Hey Ladies
Sweetmama - I hope you're holding up well and that your body and mind can start to heal.
2016 - I really hope the accu works as well for you as it did for me! I really had no idea how much it could help, and was shocked that it brough on my first natural period since I was 19. I sent you a message on FB with more details on the meds. I can't seem to see your ticker, what CD are you?
Hibiscus - It's great to hear from you! That's awesome that Jack is walking now, I don't think 14 months for a baby boy is unusual at all. It really does sound like he's allergic to milk - if formula is too expensive, you could always try rice milk? Can he eat cheese and yoghurt? We did get pregnant on our first IUI, which was just such a miracle. I didn't need to go on injectbles this time, I went to accupuncture, which gave me my first AF, and the next O, we had our IUI.
Nicole - So glad you're just about at 13 weeks now! Have you made the news public?
We had a lovely family weekend, Harrison's new things the last few days is climbing up to the child gate on the stairs and saying "up! up!" so that we open the gate and he can climb upstairs, he will pair up shoes, then bring the ones he wants to wear, goes to the door and says "outie, outie!". He pretty much only eats himself, doesn't want to be fed at all. When he wants to show off, he jumps and then spins in circles, and gives himself a round up of applause!