Hi Ladies
2016 - I'm so happy for you that going back to work has been so great for you! I love your PMA and I'm enjoying hearing all about what you're doing this cycle. When will your first accu appointment be? I really think that's going to help you! I had the complete opposite feeling going back to work. I missed Harrison so much, it hurt inside. I was in the office and didn't get home until 8pm, and I know that's not late, but I didn't get much time with him. In the evening, my lower back was killing me so badly that my legs felt like lead - I got scared that something might be happening to my little bean. But after a heatpad and some sleep, I feel fine today(!?).
Nicole - I'm still nursing twice a day (morning and night), I'm sure I don't have much milk at all, maybe 30ml of milk! But Harrison still asks for it (literally by pulling my top down and saying "thhhiiisss!", so I just can't resist to give in! Are you still nursing Daniel? The last time I wrote to Britt was about a month ago, terrible, I totally owe her an email...
Sweetmama - I hope your son feels better soon! Poor thing!
GG - are you prepared for Libby to go through more regression when your new bubba is born? I've read that it's pretty normal to begin with. Does Libby get jealous if you pay attention to other babies? If I pick up another baby, Harrison gets so upset, he bursts into tears like I've hurt him so badly!
I'm having my second set of bloods tomorrow! Fingers crossed! I did another digi today, and was happy to see the words "2-3 weeks"!