC but as long as I am not on BCP I have to keep tracking my cycle in case I get an ectopic. Tired of the monthly hormonal moodswings, weight gain because I'm miserable, have no time to look after myself (and am a pig), painful periods, periods in general! Just want to go back on Cerazette so they stop and just forget this whole thing.
Sorry to be such a downer ladies I am just very very depressed.
:( hugs, sorry your hubby is being such an arse, don't apologise for feeling down,
I know its been difficult, god Libby is a nightmare at the moment and I am dreading baby 2, I actually burst into tears leaving a baby group early as she had a tantrum on the floor and screamed the place down because a girl had a doll and I was so embarrassed, she is so much hard work and still wakes a few times in the night for no known reason but at least I get some evening time. But these next 3-4 years are going to be hard but afterwards it will be so lovely, they will be at a lovely age together. Try not to get too down, if you don't want any more, that's fine but never say never and you are fantastic mum, you just have a spirited child xxxx
Joli: Ben adjusted really well to Daniel. He was in our room until just over a month before Daniel was born and he was fine with his own room. I think it was better that he was a bit older, made him more ready to be on his own. I don't think there is any rush, whenever you think he's ready. Is there a need to move him when the baby comes? I mean other than the baby might wake him in the night but if you had the space you could have a bassinet or something in there as well. We don't have a big enough room for that and only moved Daniel just after a year because he was sleeping so poorly with us. I blame DH and his snoring.

I think everyone saying how hard the adjustment to two is actually makes it a bit easier when you have the second. I was prepared for it to be a lot worse than it was.

As for baby wearing while pregnant I don't know about the ergo but my friend wore her 15 month old right until the end in a ring sling. I use one every time we go out and it's pretty comfortable at least for now. If you do end up getting on make sure you get one with a long tail and a wide pocket. I had one with a very narrow pocket and short tail and had to get a better one. Daniel doesn't like the stroller much either.

2016: Sorry you're feeling so down. :hugs: It's normal to have doubts about more children especially when you've got a handful already but if you do want more you will find a way to manage. I really think you'll do just fine with two, you seem to do an amazing job with Stewart. I'm scared of another Daniel too but I don't know anyone who had a baby like that twice so I'm hopeful. I felt that way right before I got pregnant this time, that I could barely handle the two I have so I shouldn't have another.

It's probably just all catching up to you at once, a year is a long time to be sleep deprived and constantly challenged by a baby. You've had a lot going on with moving, Stewart and TTC. Just trying for a baby is very hard on a person without all the other stuff. I think you've done very well considering everything. Your husband should be more understanding, and helpful that must make it harder than it has to be. Maybe you can slowly get him to do a little more at a time to help you, something to ease the pressure on you. I hope you feel better soon...come talk to us when you're feeling down, even if we can't help much it's good to get it out. Sorry for the ramble. I never know the right thing to say but I wanted to say something, I feel bad that you're having a hard time.
2016 - I think GG and Nicole have given some excellent advice. I can tell you now that DH and I wanted a second baby, but part of us is totally freaked out about what it will do and how we will handle it. Harrison is not an easy going baby, he still sleeps in a cot pushed against the bed and wakes twice every night, he hates being in the car and the stroller, he won't tolerate it for longer than 15 mins before he screams, he hates other kids touching him, he is a complete mummy's boy! But the joy I get from him, and I'm sure you get from Stewart does make it all worth it. I have a theory on why you, me, Nicole and GG all have tough little cookies from last year, it was year of the Tiger - in chinese custom, they are known to be hot tempered, difficult, and throw tantrums...BUT they are natural born leaders, fierce and protectors. Next baby will not be like that, it will be year of the Dragon - in Asia women are falling over themselves trying to get pregnant for a Dragon baby, they are highly intellgent, well balanced, and will calm the Tiger as it knows when to pick its fights. I know this horoscope stuff is all just for fun, but it will hopefully remind you that second baby will be different. Being a first time Mummy is totally freaky, and we're all going to be better prepared next time round. With your depression, you know what your weaknesses are and how you can anticipate problems. That being said, there are soooo many times that I feel so happy with just Harrison, and I don't feel the need for number 2 - in fact, I feel as if I'm doing this more for Harrison for when he gets older so he can have a sibling, rather than for me. I'm about to start a new job on Tuesday, and we've just moved into our new house, so I'm in a similar position to you - it's highly stressful, so it's not surprised you feel the way you do. Do you have family nearby who could support you? Try to keep your chin up, Stewart is beautiful and you are doing an amazing job with him! He's a lucky boy!!

GG - that's good to know that you can still carry Libby! How much does she weigh now? Harrison is so incredibly tall, I hope I can still carry him! I read that you can use the ergo on the hip, so I might try that out. Does Libby ever try to hit your bump? Harrison is such a boy-boy, always sitting on my tummy and jumping, it worries me a bit! That's so cute about Libby and her dolls :) Can we have a bump pic? We haven't had one of those on this thread in ages!!!

Nicole - we have plenty of space in our master bedroom for 2 cots, I guess my only worry is that the baby will wake Harrison up, who is already a very light sleeper. When Daniel was in your room, was he up against your bed or was his cot further away? How long did it adjust to him being in his own room, and what did you do when he woke up at night crying for you? sorry for all the questions! I'm torn on what to do. I'd love to just have them both in the room with me (except DH would flip out!). Which brand ring sling do you use? Do you wear him upright on your side? When we go out for the day, I usually carry Harrison in the ergo / bjorn for his afternoon nap, I guess we'll have to find another way!

I'm getting bloods done tomorrow, I don't expect my beta to be very high, as I'll only be 13dpo, but I just want it all to be official! I told my parents and siblings this evening, they were all in shock, but are happy for me.
Thank you ladies for all your wise and kind words. You made me feel so much better. :flower:
Big news over here is WE FINALLY HAVE PROPER INTERNET CONNECTION! :wohoo: A month is a long time for a nerd like me to go without proper broadband. :dohh:

Joli...one of the first things I wanted to do was come on here and be able to look at your tests properly. Now I can see that your "evaps" at just 7dpo had COLOUR in them and I can, without even squinting, see the start of something on the FRER even then. Amazing! :thumbup:
Your 11dpo test also looks almost twice as dark as your 10dpo test so whatever is cooking in your oom is doing a very good job of it! :happydance:

I am hoping I have had a breakthrough today because I realised part of the reason why S has gone from difficult to impossible lately is because he needs to drop from 2 naps to 1 and is also maybe wanting to drop his milk a bit. Going to try just morning and evening milk from now on and the one nap....will see if S has other ideas! He did randomly decide this last week he wouldn't have his dummy anymore which is fab because I had no idea how I was going to get it off him. He only had it some nights and naps anyway but I really didn't think he would just go cold turkey on it by choice??? He is also cutting his top 2 cainines and top 2 first molars all at the same time. That will bring his toothy quota to 12. He seems to cut no teeth for months then 4-6 at once. he's also picked up at least 10 new works in the last 2 weeks and finally took 3 steps in a row today. So perhaps I should give my poor sweet boy a break because one is bound to be grouchy when one is mastering so many new things! :blush:
Joli: Daniel is a light sleeper too and hard to get back to sleep, Ben is such a deep sleeper that even when Daniel wakes up screaming he doesn't even stir. I think the baby will probably wake Daniel even in a different room but I hope he'll get used to it after awhile. We had the crib at the foot of our bed so he was really close to us. The first week he was up a lot and spent a lot of time in our bed. Whenever he wakes up I just bring him to bed so he can nurse and then he ends up spending the rest of the night with us. He still nurses to sleep for naps and for the night. I'm hoping to get him to sleep on his own before the baby comes but it's hard after this long. He sleeps through the night most of the time now though, usually doesn't come into our bed until 5. I still won't let him cry, I probably would if he didn't get worked up so quickly but I think it would be hours before he'd stop. I think it would be nice to have them both with you if it worked out. Does Harrison fall asleep on his own? This is the ring sling I got, it's a lady from etsy that lives in the same area as me, I don't know where she ships to though. https://www.etsy.com/shop/serendipityslings
2016: I didn't see that you posted. Yay! Glad you have a good internet connection again! and also that you're starting to feel better! so cute that he's starting to walk! It's so cute when they are just starting. Daniel got quite a bit more jolly when he could walk all the time. Daniel seems to get 4 teeth each time. Did he get any molars before some of the front ones? Daniel just cut two molars but he's missing some teeth in between, I found that strange just because Ben got his in order.

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