(TEAM) Aphrodite - delivering Tigers in 2010

I am so so sorry SM...that must have been awful for you. :hugs: We are here if you need us. :flower:
Joli - The last time I heard the heart beat was in December in my prenatal but it was very sporadic. The doctor had said there was a chance that I just wouldn't make it through this pregnancy and have a live birth. But I still wanted to hope for the best. I just wonder when this pain will go away if ever?
Thank you for all the kind words ladies, I just have to keep remembering everything happens for a reason, it's so hard and all I want to do is cry and cry some more. I'm hurting, my partner is hurting. It's all just so surreal.
:hugs: SM.

I feel bad talking about myself on here with all this going on for you but I have nobody else to talk to about this so at the risk of appearing selfish...
I went for my first accupuncture session today and was plesantly surprised. I have signed up in advance for 4 weeks treatment of the accupuncture and traditional chinese medicine. The doc said my body was incredibly low on energy and my immune system was through the floor (which might explain why I have had 3 cough/colds back to back). He said there is no way I could fall pregnant while my body is so weak. Don't know if it is all in my head but I feel a lot better after the appointment. Less stressed at least. Slight pity that all DH could do was poo poo the whole thing when I got home and also S has a terrible ear infection so it very unsettled...seems to be draining my energy already but hey ho I will soldier on.
Oh an a weird thing happened when I got home I noticed I was spotting slightly which is a bit bizarre for CD11. I am certain it was triggered by the accu (think a similar thing happened last time). Anyway, everything crossed.
2016 - Please never worry about sounding selfish, I want to know what you guys are up to and how your cycle's are making out. One day I may want to try again. I know I have tickers up but they are mostly just to keep track of where I am in my cycle at the moment. I don't know how my partner will feel about having another baby one day or trying again, but I'd definitely like to when I feel up to it.
I'm ok SM. Had a better night last night so think Ss antibiotics are working already. Still feel like I have much more energy and my cold is on it's way out too.

How are you holding up SM? Did they tell you what went wrong with your little girl? It's ok if you don't want to talk about it. :hugs:
They only told me they thought that her heart probably had a defect and couldn't have handled it. I'm still in a place where it still seems surreal, like it hasn't really hit yet. I was looking at fliers the other day and all this baby stuff on sale and I thought we should get that stuff because we still need everything, and then bam it just hit like a wave, I won't ever get to buy that stuff for her. I talked to my DP last night for over 2 hours and not one word was spoken about the baby, that kinda hurt, but I am just chalking it up to he's still not ready, and he'll talk when he is. I'm going to ask him tomorrow when we're together if we can give her the name we picked out though and if eventually we'll be able to talk about her. I hope so.
SM...I think men process these things in a completely different way. My DH tends to shut down with heavily emotional things like that but will eventually talk about it if not pushed. It's hard when you want to get it out.
Yeah my DP is the same way he's not a heavily emotional guy so when things like this happen he tends to shut himself off.
SM: I'm so sorry about your loss. That is so terrible, I don't know what to say. I hope you are doing okay and we're always here for you. :hugs: \

2016: Glad you liked the accu you went to, I think it seemed to really help you before so I hope you have the same results again! How are you doing?

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Hey Ladies

Sweetmama - I hope you're holding up well and that your body and mind can start to heal.

2016 - I really hope the accu works as well for you as it did for me! I really had no idea how much it could help, and was shocked that it brough on my first natural period since I was 19. I sent you a message on FB with more details on the meds. I can't seem to see your ticker, what CD are you?

Hibiscus - It's great to hear from you! That's awesome that Jack is walking now, I don't think 14 months for a baby boy is unusual at all. It really does sound like he's allergic to milk - if formula is too expensive, you could always try rice milk? Can he eat cheese and yoghurt? We did get pregnant on our first IUI, which was just such a miracle. I didn't need to go on injectbles this time, I went to accupuncture, which gave me my first AF, and the next O, we had our IUI.

Nicole - So glad you're just about at 13 weeks now! Have you made the news public?

We had a lovely family weekend, Harrison's new things the last few days is climbing up to the child gate on the stairs and saying "up! up!" so that we open the gate and he can climb upstairs, he will pair up shoes, then bring the ones he wants to wear, goes to the door and says "outie, outie!". He pretty much only eats himself, doesn't want to be fed at all. When he wants to show off, he jumps and then spins in circles, and gives himself a round up of applause!
Nicole...I am good thanks. Feeling much more positive after the accu and have loads more energy (despite entering into week 4 of having a cold!)
How are you and your lovely boys? Can't remember if you were asked but will you be having a gender scan this time?

Joli...Thanks for the FB message. Not sure where my ticker has gone. I am on CD13 and I think my OPKs just started getting a bit darker today so think I might ov on CD16 again. Quite strange because normally Royal Jelly delays it to CD19 or so but we shall see. Hubby says he might have to go away for 2 nights this week which may be right over ov!!! Disaster! I told him he will have to try wangle something and postpone if at all possible.

hibiscus...great to hear Jack is walking. Did you find yourself getting a bit impatient waiting for him to walk? I feel that I am just itching to see Stewart do it, mainly because it's just so darn cute. Some of his friends 4 months younger are walking and it just seems like it's been ages as he pulled to standing around 9.5/10 months and has been cruising for almost 4 months now. He has had an ear infection which has set him back a bit too. Just before he got it he was doing 5 or 6 steps in a row and now can only seem to do 1 before he topples over :( I know he will get there in time but I am an impatient lady. :blush:

TBM...are you out there? how are you doing?

Devi...how's your cycle going? are you in the TWW yet?

SM...you are such a strong lady. Hope you are holding up ok. :hugs:
I'm not holding up ok, my DP took me snowblading tonight, I wanted to snowbboard and it just didn't work out. I ended up getting drunk and now I can't forget. I keep thinking why would God punish me like this. Is it my fault, is there something I could have done. I'm a mess... I wanted to forget and all I can do is remember. I just wish this pain would go away. I want to start to heal, I don't want to keep going through this in my mind. I want my DP to be able to talk to me about it. Why did God do this to me?
SM...what you are feeling is completely normal. It's so hard I know but you just need to put one foot in front of the other and walk through this horrible time. I found this on another section of this forum which I found very helpful when I was grieving:

Hang in there. xx
2016 - Thank you, I guess the hardest part off it all for me is that my DP has started pulling away, that hurts a lot that he's closing himself off to me. But now that we know what went wrong maybe things will get better sooner than later. I'm angry at my DP because he is shutting himself off from me, but I just gotta take it one day at a time I guess.
My DH always pulls away. He says it's to protect me but, actually, it just drives me insane! Women often feel better to talk and get it out in the open but darling men think this makes things worse.

What did the doctors find went wrong? (only if you want to say)

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