(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

also that is amazing with the dummy...Ben still has his sometimes :blush: It's one thing I am having a horrible time getting rid of. I should have taken it at one with his bottle. Even better to have him give it up on his own!
He had his top four which he got all at once, then this time cut the first molars leaving a gap for the canines but these started just a few days after so they are now all coming out together. I think the average is that they cut their first molars before the canines. But which child is average? :haha:
Libby got a set of molars before her canines then the other set, just need the last set now. That's excellent about the dummy! Libby dropped hers about 6 months too and has also dropped her bottle herself and just has a cup, was really surprised asshe loved her bottle. Glad your feeling better xxx

Joli - I don't know how to post a bump pic from my phone?
I think he might be ready to drop the bottle too as he keeps biting on it very agressively and seems far happier with his TT freeflow or a straw or open cup. I wanted to ditch the dummy at 6 months but purposefully hung on to it for our trip to South Africa and I am so glad I did. Me have had 4 nights without the dummy now so I have thrown them all in the bin.

Joli...just quickly I wanted to say I was reading up about Chinese Tiger babies and I just couldn't believe how it so accurately described S! I then read about Rabbit babies as two of my friends have rabbits and again so so very accurate. I always take these horoscopes with a pinch of salt or as a bit of fun but love it when they match. It does say that Tigers are least compatible with Monkeys which I am so I wonder if that's why my darling son drives me up the wall. :rofl:
In a weird way it had given me some confidence that maybe just maybe I can do this again. Still in two minds though but we shall see what testing day tomorrow revels. FRERs at the ready!

Just wanted to wish all you lovely lovely ladies a very happy new year and a healthy prosperous 2012 filled with BFPs, bouncy babies and thriving LOs. DH and I are going to bed at 8 or 9pm tonight as we are shattered. Chat to you all next year! :flower:
Good morning ladies and Happy New Year!

Got a very clear BFN this morning. Didnt think I was pregnant. I do have a nasty pain on my right side though (where my dodgy tube is) so now the fear of an ectopic can start.
Hey Ladies - Happy New Year!!!! 2012 will be a good year for us all!

I had my bloods on Saturday, which was 12 dpo, my htp was 44. With Harrison at 13 dpo it was 60, so assuming it doubles each day, I hope 44 is ok! I will be going back next we'd or thurs for more bloods. :)

Nicole - thanks for all of the advice! I don't let Harrison cry either, he is the same and will just cry non-stop, so noo real point to crying it out. I checked out the sling online, it looks lovely! When you get a big bump, do you just use it on the side?

2016 - that is amazing about Stuart's dummy! Harrison still has his to sleep or if he gets very upset. I wasn't going to wean him until he was turning 2... Is that too late? Also with the sleep, Harrison usually has 2 naps (1.5 hrs and 45mins), very occasionally it will just be 1 nap - does Stewart have to just have 1 nap a day? I was just going to let Harrison naturally move to one nap when he just did it himself, I didn't realise I had to wean him... Maybe I should also be thinking about it... I find the horoscope stuff fun but sometimes surprisingly accurate! I'm a monkey too and have wondered about the tiger relationship - apparently when they get older they will protect us :) I'm so sorry about your bfn :( Is there any way you can get checked out about your pain? I really hope it's nothing serious...

GG - I can't see a way to post pics via mobile :(. That's amazing how many teeth Libby has! Harrison only has his 8, but is teething like crazy!
Libby has one afternoon nap Joli but it's about 2hrs 15m to half an hour if I'm lucky so they are having about the same amount o sleep a day x
Hey Ladies - Happy New Year!!!! 2012 will be a good year for us all!

I had my bloods on Saturday, which was 12 dpo, my htp was 44. With Harrison at 13 dpo it was 60, so assuming it doubles each day, I hope 44 is ok! I will be going back next we'd or thurs for more bloods. :)

2016 - that is amazing about Stuart's dummy! Harrison still has his to sleep or if he gets very upset. I wasn't going to wean him until he was turning 2... Is that too late? Also with the sleep, Harrison usually has 2 naps (1.5 hrs and 45mins), very occasionally it will just be 1 nap - does Stewart have to just have 1 nap a day? I was just going to let Harrison naturally move to one nap when he just did it himself, I didn't realise I had to wean him... Maybe I should also be thinking about it... I find the horoscope stuff fun but sometimes surprisingly accurate! I'm a monkey too and have wondered about the tiger relationship - apparently when they get older they will protect us :) I'm so sorry about your bfn :( Is there any way you can get checked out about your pain? I really hope it's nothing serious...

44 sounds just great to me! You are so lucky you can jsut go and get bloods done. I will have to beg my doctor to let me have some done jsut to put my mind at rest and they will probably say no. They don't do things like that over here unless there is pain or bleeding.
The pain in my side has subsided quite a bit and it's probably just paranoia. Can't go to a doctor until I register with a new one. Over here you can only see a doctor within a certain radius of your house and with Christmas etc. I haven't got round to re-registering. Once I have it will take about 3 months for my medical records to be transferred so there will be a lot of explain to do! :dohh:

I don't really think 2 is too late to wean from a dummy. I think as long as it's only at night or occasionally it doesn't really matter. Same with the bottle. My only bugbear is when kids get to 3 and 4 years old and are carrying the thing around in their mouths everywhere and trying to talk with it bobbing about. :wacko:
S normally has 2 naps of about an hour each but he was starting to fight the lunchtime nap and not want milk at that time either which is why I was thinking of dropping them. Of course, in true S style he has now wanted (or needed) both his naps and all his bottles. He must be going through something these last couple of days because he is exhausted but fighting sleep. He screams bloody murder if you put him in his cot but pushes away arching his back if you try cuddle him. At lunchtime today the little monkey bit my face really hard out of a mixture of frustration and teething pain and I still have the teeth marks on my cheek to prove it! :cry: I am thinking it is probably because he is on the cusp of walking properly having taken 3 steps between bits of furniture in the last couple of days. I have to laugh Joli because it must have been a couple of months ago now you said he was doing similar things H did and would be walking any day soon. I am still waiting!!!! I know he will do it in his own time but why must he make such a trauma out of the process! :rofl: Half the problem is he won't be helped at all. If you try take his hand/s so he can walk along he just sits down and has a tantrum. If you even so much as try stand him up he gets grumpy. It's his way or the cry-way. :haha:
And yay that you are a fellow monkey! Aren't we the best? :smug: What is your DH? Mine is an ass.....er I mean ox. :blush:
Lol 2016 as you know already, you have just perfectly described Libby haha x
Joli- Congrats on your BFP that's wonderful news!

Happy New years ladies I hope that you all had a great new years. I know I did, we went to friend's of ours for New years and then went home and DTD more last night then in the last 2 or 3 months LOL... It was a fantastic way to bring in the new year I think.... Sorry about the TMI, I'm just excited that my man is getting out of his weirdness about having sex while I'm pregnant, I dunno it just bothers him I guess.
Glad you had a good NY SM. :thumbup: My DH was also put off with DTD when I had a bump. He never got over it. :haha:

Another BFN today on an IC and a temp drop. I'm prepared for AF to start my first day back at work after 13 months maternity leave! :rofl:

I really wish people IRL who know I am TTC would stop telling me to "relax". Nothing makes me less relaxed than when I get told that. :grr:
Each of the 3 times I have fallen pregnant I was probably on my least relaxed/most obsessed cycles in history. Perhaps my problem lately is I've been too relaxed. I've not been temping often, only OPK couple of days before and don't plan DTD around ov.
So this cycle I am going to go back to the accu, get my terrible eating habits in check and try exercise and be more positive. That way even if I don't fall pregnant I won't feel so ashamed about myself. :)
2016 - I'm sorry for your bfn :( I'll be thinking of you tomorrow as I start my new job tomorrow as well. I will miss Harrison soooo much. We have good friends who have a 14.5 month old boy, who has literally just started to walk! Harrison is always frustrated, so I imagine he just wanted to run. Stewart must be content with where he is :) Harrison was never really into the bottle, and we stopped with it when he was 6 months, he's just been drinking from a straw cup since...but I think the dummy is here to stay for a while (during nap/bedtime!). That's terrible that it's so hard just to get bloods done in the UK! I got mine done at 1pm, and they called me with the results at 4pm the same day! They also were the ones to tell me to come back on Wed/Thurs, it wasn't my idea. The private medical system here is great, you can almost always get appointments the same day, if not the next. I think if obsessing about a cycle works for you, go for it - I totally POAS nearly every day since my IUI (I used opks, then started on frers on 7dpo!) so you are talking to someone who obsesses! :rofl: I think accu will be really good for you, it certainly helped me. Do they give you herbal meds too? My accu said that it was the herbal meds which helped moreso than the accu, as it adds good stuff into your body, whereas the accu just moves stuff around that's already in your body.
oops - didn't mean to send yet! Harrison won't have his hand held either while walking, they just want to be independent! Stewart sounds like he will be a fantastic little fireball when he gets older, such character!

GG - did Libby get into 1 nap on her own or did you have to do some training? What time does she go to bed at night?

Sweetmama - nice to hear you're getting some action! :)

Nicole - I hope you're well hon!

Last night, while we were downstairs, Harrison climbed out of his cot, and crossed from one side to the other of a king sized bed, looking for me, then fell on the floor (on a very high bed!). He managed to do this all with his growbag on!? I felt so bad - he was totally fine, just scared!
It depends which accu you go to whether you get meds or not. The fantastic lady, Fu, I went to while TTC before did the meds. She was in a tiny shop in the town where I work and couldn't speak a word of English but had a translator and really seemed to know her stuff. I can't go to her anymore though because it's just not practical to get there as I don't have a lunchbreak anymore and can't go before/after work either. So now I have to find someone in my own town out the yellow pages which can be hit and miss. You get a few people that do it from home and although they are properly accredited etc. there always seems something missing from the way they work in the little traditional medicine shops in the towns. For example Fu took my pulses and looked at my tongue and did the meds too (although it all gets so expensive!) Don't know what to do...

Ouch about Harrisons fall! Stewart fell off the bed once and I felt awful. These things happen though. I'm impressed he manged to go that far.
I kind of just noticed signs and when she started fighting the morning one I just stopped it, depending on when her nap is usually about 1ish she goes to bed 7ish is any early 6 or if like today 2 because she fell asleep for literally 5 mins in her pram on the way home it was more half 7 it also depends on the length of the nap, I just don't set bedtime in stone I just judge on her, usually latest is 7.30. Last night she slept 6pm till 8.15am!! I was expecting an early start x
Oh and Joli Libby fell off my chest at 3 weeks old onto the floor when I fell asleep bfing don't feel bad xx
2016: Sorry about the bfn! I hope af stays away for you. I had a pain on the side of my ectopics with Daniel and this time...not sure what it was though, maybe a cyst or something. Do you have any plans for next cycle if af does come? :hugs:

Joli: Harrison is so mobile! Daniel can't get out of his crib thankfully. He fell out of our bed before too, he wasn't hurt either just upset about it. I got up to pee when he was sleeping with us and he woke up and fell out. Now I have to wake Sean if he's with us any I get up. Happy 4 weeks!!!

I think anytime before 3 is good to take the soother away, then it starts affecting their teeth although I am having a hard time getting Ben's away from him. I'm going to have to cut the tips off or something. It can get harder the older they are to take things away, Ben got really attached to his around 2 but it's worth it to help them sleep better. Daniel has never taken one, I'll be pushing it on the new baby. Are you still nursing at all? I can't remember.
Sweetmama: Glad you had a good new year!

gg: Libby had a long sleep! I wish Daniel would do that, Ben does once in awhile and it's so nice. How are you doing? You're getting pretty close now! I can't believe it.

taebomama: how are you doing? what cd are you on? sorry I keep asking but I don't think you have a ticker?

Nothing is really new here, we went to bed at 10 on new years eve...not too exciting. Also Ben finally decided to go on the potty, he has had an unreasonable fear of the potty and today he was all for it. Good thing, I am getting a lot of complaining from family about it. I was wondering if anyone has heard from Britt? Does anyone know how Kinley is doing? I saw the pic on facebook, so sweet.
Joli - Sorry to hear that harrison had a fall, happy to hear he's ok though. As for his Soother I wouldn't worry about it too much, Corbyn let go of all his around 22 months, he did it all by himself and threw them in the garbage himself.

2016- I think if stressing over TTC works for you then do what you know works best lol... Maybe you'll have a lucky cycle this cycle

Nicole - I wouldn't worry too much that Ben is just starting to potty learn, He's only a little over 3 now, and boys take a lot longer to learn than girls. Not to mention the more you try to force it the more he will resist.

Here there is not much new except my son is sick again. I'm pretty sure it's another bronchial infection, which is due to the mold that is in my apartment, thank goodness that we're moving quite soon.
Nicole...AF came bright and early this morning. 26 day cycle very short for me! I've decided this cycle I'm going the whole hog with Accupuncture, TCM, EPO, Royal jelly, Ginseng, RRLT, Ginko Biloba, Omega 369, Robitussin and Progesterone cream. I'm also cutting out all alcohol and caffiene (not that I had much anyway) and am going to look after myself and eat healthy.
I think you are right that pain is a cyst and i am prone to them. Just always get worried when it's on my left side though. Normally get the pain worst just before AF arrived.

First day back at work today but S had me up all night *yawn*. I am really looking forward to resting at a desk with a hot cuppa all day though. :thumbup:

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