2016 - I think GG and Nicole have given some excellent advice. I can tell you now that DH and I wanted a second baby, but part of us is totally freaked out about what it will do and how we will handle it. Harrison is not an easy going baby, he still sleeps in a cot pushed against the bed and wakes twice every night, he hates being in the car and the stroller, he won't tolerate it for longer than 15 mins before he screams, he hates other kids touching him, he is a complete mummy's boy! But the joy I get from him, and I'm sure you get from Stewart does make it all worth it. I have a theory on why you, me, Nicole and GG all have tough little cookies from last year, it was year of the Tiger - in chinese custom, they are known to be hot tempered, difficult, and throw tantrums...BUT they are natural born leaders, fierce and protectors. Next baby will not be like that, it will be year of the Dragon - in Asia women are falling over themselves trying to get pregnant for a Dragon baby, they are highly intellgent, well balanced, and will calm the Tiger as it knows when to pick its fights. I know this horoscope stuff is all just for fun, but it will hopefully remind you that second baby will be different. Being a first time Mummy is totally freaky, and we're all going to be better prepared next time round. With your depression, you know what your weaknesses are and how you can anticipate problems. That being said, there are soooo many times that I feel so happy with just Harrison, and I don't feel the need for number 2 - in fact, I feel as if I'm doing this more for Harrison for when he gets older so he can have a sibling, rather than for me. I'm about to start a new job on Tuesday, and we've just moved into our new house, so I'm in a similar position to you - it's highly stressful, so it's not surprised you feel the way you do. Do you have family nearby who could support you? Try to keep your chin up, Stewart is beautiful and you are doing an amazing job with him! He's a lucky boy!!
GG - that's good to know that you can still carry Libby! How much does she weigh now? Harrison is so incredibly tall, I hope I can still carry him! I read that you can use the ergo on the hip, so I might try that out. Does Libby ever try to hit your bump? Harrison is such a boy-boy, always sitting on my tummy and jumping, it worries me a bit! That's so cute about Libby and her dolls

Can we have a bump pic? We haven't had one of those on this thread in ages!!!
Nicole - we have plenty of space in our master bedroom for 2 cots, I guess my only worry is that the baby will wake Harrison up, who is already a very light sleeper. When Daniel was in your room, was he up against your bed or was his cot further away? How long did it adjust to him being in his own room, and what did you do when he woke up at night crying for you? sorry for all the questions! I'm torn on what to do. I'd love to just have them both in the room with me (except DH would flip out!). Which brand ring sling do you use? Do you wear him upright on your side? When we go out for the day, I usually carry Harrison in the ergo / bjorn for his afternoon nap, I guess we'll have to find another way!
I'm getting bloods done tomorrow, I don't expect my beta to be very high, as I'll only be 13dpo, but I just want it all to be official! I told my parents and siblings this evening, they were all in shock, but are happy for me.